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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Revision date: 8/17. The Talk outline “Jesus Christ—Earth’s New Ruler” has been discontinued and should no longer be used. It has been replaced by “Who Really is Jesus Christ?” Note: This is the special public talk outline for 2018. The talk will be given in most congregations the week of Monday, March 19, 2018.
  2. Don't forget to send in your money in order for God to bless you.
  3. Soon we will all be able to just turn on the channel and watch televangelists.... oh wait... wrong term.... Tele jw's? Telepreaching? JW Broadcasting.... ah landed the right term finally. One man's televangelist is another's broadcaster.
  4. A new letter, that should be read to the congregation: Is this the beginning of the end of "live" public talks?
  5. According to this website http://www.geova.org/la-betel-di-roma-chiude/ in 2016 plans were in the works to look for real estate in northern Italy. This blog post from :http://proclamatoreconsapevole.blogspot.ca/2017/08/notizia-flash-ultimora.html indicates as you say ,that in the early part of November the translation department and broadcasting from rome will be transferred a Imola (Bologna) in a new Remote Translation Office RTO. I am not sure what else remains in the Rome Bethel since all printing is in Germany. I am assuming that if there are any offices remaining, they will be slowly transferred up north.
  6. According to some websites, it appears there's going to be a transferral of several departments out of Rome and to Imola (Bologna) in November, along with the sale of some property in the capital. Are they downsizing? Anyone know what's going on?
  7. the opening line of the article reads:. the share of americans who identify as white and christian has dropped below 50 percent, a transformation fueled by immigration and by growing numbers of people who reject organized religion altogether, according to a new survey released wednesday.. the article is at: https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-09-06/survey-white-christians-are-now-a-minority-of-us-population.
  8. Don't know how else to name this topic. One of the hard things about being Christian is putting up with the handful of crazy people in our ranks. The story broke after there was an "arson attack" on one of our halls.. there was a big gasp of anxiety among brothers I know to begin with, until I saw the pictures... http://www.ksta.de/panorama/menden-im-sauerland-brandanschlag-auf-zeugen-jehovas---raetsel-um-weisses-pulver-28358168  The State Security Agency (I suppose it's similar to Homeland Security) quickly had begun investigating the case because there had already been some minor attacks on the same hall with graffiti and minor damages. Later, the story was amended https://www.wa.de/nordrhein-westfalen/anschlag-zeugen-jehovas-menden-festnahme-noch-montagabend-8655697.html    Another report indicates the silly woman was quickly identified to the police by brothers who had video surveillance material of her carrying out the arson attack and was arrested the moment she arrived at her home on her bicycle, after which her bicycle was examined revealing traces of the charcoal lighters on her bicycle. Supposedly she did not feel accepted in the community and had an argument with somebody or something. No major damage was done but she obviously caused a huge circus. Not to mention all the embarassment and putting shame on Jehovah's name. A lot of the comments from worldly people on facebook are along the lines of "The poor helpless lady probably lost everything to this wicked sect and couldn't think of any other way to fight back" and comments from brothers of course are all along the lines of assuming persecution. So, a very negative and sad piece of news but I felt the need to share to get the full story across. Probably only half the story is going around facebook, instagram, whatsapp and so on.. the perpetrator in this case was just a nutty, frustrated "community member" (whatever that means, sister, study, interested person, I don't know).
  9. Actually: "For almost 117 years, our administrative operations for Britain have been located in London." Let's refresh: God's Kingdom Rules! Chapter 2, page 29 Oh. You should have 'studied' the above in the mid-week meeting in October 2016. Here's a list to help you: If you can't even get basic info right - why should we believe the rest of what you say?
  10. What Really Happened At The Pentagon On September 11, 2001?
  11. ‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
  12. Oh and - did we tell you that SOME of your donations might be going to pay out child abuse lawsuits instead of hurricane victims ? Sorry if we failed to mention that. We're imperfect- so don't hold it against us. Sending our warm Christian love, your brothers WTB&S. "
  13. My understanding is if they establish a relief fund, the money has to be spend for that purpose without discrimination; they will have to include the dreaded "worldly people" in the effort. If they do it just for general funds, then they can do whatever they want with the $$$$.
  14. But @James Thomas Rook Jr. ....they can simply turn to the book of Job and be encouraged by reading about all the trials Job endured and how Jehovah lovingly solved all his problems in the end. For instance he replaced all of Job's 10 children who died when the family house collapsed on them. Job's already aged wife, had the privilege of spending at least the next 10-15 years of her life, pregnant so Jehovah could fix the tragedy by giving them10 new children....what a logical solution and what blessing it was for all concerned. P.S I understand that the new "Silver Sword" edition of the New World Translation, also serves as a flotation device.
  15. IV fluids used by NHS responsible for unnecessary deaths https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/newsevents/news/2013/colloid_use_news.html Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products were initially withdrawn by NHS on 27 June 2013 https://www.gov.uk/drug-device-alerts/drug-alert-hydroxyethyl-starch-hes-products-increased-risk-of-renal-dysfunction-and-mortality but reinstated in 2014 in the UK (dec 2013 in Europe) provided that certain precautions were taken - that HES not be used for burn patients, those who have sepsis, those with kidney problems and some others. https://www.gov.uk/drug-safety-update/hydroxyethyl-starch-intravenous-infusions
  16. "Confronted by the violence sweeping over Israel, it can be easy to overlook the things that Jews and Palestinians share: a deep attachment to the same sliver of contested land, ... a common tradition of descent from the patriarch Abraham, and, as scientific research shows - a common genetic ancestry, as well. Ostrer’s research on “Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era,” published in The American Journal of Human Genetics, sampled 652,000 gene variants from each of 237 unrelated individuals from seven Jewish populations: Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek and Ashkenazi. These sequences were then compared with reference samples from non-Jews drawn from The Human Genome Diversity Project, a global database of genetic information gathered from populations across the world. Each of the Jewish populations, they found, “formed its own distinctive cluster,” indicating their shared ancestry and “relative genetic isolation.” ... Ostrer’s team also identified two major groups of Jews: Middle Eastern Jews (Iranian and Iraqi) and European/Syrian Jews. The split between these two groups of Jews occurred some 2,500 years ago. ... In addition, a “compact cluster” of Yemenite Jews “overlaps primarily with Bedouins but also with Saudi individuals.” Ethiopian and Indian Jews are more closely related to their own neighboring, host populations. ... Are these genetic ties between Jews, Palestinians, Bedouin, and Druze important in a contemporary context? “It doesn’t matter to me personally,” Skorecki says, “since I think that global human identity supersedes all other considerations.” Source
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