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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Wow! I had my doubts, but it looks like Trump is saying enough is enough to the deep state. 
    1. Nunes is releasing the memo which I think will show how the Russia investigation & wiretapping was based on the FAKE dossier. 
    2. Liberals are not allowed to put out their own fake memo to control the narrative
    3. FBI/DOJ are kicking and screaming to keep the memo hidden from the American people; Trump is responding by launching an investigation of the illoyal DOJ/FBI
    4. Wildly disloyal deep-stater McCabe gone
    5. Trump is saying no to the ineffective and illegal Russia sanctions thereby indicating he will not have his foreign politics dictated by the deep state & military-industrial complex.
  2. Jehovah’s in bid to block Irish blog hosting secret documents

    The Sunday Business Post (Ireland), Sunday, January 28, 2018, front page

    Lawyers at the organisation’s headquarters in New York have been trying to find out who runs the blog for more than a year

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses are trying to block a blog run by an Irish man from publishing hundreds of internal memos related to the religion’s handling of allegations of child sex abuse worldwide.

    Lawyers at the organisation's headquarters in New York - known as the Watch Tower - have been attempting to discover the identity of the person behind the blog for more than a year now.

    The Watch Tower is also trying to get its hands on log files for the WordPress account to find out who was visiting the site.

    The website, AvoidJW.org, is run by an Irish man. Through it, he has published thousands of documents related to the religion - from the books and pamphlets it distributes on the street to internal memos and regulations about alleged child sex abuse. In June last year the Watch Tower went to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to apply for what's known as a DMCA subpoena to shut down the blog.

    A DMCA subpoena is a little-known provision of an American law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which allows the complainant to identify people who may have infringed their copyright.

    In legal documents submitted to the court in New York - which The Sunday Business Post has seen - the Watch Tower sought the subpoena to force search engine Google and web hosting company GoDaddy to provide the Jehovah's Witnesses with customer account contact information, contact information for the domain, any related email accounts, and log files for the WordPress account.

    The documents show that the organisation was attempting to identify the real people behind a number of user names, including Celia McCavidge, Tom Durbridge, Jehovah McGeddon, Frank Malton, Kenneth Floodin, Eamon Lowe, Rose Mark Media, Bartley Trayors, Dork Benedict, Lorcan Clarke, Watch Tower 1900s, and Stephen Lett.

    All of the names are pseudonyms of an Irish man who has since moved the hosting to an offshore location to avoid the shutdown.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses religion - known for its strict interpretation of the Bible and for its evangelical proselytising - has come under increasing scrutiny worldwide over how it handles abuse allegations, as has been reported in The Sunday Business Post in recent months. The religion has been criticised by statutory inquiries in Britain and Australia, and sued in US courts, over abuse cases. 



  3. So... Almighty God Jehovah, Sovereign Lord of the Universe, decides that he is going to choose from among the anointed remnant of the 144,000 chosen ones who are to be Kings and Priests alongside Jesus Christ......

    and he decides that this group of human beings should all have Northern European Caucasian (White) DNA, middle aged + Men who have never actually had to hold a job or provide for a family make decisions about what God's actual words meant in the Holy Scriptures and render decisions about 8,000,000 people earthwide below them and their FAMILIES.

    If I were from Latin America or Asia I would be scratching my chin thinking.... What does God have against us?

    Or if I was a Jew, I might think.... What does Jesus have against us Jews now? (ok... that one is easy) LOL

    Jesus and Jehovah must love the Aryan races...

    And before you point out the one black man in the group... let me remind you how far from actual African roots he is.... centuries removed. He is also the one who should have every woman on the planet scratching thier collective chins with this talk about thier brains:


  4. Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said, 

    "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep, who can subject you to total surveillance around the clock every waking and sleeping minute of your life, before you're born and, even worse and where the real fun begins, after you're dead. A celestial North Korea. Who wants this to be true? Who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate?"


    They are telling people how to SLEEP.


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