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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Oh.. but I have.

    Here are a few quotes:

    p. 102-.......174 Jesus was not an angel or spirit being..... 

    p. 254 452........"And at that time shall Michael [God's representative, the Messiah] stand up........

    p 230 "Twelve hundred sixty years from A.D 539 brings us to 1799-another proof that 1799 definitely marks the beginning of the "time of the end". This also shows that it is from the date 539 A.D that the other prophetic days of Daniel must be counted. 

    p231 The time of the Lord's second presence dates from 1874.

    p 233 In Nahum 2:1-6 the Prophet records his vision of a railway train traveling at a high rate of speed, as another evidence of the day of (cont.234) preparation for the establishment of Christ's kingdom.

    p 236 We should expect then, the general harvest of the gospel age to end in 1918.

    p 236 We should therefore expect to find a harvest period from 1878 to 1918.......

    p248....In the year 1919 many Bible Students in different parts of the earth,......blah,blah..blah.....proclaim the message....."The World Has Ended-Millions Now Living Will Never Die," clearly in fufillment in the words of the Master.......(caps are theirs) (again in same paragraph) Millions Now Living Will Never Die..... (also on various other pages)

    p 279 ...The church of Christ consists of Jesus Christ the head and the 144,000

    p307 ....and the song of the Lamb [the song of the clear fulfillment of prophecy and the unfolding of God's plan, as set forth in the New Testament; they are playing upon their harps adn praising jehovah.....(sorry I do not recognized the word jehovah and will not capitalize it, obviously it is in the book)

    p 166 "Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.....(why don't jw's capitalize He when speaking of Jesus?)

    p 114 has a nice woodcut/etching of Jesus upon the Cross

    p90 .....without pain and without suffering there was born to her Jesus, the Savior of the world.

    p234 It was in the year 1874, the date of our Lord's second presence.....

    p235 talks about all the wonderful new inventions of the time .."come to light since 1874, as further evidence of the Lord's presence since that date as follows: adding machines, aeroplanes, aluminum (didn't the wt go on to say aluminum was an invention of the devil at one point?) antiseptic surgery, artificial dyes, automatic couplers, automobiles, barbed wire, bicycles, , etc...etc....

  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PktIbmzbzmAp6Dfo0Dx1vr5h9zerejGJ/

    Interesting...Memorial attendance really hasn't changed much in 17 years. It was 27K (and change) last year...and the same in 1998. Meanwhile, the population of NZ has grown by 1 million in that same period (26%).

    The 2017 "Ratio 1 publisher to..." has slowly increased to 1:340 in 2017-- the worst ratio in NZ since 1986...31 years. Clearly the efforts of JWs in NZ to even keep up with population growth has stalled.

    "Peak publishers" has basically stayed flat, only fluctuating within a small margin since 2008...nearly 10 years.

  3. Recently some secret “eldersÂ’ training videos” that are going to be used for the 2018 Kingdom Ministry School of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses were leaked online. One particular video was very disturbing; it showed a skit of three elders discussing what the religion calls “regular pioneers.” These are persons who spend a high amount of time in the preaching and proselytizing work of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses; in 2018, these pioneers were required to report a total of 840 hours for the year, equaling 70 hours per month.

    The elders, in this demonstration, are discerning if three such pioneers in their congregation should be allowed to remain as pioneers, as each one has failed to meet that hourly requirement for the past year.

    Despite this outright instruction to think of themselves as equals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and their elders dole out this position of pioneer, blatantly elevating it above other “publishers,” or congregation members. This is demonstrated when the men in the skit read a letter sent to all elders, dated May 1, 2017, which discusses how to handle various scenarios of pioneers who cannot meet their hours. The letter notes that a person could be considered an “infirm pioneer,” if they felt that removing the person from the pioneer ranks would be a “backward step” for them:


    This point, that being a pioneer elevates you above the rest of the congregation, is emphasized again in that same letter, when it separates and divides the everyday congregants or publishers from these pioneers:


    Obviously, to this woman and those whom she represents in this skit, the preaching work itself is not of importance; itÂ’s having a special title that says youÂ’re doing more than the next person thatÂ’s the real priority.

    The elders sitting in a room, judging and critiquing pioneers or any congregation member without them present, about any subject, is disturbing enough. However, this video also demonstrates that pioneering is not about how effective you are in preaching and teaching, and it’s not about fulfilling any command given by Jesus, or about the people you might be helping. This title of pioneer is about just that; the title. It’s given to those who toe the company line and is taken away from those who are struggling, in order to elevate some above the congregation and then put others in their place. This harsh judging and critiquing of such ones shows that the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses shouldn’t be called “field service,” but should just be called what it is; self-service.

  4. Two elders have been deleted by Watchtower for reporting an allegation of child sexual abuse to the police, contrary to Watchtower orders (a jw paedophile with a history, apparently). When the British branch discovered what the elders had done they arranged for 3 elders to fly over to Ireland, at the congregations expense no less, to hold a special JC for the ' rogue' congregation elders. One elder and the COBE were deleted, two were allowed to continue. All four had made statements to police.

    Their crime was, breathtakingly, not exhibiting "soundness of mind" by not following company directives and using their own conscience!!!

    The following 'Watchtower in Focus' explains all. Incredibly a practicing jw reached out to jw survey in an attempt to have a light shone on this travesty of justice, which resulted in an excellent front page article being written in a national magazine.


  5. Explanation of how to use:

    The Registered Charities tab contains all congregations in the UK, inc. Northern Ireland where data is available.

    The information includes addresses, financial information, elder to publisher ratio (where numbers are given) and much more!

    If you sort by Column B, this will group all congregations that share a Kingdom Hall.

    • Documents relate to alleged sex abuse allegations against local church leader
    • Two adult women came forward in 1999 with accusations against their dad
    • Claimed he physically and sexually abused them as kids decades earlier
    • Church leaders tried to keep the matter internal, documents indicate
    • 'Disfellowshipped' the father, a local leader, but reinstated him following year 

    The younger daughter alleged her father had begun molesting her at age three, and that she suffer 'four years of continuous rape' starting at age eight.

    'She described that her father would sit on the bed afterward and cry as he prayed with her,' the congregation's elders wrote in a letter to religion's global headquarters in New York, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 


  6. View or download Assembly Programs,, Convention Programs & Convention Reports of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The program and reports are organised into the year that the works were published, and in descending order. Simply click on a link to view/download a publication.

    Circuit Assembly Programs

    District Convention & Regional Convention Programs


    Convention Invitations

    International Convention Reports

    Messenger Convention Reports

    Souvenir Notes


  7. Letters from 1900 right up to 1979 are found here.  The collection of letters here include those that are addressed to personal individuals.


    Note: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters, it means that they are not currently available.

    Letters 1970 – 1979

    1. August 24, 1979 To all congregations in district number 5
    2. January 1, 1979 Watchtower New York responds to Carl Olof Jonsson
    3. December 22, 1978 Watchtower New York confirms receipt of Carl Olof Jonsson’s letter
    4. December 6, 1978 Carl Olof Jonsson writes to Albert D Schroeder
    5. October 15, 1978 Assisting Pioneers
    6. February 22, 1978 Carl Olof Jonsson’s “The Gentile Times Reconsidered”
    7. January 17, 1978 Watchtower Pennsylvania hadn’t the opportunity to examine Carl’s materials
    8. December 12, 1977 Carl Olof Jonsson’s “The Gentile Times Reconsidered”
    9. September 5, 1977 Carl Olof Jonsson’s “The Gentile Times Reconsidered”
    10. August 19, 1977 Watchtower New York responds to Carl’s May 20 1977 letter
    11. July 8, 1977 Literacy classes
    12. May 20, 1977 Carl Olof Jonsson writes to Watchtower New York
    13. February 14, 1977 Reviewing the overall activity of the congregations
    14. October 1, 1976 Travelling elder’s expenses
    15. October 1, 1976 Assisting Pioneers
    16. December 1, 1971 Determining who should be recommended for appointment as elders
    17. November 11, 1970 Confirmation of 19yo Bethel brother as Congregation Book Study Servant in A Unit
    18. November 4, 1970 Recommending a 19yo Bethel brother for Congregation Book Study Servant in A Unit
    19. October 28, 1970 Transfer of a brother to serve in A Unit
    20. October 28, 1970 Bethel brothers being assigned to serve in new congregation
    21. October 17, 1970 Students from Gilead assigned to serve in A Unit
    22. October 13, 1970 Confirmation of new appointment in A Unit
    23. October 4, 1970 Behaviour of a sex pervert
    24. September 27, 1970 Report on the hearing of the confessed child abuser
    25. September 18, 1970 Dismissal of confessed child abuser as member of the Bethel Family
    26. September 16, 1970 Letter to N.H. Knorr regarding confessed child abuser
    27. June 1, 1970 Transfer of brother to serve in A Unit as Assistant Congregation Servant
    28. May 31, 1970 A Unit in need of an Assistant Congregation Servant
    29. May 26, 1970 Proper signing of letter dated May 20, 1970
    30. May 20, 1970 Letter relating to alleged adultery
    31. May 6, 1970 Probation of confessed child abuser

    Letters 1960 – 1969

    1. September 5, 1969 Answer to Question relating to Mexican brothers registered in the first reserves
    2. August 27, 1969 Question relating to Mexican brothers registered in the first reserves (Page 3 only)
    3. July 9, 1968 Tying Jehovah’s Witnesses with the man who assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy
    4. October 28, 1964 Reasoning for concealing financial records
    5. April 6, 1963 Blood Transfusions for pets forbidden (Us)

    Letters 1950 – 1959

    1. February 20, 1951 Promote Theocracy’s increase (Us)

    Letters 1940 – 1949

    1. April 12, 1944 “Freedom of Worship” Testimony Period (Bi)
    2. February 6, 1942 Judge Rutherford’s Death Certificate
    3. March 28, 1941 Bureau’s files on Joseph Franklin (Judge) Rutherford
    4. January 14, 1941 Letter from W.S. Pateman to Watchtower Australia

    Letters 1930 – 1939

    1. July 21, 1939 Olin R Moyle’s Letter with intention to leave Bethel
    2. December 1, 1938 Supplement to Letter from O.R. Moyle to President Roosevelt
    3. November 9, 1938 Letter from O.R. Moyle to President Franklin D. Roosevelt
    4. March 31, 1938 Rutherford requests Moyle to write an article in Consolation
    5. April 25, 1937 Letter from St Mary’s Church regarding Rutherford’s bigotry
    6. April 1, 1937 Letter from W.F. Salter to J.F. Rutherford regarding Christ’s return
    7. February 20, 1935 The Anointed’s Thanksgiving Period (Us)
    8. October 16, 1931 Letter to anointed directing cessation of the term CANVASS

    Letters 1920 – 1929

    1. September 19, 1928 Suggestion to combine sets with copies of Golden Age
    2. March 13, 1924 Literature Prices for Colporteurs to be held strictly confidential
    3. October 4, 1923 Canvassing for the Studies in the Scriptures Sets interfering or augmenting the sale of other literature
    4. May 25, 1923 Monthly Letter to Colporteurs
    5. January 16, 1923 The Lord has made it possible to reduce Colporteur book prices

    Letters 1910 – 1919

    1. 1919 (Undated) An Unspoken Sermon: Letter to the Church of Christ by J. F. Rutherford
    2. April 24, 1919 The Home Coming of our Brethren from Atlanta
    3. June 23, 1918 Letter from Clayton J Woodworth with regard to being imprisoned in Raymond Street Jail
    4. April 5, 1918 Surprised at position taken by sister with regard to changes made to Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 7
    5. March 16, 1918 Letter to colporteurs, class secretaries and others with regard to “The Finished Mystery” violating Espionage Act
    6. March 7, 1918 The Distribution of “The Finished Mystery”
    7. November 13, 1916 Letter with regard to the death of Charles Taze Russell
    8. August 6, 1915 Letter from A.H. McMillan to Brother Ralph
    9. January 14, 1913 Improper to bring young children to meeting if restless; 10 years of age or older is sufficient for them to care for themselves
    10. 1910 Submission of suggestive hints from our Colporteurs
  8. Bodies of Elders letters from 1980 to 1989.  The letters include procedures involving legal issues, guidelines on wedding procedures, and matters regarding ownership of the kingdom hall. There are procedures in dealing with illegal immigrants and persons deliberately disrupting congregation meetings. More letters include policies with regard to disfellowshipping, disassociation and discerning the difference between apostates and the spiritually weak.


    Note: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders letters 1989

    1. October 1, 1989 Traveling Overseers accommodations and expenses (Us)
    2. August 1, 1989 Revised identification cards (Us)
    3. July 1, 1989 CONFIDENTIAL Procedures that involve Legal Issues (Us)
    4. June 20, 1989 Reorganizing meetings and field service due to persecution (Gh)
    5. May 1, 1989 Congregation arrangement for elders (Us)
    6. April 21, 1989 Memorandum on 1980 Registration for Selective Service (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1988

    1. October 1, 1988 Citizenship (Us)
    2. September 19, 1988 Sharing Automobile Costs for Traveling Overseers (Us)
    3. August 15, 1988 Congregation Literature Supplies (Us)
    4. July 29, 1988 CONFIDENTIAL Reporting Child Abuse in Canada (Ca)
    5. July 1, 1988 Guidelines regarding reporting limited field service (Us)
    6. June 15, 1988 Dealing with illegal immigrants (Us)
    7. May 15, 1988 Guidelines on wedding procedures (Bi)
    8. May 15, 1988 Guidelines on wedding procedures (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1987

    1. December 14, 1987 IRS Form 1023 Application of recognition of exemption (Us)
    2. September 15, 1987 Properly handling matters regarding ownership of the Kingdom Hall (Us)
    3. June 8, 1987 Michael Jackson (Us)
    4. May 20, 1987 Arrangements for the forthcoming special assembly days (Us)
    5. May 20, 1987 Immigration Reform and Control (Us)
    6. May 15, 1987 The Law on “Ecclesiastical Privilege (Us)
    7. March 15, 1987 Adjustments in announcing reproofs, disfellowshippings and disassociations (Us)
    8. February 1, 1987 When a person deliberately disrupts a congregation meeting (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1986

    1. May 8, 1986 Disassociation by joining another religion (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1985

    1. December 5, 1985 Theocratic Procedure for Circuit & District Overseers in the United States (Us)
    2. July 29, 1985 Letter to Sister regarding husband’s occupation relating to blood- 1 page only (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1984

    1. September 20, 1984 Handling of correspondence with judicial cases and disassociations (Us)
    2. February 1, 1984 Federal Identification Number (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1983

    1. March 10, 1983 Reporting disfellowshippings and disassociations (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1982

    1. April 1, 1982 Entry to Apartments (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1981

    1. December 10, 1981 Responding to enquiry regarding the New Testament by Johannes Greber
    2. December 1, 1981  Prison Witnessing (Us)
    3. January 2, 1981 University Campus Witnessing (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 1980

    1. December 20, 1980 Letter to Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation (us)
    2. September 1, 1980 Circuit Overseers help elders discern between apostates and the spiritually weak (Us)
    3. May 15, 1980 Time required to consider Jonsson’s letter dated March 31, 1980
    4. March 31, 1980 Carl Olof Jonsson to Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York (Sv)
    5. February 28, 1980 Alcohol and Elders (Gh)
    6. February 28, 1980 Material on the subject of ancient chronology (Us)
  9. Bodies of Elders letters from 1990 to 1999.  The letters include procedures involving legal issues, child sexual abuse, and matters regarding kingdom hall assistance arrangement. There are procedures in dealing with data protection and appealing judicial decisions. More letters include policies with regard to pioneering assistance and pioneer hours.


