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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. May 29, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN ENGLAND AND WALES Re: Charity Commission Annual Return Guidance This has been showing up already for sometime on the new Charity Commission website: For Mill Hill: http://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1065638&subid=0 Then click on the 'People' tab For Mill Hill: 18 Trustees plus 140 peak publishers = 158 total congregation members (at peak)
  3. Yes... please only ask elders in your area so that they can wield their own opinions about these weighty matters. Oh wait... elders are under strict orders to not offer their opinions.... So.... pray about it and come up with your own scheme? Wait.... I just got an answer from above .... you are only allowed 3 hours per month per child .... and Jesus says he agrees. but it must be in lunar minutes. or was that just my "opinion"?Â
  4. Yes @JW Insider please refrain from spreading your light in public. Keep it hidden from us simple folks like @TiagoBelager and me..... Let our clergy class in New York do all the bible research for us..... preferably only speaking in Latin from a pulpit. Please stop preaching about your truths..... I personally am heading over to a non-latin bible burning now so I'll check in later.
  5. I remember a CO in the 80s said reading an Awake! bound volume was the equivalent of 2 years' of university education. Since maybe 1 out of 100 JWs had ever gone to college, in what kind of a position were they to contradict these "facts," especially when they're being thrown around by WT luminaries.
  6. Starting from 3:05 he refers to "an effort" that was made in past to see how Society's curriculum corresponds with normal - worldly - universities. Then he claims that following question was asked (to university representative) "how we in five months can teach the same that for them takes two years"? According to W Samuelsson the representative of a university replied something like this: "Your students are motivated, they have come to learn where as our students have been send to university by their parents and might have something else than learning in their mind". This is to crystallize what he said. Please watch the video for exact words. But I mean seriously to claim that university students just are killing time in university and don't have any goals nor discipline to study is an insult towards university students. Of course there are some individuals that do fit this description but to generalize in that way! Jesus! Further more comparing Watchtower education with University is just ridiculous.
  7. That assembly hall is used only by the Mexico (now officially called Central America) Branch. JW's from the USA don't go there. There's a similar situation in the Rio Grande Valley, with 2 assembly halls almost literally across the border from each other (La Feria TX / Reynosa MX). Assembly halls are big money makers for the WTS in Mexico. The current assembly hall rental fee (required 'donation') to use these paid-for facilities is 60 pesos per publisher, which is the equivalent of about USD$3.50. However, many Mexican families, especially among JW's, are poorer than their US counterparts. When many JW families in Mexico are taking home about 150 pesos a day, a family with 3 kids as publishers are expected to pay up 300 pesos. And for many assembly halls in Mexico, these are NOT suggested donations. Some circuits charge each congregation for their required donation, and in turn the elders charge each family for their part. I know of some congregations where the elders will go to your house and expect you to cough up your required donation before each assembly. Mexico was once a major area of growth for JWs at 5% plus increase per year. Now it's close to zero.
  8. The Juárez Assembly Hall is located in the city of El Paso–Juarez (population 2.7 million) El Paso is the American half. Juarez is the Mexican half. The border (the 'wall') appears to literally go through the middle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Paso%E2%80%93Ju%C3%A1rez The Assembly Hall is located on the Mexican side of the border - an approximately 3.3 mile drive to the nearest border crossing point and just under one mile to the border, as the bird flies. The hall was dedicated in 2009. Do American JW's cross over the border to attend their Assemblies here? or is it just for Mexicans to use? Map: https://goo.gl/maps/71p4wJK2xc92 Salón de Asambleas de los Testigos de Jehová Camino Viejo a Zaragoza 750, Juárez, Chihuahua MEXICO the Assembly Hall is on lower left (the car park is full of cars) - the Mexico/US border is on upper right: Â
  9. I am very detail-oreinted.My intensity and focus are at inordinately high levels, and my ability to complete projects on time is unspeakable.Thank you for your consideration. Hope to hear from you shorty!Enclosed is a ruff draft of my resume.I am sicking and entry-level position.It's best for employers that I not work with people.Here are my qualifications for you to overlook.I am a quick leaner, dependable, and motivated.If this resume doesn't blow your hat off, then please return it in the enclosed envelope.My fortune cookie said, "Your next interview will result in a job." And I like your company in particular.You hold in your hands the resume of a truly outstanding candidate!I saw your ad on the information highway, and I came to a screeching halt.Insufficient writing skills, thought processes have slowed down some. If I am not one of the best, I will look for another opportunity.Please disregard the attached resume—it is terribly out of date.Seek challenges that test my mind and body, since the two are usually inseparable.Reason for leaving last job: The owner gave new meaning to the word paranoia. I prefer to elaborate privately.Previous experience: Self-employed--a fiasco.Exposure to German for two years, but many words are inappropriate for business.My experience in horticulture is well-rooted.Experience: Watered, groomed, and fed the family dog for years.I am a rabid typist.Education: College, August 1880 - May 1984.I have a bachelorette degree in computers.Excellent memory; strong math aptitude; excellent memory; effective management skills; and very good at math.Graduated in the top 66% of my class.Accomplishments: Completed 11 years of high school.Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer.Special skills: Experienced with numerous office machines and can make great lattes.I worked as a Corporate Lesion.Special Skills: Speak English.Served as assistant sore manager.Reason for leaving last job: Pushed aside so the vice president's girlfriend could steal my job.Married, eight children. Prefer frequent travel.Education: B.A. in Loberal Arts.Objective: To have my skills and ethics challenged on a daily basis
  10. From the June 2017 Watchtower: In the Spanish version they used the phrase "wrong desires" and in the German edition they used the term "fleshly desires"
  11. And since when was it OK to clasp one's hands when praying? That is very similar to Christendom's actions.....
  12. August 11, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: 2018 Memorial Invitations and Date of Special Talk FYI: The 2018 Memorial will be held on Saturday, March 31, 2018. The 2019 Memorial will be held on Friday, April 19, 2019.
