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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Roderick Watkins Guilty on all charges, four counts of felony sexual assault. Handcuffed in front of wife and entire courtroom. Jury deliberating sentence now. 5 to 20 years per count per law, to run consecutively


    State of Arkansas v Roderick G Watkins



    Court Documents, including Arrest Warrant and Charge Sheets

    Former Jehovah’s Witness elder Roderick Watkins charges with four Class B felony offences against minors.

    Trial to commence October 2, 2019.

  2. Psalm 22:9

    Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother's breasts.

    Psalm 131

    ....Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother's milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord - now and always.

    Song of Solomon 8:1

    Oh that you were like a brother to me who nursed at my mother's breasts! If I found you outside, I would kiss you, and none would despise me.

    Isaiah 66: 10-13

    “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her; that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from her glorious abundance.” (Jehovah's own words)

    Lamentations 4:3

    Even jackals offer the breast; they nurse their young, but the daughter of my people has become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.

    Luke 11:27

    As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!”

    So, the bible seems to be very clear - white blood cells are absolutely fine to consume.

  3. Bone marrow also contains lots of blood cells because it is one of the major sites for producing blood cells. Yet the Bible in Isaiah mentions bone marrow as an approved delicacy. This is proof that the Bible is not inspired by God but written by scientifically ignorant men.


    It is vital to break blood down that way to comply with the advanced understanding of microbiology when the bible was written.

  4. Breast milk, and especially colostrum, contains white blood cells and babies nurse on breast milk. But JWs are not allowed to receive blood via transfusion or even white blood cells via transfusion. Yet babies literally eat white blood cells if nourished by breast milk. How do JWs explain THAT?


    Fun fact: it's often kind of blue. It goes for 3 days. Babies get no fat from this. They have a small fat nodule in the back of their necks called "Browning" that lasts ... Yep... 3 days. Then the breast milk comes in. This is why babies often lose a little weight the first few days. They are living off of their fat. The first 3 days are all antibodies.

  5. @Joan Kennedy  You sound like a healthy JW.... foaming at the mouth to "delete" someone or something.

    JW "Love Never Fails" unless your not a JW. 😎

    Why should I keep what I have seen to myself?

    Maybe you should open your eyes to the disasters your religion has caused for millions of people?

    Why is your perception of JW land somehow more accurate than mine? 

    Especially when I no longer live in your televangelist bubble of "truth" that has constantly changed.

    Oh.. and don't even get me started on the differences since 1942. Back then disfellowshipping someone was seen as equally as evil as excommunication in the Catholic church (God forbid)


  6. The lyrics are just as fun: link:

    This loneliness I feel inside is hard to bear.

    Jehovah, I can see where I went wrong.

    Feeling so downhearted, I need strength to carry on.

    I’m yearning to be back where I belong.


    I remember things you taught me—things I still recall—

    The precious truths found in your Holy Word.

    That even if I stumble, even if I fall,

    I can get back up.

    I know the ones who care for me,

    Who showed their love before,

    Those who love Jehovah from the heart.

    Your word is like a lamp that lights the way that leads me back.

    The road to life is where I want to be.


    Ev’rywhere I go, ev’rything I see, reminds me of the truth:

    The end is drawing near.


    So Jehovah, Father, please hear my prayer tonight

    And help me now, I’m in my time of need.

    You know that when I stumble so many times,

    I can get back up.


    I know Jehovah understands; sometimes I need a helping hand.

    He knows that I am weak and sees what others cannot see.

    He’s looking for the best in me.


    So I’m going to the hall tonight to feel the love I lost,

    Back to where I know I belong.

    And even if I stumble, even if I fall, I will get back up.

    I can get back up.

  7. I Can Get Back Up - JW Broadcasting June 2017

    JW.org serenading the people they disfellowshipped and or ruined their lives....


    Truth is most JW women are lonely and suffering from massive depression while they publicly try to live up to a life most no longer even believe in "just to fit in".  Eight old men in NY control their lives in ways most readers on here just will never understand.

    Most need mental health and not some sweet song on their televangelist channel.

  8. Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep 1 p.19

    "In fact, with God's day of judgment so near today, all the world should 'keep silent before the Sovereign Lord Jehovah' and hear what he says through the "little flock" of Jesus' anointed followers and their companions, his "other sheep." (Luke 12:32; John 10:16) Annihilation awaits all who will not listen and who thereby set themselves against rule by God's Kingdom." Watchtower 2001 Feb 15 p. 14

  9. To all naysayers and apologists who say that Jehovah will look at hearts at armageddon and save billions, my own mother believes this.

    This is the october 2019 study Watchtower page 11 paragraph 14. As you can see it makes it crystal clear that ONLY baptized witnesses will survive armageddon.

    14 Read Matthew 28:19, 20. As we conduct Bible studies, we have to try our best to “make disciples . . . , teaching them to observe all the things [Jesus has] commanded.” We need to help people understand how important it is for them to take their stand for Jehovah and his Kingdom. This means trying to motivate people to make the truth their own by applying what they learn, dedicating their life to Jehovah, and getting baptized. Only then will they survive Jehovah’s day.—1 Pet. 3:21.

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