    • Note 1: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1999

    1. December 29, 1999 Braille Publications (Us)
    2. November 1, 1999 The Society Kingdom Hall Fund (Us)
    3. October 25, 1999 2000 Recommended Lodging List (Us)
    4. October 15, 1999 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    5. October 1, 1999 Assisting Pioneers (Bi)
    6. September 20, 1999 Method for shipping Our Kingdom Ministry in the United States (Us)
    7. September 6, 1999 Special Packet of Forms (Us)
    8. July 30, 1999 Quantity adjustments of Our Kingdom Ministry (Us)
    9. July 5, 1999 Regular Pioneer applications (Us)
      • S-202
      • S-204
      • S-206
    10. July 1, 1999 Kingdom Hall Literature Inventory Arrangement (Us)
      • S(d)-15a
      • S(d)-61
    11. June 30, 1999 Supply of service forms (Us)
    12. June 28, 1999 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Us)
    13. June 25, 1999 Use of Rental Buses (Us)
    14. June 8, 1999 List of those who survived persecution by the Nazi regime (Us)
    15. June 2, 1999 Caring for older full-time servants (Us)
    16. April 26, 1999 Clarifying the hour requirement for regular pioneers (Us)
    17. April 15, 1999 Reach the Heart as Judges and Teachers (Bi)
    18. April 1, 1999 Revised Magazine & Subscription Request Guides (Us)
      • S(d)-15b
      • S(d)-15c
    19. February 2, 1999 Encourage inactive publishers (Us)
    20. January 21, 1999 The subject of child abuse (WHQ)
    21. January 11, 1999 Format of Congregation Resolutions (Bi)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1998

    1. December 31, 1998 How to deal with those who have been guilty of child abuse (Whq)
    2. December 20, 1998 CONFIDENTIAL Child abuse and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Au)
    3. December 15, 1998 Please Follow Up form (Gh)
    4. December 14, 1998 District Convention Arrangements (Us)
    5. December 1, 1998 Pioneer Hours Adjustment (Bi)
    6. November 15, 1998  Data Protection (Bi)
    7. October 15, 1998 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    8. October 15, 1998 Tactfully obtaining contact information from individuals (Us)
    9. October 1, 1998 Simplified Literature Inventory Instructions
      • S-14
      • S(d)-15
      • S(d)-15a
      • S(d)-18
      • S(d)-19
      • S(d)-28
      • S(d)-61
    10. October 1, 1998 Assisting Pioneers (Bi)
    11. October 1, 1998 Assisting Pioneers (Us)
    12. September 25, 1998 Official interference with door-to-door ministry (Us)
    13. September 7, 1998 Monthly Congregation Statements (Us)
    14. September 1, 1998 Key Facts about the Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    15. August 17, 1998 Traveling Overseer’s Reimbursement of Food Expenses (Bi)
    16. August 15, 1998 Supply of forms (Us)
    17. July 24, 1998 On the need to inform secular authorities when a brother or sister is involved in serious crime (Whq)
    18. July 20, 1998 CONFIDENTIAL Child abuse and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Au)
    19. July 20, 1998 CONFIDENTIAL Child abuse and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Bi)
    20. July 20, 1998 CONFIDENTIAL Child abuse and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Us)
    21. July 15, 1998 Supply of service forms (Us)
      • S-14
      • S(d)-26a
      • S(d)-27
      • S(d)-30a
      • T(d)-60
    22. July 1, 1998 Traveling Overseer’s Car Maintenance Expenses (Bi)
    23. June 1, 1998 Letter to all Traveling Overseers (Us)
    24. April 28, 1998 Concerning the subject of confidentiality and the law in relation to child abuse matters (Au)
    25. April 15, 1998 Submitting Regular Pioneer applications (Us)
      • S-14,
      • S-202,
      • S-204
      • S-205
    26. April 15, 1998 Temporary Volunteers needed at Bethel (Us)
    27. March 30, 1998 Congregation Constitution – Business Meetings (Bi)
    28. February 12, 1998 Concerning the law regarding confidentiality with regard to child abuse cases (WHQ)
    29. January 22, 1998 Steps to simplify the work of elders (Bi)
    30. January 22, 1998 Steps to simplify the work of elders (Us)
    31. January 20, 1998 Pioneers Assist Others (Bi)
    32. January 20, 1998 Pioneers Assist Others (Us)
    33. January 16, 1998 Congregation Statement (Us)
    34. January 15, 1998 Congregation field service reports (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1997

    1. December 22, 1997 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement Accident Information Sheet (Us)
    2. December 1, 1997 Watchtower Electronic Funds Transfer System (Us)
    3. November 21, 1997 Comments on handling cases of child abuse in Australia (Au)
    4. October 29, 1997 Handling Child Abuse Matters (Au)
    5. October 7, 1997 Child Abuse Memorandum (Au)
    6. September 22, 1997 Watchtower Publications List Sd-15 (Us)
    7. September 15, 1997 Compiling list of attorneys, CPAs, financial planners, trust officers, real estate brokers, and licensed appraisers (Us)
    8. August 16, 1997 Dealing with certain religious organizations and individuals (Gh)
    9. August 15, 1997 Supply of forms (Us)
    10. August 1, 1997 Appealing Judicial Decisions (Bi)
    11. August 1, 1997 Appealing Judicial Decisions (Us)
    12. August 1, 1997 Remittance Forms for Society Kingdom Hall Loans (Us)
    13. July 31, 1997 Kingdom Ministry School textbook ks91 (Us)
    14. July 7, 1997 Use of Rental Buses (Us)
    15. May 15, 1997 Adjustments In Making Congregation Remittances (Us)
    16. May 1, 1997 CONFIDENTIAL Child sexual abuse (Au)
    17. April 15, 1997 Child sexual abuse (Bi)
    18. April 15, 1997 Kingdom Hall operating committees (Bi)
    19. April 15, 1997 Kingdom Hall operating committees (Ca)
    20. April 15, 1997 Kingdom Hall operating committees (Us)
    21. March 20, 1997 CONFIDENTIAL Do not visit Cuba (Bi)
    22. March 14, 1997 CONFIDENTIAL Child sexual abuse (Bi)
    23. March 14, 1997 CONFIDENTIAL Child sexual abuse (Us)
    24. March 4, 1997 Guidance in handling cases where baptized Witnesses are accused of child abuse (Whq)
    25. February 20, 1997 Updated Health-care durable power of attorney (Us)
    26. February 18, 1997 Handling Child Abuse Matters – Court Subpoenas (Au)
    27. 1997 (No Date) Electronic Funds Transfer Remittance Authorization (Us)
    28. 1997 (No date) Information Regarding Contributions to the Society (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1996

    1. December 7, 1996 Issuance of Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-INT (Us)
    2. November 20, 1996 Automobile Accident Legalities (Us)
    3. August 15, 1996 Field Service Reporting (Us)
    4. August 1, 1996 Remittance Forms for Society Kingdom Hall Loans (Us)
    5. May 20, 1996 Addendum to 03/15/96 letter (Us)
    6. April 22, 1996 Traveling Overseer’s Health Insurance and Automobile Expenses (Us)
    7. April 15, 1996 Maintenance and construction of Kingdom Halls (Ca)
    8. April 12, 1996 Handling the discontinuance of regular pioneers (Us)
    9. March 15, 1996 Communicable Diseases (Us)
    10. March 8, 1996 Regular Pioneer Applications (Us)
    11. February 26, 1996 Shipment of Literature in the United States and Bermuda (Us)
    12. February 1, 1996 Circuit Overseer Field Service Schedule (Bi)
    13. January 15, 1996 Circuit Overseer Field Service Schedule (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1995

    1. November 6, 1995 Questions Concerning Immigration or Naturalization (Us)
    2. November 2, 1995 Maintenance and Construction of Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    3. November 2, 1995 Maintenance and Construction of Kingdom Halls (Us)
    4. November 1, 1995 Protecting victims of Child Abuse (Bi)
    5. November 1, 1995 Information Regarding Ownership of Kingdom Halls (Us)
    6. October 2, 1995 Pioneer Assistance (Us)
    7. September 25, 1995 Letter to all Traveling Overseers (Us)
    8. September 20, 1995 Health-care power of attorney forms (Us)
    9. September 20, 1995 Index to bodies of elders letters (Us)
    10. September 1, 1995 Ministerial Training School (Us)
    11. August 1, 1995 Protecting victims of child abuse (Au)
    12. August 1, 1995 Protecting victims of child abuse (Us)
    13. July 17, 1995 Elders become familiar with newly associated ones (Bi)
    14. July 17, 1995 Elders become familiar with newly associated ones (Us)
    15. July 1, 1995 Handling Literature Request Form S-14 (Us)
    16. June 15, 1995 Kingdom Hall Construction Designs (Us)
    17. May 1, 1995 International Program and Britain Branch – Phase III Development (Bi)
    18. February 17, 1995 Appreciation for a kind donation (Us)
    19. February 16, 1995 Advance Medical Directive/Release (Bi)
    20. January 30, 1995 Kingdom News No.34 (Us)
    21. January 3, 1995 Healthcare reminders (Us)
    22. January 3, 1995 Healthcare Reminders(Us)
    23. January 2, 1995 Gilead School applications (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1994

    1. July 01, 1994 “No Trespassing” signs (Us)
    2. June 20, 1994 Kingdom Ministry School textbook (Bi)
    3. June 20, 1994 Kingdom Ministry School textbook (Us)
    4. March 20, 1994 Burial on consecrated ground (Bi)
    5. January 25, 1994 Letter to Circuit and District Overseers (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1993

    1. December 23, 1993 Healthcare Support Services (Us)
    2. November 19, 1993 New Tax Laws which apply to donations totalling $250 or more (Us)
    3. October 12, 1993 Kingdom Hall Construction and Financing(Us)
    4. October 1, 1993 Pioneer Assistance (Us)
    5. August 1, 1993 Safeguarding our children from the misuse of blood (Us)
    6. June 14, 1993 Filing of Kingdom Ministry School textbook (Us)
    7. April 23, 1993 Helping Victims of Child Abuse (Au)
    8. April 1, 1993 “Safeguarding Your Children From Misuse of Blood” (Bi)
    9. February 3, 1993 Victims of child abuse (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1992

    1. December 24, 1992 Elders under no obligation to inform authorities if a member commits murder or other crimes (Us)
    2. July 20, 1992 Individual requests for literature (Us)
    3. June 15, 1992 Recommending appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Us)
    4. May 5, 1992 Rotating congregation meeting times (Us)
    5. May 1, 1992 Hospital Liaison Committee (Us)
    6. April 30, 1992 “Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Medical Situation?” (Bi)
    7. April 16, 1992 Eavesdropping (Us)
    8. April 13, 1992 What Elders can say to Abuse Victims (Us)
    9. April 1, 1992 Kingdom Hall Dedications (Us)
    10. March 23, 1992 Child Abuse (Us)
    11. March 23, 1992 Child Abuse – with highlighting (Us)
    12. February 8, 1992 Sale of Flag Badges (Gh)
    13. January 30, 1992 CONFIDENTIAL Legal matters (Bi)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1991

    1. December 2, 1991 Child Custody Matters (Us)
    2. October 15, 1991 New, updated Medical Directive (Us)
    3. September 16, 1991 CONFIDENTIAL Kingdom Ministry School textbook (Bi)
    4. September 16, 1991 CONFIDENTIAL Kingdom Ministry School textbook (Us)
    5. August 1, 1991 Emergency Information Card for Children(Us)
    6. February 20, 1991 Review disfellowshipped disassociated ones (Bi)
    7. February 20, 1991 Review disfellowshipped disassociated ones (Us)
    8. February 15, 1991 Magazine subscriptions (Us)
    9. February 14, 1991 The issue of neutrality (Gh)
    10. January 24, 1991 Simplified Literature Distribution Arrangement (Us)
    11. January 15, 1991 Literature shipments (Us)
    12. January 1, 1991 Accommodation for circuit overseers (Bi)
    13. January 1, 1991 Pioneer records (Us)

    Bodies of Elders Letters 1990

    1. August 27, 1990 Congregation field service reports (Us)
    2. August 15, 1990 Recommending Kingdom Hall construction volunteers (Us)
    3. May 20, 1990 Overstocking prevention (Us)
    4. April 21, 1990 Donations to the Society’s worldwide work (Us)
    5. February 21, 1990 Follow-up Letter to Literature Distribution on a Donation Basis (Us)
    6. February 19, 1990 Announcement regarding February 9, 1990 Letter (Us)
    7. February 9, 1990 Literature Distribution by complete donation method (Us)
    8. February 9, 1990 Literature Distribution on a Donation Basis (Us)
    9. January 15, 1990 Baptized Publishers and unbaptized publishers (Us)
    10. January 9, 1990 Public Meetings (Bi)
    11. January 9, 1990 Public Meetings (Us)
  10. Bodies of Elders letters from 2000 to 2009.  The letters include procedures involving answering machines at kingdom halls and adjustments to literature-coordinating arrangements. There are procedures in dealing with parents allowing unbelieving relatives to commit fornication in their home. More letters include policies with regard to retention of confidential records and handling correspondence with the branch office.