  13. Barbour and Russell finally separated in June 1879 over the doctrine of the ransom. They had another point of contrast over the year 1881. With the article “THE PARALLELS” published in the June1880 Herald, Barbour denied the thought of an invisible Parousia. According to him the second presence didn’t begin autumn of 1874, nor would there be a later invisible presence. Jesus would personally come in the Autumn of 1881, not seen by the world, but seen by his true disciples, that is, the Herald of the Morning believers. Russell immediately replied with the July issue of the Watch Tower, confirming his belief that Christ’s invisible presence began in October 1874. Here’s extracts from the two magazines.
  14. He was part of the original board of directors chosen with incorporation and continued as a director until 1908. He owned a 'fancy store', selling women's accessories. It seems to have failed and he became a traveling wholesaler, preaching as he traveled. He was arrested once on a clergyman's complaint. He preached extensively in the New York City area and in Brooklyn which was a separate city at the time. He parted from Russell in 1908, but the details can only be surmised. A major schism arose that year over an aspect of Atonement doctrine. His resignation from the board seems connected to that. He and another Watch Tower evangelist started something called The New Church where Millennial Dawn readers met. From: The Independent Press and Bloomfield [New Jersey] Citizen, November 1915. The Independent Press [Bloomfield] May 23, 1913  ------------------------------- He is mentioned in: Harvest Siftings II Olin R. Moyle's appeal case against Watchtower et al Trow's New York City Directory vol. XCIV. for the year ending May 1, 1881 he is listed Same listing for the New York Public Library color scan (better quality). He wrote in to a news paper to publish a challenge: The evening world. (New York, N.Y.), 14 Aug. 1894. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1894-08-14/ed-3/seq-4/> He then bumped up the challenge prize from $50 to $100! The evening world. (New York, N.Y.), 11 Sept. 1894. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1894-09-11/ed-3/seq-4/> The Insurance Press No. 1,062 - Vol. XLII New York, Wednesday, January 12, 1916 pg 15 under New Jersey lists the payout from his life insurance policy at the time of his death.
  15. Google announced a new operating system that they have been working on: Fuchsia. Fuchsia is an open source, real time OS that was announced in August 2016. Unlike Android, it wonÂ’t be Linux based, instead it will use a new micro kernel developed by Google called Magenta. Google believes that Android will not be able to keep up with the ever-improving smartphone hardware and plans to release Fuchsia to solve this issue. Whether Android will be completely replaced or not is not clear. Fuchsia uses a card-based UI (similar to Google Now cards) and its aim is to address AndroidÂ’s 2 biggest issues. A lack of focus on smooth UI performance Rolling out updates to 3rd party hardware ecosystems Google is dumping Linux and the GPL and most likely Java and all the problems they have had with Oracle. It will be written in: Go, Rust, Dart, C, C++ and Python. But nowhere is it seen that Java is a language that will be used. Google is going to use their new Flutter Framework to build apps and have been doing so for Android and iOS, which is another indication that Java is not in GoogleÂ’s future plans for smartphones. In short: Yes, Google is going to drop Java, due to the fact that Android is to be replaced by Fuchsia and Fuchsia is not written in Java. Â
  16. a heartbreaking video has emerged online showing how far reaching and deeply ingrained this shunning policy is; a video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses clapping in applause as a little girl announces she is shunning her own sister. Little Melody, and the sister she doesn’t have. The incident appears to take place at one of this years Watchtower conventions. The video was posted on youtube by the girls parents, apprently eager to share with the world how they had trained one of their children to pretend her sister didn’t exist purely on the basis of religious dogma. The video was comment-protected once viewers began expressing concern and displeasure at what they saw, but at the time of writing the video itself is still live and can be viewed below on the family’s youtube page. (EDIT 11/09/2017 – The video has been removed, but we have linked to an alternate site which has a copy) t shows a little girl called Melody. She is ten years old, and was apparently baptised when she was 9. This means that Melody is now committed to the religion for life, and will be shunned if she ever leaves, or “unrepentantly” breaks any of its vast array of detailed rules. During the interview, Melody explains that she has a sister who was “disfellowshipped,” which is the Witness term for one who is excommunicated; someone who was thrown out of the faith rather than leaving of their own accord. We are not told the reason for the disfellowshipping, but one can be subjected to it for a wide range of reasons such as pre-marital sex, celebrating Christmas or birthdays, voting, taking a blood transfusion, joining the military, or simply questioning any of the doctrines of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Melody states that her sister was trying to contact her, and asking her to stay in contact despite Watchtower decreeing that she be shunned. Remember, Melody’s sister has probably lost all her family and friends at this point; everyone she ever knew and loved. Melody admits that she misses and loves her sister, but states that she was afraid that if she didn’t cut her sister off completely, she might be tempted to keep some form of relationship going. Thus, she has decided to shun her completely, as Watchtower demands. She claims that this was to protect her relationship with Jehovah. The audience of Jehovah’s Witnesses watching this announcement applaud. Source
  17. I would like my bathwater to actually be "cleaner"....... Should I suffice with a Bubble bath? or use Epsom salts? Wouldn't bleach be the "cleanest" water to bath in?
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