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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. WT P.17 SIMPLIFIED Why? Because before, when a person sang the words of this song, he was telling others what to do. This could be awkward for new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who are at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. So the title and the lyrics were changed. WT P.17 STANDARD Why? In the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do. So the title and the lyrics were modified.
  2. With this newest song book all the wordings were changed to personal pronouns instead of collective references. Go back and look at the brown book and then at the newest song book.
  3. Regarding a change to a song title, the study article on page 7 paragraph 17 of November 2017 Watchtower explained, “The change of the title “Guard Your Heart” to “We Guard Our Hearts” was most considerate. Why? In the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do. So the title and the lyrics were modified.”
  4. https://www.drphil.com/shows/my-husbands-religious-beliefs-are-ruining-our-family-and-now-cps-has-our-children-can-we-get-them-back/ According to the Dr Phil show website Monday's show will be about a Jehovah's witness. Check the link or the website for more information. From the discription:
  5. He is a current member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Anthony Morris on Ireland Gay Marriage Vote (HD).mp4
  6. Watchtower has (or had) $500,000,000 in a Hedge fund in the Cayman Islands. Watchtower Investments in the Cayman Islands Hedge Fund 2007
  7. The Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Namibia has asserted its right to be EXEMPT as an "Employer" for purposes of payment to those who work on its behalf, nor are they responsible (they claim) for filing any Social Security documents as to wages, hours worked, withholding, etc.In 2014, the Congregation asked to be de-registered as such.____It didn't go so well.____On the 16 June 2014, authorities replied to the JW's request by confirming that the appellant is considered an employer in terms of the SS Act and consequently should be registered with the Employees’ Compensation Fund established by the Employees’ Compensation Act, 1941, as well as having the Order register its members with the Maternity, Sick Leave and Death Benefit established by the SS Act___A ping-pong protest and response commenced with multiple requests for clarification by the Dubs and protestations and requests for appeal, etc.____Authorities decided this matter was best handled by visiting the premises and investigating for themselves what goes on.____After the "visit" by authorities, nothing was offered by the Dubs to change any minds.___The JW's continued to whine and protest and appeal, etc.____The authorities examined the Congregation's Appeal and made the following evaluation:== In the respondent’s listed grounds of opposition, it noted that the appeal filed by the appellant is not proper as it failed to complete the Form 11 as contemplated in Rule 17(2)(a) of the Rules of this Court==___JW's protested and appealed the appeal response which didn't appeal to them.___Arguments continued until the following finding was released:The Labour Amendment Act stipulates that:18 ‘For the purposes of this Act or any other employment law, until the contrary is proved, an individual who works for or renders services to any other person, is presumed to be an employee of that other person, regardless of the form of the contract or the designation of the individual, if any one or more of the following factors is present:(List of factors attached)____Blah-blah-blah-blahFinally:The SS Act does not provide for de-registration of employers. Accordingly, logic follows that once an employer has been registered under this Act, the obligations created in terms of this Act ceases to exist only where the employer (who is a natural person) dies or becomes insolvent or is sequestrated or is liquidated or wound up (where an employer is a juristic person). Employees may be ‘de-registered’ under that employer in the event they die or their services have been terminated._______Cut to the chase:Accordingly, the appellant cannot pick and choose which laws should apply to them and which not. This court finds an employment relationship evident between the parties for the reasons stated above. In the result and for reasons and conclusions stated hereinbefore the court makes the following order: 1. The respondent’s application for condonation for the late filing of its heads of argument is hereby granted. 2. The appeal is dismissed. 3. There is no order made as to costs