    • Note 1: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders letters 2009

    1. December 23, 2009 Child custody packet (Us)
    2. December 20, 2009 Use of answering machines at Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    3. December 20, 2009 Use of answering machines at Kingdom Halls (Ca)
    4. December 20, 2009 Use of answering machines at Kingdom Halls (Us)
    5. December 19, 2009 2010 Bethel visitors information (Us)
    6. December 18, 2009 April 1, 2010, special issue of The Watchtower and 2010 Memorial announcement (Bi)
    7. December 18, 2009 April 1, 2010, special issue of The Watchtower and 2010 Memorial announcement (Us)
    8. December 16, 2009 November 2009 Awake! article “Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies” (Bi)
    9. December 16, 2009 November 2009 Awake! article “Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies” (Ca)
    10. December 16, 2009 November 2009 Awake! article “Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies” (Gh)
    11. December 13, 2009 Our Kingdom Ministry downloads on the jw.org website (Bi)
    12. December 12, 2009 2010 district convention handbills (Bi)
    13. December 12, 2009 2010 district convention handbills (Us)
    14. December 11, 2009 Calculating the cost of Kingdom Hall construction and renovation projects (Bi)
    15. December 9, 2009 2009 service year report (Us)
    16. December 8, 2009 Use of new songbook at circuit events and congregation meetings (Us)
    17. December 7, 2009 Annual review of Kingdom Hall financial support (Bi)
    18. December 7, 2009 Annual review of Kingdom Hall financial support (Ca)
    19. December 6, 2009 Transferring funds on the jw.org Web site (Ca)
    20. December 5, 2009 To Publishers Learning Another Language To Advance The Good News (Bi)
    21. December 5, 2009 To Publishers Learning Another Language to Advance The Good News (Ca)
    22. December 5, 2009 To Publishers Learning Another Language To Advance The Good News (Gh)
    23. December 5, 2009 To Publishers Learning Another Language To Advance The Good News (Us)
    24. December 4, 2009 Foreign-language field (Bi)
    25. November 28, 2009 Automobile Expense Account (Ca)
    26. November 27, 2009 Discontinuing production of The Watchtower and Awake! on compact disc in MP3 format (Us)
    27. November 10, 2009 Request for Certificate of Insurance for Memorial TO-18 (Us)
    28. November 4, 2009 Audio recordings of the Yearbook (Us)
    29. November 3, 2009 (Replaces 02/02/99 & 02/04/04 letters) Assisting inactive ones (Bi)
    30. November 2, 2009 Study articles of The Watchtower on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    31. November 1, 2009 Adjustments to literature-coordinating arrangement (Bi)
    32. November 1, 2009 Adjustments to literature-coordinating arrangement (Ca)
    33. October 5, 2009 Schedule and review answer sheet for Theocratic Ministry School (Us)
    34. October 4, 2009 2010 Memorial invitations (Us)
    35. October 3, 2009 Dealing with infectious disease (Bi)
    36. October 3, 2009 Dealing with infectious disease (Ca)
    37. October 3, 2009 Dealing with infectious disease (Us)
    38. September 18, 2009 Kingdom Hall Manual (Bi)
    39. September 13, 2009 Annual items for 2010 (Us)
    40. August 31, 2009 Use of Please Follow Up S-43 form (Bi)
    41. August 28, 2009 Biannual literature inventory (Us)
    42. August 15, 2009 Reviewing qualifications of those pursuing higher education (Gh)
    43. August 2, 2009 Requesting Sing to Jehovah in audio format (Us)
    44. August 1, 2009 Requesting Sing to Jehovah in printed format (Us)
    45. July 16, 2009 Service Campaigns (Us)
    46. July 4, 2009 Foreign-language meetings (Bi)
    47. July 3, 2009 Expanded use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Bi)
    48. May 2, 2009 Cooperating with Hospital Liaison Committees (Bi)
    49. April 20, 2009 Scriptural view of funerals (Gh)
    50. April 5, 2009 Organizing Literacy Classes in the Congregation (Gh)
    51. March 2, 2009 Service Meeting announcements (Bi)
    52. March 2, 2009 Service Meeting announcements (Ca)
    53. February 1, 2009 Retention of confidential records (Au)
    54. January 31, 2009 Congregation Gift Aid (Bi)
    55. January 2, 2009 Christian parents permitting unbelieving relatives to live in fornication in their home (Bi)
    56. January 2, 2009 Christian parents permitting unbelieving relatives to live in fornication in their home (Ca)
    57. January 2, 2009 Christian parents permitting unbelieving relatives to live in fornication in their home (Gh)
    58. January 1, 2009 New meeting arrangements (Bi)
    59. January 1, 2009 Expanded role of auxiliary counsellor (Bi)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2008

    1. December 31, 2008 Elder Subject to Bankruptcy Order (Bi)
    2. December 12, 2008 Confidentiality and wireless communication (Bi)
    3. December 9, 2008 Data protection procedures (Bi)
    4. December 5, 2008 Index to Letters and congregation’s file (Bi)
    5. December 4, 2008 Handling correspondence from the branch office(Bi)
    6. December 1, 2008 The vicious attack on the family unit (Bi)
    7. November 28, 2008 Revised Guidelines for Kingdom Hall Maintenance and Cleaning (Gh)
    8. November 24, 2008 Safety of Funds (Bi)
    9. November 21, 2008 Retention of Confidential Records (Au)
    10. November 20, 2008 New Arrangement for Notification of Disfellowshipping and Disassociation (Au)
    11. November 10, 2008 Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (Bi)
    12. November 7, 2008 Field service reports (Bi)
    13. November 7, 2008 Field service reports (Ca)
    14. November 7, 2008 Field service reports (Gh)
    15. November 5, 2008 Trustees’ Annual Report (Bi)
    16. October 27, 2016 October 16, 2008 Letter with apology header (Au)
    17. October 16, 2008 TIME-SENSITIVE Privacy Laws and Proposed Revision of S-77 Form (Au)
    18. October 3, 2008 Communication with immigration agencies (Us)
    19. October 1, 2008 Sale of Unused Plots and/or Old Kingdom Halls (Gh)
    20. September 25, 2008 Confidential Correspondence with the Branch Office (Gh)
    21. September 12, 2008 Privacy Laws and Proposed Revision of S-77 Form (Au)
    22. September 8, 2008 Questions concerning immigration or naturalization (Us)
    23. September 3, 2008 Congregation Handbills (Bi)
    24. September 2, 2008 Coordinator of the Body of Elders (Bi)
    25. September 1, 2008 Funeral and child-naming customs in Ghana (Bi)
    26. August 25, 2008 Branch Visitations (Bi)
    27. August 19, 2008 Privacy Laws and Proposed Revision of S-77 Form (Au)
    28. August 2, 2008 Adjustments to congregation meeting schedule (Bi)
    29. August 2, 2008 Adjustments to congregation meeting schedule (Ca)
    30. August 2, 2008 Adjustments to congregation meeting schedule (Gh)
    31. August 2, 2008 Adjustments to congregation meeting schedule (It)
    32. July 15, 2008 Privacy Laws and Proposed Revision of S-77 Form (Au)
    33. July 7, 2008 Child-Naming Ceremonies (Gh)
    34. June 9, 2008 Appointment and Deletion of Elders and Ministerial Servants (Bi)
    35. June 5, 2008 Transmitting meetings (Bi)
    36. June 5, 2008 Transmitting meetings to isolated individuals (Ca)
    37. June 5, 2008 Review of Assembly Programs (Es)
    38. May 4, 2008 Pioneer meetings with traveling overseers (Gh)
    39. May 3, 2008 Review of Assembly Programmes (Bi)
    40. May 3, 2008 Review of assembly programs (Ca)
    41. May 3, 2008 Review of assembly programs (Gh)
    42. May 3, 2008 Review of Assembly Programs (It)
    43. May 1, 2008 Pioneer Service School Credit (Bi)
    44. May 1, 2008 Reminders regarding the Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC) arrangement (Bi)
    45. May 1, 2008 Upholding the Scriptural View of Funerals (Gh)
    46. April 21, 2008 Combining Congregation Book Study with the Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting
    47. April 4, 2008 Pioneer Meetings With Travelling Overseers (Bi)
    48. April 4, 2008 Pioneer Meetings With TravellingOoverseers (Ca)
    49. April 4, 2008 Pioneer Meetings With Traveling Overseers (It)
    50. April 4, 2008 Dealing with increasing financial demands from local government authorities (Gh)
    51. March 27, 2008 Music at Theocratic Events (Bi)
    52. March 27, 2008 Music at Theocratic Events (Ca)
    53. March 27, 2008 Music at Theocratic Events (It)
    54. March 8, 2008 Baptizing Individuals Who Have Communicable Diseases (Bi)
    55. March 8, 2008 Baptizing Individuals Who Have Communicable Diseases (Ca)
    56. March 8, 2008 Baptizing Individuals Who Have Communicable Diseases (Gh)
    57. March 8, 2008 Baptizing Individuals Who Have Communicable Diseases (It)
    58. March 5, 2008 Managing congregation literature inventories (Gh)
    59. February 8, 2008 Local needs parts (Gh)
    60. February 3, 2008 Labels for Congregation Contribution Boxes (Bi)
    61. February 1, 2008 Attending Pioneer Service School Abroad (Bi)
    62. January 15, 2008 Regular Pioneer Activity in Britain (Bi)
    63. January 11, 2008 Reading scriptures at the Watchtower Study (Bi)
    64. January 8, 2008 Regional Building Committee Expenses for Kingdom Hall Inspections (Bi)
    65. January 3, 2008 Symposiums and slide presentations at Public Meetings (Bi)
    66. January 3, 2008 Symposiums and slide presentations at Public Meetings (Us)
    67. January 1, 2008 Public Talk Guest Speakers (Gh)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2007

    1. December 8, 2007 Local Needs Parts (Bi)
    2. December 8, 2007 Local needs parts (Ca)
    3. November 20, 2007 Use of Watch Tower Logos (Gh)
    4. November 5, 2007 Assembly Halls (Gh)
    5. October 19, 2007 Congregation Internet Site CIS (Bi)
    6. September 26, 2007 “Watch Tower” logo (Bi)
    7. September 21, 2007 Charity Commission Annual Return 2007 and other Charity matters (Bi)
    8. September 5, 2007 Pioneers Working on Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Projects (Bi)
    9. September 4, 2007 Kingdom Hall Operating Committees (Bi)
    10. August 4, 2007 Use of electronic projections during congregation meetings (Bi)
    11. July 1, 2007 Reimbursing Traveling Overseer’s Expenses (Bi)
    12. June 5, 2007 Use of Kingdom Hall for Civil Weddings and Marriage Talks (Gh)
    13. June 4, 2007 Guidelines concerning the use of computerized visual aids (Ca)
    14. April 18, 2007 No-smoking (Bi)
    15. April 3, 2007 Guidelines for Watchtower Study Conductors (Bi)
    16. April 3, 2007 Guidelines for Watchtower Study Conductors (Us)
    17. April 2, 2007 Territory Assignment of the foreign-language congregations (Bi)
    18. April 1, 2007 Undocumented Aliens (Bi)
    19. April 1, 2007 Undocumented Aliens (Us)
    20. April 1, 2007 Persons Without Status in Canada (Ca)
    21. March 23, 2007 No Cold Calling Zones (Bi)
    22. March 19, 2007 Annual Return, Water and Sewerage Charges and VAT (Bi)
    23. March 5, 2007 Memorial Preparations (Gh)
    24. February 9, 2007 Adjusted format of The Watchtower (Us)
    25. January 3, 2007 Commercial Insurance (Bi)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2006

    1. December 6, 2006 Discernment in cases of wrongdoing (Bi)
    2. November 7, 2006 Charitable Donation Programmes (Bi)
    3. November 7, 2006 Charitable donation programs (Ca)
    4. November 1, 2006 Dangers of Misusing the Internet (Bi)
    5. October 8, 2006 Assisting all baptized publishers to fill in the Advance Decision document (Bi)
    6. October 4, 2006 Watchtower Credit Card Program (Us)
    7. October 2, 2006 Bible Teach book (Us)
    8. July 6, 2006 Disaster preparedness (Bi)
    9. July 6, 2006 Disaster preparedness (Us)
    10. July 5, 2006 Traveling Overseer Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    11. July 1, 2006 Letters of introduction (Bi)
    12. July 1, 2006 Letters of introduction (Us)
    13. June 7, 2006 Pornography (Bi)
    14. June 7, 2006 Pornography (Us)
    15. June 5, 2006 Child-maltreatment offenders in prison (Bi)
    16. June 5, 2006 Child-maltreatment offenders in prison (Us)
    17. May 11, 2006 Disaster relief in the southeastern United States (Us)
    18. January 7, 2006 Disaster relief and displaced individuals (Us)
    19. January 3, 2006 Hospital Liaison Committees (Bi)
    20. January 3, 2006 Hospital Liaison Committees (Ca)
    21. January 3, 2006 Hospital Liaison Committees (Gh)
    22. January 3, 2006 Hospital Liaison Committees (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2005

    1. December 31, 2005 Kingdom Hall inspections by Regional Building Committees (Bi)
    2. November 21, 2005 Assisting Foreign Language and Deaf Publishers wrt Refusing Specified Medical Treatment (Bi)
    3. November 15, 2005 Advance Decision To Refuse Specified Medical Treatment Document(Bi)
    4. November 1, 2005 Disruptive individuals at congregation meetings (Bi)
    5. November 1, 2005 Pioneer Assistance (Bi)
    6. September 26, 2005 Charity Commission Annual Return / Information Update 2005 (Bi)
    7. September 7, 2005 Revised guidelines for use by the Service Desks (WHQ)
    8. July 8, 2005 Set of public talk outlines for the congregation (Gh)
    9. July 5, 2005 Infirm Regular Pioneers (Gh)
    10. February 15, 2005 Kingdom Hall construction (Gh)
    11. February 10, 2005 Regular Pioneering in Britain (Bi)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2004

    1. December 15, 2004 Adjustment in the procedure to contribute funds for the assemblies (Gh)
    2. December 7, 2004 Release of Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will (Us)
    3. December 1, 2004 Key Facts about the Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Bi)
    4. December 1, 2004 Key Facts about the Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    5. November 5, 2004 Pioneer Assistance (Bi)
    6. November 3, 2004 Kingdom Hall dedications (Bi)
    7. November 3, 2004 Kingdom Hall dedications (Us)
    8. November 1, 2004 DPA cards (Us)
    9. October 25, 2004 Contribution/Donation Request (Bi)
    10. October 11, 2004 Renting facilities for the Memorial (Us)
    11. September 27, 2004 Courtesy telephone notifications (Us)
    12. September 25, 2004 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    13. August 2, 2004 “No Trespassing” signs (Us)
    14. June 17, 2004 Immigration and Refugee Requests (Ca)
    15. May 15, 2004 Kingdom Hall Dedications (Us)
    16. April 23, 2004 CONFIDENTIAL Letter from Watchtower Australia to BOE wrt child abuse (Au)
    17. April 19, 2004 List of members of the Hospital Liaison Committee (Us)
    18. April 1, 2004 Known sex offenders (Bi)
    19. April 1, 2004 Known sex offenders (Us)
    20. February 4, 2004 Reactivating inactive ones (Us)
    21. January 12, 2004 Release of DVD entitled Transfusion Alternatives – Documentary Series (Bi)
    22. January 7, 2004 Kingdom Hall and Property Maintenance (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2003

    1. December 14, 2003 District Convention Arrangements (Us)
    2. December 6, 2003 Temporary Volunteer Request (Us)
    3. December 4, 2003 Release of DVD entitled Transfusion Alternatives – Documentary Series (Us)
    4. December 1, 2003 Memorial Insurance (Us)
    5. December 1, 2003 Release of publications on DVD and videocassette (Us)
    6. November 22, 2003 Additional clarification on the matter of boarding schools (Gh)
    7. November 14, 2003 Asylum claimants (Bi)
    8. November 7, 2003 American Sign Language Field Publications (Us)
    9. November 1, 2003 Assisting Pioneers (Bi)
    10. November 1, 2003 Expanding the witnessing work (Bi)
    11. November 1, 2003 Expanding the witnessing work (Us)
    12. October 31, 2003 The Watchtower and Awake! in MP3 format on CD-ROM (Us)
    13. October 1, 2003 Bethel Visitors Lodging and Car Rental List (Us)
    14. October 1, 2003 Bethel Visitor’s Lodging (Us)
    15. August 1, 2003 Kingdom Hall Building and Maintenance (Bi)
    16. July 3, 2003 Congregation forms for 2004 service year (Us)
    17. May 7, 2003 Transfer of Printery Operations (Us)
    18. May 5, 2003 The serious spiritual danger our children face in boarding schools (Gh)
    19. April 2, 2003 Cease eScrip Participation (Us)
    20. January 20, 2003 Accused admits to child abuse claims made against him (Au)
    21. January 1, 2003 Territory seldom worked (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2002

    1. December 1, 2002 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    2. November 22, 2002 Watchtower v Stratton Legal right to go door-to-door (Us)
    3. November 7, 2002 Assisting Spiritually Weak (Bi)
    4. November 7, 2002 Assisting Spiritually Weak (Us)
    5. October 28, 2002 Simplifying printing operations (Us)
    6. October 15, 2002 Kingdom Hall Safety (Us)
    7. October 10, 2002 Handling of older publications (Us)
    8. August 28, 2002 Reporting of child abuse (Au)
    9. August 19, 2001 Release of videocassette entitled Respect Jehovah’s Authority (Us)
    10. August 10, 2002 Pioneer Service School 2003 (Us)
    11. August 5, 2002 Subscription to magazines on audiocassette is discontinued (Us)
    12. August 1, 2002 S-14 Literature Request Form revised (Us)
    13. July 31, 2002 Assisting the Regional Building Committees (Us)
    14. July 30, 2002 Kingdom Hall Construction (Bi)
    15. July 30, 2002 Kingdom Hall Construction (Us)
    16. July 11, 2002 Answering child molestation queries (Bi)
    17. July 1, 2002 Careful about the nature of surveys and how such information will be used (Bi)
    18. July 1, 2002 Assisting Missionaries (WHQ)
    19. June 24, 2002 International Conventions 2003 (Us)
    20. June 5, 2002 Congregation forms for 2003 service year (Us)
    21. June 3, 2002 Watchtower Library – 2001 (Us)
    22. May 24, 2002 Answering child molestation queries (Us)
    23. May 17, 2002 Amendment to Massachusetts Child Abuse Reporting Statute (Us)
    24. May 9, 2002 Watch Tower to BBC Panorama (Bi)
    25. May 8, 2002 The Watchtower on videocassette in American Sign Language (Us)
    26. April 26, 2002 What Does God Require of Use? DVD in American Sign Language (Us)
    27. April 15, 2002 Magazine shipment changes (Us)
    28. March 25, 2002 New drama on videocassette entitled Warning Examples for Our Day (Us)
    29. February 15, 2002 Adjustments for elders (Bi)
    30. February 15, 2002 Adjustments for elders (Us)
    31. February 14, 2002 Adjustments in Theocratic Arrangements (Us
    32. February 8, 2002 New video entitled Transfusion-Alternative Health Care – Meeting Patient Needs and Rights (Us)
    33. January 8, 2002 Privacy Laws in Australia (Au)
    34. January 3, 2002 Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Whq)
    35. January 1, 2002 Vow of Obedience and Poverty (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2001

    1. December 10, 2001 Discontinuation of mail subscriptions to The Watchtower and Awake! magazines (Us)
    2. November 15, 2001 Bethel Visitors Lodging and Car Rental (Us)
    3. November 15, 2001 Bethel Tours (Us)
    4. November 5, 2001 Supporting Traveling Overseers and their wives (Us)
    5. November 2, 2001 Elders Attending Pioneer School (Us)
    6. November 1, 2001 Purpose for registering as an NGO (WHQ)
    7. November 1, 2001 Assisting Pioneers to meet their quota (Gh)
    8. October 16, 2001 Further Corporation Changes (Us)
    9. October 15, 2001 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    10. October 2, 2001 Pioneer Assistance (Bi)
    11. October 2, 2001 Pioneer Assistance (Us)
    12. October 2, 2001 Letter to Pioneer Publishers (Us)
    13. September 17, 2001 World Trade Center Terrorist Attack (Us)
    14. September 10, 2001 Kingdom Ministry School (Us)
    15. September 8, 2001 Faithful Under Trials – Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Soviet Union video (Us)
    16. August 28, 2001 Interbranch Indebtedness (Au)
    17. August 23, 2001 Kingdom songs and melodies regarded as holy (Gh)
    18. July 5, 2001 Jehovah’s Witness Holocaust-Era Survivors Fund, Inc. (Us)
    19. July 2, 2001 Use of Rental Buses (Us)
    20. June 13, 2001 Hospital Liaison Committees (Us)
    21. June 1, 2001 Data Protection and Child Molestation (Bi)
    22. May 3, 2001 Adjustment in the way annual service forms will be shipped (Us)
    23. May 1, 2001 Hotel Room Surcharge (Us)
    24. April 30, 2001 25 Additional public talk outlines #127-151 (Us)
    25. April 25, 2001 Careful about the nature of surveys and how such information will be used (Us)
    26. April 10, 2001 No Blood – Medicine Meets the Challenge video documentary (Us)
    27. April 5, 2001 Circuit Overseer Expenses (Us)
    28. April 1, 2001 Information Regarding Kingdom Hall Ownership and Maintenance (Us)
    29. March 8, 2001 Large Print Editions of Books for the Book Study (Us)
    30. February 27, 2001 Corporation Changes (Us)
    31. February 5, 2001 Simplification in the provisions for parking (Us)
    32. February 1, 2001 Jehovah’s Witness Holocaust-Era Survivor’s Fund (Us)
    33. January 1, 2001 Data Protection and Child Abuse (Bi)
    34. January 1, 2001 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    35. 2001 (Redacted Date) Hospital Liaison Committee Members List (Us)
    36. 2001 (Redacted Date) Prison Information Form (Us)
    37. 2001 (Redacted Date) Regional Building Committee Assignment (Us)

    Bodies of Elders letters 2000

    1. December 28, 2000 Witnessing to inmates (Bi)
    2. December 28, 2000 Witnessing to inmates (Us)
    3. December 14, 2000 District Convention Arrangements (Us)
    4. December 4, 2000 Kingdom Ministry School (Us)
    5. December 2, 2000 Healthcare Durable Power of Attorney (Us)
    6. December 1, 2000 CONFIDENTIAL Legal Matters (Bi)
    7. December 1, 2000 New DPA forms (Us)
      • DPA Forms
    8. November 30, 2000 New memorial talk outline (Us)
    9. November 1, 2000 Holding Title to More Than One Kingdom Hall Property or to a Kingdom Hall Property Not Occupied by Your Congregation (Us)
    10. October 15, 2000 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (Us)
    11. October 10, 2000 Pioneer Assistance (Us)
    12. October 5, 2000 2001 Recommended Lodging List (Us)
    13. October 1, 2000 Kingdom Hall Safety (Us)
    14. September 8, 2000 Our Whole Association of Brothers video (Us)
    15. September 1, 2000 Adjusted Data Protection procedures for reporting disfellowshippings and disassociations (Bi)
    16. August 3, 2000 Pioneer Service School (Us)
    17. August 1, 2000 Literature Shipments (Us)
    18. August 1, 2000 Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) (Us)
    19. July 5, 2000 Letter to all Circuit & District Overseers (Us)
    20. July 1, 2000 Procedure for posting hour credits (Us)
    21. June 30, 2000 Supply of Service Forms (Us)
    22. June 16, 2000 Jehovah’s Witnesses’ position on blood transfusions (Us)
    23. June 1, 2000 New arrangement for requesting handbills and reporting meeting information (Us)
    24. May 30, 2000 Accounting system for Kingdom Hall construction projects (Bi)
    25. May 30, 2000 Accounting system for Kingdom Hall construction projects (Us)
    26. April 5, 2000 Traveling Overseers’ expenses and reimbursements (Us)
    27. April 1, 2000 Information Regarding Kingdom Hall Ownership and Maintenance (Us)
    28. April 1, 2000 New arrangement in connection with the use of congregation literature supplies (Bi)
    29. March 24, 2000 Disassociation by engaging in nonneutral activities (Bi)
    30. March 24, 2000 Disassociation by engaging in nonneutral activities (Us)
    31. March 22, 2000 Traveling Overseer Fund (Us)
    32. March 15, 2000 Use of Congregation Property (Us)
    33. March 1, 2000 Information Regarding Ownership of Kingdom Halls (Us)
    34. February 12, 2000 Kingdom Hall Safety (Gh)
    35. February 4, 2000 New arrangement in connection with the use of congregation literature supplies (Us)
    36. January 25, 2000 Appreciating Our Spiritual Heritage available on audiocassette (Us)
    37. January 17, 2000 List of members of the HLC (Us)
    38. January 3, 2000 Adjusted procedures for reporting disfellowshippings and disassociations (Us)
    39. January 3, 2000 Adjusted procedures for reporting disfellowshippings and disassociations – includes S-77 form (Us)
    40. January 1, 2000 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    41. 2000 (Date Redacted) Pioneer Service School Donation (Us)
    42. 2000 (Date Redacted) Updated List of the members of the HLC (Us)
  11. Here you will find the Letters to all Bodies of Elders and Letters to All Congregations for the year 2010. As more letters are discovered, they will be added to this list. Where letters refer to other letters, you will find these references included below the appropriate letter. This audit trail is included so that individuals can easily track the changes in Jehovah’s Witnesses policies and procedures.


    • Note 1: Letters in bold are currently active and used by elders and/or congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    • Note 2: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters and forms, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders Letters 2010