  8. Watchtower criticises other religious groups for colluding with Hitler, whilst Jehovah's Witnesses were imprisoned for their refusal to compromise their standards. What is not admitted is that Rutherford initially praised Hitler for his stance against Jews and the Anglo/American empire. One of the groups that Hitler sent to concentration camps were Jehovah's Witnesses. They were forced to endure unspeakable atrocities and many lost their lives. The individual actions of many Witnesses are commendable and the Watchtower holds up this part of their history in great esteem. What is not discussed is the hypocritical actions of Rutherford in the lead up to these events. Early in 1933, the Watchtower office in Berlin was closed and Jehovah's Witnesses were banned in many German states. This was due to the refusal of Jehovah's Witnesses to swear loyalty to the government or to serve in its armed forces. In an attempt to appease Hitler into lifting the ban, Rutherford instigated a Declaration of Facts and sent a Letter to Hitler discussing the Watchtower's support of the Nazi regime. Current Watchtower references provide a deceptive portrayal of these documents, through selective quoting. The Proclaimer's book mentions that Rutherford wrote a letter to Hitler under the context of "facing Nazi oppression", in which the Watchtower Society is made to sound as if they were firmly against the Nazi regime. It is quite surprising to find the opposite is true, which can be identified when reading the content of Rutherford's 1933 letter to Hitler and the Declaration of Facts. Letter to Hitler Russell, founder of the Watchtower, was a Zionist and sympathetic to Jews as part of modern day fulfilment of Bible prophecy. Rutherford initially continued such support, but changed by the 1930's to a bigoted, anti-Semitic stance. During the time of Rutherford, Witnesses became known as a religion of hate, due to the Watchtower's tirade of insults against other Churches and governments. The Catholic Church come under the greatest condemnation and bought this to the attention of the Nazi government, petitioning against the Watchtower Society. In 1933, the Nazi government banned the Watchtower's German operations. In an effort to overturn the ban, Rutherford sent a Letter and a Declaration to Hitler, in which he praises Hitler for his anti-Anglo/American campaign and his stance against the Jews.  A copy of the letter in German. Following is part of an English translation of the Letter to Hitler. The letter mentions Hitler's "just principles," quoting from section 24 of Das Program der NSDAP (The Nazi's Platform of the National Socialist German Workers Party). Rutherford further compromised Watchtower principles but offering that, "We want to continue to live up to the prohibition imposed upon us," that is, they would stop preaching in Germany, provided the ban was lifted that would allow them to "meet for prayer and church service". Click Letter to Hitler  for a translation of the full letter in PDF format. The Yearbook 1974 briefly refers to this letter, along with the Declaration of Facts. In light of the contents of the official letter and Declaration sent to Hitler, the Watchtower's 2011 comment mocking other Churches is nothing short of hypocritical. Declaration of Facts Rutherford and Knorr organized a public convention in Berlin on 25th June, 1933 to release a "Declaration of Facts," being pronouncing at the German convention, and distributed in letter format. This outlined Watchtower's support of the German governments stance against Jews. The convention hall was decked with swastikas and the program was opened with Song 64, a song from the Bible Student's songbook that had the some melody by Hayden as the German national anthem. Konrad Franke, Germany's Bethel branch overseer later stated his disturbance at seeing the scene for the convention and Rutherford's declaration. The Declaration of Facts was reprinted in the Yearbook 1934. It went on in part to state: Click here  for an English translation of the full Declaration of Facts in PDF format. Rutherford's Letter and Declaration were an effort to appease Hitler, but to no avail - too little, too late. With Rutherford's efforts at appeasing Hitler into lifting the Watchtower ban not achieving its aims, Rutherford instead started to antagonise Hitler through his publications. These cablegrams read: Rutherford send another letter to Hitler, this time threatening Hitler with the punishment of God if the ban on Jehovah's Witnesses was not lifted. Yet, this was not the sentiment of the Declaration of Facts, which tried to portray sharing similar ideologies with the Nazis, such as when stating; In 1943 the Swiss Watchtower Branch sent another Declaration of Facts requesting leniency for Witnesses. This dishonestly stated: The information covered above is discussed in greater detail by M. James Penton in Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-semitism and the Third Reich; The Watch Tower Society's Attempted Compromise with Nazism. See also Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Third Reich (M. James Penton, Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2004). A seeming response to Penton's article was provided by the Awake! in 1998. I leave it up to the reader to assess whether the Watchtower correctly presents the intention of the Rutherford and his documents to Hitler. Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation Fund The Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (Swiss Banks) CV-96-4849 is a fund to compensate people suffering from the Holocaust. As stated at swissbankclaims.com/index.asp (3 Mar 2006); In a letter dated 7th December 1999, Watchtower applied for compensation, payable to a nonprofit corporation called Jehovah's Witness Holocaust-era Survivors Fund, Inc., which was incorporated 27th October 2000. An Elder's Letter, dated February 1, 2001 referred to the Jehovah's Witness Holocaust-Era Survivors Fund Inc, explaining that the fund was being set up to assist gather money for Jehovah's Witnesses that were eligible for the payment. Whilst this appears at face value to be commendable, Watchtower was also requesting money for itself. www.swissbankclaims.com (as of 28th September 2009) contains the 1999 letter from Watchtower to the fund, or Click Here for a PDF copy of the Watchtower application letter. Included is a request to receive a portion of the funds on the following basis. It is disturbing that Watchtower requested money that could have been distributed to living victims, for what would by nothing more than self promotion of their organisation. It appears that Watchtower did not receive any money from the fund. A statement of distribution as of 31 December 2015 stated: Individual Jehovah's witnesses did receive compensation, as part of the tens of thousands classified as "non-Jewish victims (Roma, Jehovah's Witness, disabled and homosexual)." Further Reading Wikipedia - Declaration of Facts