    1. December 30, 2010 Revised accounting instructions and transferring funds to the branch office (Bi)
    2. December 30, 2010 Revised accounting instructions (Ca)
    3. December 30, 2010 Revised accounting instructions (Us)
    4. December 29, 2010 Accounts on the jw.org website for all appointed elders (Bi)
    5. December 29, 2010 Accounts on the jw.org Web site for all appointed elders (Us)
    6. December 28, 2010 Transferring funds to the branch office (Bi)
    7. December 28, 2010 Matching jw.org users to branch-office records (Us)
    8. December 27, 2010 Simplified English edition of The Watchtower (Bi)
    9. December 26, 2010 Increased activity during April 2011 (Bi)
    10. December 20, 2010 Use of jw.org Transfer Funds feature for remittances to the branch (Ca)
    11. December 19, 2010 Sign-language documents on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    12. December 18, 2010 2011 assistance arrangements (Us)
    13. December 17, 2010 Child custody packet (Us)
    14. December 16, 2010 Updated jw.org website documentation (Bi)
    15. December 16, 2010 Corrections in Spanish edition of Shepherding textbook (Ca)
    16. December 16, 2010 Corrections in Spanish edition of Shepherding textbook (Us)
    17. December 15, 2010 New documents to assist with literature and magazine distribution (Us)
    18. December 14, 2010 District convention arrangements (Bi)
    19. December 14, 2010 District convention arrangements (Us)
    20. December 14, 2010 Advance Directive Card (Es)
    21. December 9, 2010  2011 district convention Service Meeting part (Bi)
    22. December 9, 2010 2011 district convention Service Meeting part (Us)
    23. December 8, 2010 2011 Bethel visitors information (Us)
    24. December 7, 2010 Supplementary information on correspondence and congregation records (Bi)
    25. December 7, 2010 Working Together Safely – Safety Rules and Standards for Volunteer Projects S-109 (Ca)
    26. December 6, 2010 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Bi)
    27. December 6, 2010 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Us)
    28. December 4, 2010 2011 district convention handbills (Bi)
    29. December 4, 2010 2011 district convention handbills (Us)
    30. December 1, 2010 GST/HST (harmonized sales tax) rebates (Ca)
    31. November 20, 2010 Return address when witnessing by mail (Us)
    32. November 19, 2010 Listing of elders and ministerial servants on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    33. November 18, 2010 Charitable Planning brochure (Us)
    34. November 17, 2010 Letters of introduction (Au)
    35. November 17, 2010 Letters of introduction (Bi)
    36. November 17, 2010 Letters of introduction (Ca)
    37. November 17, 2010 Letters of introduction (Gh)
    38. November 17, 2010 Letters of introduction (Us)
    39. November 16, 2010 Bible School for Christian Couples (Us)
    40. November 7, 2010 Letter to All Regular Pioneers (Us)
    41. November 6, 2010 Assisting Pioneers (Us)
    42. November 1, 2010 Local assistance for users of the jw.org Web site (Us)
    43. October 20, 2010  Shepherding textbook (Bi)
    44. October 15, 2010 Recommending local elders as district convention speakers (Bi)
    45. October 12, 2010 Wedding procedures and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Bi)
    46. October 12, 2010 Wedding procedures and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Ca)
    47. October 12, 2010 Wedding procedures and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Gh)
    48. October 12, 2010 Wedding procedures and Scriptural freedom to remarry (Us)
    49. October 7, 2010 Spiral binding of Shepherding textbook (Bi)
    50. October 7, 2010 Spiral binding of Shepherding textbook (Ca)
    51. October 7, 2010 Spiral binding of Shepherding textbook (Gh)
    52. October 7, 2010 Spiral binding of Shepherding textbook (Us)
    53. October 5, 2010 Searching for congregation meeting locations and times (Bi)
    54. October 5, 2010 Searching for congregation meeting locations and times (Ca)
    55. September 21, 2010 Special talk outline No. 76 (Bi)
    56. September 20, 2010 Watchtower Library – 2010 (Us)
    57. September 17, 2010 Examining the Scriptures Daily (Us)
    58. September 7, 2010 Travelling Overseer Assistance Arrangement (Bi)
    59. September 6, 2010 Account management enhancements to the jw.org website (Bi)
    60. September 6, 2010 Account management enhancements to the jw.org website (Ca)
    61. September 6, 2010 Account management enhancements to the jw.org website (Gh)
    62. September 6, 2010 Account management enhancements to the jw.org website (Us)
    63. August 23, 2010 Kingdom Ministry School (Bi)
    64. August 23, 2010 Kingdom Ministry School (Us)
    65. August 20, 2010 Inspections under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (Bi)
    66. August 16, 2010 Activation of jw.org Web site Transfer Funds feature (Ca)
    67. August 9, 2010 Prison witnessing (Bi)
    68. August 9, 2010 Prison witnessing (Us)
    69. August 8, 2010 Literature and magazine reminders and adjustments (Us)
    70. August 6, 2010 Verifying information on elders and ministerial servants (Bi)
    71. August 4, 2010 Real Faith – Your Key to a Happy Life (Us)
    72. August 3, 2010 Use of the jw.org website (Bi)
    73. August 3, 2010 Use of the jw.org Web site (Us)
    74. August 1, 2010 2011 Memorial invitations (Bi)
    75. August 1, 2010 2011 Memorial invitations (Us)
    76. July 26, 2010 Recording meeting attendance (Bi)
    77. July 26, 2010 Recording meeting attendance (Ca)
    78. July 26, 2010 Recording meeting attendance (Us)
    79. July 25, 2010 Audio recordings of “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom (Us)
    80. July 23, 2010 PDF files of The Watchtower and Awake! on the jw.org Web site (Bi)
    81. July 23, 2010 PDF files of The Watchtower and Awake! on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    82. July 19, 2010 Funds-on-deposit arrangement (Bi)
    83. July 16, 2010 Softcover edition of the New World Translation (Bi)
    84. July 16, 2010 Softcover edition of the New World Translation (Us)
    85. July 15, 2010 Songs for circuit events during 2011 service year (Us)
    86. July 8, 2010 School for Congregation Elders (Bi)
    87. July 8, 2010 Searching for congregation meeting locations and times (Us)
    88. June 25, 2010 Downloading small quantities of Our Kingdom Ministry from the jw.org website (Bi)
    89. June 23, 2010 Submitting literature inventory to the branch office (Bi)
    90. June 23, 2010 Submitting literature inventory to the branch office (Ca)
    91. June 18, 2010 Discontinuation of Pioneers Assist Others programme (Bi)
    92. June 18, 2010 Discontinuation of Pioneers Assist Others program (Us)
    93. June 11, 2010 2010 Kingdom Ministry School textbooks (Us)
    94. June 3, 2010 Prison Witnessing (Bi)
    95. June 2, 2010 Guest rooming for publishers visiting Bethel (Us)
    96. June 1, 2010 Verifying information on elders and ministerial servants (Us)
    97. May 24, 2010 Incidents of “sexting” involving minors (Bi)
    98. May 24, 2010 Deletion of Menlo Park Congregation Body of Elders (Us)
    99. May 23, 2010 Assisting inactive ones (Bi)
    100. May 23, 2010 Assisting inactive ones (Ca)
    101. May 23, 2010 Assisting inactive ones (Gh)
    102. May 23, 2010 Assisting inactive ones (Us)
    103. May 20, 2010 New features for requesting literature on the jw.org website (Bi)
    104. May 20, 2010 New features for requesting literature on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    105. May 10, 2010 Foreign-language field adjustments (Bi)
    106. May 6, 2010 Public talk outline No. 76 (Bi)
    107. May 6, 2010 Public talk outline No. 76 (Ca)
    108. May 6, 2010 Public talk outline No. 76 (Us)
    109. May 3, 2010 Offering The Bible – What Is Its Message? in November 2010 (Us)
    110. May 1, 2010 Charitable Planning brochure (Us)
    111. April 26, 2010 Funds on deposit and Kingdom Hall loans (Ca)
    112. April 19, 2010 New method of distributing magazines in the congregation (Us)
    113. April 17, 2010 Service Meeting adjustments related to 2010 district convention program (Us)
    114. April 6, 2010 Wireless microphone systems (Us)
    115. April 6, 2010 Wireless microphone systems (Ca)
    116. April 2, 2010 Audio recordings of theocratic events (Bi)
    117. April 2, 2010 Audio recordings of theocratic events (Ca)
    118. April 2, 2010 Audio recordings of theocratic events (Gh)
    119. March 28, 2010 Circuit overseers submitting reports electronically (Us)
    120. March 26, 2010 General guidelines for sign-language interpreting at meetings, assemblies and conventions (Bi)
    121. March 25, 2010 Internet connections in Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    122. March 25, 2010 Internet connections in Kingdom Halls (Us)
    123. March 19, 2010 Literature and magazine enquiries by electronic mail (Bi)
    124. March 17, 2010 2010 assistance arrangements (Us)
    125. March 11, 2010 RONA Discount Program (Ca)
    126. March 9, 2010 Service campaigns (Bi)
    127. March 8, 2010 Service campaigns in the sign-language field (Bi)
    128. March 3, 2010 Biannual literature inventory (Us)
    129. March 2, 2010 Kingdom Ministry School (Bi)
    130. February 17, 2010 Searching for contact information on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    131. February 17, 2010 Discontinuing production of The Watchtower and Awake! on compact disc in MP3 format (Bi)
    132. February 11, 2010 Regular pioneer activity in Britain (Bi)
    133. February 10, 2010 Index to Letters – For Bodies of Elders S-22 (Bi)
    134. January 29, 2010 Congregation annual accounts – Charity Commission requirements (Bi)
    135. January 21, 2010 Qualifications of appointed persons in conjunction with disfellowshipped relatives (Bi)
    136. January 19, 2010 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Bi)
    137. January 18, 2010 Haiti disaster relief (Us)
    138. January 5, 2010 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    139. January 4, 2010 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    140. January 4, 2010 Forms and outlines on the jw.org website (Bi)
    141. January 2, 2010 Discontinuing use of WEFTS (Us)
    142. January 1, 2010 Revised DPA cards (Us)
  12. Here you will find the Letters to all Bodies of Elders and Letters to All Congregations for the year 2011. As more letters are discovered, they will be added to this list. Where letters refer to other letters, you will find these references included below the appropriate letter. This audit trail is included so that individuals can easily track the changes in Jehovah’s Witnesses policies and procedures.


    • Note 1: Letters in bold are currently active and used by elders and/or congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    • Note 2: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters and forms, it means that they are not currently available.

    2011 Letters to Elders & Congregations

    1. December 31, 2011 Sign-language documents on the jw.org website (Bi)
    2. December 27, 2011 2012 Bethel visitors information (Us)
    3. December 25, 2011 Additional notations in Shepherding textbook (Gh)
    4. December 23, 2011 Invitation campaigns – Handling Do Not Calls and “No Flyers” signs (Ca)
    5. December 15, 2011 Abhorrent forms of pornography (Bi)
    6. December 14, 2011 New and revised forms for literature and magazine requests (Ca)
    7. December 11, 2011 Arrangements for those who must travel to seek care for special medical needs (Bi)
    8. December 11, 2011 Arrangements for those who must travel to seek care for special medical needs (Ca)
    9. December 11, 2011 Arrangements for those who must travel to seek care for special medical needs (Gh)
    10. December 11, 2011 Arrangements for those who must travel to seek care for special medical needs (Us)
    11. December 2, 2011 Advance Decision to Refuse Specified Medical Treatment document (Bi)
    12. December 2, 2011 2012 district convention handbills (Bi)
    13. December 1, 2011 2012 convention Service Meeting part (Bi)
    14. November 23, 2011 HLC Caring for expenses (Bi)
    15. November 8, 2011 Use of electronic tablets (Us)
    16. October 15, 2011 Sign-language video tie-ins (Bi)
    17. October 7, 2011 Recommending district convention speakers and interpreters (Bi)
    18. October 6, 2011 Readers of Kurdish Arabic (Bi)
    19. October 3, 2011 Bible School for Christian Couples (Bi)
    20. September 22, 2011 Foreign-language follow-up (Bi)
    21. September 22, 2011 Foreign-language follow-up (Ca)
    22. September 21, 2011 Public talk outline No. 181 2012 special talk (Bi)
    23. September 17, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Es)
    24. September 16, 2011 City overseers (Bi)
    25. September 16, 2011 City overseers (Us)
    26. September 12, 2011 Simplified English edition of The Watchtower (Bi)
    27. September 8, 2011 Prison witnessing (Bi)
    28. September 8, 2011 Prison witnessing (Ca)
    29. September 8, 2011 Prison witnessing (Gh)
    30. September 7, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Au)
    31. September 7, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Bi)
    32. September 7, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Ca)
    33. September 7, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Gh)
    34. September 7, 2011 Correspondence from branch office and congregation file (Us)
    35. September 6, 2011 Use of jw.org website (Bi)
    36. September 5, 2011 Shepherding textbook in ASL (Ca)
    37. August 31, 2011 Help to Face Issues About Blood – On DVD (Ca)
    38. August 28, 2011 Increased use of jw.org inbox (Us)
    39. August 25, 2011 Donations at circuit events by debit or credit card (Us)
    40. August 12, 2011 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Bi)
    41. August 11, 2011 Special meetings in connection with October 2011 zone visit (Us)
    42. August 10, 2011 When emergency situations arise (Bi)
    43. August 1, 2011 2012 Memorial and special talk (Bi)
    44. August 1, 2011 2012 Memorial and special talk (Us)
    45. July 12, 2011 Gonzalo Campos (Mx & Us)
    46. July 11, 2011 Searching for contact information on the jw.org website (Bi)
    47. July 11, 2011 Searching for contact information on the jw.org website (Ca)
    48. July 11, 2011 Searching for contact information on the jw.org website (Gh)
    49. July 7, 2011 Matching jw.org users to branch-office records (Bi)
    50. June 27, 2011 International programme (Bi)
    51. June 23, 2011 2012 Yeartext banner (Bi)
    52. June 15, 2011 New documents to assist with literature and magazine distribution (Bi)
    53. June 12, 2011 New method of distributing magazines in the congregation (Bi)
    54. June 11, 2011 Submitting Please Follow Up requests on jw.org (Us)
    55. June 11, 2011 Coordinating Kingdom Hall construction and renovation projects (Bi)
    56. June 1, 2011 Literature in EPUB format (Bi)
    57. June 1, 2011 Literature in EPUB format (Us)
    58. May 28, 2011 Recent devastating storms (Us)
    59. May 27, 2011 Update on Wallkill Bethel expansion (Us)
    60. May 25, 2011 Public speakers (Bi)
    61. May 25, 2011 Public speakers (Ca)
    62. May 25, 2011 Public speakers (Gh)
    63. May 25, 2011 Public speakers (Us)
    64. May 9, 2011 Watchtower Publications List S-15 (Bi)
    65. May 3, 2011 Pioneer Service School 2012 (Bi)
    66. May 2, 2011 Supporting our brothers regarding the blood issue (Bi)
    67. May 1, 2011 Magazine distribution arrangement (Us)
    68. April 22, 2012 Reading Scriptures at the Watchtower Study (Us)
    69. April 20, 2011 Child Care Pack (Bi)
    70. April 19, 2011 Dramatic Bible readings on the jw.org webste (Bi)
    71. April 19, 2011 Dramatic Bible readings on the jw.org Web site (Us)
    72. April 14, 2011 CONFIDENTIAL Somali-speaking publishers (Bi)
    73. April 3, 2011 Listing of elders and ministerial servants on the jw.org website (Bi)
    74. April 3, 2011 Listing of elders and ministerial servants on the jw.org website (Ca)
    75. April 3, 2011 Listing of elders and ministerial servants on the jw.org website (Gh)
    76. April 2, 2011 Announcement to be read following Watchtower Study during week of April 2, 2012 (Us)
    77. March 21, 2011 Attending the Pioneer Service School abroad (Bi)
    78. March 10, 2011 Effectively requesting literature items (Ca)
    79. March 10, 2011 Effectively requesting literature items (Us)
    80. March 7, 2011 Memorial announcement (Bi)
    81. March 6, 2011 Standardized software for Regional Building Committees (Us)
    82. February 21, 2011 Regular pioneer activity in Britain (Bi)
    83. February 18, 2011 jw.org Inbox feature (Us)
    84. February 16, 2011 Halogen bulbs – Source of ignition(Bi)
    85. February 16, 2011 Credit cards for RBCJW, Inc., office use (RBCJW)
    86. February 15, 2011 Enhancements to the Inventory Reports feature of the jw.org website (Bi)
    87. February 15, 2011 Enhancements to the Inventory Reports feature of the jw.org website (Us)
    88. February 11, 2011 Foreign-language Our Kingdom Ministry (Ca)
    89. February 11, 2011 Foreign-language Our Kingdom Ministry (Us)
    90. February 10, 2011 Kingdom Hall Contribution Boxes and Labels (Ca
    91. February 8, 2011 Discarding older publications in congregation literature supply (Us)
    92. February 7, 2011 Caring for the needs of the blind (Ca)
    93. February 7, 2011 Caring for the needs of the blind (Us)
    94. February 1, 2011 Handling matters relating to alleged child abuse (Bi)
    95. January 24, 2011 Applications for regular pioneering S-205 (Bi)
    96. January 22, 2011 Residence survey (Us)
    97. January 20, 2011 Donations to the worldwide work (Bi)
    98. January 19, 2011 Watchtower Publications List S-15 (Us)
    99. January 15, 2011 Applications for regular pioneering S-205 (Bi)
    100. January 14, 2011 Index to Letters – For Bodies of Elders (Bi)
    101. January 14, 2011 Index to Letters – For Bodies of Elders (Us)
    102. January 12, 2011 Service Meeting part “How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood” (Bi)
    103. January 12, 2011 Service Meeting part “How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood” (Us)
    104. January 8, 2011 Supporting those with medical needs (Us)
    105. January 3, 2011 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    106. January 3, 2011 May 2011 Special campaign (Bi)
    107. January 2, 2011 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    108. January 1, 2011 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement annual contribution – 2011 (Bi)
  13. Here you will find the Letters to all Bodies of Elders and Letters to All Congregations for the year 2012. As more letters are discovered, they will be added to this list. Where letters refer to other letters, you will find these references included below the appropriate letter. This audit trail is included so that individuals can easily track the changes in Jehovah’s Witnesses policies and procedures.


    • Note 1: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders Letters 2012

    1. December 31, 2012 Theocratic Ministry School Reminders (Gh)
    2. December 26, 2012 Insurance for witnessing in public areas (Bi)
    3. December 21, 2012 Transmitting meetings to isolated individuals by Internet connection (Ca)
    4. December 20, 2012 Gift Aid declarations (Bi)
    5. December 18, 2012 Letter dated March 26, 2010 (Bi)
    6. December 17, 2012 Use of online storage services for congregation documents (Bi)
    7. December 17, 2012 Use of online storage services for congregation documents (Gh)
    8. December 17, 2012 Use of online storage services for congregation documents (Us)
    9. December 16, 2012 2013 district convention handbills (Gh)
    10. December 16, 2012 2013 district convention handbills (Us)
    11. December 13, 2012 Judicial Correspondence and Branch Office Postal Address (Gh)
    12. December 13, 2012 Receiving copies of the New World Translation in Twi (Gh)
    13. December 6, 2012 Insurance for witnessing in public areas (Bi)
    14. December 6, 2012 2013 special conventions (Us)
    15. December 4, 2012 2013 special conventions (Us)
    16. December 3, 2012 2013 Bethel visitors information (Us)
    17. November 30, 2012 Weddings and Funerals (Gh)
    18. November 26, 2012 Become Jehovah’s Friend (Gh)
    19. November 26, 2012 Become Jehovah’s Friend (Us)
    20. November 24, 2012 Witnessing in public places (Bi)
    21. November 24, 2012 Witnessing in public places (Us)
    22. November 17, 2012 Discarding older publications in congregation literature supply (Ca)
    23. November 17, 2012 Discarding older publications in congregation literature supply (Gh)
    24. November 17, 2012 Discarding older publications in congregation literature supply (Us)
    25. November 12, 2012 HLC Updated information on use of ESAs and blood thinners (Us)
    26. November 12, 2012 Kingdom Ministry School (Bi)
    27. November 11, 2012 District convention Service Meeting part the week of January 7, 2013 (Bi)
    28. November 11, 2012 District convention Service Meeting part the week of January 7, 2013 (Us)
    29. November 10, 2012 HLC Balancing HLC responsibilities with other assignments (Us)
    30. November 9, 2012 Request for Guyanese nationals to serve in Guyana (Us)
    31. November 8, 2012 HLC Judicious use of information from the Internet (Us)
    32. November 8, 2012 New date for district conventions in Ghana (Gh)
    33. November 5, 2012 Pre-authorized Dedit Agreement (Ca)
    34. November 1, 2012 Request for approval to sell property (Ca)
    35. November, 2012 Announcement to all congregations (Us)
    36. October 29, 2012 Would You Like to Know the Truth? tract (Gh)
    37. October 26, 2012 Effectively requesting literature items (Us)
    38. October 24, 2012 Active Publishers Figure (Gh)
    39. October 24, 2012 Annual Review of Regular Pioneer Activities (Gh)
    40. October 23, 2012 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2013 (Bi)
    41. October 23, 2012 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2013 (Gh)
    42. October 23, 2012 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2013 (Us)
    43. October 19, 2012 Sign-language interpretation (Bi)
    44. October 19, 2012 Sign-language interpretation (Ca)
    45. October 19, 2012 Sign-language interpretation (Gh)
    46. October 19, 2012 Sign-language interpretation (Us)
    47. October 18, 2012 Conditional Donation Agreement (Bi)
    48. October 3, 2012 Recommending district convention speakers and interpreters (Bi)
    49. October 3, 2012 Sixteen-page format of Awake! and public edition of The Watchtower (Bi)
    50. October 3, 2012 Sixteen-page format of Awake! and public edition of The Watchtower (Gh)
    51. October 3, 2012 Sixteen-page format of Awake! and public edition of The Watchtower (Us)
    52. October 2, 2012 Child Abuse (Au)
    53. October 1, 2012 Child Abuse (Au)
    54. October 1, 2012 Child Abuse (Bi)
    55. October 1, 2012 Child Abuse (Ca)
    56. October 1, 2012 Child Abuse (Us)
    57. September 14, 2012 Service Meeting adjustments related to 2012 district convention program (Gh)
    58. September 9, 2012 Kingdom Ministry School (Bi)
    59. September 9, 2012 Kingdom Ministry School (Gh)
    60. September 9, 2012 Kingdom Ministry School (Us)
    61. September 8, 2012 Watch Tower Publications Scripture Index 1992-2011 (Gh)
    62. September 8, 2012 Watch Tower Publications Scripture Index 1992-2011 (Us)
    63. September 6, 2012 Travelling Overseer Assistance Arrangement (Bi)
    64. September 3, 2012 Recommending district convention speakers and interpreters (Us)
    65. September 1, 2012 Assistance arrangements for the 2013 service year (Us)
    66. August 25, 2012 Semiannual literature inventory (Bi)
    67. August 25, 2012 Semiannual literature inventory (Gh)
    68. August 16, 2012 Charitable Planning brochure (Us)
    69. August 15, 2012 Property Ownership (Gh)
    70. August 1, 2012 2013 Memorial invitations (Us)
    71. August, 2012 Announcement to all congregations (Us)
    72. July 16, 2012 Help People Listen to God and Before Preaching, You May Need to Search (Gh)
    73. July 15, 2012 Reporting field service accurately and promptly (Gh)
    74. July, 2012 Announcement to all congregations (Us)
    75. June 18, 2012 Caring for matters related to Kingdom Hall apartments (Bi)
    76. June 18, 2012 Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (Us)
    77. June 18, 2012 Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (Gh)
    78. June 18, 2012 Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (Bi)
    79. June 12, 2012 Mailing procedure for appointments and deletions (Bi)
    80. June 11, 2012 Submitting Please Follow Up requests on jw.org (Bi)
    81. June 11, 2012 Submitting Please Follow Up requests on jw.org (Gh)
    82. June 11, 2012 Submitting Please Follow Up requests on jw.org (Us)
    83. June 8, 2012 Obtaining forms from the branch office (Ca)
    84. June 8, 2012 Obtaining forms from the branch office (Us)
    85. June 6, 2012 Need for Kayin (Sgaw) and Kurdish (Kurmanji) translators or outside readers (Us)
    86. June 5, 2012 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Bi)
    87. June 5, 2012 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Ca)
    88. June 5, 2012 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Us)
    89. June 4, 2012 Vehicle sales (Us)
    90. June 1, 2012 Simplified editions of The Watchtower (Bi)
    91. June 1, 2012 Simplified editions of The Watchtower (Gh)
    92. June 1, 2012 Simplified editions of The Watchtower (Us)
    93. June, 2012 Announcement to all congregations (Us)
    94. May 20, 2012 Congregation organizational documents (Us)
    95. May 17, 2012 Kingdom Ministry School (Us)
    96. May 16, 2012 Monthly Congregation Accounts Report and Service Meeting Announcements (Bi)
    97. May 16, 2012 Monthly Congregation Accounts Report and Service Meeting Announcements (Ca)
    98. May 16, 2012 Monthly Congregation Accounts Report and Service Meeting Announcements (Gh)
    99. May 16, 2012 Monthly Congregation Accounts Report and Service Meeting Announcements (Us)
    100. May 15, 2012 Guest rooming for publishers visiting Bethel (Us)
    101. May 10, 2012 Language classes (Bi)
    102. May 2, 2012 Supporting our brothers regarding the blood issue (Bi)
    103. May 1, 2012 Assembly and convention programs on jw.org (Bi)
    104. May 1, 2012 Assembly and convention programs on jw.org (Gh)
    105. May 1, 2012 Assembly and convention programs on jw.org (Us)
    106. April 25, 2012 School for Congregation Elders (Bi)
    107. April 23, 2012 Need for Arabic translators (Bi)
    108. April 22, 2012 Reading scriptures at the Watchtower Study (Bi)
    109. April 22, 2012 Reading scriptures at the Watchtower Study (Ca)
    110. April 22, 2012 Reading scriptures at the Watchtower Study (Us)
    111. April 18, 2012 Yeartext in British Sign Language and Sing to Jehovah – On DVD (Bi)
    112. April 10, 2012 Pornography (Bi)
    113. April 10, 2012 Pornography (Ca)
    114. April 10, 2012 Pornography (Us)
    115. April 9, 2012 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Bi)
    116. April 9, 2012 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Us)
    117. April 5, 2012 Searching for congregation meeting locations and times on jw.org (Us)
    118. April 4, 2012 Answers to questions about preaching in the foreign-language field (Us)
    119. April 2, 2012 Announcement to be read following Watchtower Study during week of April 2, 2012 (Us)
    120. March 22, 2012 Memorial Talks and Prayers (Gh)
    121. March 20, 2012 Showing the organization’s DVDs in place of weekly public talks (Gh)
    122. March 10, 2012 Effectively using jw.org Web site in correspondence (Gh)
    123. March 6, 2012 Reminders from Kingdom Ministry School held during 2011 service year (Bi)
    124. March 6, 2012 Reminders from Kingdom Ministry School held during 2011 service year (Ca)
    125. March 6, 2012 Reminders from Kingdom Ministry School held during 2011 service year (Gh)
    126. March 6, 2012 Reminders from Kingdom Ministry School held during 2011 service year (Us)
    127. February 21, 2012 February 2012 inventory and return of overstocked literature (Bi)
    128. February 7, 2012 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Bi)
    129. February 1, 2012 2012 Memorial and special talk (Bi)
    130. January 28, 2012 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement fire training (Bi)
    131. January 24, 2012 Locating publishers who speak Azeri or Azeri Turkish (Bi)
    132. January 10, 2012 Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse in South Australia (Au)
    133. January 9, 2012 jw.org Inbox feature (Bi)
    134. January 9, 2012 jw.org Inbox feature (Gh)
    135. January 6, 2012 Disaster preparedness and response (Bi)
    136. January 6, 2012 Disaster preparedness and response (Ca)
    137. January 6, 2012 Disaster preparedness and response (Gh)
    138. January 1, 2012 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement Annual Contribution – 2012 (Bi)
  14. Here you will find the Letters to all Bodies of Elders and Letters to All Congregations for the year 2013. As more letters are discovered, they will be added to this list. Where letters refer to other letters, you will find these references included below the appropriate letter. This audit trail is included so that individuals can easily track the changes in Jehovah’s Witnesses policies and procedures.


    • Note 1: Letters in bold are currently active and used by elders and/or congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    • Note 2: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters and forms, it means that they are not currently available.