  9. *** w74 6/15 p. 376 par. 8 Serve with Eternity in View *** 8 This kingdom, the means by which eternal life is possible for us, is a heavenly government. Jesus himself is the chief Ruler, and he is to have 144,000 corulers who have been chosen from mankind and called by God to heavenly life. (Rom. 8:16, 17; Luke 22:29; Rev. 5:9, 10; 14:1) The paramount importance of this kingdom is seen in the emphasis that God put on it in the Bible. It was the chief subject of Jesus’ preaching. (Matt. 4:23) Also, it is to the spirit-anointed Christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the Christian Greek Scriptures is directed, including the promises of everlasting life. *** w06 6/1 p. 24 par. 12 Jehovah Tells “From the Beginning the Finale” *** 12 The foreordination of the 144,000 does not mean that certain individuals were predestined to serve God faithfully in this way. Indeed, the admonition in the Christian Greek Scriptures was written primarily to guide and strengthen anointed ones to maintain integrity and keep themselves worthy of their heavenly calling. (Philippians 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 11; 2 Peter 1:10, 11) Jehovah knows in advance that 144,000 individuals will qualify to serve his purpose. Who they prove to be depends on how those invited individually choose to live their life, a decision that each one of them must make personally.—Matthew 24:13.
  10. Population growth is 1.12% so most of them are witness kids.
  11. December 15, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: 2017 Service Year Report Dear Brothers: We are pleased to share encouraging highlights from the 2017 service year report. The peak number of publishers was 8,457,107. Jehovah’s people spent a total of 2,046,000,202 hours in the ministry, a 3.1 percent increase from last year. We are especially encouraged to see a 7.4 percent increase in the number baptized, with a total of 284,212! This is evidence that we take seriously our commission to “make disciples.” (Matt. 28:19) We were delighted to see that the average number of regular pioneers was 1,225,279. This was an 8.6 percent increase! The worldwide Memorial attendance figure was 20,175,477. Significant features of the service year report will soon be available on jw.org and in JW Library, Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY, and Watchtower Library. These figures provide compelling evidence of Jehovah’s blessing on our work.—Isa. 60:22. Throughout our branch territory, it is evident that Jehovah is searching for those “rightly disposed for everlasting life” in the language of their heart. (Acts 13:48) For instance, we are happy to report the formation of the first ever Cherokee-language congregation during the past service year. The first Swahili-language circuit in our branch territory was formed effective September 1, 2017. In addition to those reached in the door-to-door ministry, public witnessing initiatives are reaching more people than ever with the Bible’s message. There are over 17,000 publishers participating in the special metropolitan public witnessing program in 17 locations. Harbor witnessing is now organized in 45 ports, with 4,400 trained publishers boarding cargo and cruise ships in an effort to witness to crew members. Public witnessing campaigns organized at large state fairs and sporting events are exposing millions of individuals to the good news, as well as adding great impetus to this aspect of the preaching work. Much has also been accomplished in regard to Kingdom Hall usage in the United States branch territory. Twenty branch planning meetings were held with bodies of elders in metropolitan areas affecting over 2,200 congregations. Implementing non-construction solutions such as merging or relocating congregations has reduced the need for new auditoriums in these areas from 41 to 19, with a potential savings of millions of dollars! Be assured that Jehovah values your faithful service and that he will continue to give you the necessary strength to “fully accomplish your ministry” in the coming year!—2 Tim. 4:5; Isa. 40:31. Your brothers, PS to coordinators of the bodies of elders: Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation by the elder handling the part “Annual Service Report” in the Life and Ministry Meeting the week of January 1, 2018. Thereafter, the letter should be posted on the information board. This postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted on the information board.
  12. https://sourceforge.net/projects/wtlibrary/ This version goes farther back than the online version.
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