    Bodies of Elders Letters 2013

    1. December 28, 2013 Awake! in French to be nested inside the public edition of The Watchtower in Haitian Creole (Us)
    2. December 23, 2013 Contact persons for the international conventions in the United States (Gh)
    3. December 20, 2013 Volunteering at the 2014 international and district conventions (Us)
    4. December 19, 2013 2014 Bethel visitors information (Ca)
    5. December 19, 2013 2014 Bethel visitors information (Us)
    6. December 18, 2013 Electronic displays in Kingdom Halls (Us)
    7. December 17, 2013 Adjustments to Draw Close to Jehovah (Bi)
    8. December 17, 2013 Adjustments to Draw Close to Jehovah (Ca)
    9. December 17, 2013 Adjustments to Draw Close to Jehovah Gh)
    10. December 17, 2013 Adjustments to Draw Close to Jehovah (Us)
    11. December 10, 2013 Items available on CD and DVD (Gh)
    12. December 7, 2013 2014 Honolulu, Hawaii, international conventions (Us)
    13. December 6, 2013 2014 Honolulu, Hawaii, international conventions (Us)
    14. December 5, 2013 School for Congregation Elders (Us)
    15. December 3, 2013 Deliveries of the revised New World Translation (Bi)
    16. December 2, 2013 To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (Ca)
    17. December 2, 2013 Bethel expansion project (Bi)
    18. December 1, 2013 Questions Answered in the Bible – On DVD (Gh)
    19. December 1, 2013 Questions Answered in the Bible – On DVD (Us)
    20. December 2013 Announcement to all Congregations (Us)
    21. November 30, 2013 2014 convention handbills (Bi)
    22. November 30, 2013 2014 convention handbills (Gh)
    23. November 30, 2013 2014 convention handbills (Us)
    24. November 29, 2013 Reminders on the use of jw.org inbox (Gh)
    25. November 29, 2013 JWIndiaGift.org (Bi)
    26. November 29, 2013 The Watchtower – On DVD (Gh)
    27. November 29, 2013 The Watchtower – On DVD (Us)
    28. November 27, 2013 Moving to where there is a need for publishers in another language (Us)
    29. November 26, 2013 Transmission of theocratic events (Bi)
    30. November 25, 2013 Literature and Magazine Request Guidelines (Gh)
    31. November 20, 2013 Roles, email addresses and telephone numbers on jw.org (Bi)
    32. November 20, 2013 Philippines disaster relief (Bi)
    33. November 20, 2013 Philippines disaster relief (Gh)
    34. November 20, 2013 Philippines disaster relief (Mx)
    35. November 20, 2013 Philippines disaster relief (Us)
    36. November 17, 2013 Second consignment of revised New World Translation (Us)
    37. November 15, 2013 Listen to God and Live Forever on DVD (Gh)
    38. November 11, 2013 Use of jw.org inbox to send pioneer correspondences (Gh)
    39. November 11, 2013 Public talk outline No. 188 (Gh)
    40. November 11, 2013 Public talk outline No. 188 (Mx)
    41. November 8, 2013 School for Congregation Elders (Ca)
    42. November 7, 2013 Reporting tract placements (Bi)
    43. November 7, 2013 Reporting tract placements (Ca)
    44. November 7, 2013 Reporting tract placements (Gh)
    45. November 7, 2013 Reporting tract placements (Us)
    46. November 6, 2013 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Bi)
    47. November 6, 2013 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Ca)
    48. November 6, 2013 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Es)
    49. November 6, 2013 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Gh)
    50. November 6, 2013 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Us)
    51. November 4, 2013 Delegate selection for international conventions in the United States (Gh)
    52. November 1, 2013 New Inbox feature on jw.org (Bi)
    53. October 28, 2013 Convention Service Meeting part for week of January 6, 2014 (Bi)
    54. October 28, 2013 Convention Service Meeting part for week of January 6, 2014 (Gh)
    55. October 28, 2013 Convention Service Meeting part for week of January 6, 2014 (Us)
    56. October 27, 2013 Convention arrangements (Bi)
    57. October 27, 2013 Convention arrangements (Ca)
    58. October 27, 2013 Convention arrangements (Gh)
    59. October 27, 2013 Convention arrangements (Us)
    60. October 22, 2013 Liability insurance (Bi)
    61. October 21, 2013 Public witnessing (Bi)
    62. October 18, 2013 Donations to worldwide work and Kingdom Hall construction worldwide (Bi)
    63. October 18, 2013 Donations to worldwide work and Kingdom Hall construction worldwide (Gh)
    64. October 18, 2013 Donations to worldwide work and Kingdom Hall construction worldwide (Us)
    65. October 12, 2013 Use of Electronic Tablets (Bi)
    66. October 12, 2013 Use of Electronic Tablets (Ca)
    67. October 12, 2013 Use of Electronic Tablets (Gh)
    68. October 12, 2013 Use of Electronic Tablets (Us)
    69. October 11, 2013 New World Translation (Gh)
    70. October 10, 2013 Rooming for 2014 district conventions (Bi)
    71. October 10, 2013 Adjustment to Pioneer Service School (Bi)
    72. October 10, 2013 Adjustment to Pioneer Service School (Gh)
    73. October 9, 2013 2014 international conventions (Us)
    74. October 8, 2013 Our Kingdom Ministry quantity requests (Bi)
    75. October 8, 2013 2014 district conventions (Bi)
    76. October 7, 2013 Revised New World Translation (Bi)
    77. October 7, 2013 Revised New World Translation (Us)
    78. October 6, 2013 Delegate selection for international convention in London, England (Us)
    79. October 2013 Announcement to all Congregations (Us)
    80. September 30, 2013 Receiving tax receipts and acknowledgement letters electronically (Ca)
    81. September 28, 2013 2013 annual meeting reminders (Us)
    82. September 26, 2013 Submitting Monthly Remittances on jw.org (Gh)
    83. September 26, 2013 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2014 (Bi)
    84. September 26, 2013 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2014 (Gh)
    85. September 26, 2013 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2014 (Us)
    86. September 24, 2013 Delegate selection for international convention in Frankfurt, Germany (Us)
    87. September 21, 2013 Information Needed for Visit of Circuit Overseer (Bi)
    88. September 21, 2013 Information Needed for Visit of Circuit Overseer (Ca)
    89. September 21, 2013 Information Needed for Visit of Circuit Overseer (Gh)
    90. September 21, 2013 Information Needed for Visit of Circuit Overseer (Us)
    91. September 20, 2013 Items available for request (Gh)
    92. September 18, 2013 Delegate selection for international convention in Athens, Greece (Us)
    93. September 12, 2013 Kingdom Hall accommodation (Bi)
    94. September 10, 2013 Service Meeting part for week of October 14, 2013 (Bi)
    95. September 10, 2013 Service Meeting part for week of October 14, 2013 (Us)
    96. September 9, 2013 Literature inventory (Us)
    97. September 8, 2013 2014 assistance arrangements (Us)
    98. September 6, 2013 Recommending district convention speakers and interpreters (Bi)
    99. September 6, 2013 Recommending district convention speakers and interpreters (Us)
    100. September 3, 2013 Undocumented aliens (Gh)
    101. September 2, 2013 Appointed men who live away from home for an extended period (Gh)
    102. September 1, 2013 Letters to Bodies of Elders to be Printed From www.jw.org (Gh)
    103. September 1, 2013 Use of jw.org (Bi)
    104. September 2013 Announcement to all Congregations (Us)
    105. August 30, 2013 Consignment of new tracts (Bi)
    106. August 28, 2013 Service Meeting part “Youths – What Will You Do With Your Life? – Part 2” (Us)
    107. August 27, 2013 Magazines for January 2014 (Bi)
    108. August 27, 2013 CONFIDENTIAL Guidelines for Branch Office Service Desks S-66 (Whq)
    109. August 22, 2013 Insurance for witnessing in public areas (Bi)
    110. August 21, 2013 Service Meeting part for the week of September 2, 2013 (Us)
    111. August 20, 2013 JW Library Sign Language (Gh)
    112. August 20, 2013 JW Library Sign Language (Us)
    113. August 19, 2013 Youths – What Will You Do With Your Life? items at Service Meetings in September 2013 (Bi)
    114. August 16, 2013 Electronic displays in Kingdom Halls (Us)
    115. August 16, 2013 Semiannual literature inventory (Bi)
    116. August 6, 2013 Charity Commission annual return form for 2013 (Bi)
    117. August 4, 2013 Foreign-language field (Bi)
    118. August 4, 2013 Foreign-language field (Us)
    119. August 3, 2013 Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs (Bi)
    120. August 3, 2013 Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs (Ca)
    121. August 3, 2013 Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs (Gh)
    122. August 3, 2013 Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs (Us)
    123. August 2, 2013 Annual list of regular pioneers (Bi)
    124. August 2, 2013 Unassigned and Seldom-Worked Territory Campaign (Gh)
    125. August 1, 2013 Unassigned and Seldom-Worked Territory Campaign (Gh)
    126. August 1, 2013 Special magazine day in October 2013 (Bi)
    127. August 1, 2013 2014 Memorial invitations (Bi)
    128. August 1, 2013 Bethel expansion project (Bi)
    129. July 31, 2013 2014/2015 International conventions (Bi)
    130. July 31, 2013 2014/2015 International conventions (Us)
    131. July 30, 2013 2014/2015 International conventions (Us)
    132. July 10, 2013 Important witnessing reminders (Bi)
    133. July 8, 2013 Electronic methods for donating to the worldwide work (Us)
    134. July 1, 2013 Revision of Sing to Jehovah – Piano Accompaniment (Gh)
    135. July 1, 2013 Revision of Sing to Jehovah – Piano Accompaniment (Us)
    136. July 2013 Announcement to all Congregations (Us)
    137. June 18, 2013 Twi edition of The Watchtower will be available in audio format (Gh)
    138. June 7, 2013 Charitable Planning brochure (Us)
    139. June 3, 2013 Service Meeting adjustments related to 2013 district convention program (Gh)
    140. June 3, 2013 Update on Bethel construction projects and need for temporary volunteers (Us)
    141. June 1, 2013 Living accommodations of those pursuing higher education (Gh)
    142. June 1, 2013 Annual items for 2014 (Bi)
    143. June 1, 2013 Annual items for 2014 (Us)
    144. May 24, 2013 Disaster preparedness (Us)
    145. May 24, 2013 School for Congregation Elders (Bi)
    146. May 20, 2013 Circuit Overseers’ Weekly Schedule (Gh)
    147. May 20, 2013 Assemblies in languages other than English – Autumn 2013 (Bi)
    148. May 16, 2013 Kingdom Hall dedications (Bi)
    149. May 16, 2013 Kingdom Hall dedications (Ca)
    150. May 16, 2013 Kingdom Hall dedications (Gh)
    151. May 16, 2013 Kingdom Hall dedications (Us)
    152. May 15, 2013 Awake! being nested inside the public edition of The Watchtower (Bi)
    153. May 15, 2013 Awake! being nested inside the public edition of The Watchtower (Gh)
    154. May 15, 2013 Awake! being nested inside the public edition of The Watchtower (Us)
    155. May 14, 2013 Clarification on December 11, 2011, letter to all bodies of elders (Gh)
    156. May 14, 2013 Literature and Magazine Request Guidelines (Ca)
    157. May 14, 2013 Literature and Magazine Request Guidelines (Us)
    158. May 13, 2013 Forms available on jw.org (Ca)
    159. May 11, 2013 CONFIDENTIAL Request for Indian nationals to serve in India (Us)
    160. May 8, 2013 Emergency action plan for special full-time servants (Us)
    161. May 2, 2013 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (KHAA)
    162. May 2, 2013 Supporting our brothers regarding the blood issue (Bi)
    163. May 1, 2013 Traveling overseer accommodations and financial matters (Bi)
    164. May 1, 2013 Traveling overseer accommodations and financial matters (Ca)
    165. May 1, 2013 Traveling overseer accommodations and financial matters (Es)
    166. May 1, 2013 Traveling overseer accommodations and financial matters (Us)
    167. April 30, 2013 Request for Annual Items for 2014 Service Year (Gh)
    168. April 30, 2013 Use of jw.org website (Bi)
    169. April 25, 2013 Gift Aid changes in April 2013 (Bi)
    170. April 22, 2013 Medical Strikes Including Emergency Services (Gh)
    171. April 8, 2013 HLC Merging with the United States branch territory (Us)
    172. April 8, 2013 Publications for Congregation Bible Study (Gh)
    173. April 2, 2013 International conventions in 2014 (Bi)
    174. April 1, 2013 Kingdom News No. 38 (Bi)
    175. April 1, 2013 Kingdom News No. 38 (Gh)
    176. March 31, 2013 Requesting additional magazines for September and October 2013 (Bi)
    177. March 28, 2013 Kingdom Hall electricity and gas supplies (Bi)
    178. March 25, 2013 Kingdom Hall Maintenance (Gh)
    179. March 22, 2013 Help Regular Pioneers to Meet Their Quota (Gh)
    180. March 21, 2013 Pioneer Service School 2013 (Bi)
    181. March 17, 2013 Showing consideration for those involved in theocratic projects (Bi)
    182. March 17, 2013 Showing consideration for those involved in theocratic projects (Ca)
    183. March 17, 2013 Showing consideration for those involved in theocratic projects (Gh)
    184. March 17, 2013 Showing consideration for those involved in theocratic projects (Us)
    185. March 5, 2013 2013 annual meeting (Bi)
    186. March 4, 2013 HLC PVG meetings conducted by HLCs (Us)
    187. March 2, 2013 Preparations for the 2013 Memorial (Gh)
    188. March 2, 2013 Delegate selection for special convention in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Us)
    189. February 21, 2013 Semiannual literature inventory (Bi)
    190. February 21, 2013 Semiannual literature inventory (Gh)
    191. February 20, 2013 Kingdom Hall apartments (Ca)
    192. February 18, 2013 Domain administrators (Bi)
    193. February 11, 2013 District convention programs posted on jw.org (Bi)
    194. February 11, 2013 District convention programs posted on jw.org (Gh)
    195. February 8, 2013 Literature Request and Inventory on jw.org (Gh)
    196. February 7, 2013 HLC New presentation kit (Us)
    197. February 7, 2013 Use of jw.org Inbox (Gh)
    198. February 6, 2013 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Bi)
    199. February 6, 2013 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Us)
    200. February 5, 2013 Revised Memorial outline (Ca)
    201. February 5, 2013 Revised Memorial outline (Gh)
    202. February 5, 2013 Revised Memorial outline (Us)
    203. February 4, 2013 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    204. February 3, 2013 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    205. February 2, 2013 2013 Memorial time and location (Us)
    206. February 1, 2013 2013 Memorial and special talk (Bi)
    207. February 1, 2013 2013 Memorial and special talk (Us)
    208. February 1, 2013 Adjustments in how “Sheol” and “Hades” are translated into Twi (Gh)
    209. January 25, 2013 Delegate selection for special convention in Riga, Latvia (Us)
    210. January 24, 2013 Delegate selection for special convention in Lisbon, Portugal (Us)
    211. January 22, 2013 Proper handling of nested magazines (Gh)
    212. January 22, 2013 Interest-Free Loan Arrangement (Bi)
    213. January 21, 2013 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement Annual Contribution – 2013 (Bi)
    214. January 21, 2013 Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering (Bi)
    215. January 21, 2013 Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering (Ca)
    216. January 21, 2013 Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering (Gh)
    217. January 21, 2013 Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering (Us)
    218. January 20, 2013 Public talk outline No. 185 (gh)
    219. January 19, 2013 HLC Updating contact information displayed on the jw.org Web site
    220. January 8, 2013 Caring for the needs of traveling overseers (Gh)
    221. January 3, 2013 Literacy Classes (Gh)
    222. January 3, 2013 Child custody packet (Us)
    223. January 2, 2013 International conventions in 2014 (Bi)
    224. January 2, 2013 International conventions in 2014 (Gh)
    225. January 2, 2013 International conventions in 2014 (Us)
    226. January 1, 2013 Supporting those with medical needs (Gh)
    227. January 1, 2013 Use of jw.org Web site for accounting statements and Transfer Funds clarifications (Ca)
  15. Here you will find the Letters to all Bodies of Elders and Letters to All Congregations for the year 2014. As more letters are discovered, they will be added to this list. Where letters refer to other letters, you will find these references included below the appropriate letter. This audit trail is included so that individuals can easily track the changes in Jehovah’s Witnesses policies and procedures.

    • Note 1: Letters in bold are currently active and used by elders and/or congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    • Note 2: Where links are not provided for some of the referenced letters and forms, it means that they are not currently available.

    2014 Letters to Elders and Congregations

    1. December 31, 2014 Assisting Full-Time Servants (Gh)
    2. December 26, 2014 Rooming for 2015 regional conventions (Bi)
    3. December 26, 2014 2015 Pioneer Service School (Gh)
    4. December 22, 2014 2015 Traveling Overseer Assistance Arrangement (Ca)
    5. December 17, 2014 Ewe Watchtower Library (Gh)
    6. December 12, 2014 Experienced local jw.org users available (Gh)
    7. December 9, 2014 Assisting Full-Time Servants (Gh)
    8. December 5, 2014 Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide (Ca)
    9. December 5, 2014 Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide (Gh)
    10. December 5, 2014 Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide (Us)
    11. December 5, 2014 Branch Relocation – Project update (Bi)
    12. December 1, 2014 To all Congregations in Canada (Ca)
    13. December 1, 2014 Local needs part for the week of February 2, 2015 (Gh)
    14. December 2014 Announcement to all Congregations (Ca)
    15. November 28, 2014 Invitations to study the Bible (Gh)
    16. November 27, 2014 Invitations to Study the Bible (Us)
    17. November 26, 2014 Possible Use of Donations (Bi)
    18. November 26, 2014 2015 conventions (Ca)
    19. November 26, 2014 2015 conventions (Gh)
    20. November 25, 2014 Visit of headquarters representatives in 2015 (Bi)
    21. November 20, 2014 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Cs)
    22. November 18. 2014 Donations used to pay for court cases (Bi)
    23. November 15, 2014 Supplementary information on witnessing (Bi)
    24. November 13, 2014 Theocratic activities on first Saturday of the month (Gh)
    25. November 7, 2014 Arrangements to view JW Broadcasting monthly programs (Bi)
    26. November 7, 2014 Arrangements to view JW Broadcasting monthly programs (Ca)
    27. November 7, 2014 Arrangements to view JW Broadcasting monthly programs (Gh)
    28. November 6, 2014 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Bi)
    29. November 6, 2014 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Ca)
    30. November 6, 2014 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Gh)
    31. November 6, 2014 URGENT! 2015 special talk outline (Gh)
    32. November 5, 2014 Congregation meeting schedule (Gh)
    33. November 3, 2014 Kingdom Hall Projects (Bi)
    34. November 2, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School lapel cards (Bi)
    35. November 1, 2014 2015 convention invitations (Bi)
    36. November 1, 2014 2015 convention invitations (Ca)
    37. November 1, 2014 2015 convention invitations (Gh)
    38. November 1, 2014 Special preaching campaign in Israel (Ca)
    39. November 2014 Announcement to all Congregations (Ca)
    40. October 31, 2014 New arrangements for construction and renovation of Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    41. October 30, 2014 Remote volunteers needed for computer project (Bi)
    42. October 29, 2014 Skills Questionnaire (Bi)
    43. October 29, 2014 Skills Questionnaire (Ca)
    44. October 28, 2014 Recommending convention speakers and interpreters (Ca)
    45. October 28, 2014 Providing accurate information to the branch office (Gh)
    46. October 24, 2014 2015 Calendar in English (Gh)
    47. October 21, 2014 HLC Updated directive issued by the Veterans Health Administration (Us)
    48. October 20, 2014 Assemblies in languages other than English – Spring 2015 (Bi)
    49. October 14, 2014 Volunteers to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction projects (Bi)
    50. October 14, 2014 Volunteers to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction projects (Ca)
    51. October 9, 2014 Special preaching campaign in Israel (Us)
    52. October 8, 2014 2015 Calendar in English (Ca)
    53. October 7, 2014 Pocket-size New World Translation (Bi)
    54. October 7, 2014 Pocket-size New World Translation (Ca)
    55. October 7, 2014 Pocket-size New World Translation (Gh)
    56. October 6, 2014 JW Broadcasting (Bi)
    57. October 6, 2014 JW Broadcasting (Gh)
    58. October 5, 2014 JW Language (Bi)
    59. October 5, 2014 JW Language (Ca)
    60. October 5, 2014 JW Language (Gh)
    61. October 3, 2014 Kingdom Hall projection equipment (Bi)
    62. October 2, 2014 Foreign-language field (Bi)
    63. October 2, 2014 Foreign-language field (Ca)
    64. October 1, 2014 Procedures when legal issues are involved (Bi)
    65. October 1, 2014 Local Needs Part for Week Starting December 1, 2014 (Gh)
    66. October 1, 2014 Audio Recordings of The Watchtower in Ewe (Gh)
    67. September 30, 2014 2014 Registered Charity Information Return (Ca)
    68. September 26, 2014 2014 Integrated Business Establishment Survey (IBES) — Ghana Statistical Service (Gh)
    69. September 24, 2014 Video for the Service Meeting (Us)
    70. September 22, 2014 Copyright permission letter for printing artwork for public witnessing (Ca)
    71. September 22, 2014 Branch relocation project (Bi)
    72. September 20, 2014 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2015 (Bi)
    73. September 20, 2014 Requesting additional magazines for March and April 2015 (Gh)
    74. September 18, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Bi)
    75. September 18, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Ca)
    76. September 18, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Gh)
    77. September 18, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Us)
    78. September 16, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Gh)
    79. September 13, 2014 Invitations to study the Bible (Gh)
    80. September 12, 2014 Public talk outline No. 189 (Gh)
    81. September 10, 2014 Personal literature supply (Bi)
    82. September 10, 2014 Personal literature supply (Ca)
    83. September 10, 2014 Personal Literature supply (Cu)
    84. September 10, 2014 Personal literature supply (Gh)
    85. September 2, 2014 Change in arrangement for supplying the Yeartext banners (Bi)
    86. September 2, 2014 Estimated shipment dates for magazines and literature from October 2014 through September 2015 (Ca)
    87. September 1, 2014 Kingdom Hall Maintenance/Safety Checklist Form (CN-14) for the 2015 Service Year (Gh)
    88. September 1, 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry (Bi)
    89. September 1, 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry (Ca)
    90. September 1, 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry (Gh)
    91. September 1, 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry (It)
    92. August 30, 2014 Charity Commission Annual Return guidance (Bi)
    93. August 29, 2014 2015 Yeartext Banner (Gh)
    94. August 27, 2014 Congregation Analysis Report (S-10) (Gh)
    95. August 27, 2014 Use of jw.org to send correspondence to the branch (Ca)
    96. August 27, 2014 Branch relocation project (Bi)
    97. August 26, 2014 Literature inventory (Gh)
    98. August 25, 2014 Regular Pioneers (Bi)
    99. August 25, 2014 Regular Pioneers (Ca)
    100. August 25, 2014 Regular Pioneers (It)
    101. August 24, 2014 Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers (Bi)
    102. August 24, 2014 Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers (Ca)
    103. August 24, 2014 Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers (Cu)
    104. August 24, 2014 Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers (Gh)
    105. August 24, 2014 Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers (It)
    106. August 23, 2014 Global Assistance Arrangement for the 2015 service year (Bi)
    107. August 23, 2014 Global Assistance Arrangement for the 2015 service year (Ca)
    108. August 19, 2014 November 15, 2014, Issue of The Watchtower – Question From Readers
    109. August 15, 2014 Discontinuation of use of Check Control Form (Ca)
    110. August 13, 2014 August Field Service Reports and Analysis Reports (Gh)
    111. August 12, 2014 HLC Human serum in albumin in contrast agents (Us)
    112. August 12, 2014 E-mails from apostates (Ca)
    113. August 6, 2014 Dealing with infectious diseases (Gh)
    114. August 4, 2014 2015 Memorial Invitations (Bi)
    115. August 4, 2014 2015 Memorial Invitations (Ca)
    116. August 3, 2014 Electronic publications on jw.org for the blind or visually impaired (Ca)
    117. August 2, 2014 New format for The Watchtower study edition (Gh)
    118. July 17, 2014 Displaying jw.org logo on Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls (Ca)
    119. July 15, 2014 Online form – “Meeting Place Maintenance/Safety Checklist” (CN-14)
    120. July 15, 2014 Witnessing in public places (Bi)
    121. July 15, 2014 Witnessing in public places (Ca)
    122. July 15, 2014 Witnessing in public places (It)
    123. July 14, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Au)
    124. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Au)
    125. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Bi)
    126. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Ca)
    127. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Gh)
    128. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (Es)
    129. July 13, 2014 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants (It)
    130. July 12, 2014 Use of jw.org (Bi)
    131. July 12, 2014 Use of jw.org (Ca)
    132. July 12, 2014 Use of jw.org (Gh)
    133. July 12, 2014 Use of jw.org (It)
    134. July 11, 2014 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Bi)
    135. July 11, 2014 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Ca)
    136. July 11, 2014 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (Gh)
    137. July 11, 2014 Use of ministerial servants where the number of elders is limited (It)
    138. July 7, 2014 Guidelines for jw.org (Bi)
    139. July 5, 2014 Scriptural view of “Fiaa” marriage ceremony (Gh)
    140. July 3, 2014 Questionable Medical Treatment (Gh)
    141. July 2, 2014 Displaying the website logo on Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    142. July 2, 2014 Contact card for jw.org (Bi)
    143. July 2, 2014 Contact card for jw.org (Ca)
    144. July 2, 2014 Contact card for jw.org (It)
    145. July 2, 2014 Contact card for jw.org (Us)
    146. July 1, 2014 Video promoting jw.org (Bi)
    147. July 1, 2014 Video promoting jw.org (Gh)
    148. July 1, 2014 Video promoting jw.org (It)
    149. June 26, 2014 Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (Bi)
    150. June 26, 2014 Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (Ca)
    151. June 26, 2014 Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (Es)
    152. June 26, 2014 Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (Gh)
    153. June 25, 2014 Language classes (Bi)
    154. June 23, 2014 Use of reprinted New World Translation in Twi (Gh)
    155. June 18, 2014 Theocratic Ministry School Review for August 2014 (Gh)
    156. June 17, 2014 Clarification of “Question Box” (Gh)
    157. June 16, 2014 Costs associated with public witnessing (Bi)
    158. June 16, 2014 Resolutions to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide (Gh)
    159. June 13, 2014 Adjustment in terminology (Gh)
    160. June 10, 2014 Annual items for 2015 and softcover publications (Bi)
    161. June 10, 2014 Annual items for 2015 and softcover publications (Ca)
    162. June 10, 2014 Annual items for 2015 and softcover publications (Gh)
    163. June 9, 2014 Adjusted approval and financing process to accelerate Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction (Bi)
    164. June 9, 2014 Adjusted approval and financing process to accelerate Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction (It)
    165. June 9, 2014 Adjusted process to accelerate Kingdom Hall construction (Ca)
    166. June 6, 2014 Claims under the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (Bi)
    167. June 2, 2014 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Bi)
    168. June 2, 2014 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Ca)
    169. June 2, 2014 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Gh)
    170. June 2, 2014 School for Kingdom Evangelizers (It)
    171. June 1, 2014 Coordinator of the body of elders (Bi)
    172. June 1, 2014 Coordinator of the body of elders (Ca)
    173. June 1, 2014 Coordinator of the body of elders (Gh)
    174. June 1, 2014 Coordinator of the body of elders (It)
    175. June 1, 2014 Announcement to all congregations (Gh)
    176. May 30, 2014 Transfer of funds for Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (Ca)
    177. May 23, 2014 Clarification of May 9, 2014, Letter (Gh)
    178. May 12, 2014 Adjusted process to accelerate Kingdom Hall construction (Us)
    179. May 9, 2014 Midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer (Bi)
    180. May 9, 2014 Midweek meetings during visit of circuit overseer (Gh)
    181. May 7, 2014 Annual general meeting reminder for congregations registered as charities in England and Wales (Bi)
    182. May 7, 2014 Reimbursing traveling overseers’ vehicle expenses (Ca)
    183. May 7, 2014 The study edition of the Dangme Watchtower (Gh)
    184. May 6, 2014 Property information survey (Bi)
    185. May 6, 2014 Electronic Version of Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (S-77) Form (Gh)
    186. May 5, 2014 Installation of projection equipment (Bi)
    187. May 2, 2014 Supporting those with medical needs (Bi)
    188. May 2, 2014 US International Conventions Deadline Date for Delegates (Gh)
    189. May 1, 2014 Witnessing in public places (Bi)
    190. May 1, 2014 Witnessing in public places (It)
    191. April 30, 2014 Copyright declaration, permission and license (Us)
    192. April 28, 2014 Arrangement for Hospital Liaison Committee (HLC) members to give public talk outline No. 135
    193. April 22, 2014 Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants (Bi)
    194. April 22, 2014 Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants (WHQ)
    195. April 10, 2014 Memorial program to be interpreted into Chinese (Gh)
    196. April 9, 2014 School for Congregation Elders (Bi)
    197. April 8, 2014 Internet connections at Kingdom Halls (Bi)
    198. April 8, 2014 Internet connections at Kingdom Halls (Ca)
    199. April 5, 2014 Announcements at the weekly Service Meeting (Gh)
    200. April 4, 2014 Governing Body approved translation of publications into four new languages (Gh)
    201. April 3, 2014 Publications now available on compact disc (Gh)
    202. April 2, 2014 Effectively requesting literature items (Bi)
    203. April 2, 2014 Effectively requesting literature items (Ca)
    204. April 2, 2014 Effectively requesting literature items (Gh)
    205. April 2, 2014 Cancelation of Pending Orders for New World Translation in Asante Twi
    206. March 29, 2014 Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (Bi)
    207. March 29, 2014 Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (Ca)
    208. March 29, 2014 Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (Gh)
    209. March 29, 2014 Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (It)
    210. March 29, 2014 Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide (Us)
    211. March 26, 2014 Use of congregation property (Bi)
    212. March 26, 2014 Use of congregation property (Ca)
    213. March 26, 2014 Use of congregation property (Gh)
    214. March 26, 2014 Spiritual food in Dagaare language (Gh)
    215. March 25, 2014 Requesting additional magazines for September and October 2014 (Gh)
    216. March 25, 2014 Become Jehovah’s Friend series (Gh)
    217. March 20, 2014 Elders’ duties as trustees of a charity (Bi)
    218. March 20, 2014 District overseers (Bi)
    219. March 20, 2014 District overseers (Gh)
    220. March 20, 2014 District overseers (It)
    221. March 13, 2014 Service Meeting Part for Week of April 14, 2014
    222. March 11, 2014 Sing to Jehovah on Compact Disc and New World Translation in Twi (Gh)
    223. March 8, 2014 2014 Memorial time and location (Us)
    224. March 6, 2014 Memorial times on jw.org (Bi)
    225. March 6, 2014 Information on Marriage Registration (Gh)
    226. March 4, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Bi)
    227. March 4, 2014 Kingdom Ministry School for the 2015 service year (Ca)
    228. February 28, 2014 New World Translation in Twi (Gh)
    229. February 27, 2014 Theocratic Ministry School Review Answer Sheet to be Published on jw.org (Gh)
    230. February 25, 2014 Literature inventory (Bi)
    231. February 25, 2014 Literature inventory (Us)
    232. February 21, 2014 Meeting Place Search Data on jw.org (Gh)
    233. February 19, 2014 Report on floods (Bi)
    234. February 19, 2014 Branch visit in November 2014 (Us)
    235. February 17, 2014 Adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements (Bi)
    236. February 17, 2014 Adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements (Ca)
    237. February 17, 2014 Adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements (Gh)
    238. February 17, 2014 Adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements (Mx)
    239. February 17, 2014 Adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements (Us)
    240. February 12, 2014 Updated listing of videos approved for correctional facilities (Ca)
    241. February 10, 2014 Convention and assembly coach travel arrangements (Bi)
    242. February 7, 2014 Use of organization’s audio recordings when no qualified readers available locally (Bi)
    243. February 7, 2014 Use of organization’s audio recordings when no qualified readers available locally (Ca)
    244. February 7, 2014 Use of organization’s audio recordings when no qualified readers available locally (Us)
    245. February 5, 2014 Edition adjustment of Our Kingdom Ministry (Us)
    246. February 3, 2014 Worldwide campaign planned for August 2014 (Bi)
    247. February 3, 2014 Worldwide campaign planned for August 2014 (Gh)
    248. February 3, 2014 Worldwide campaign planned for August 2014 (Us)
    249. February 2, 2014 Shepherding (Bi)
    250. February 2, 2014 Shepherding (Ca)
    251. February 2, 2014 Shepherding (Gh)
    252. February 2, 2014 Shepherding (Us)
    253. February 1, 2014 2014 Memorial and special talk (Bi)
    254. February 1, 2014 2014 Memorial and special talk (Us)
    255. February 2014 Announcement To All Congregations (Us)
    256. January 31, 2014 Computer skills needed at Bethel (Bi)
    257. January 31, 2014 Reminder to Print Letters to Bodies of Elders From www.jw.org (Gh)
    258. January 31, 2014 Some items available for request (Gh)
    259. January 30, 2014 Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement Annual Contribution – 2014 (Bi)
    260. January 27, 2014 Delegate selection for international convention in Honolulu, Hawaii No. 1 (Us)
    261. January 24, 2014 Arrangements to accelerate construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls (Bi)
    262. January 24, 2014 Arrangements to accelerate construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls (Ca)
    263. January 24, 2014 Arrangements to accelerate construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls (Gh)
    264. January 20, 2014 Service Meeting Part for Week of April 14, 2014 (Gh)
    265. January 16, 2014 Specific computer skills (SQL database administration) required at Bethel (Bi)
    266. January 15, 2014 Public talk outline No. 186 (Gh)
    267. January 14, 2014 Use of revised New World Translation (Ca)
    268. January 14, 2014 Use of revised New World Translation (Us)
    269. January 13, 2014 Territory seldom worked (Us)
    270. January 9, 2014 Age requirements for assisting temporarily with construction projects at Bethel (Us)
    271. January 8, 2014 RBC Volunteers assisting with headquarters project (Us)
    272. January 5, 2014 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Bi)
    273. January 5, 2014 Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (Us)
    274. January 2, 2014 Branch relocation and expansion (Bi)
    275. January 2, 2014 Child Custody Packet (Us)
    276. January 1, 2014 Supporting those with medical needs (Ca)
    277. January 1, 2014 Supporting those with medical needs (Gh)
    278. January 1, 2014 Supporting those with medical needs (Us)
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