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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. My wife and I went to the County Agricultural Show and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said:


    My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ..... Smiled and said, "He mated 50 times last year, that's almost once a week".

    We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said:


    My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, "WOW~~That's more than twice a week! .......... You could learn a lot from him".

    We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said:


    My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said,
    "That's once a day .. You could REALLY learn something from this one".

    I looked at her and said, "Go over and ask him if it was with the same cow".

    My condition has been upgraded from critical to stable and the doctors say I should eventually make a full recovery.


  2. First - the background for both English and Spanish is completely the same (plant on left side is also unmoved etc) BUT they swapped over the Bibles on the right hand side - English has the new 'silver' bibles on display, but of course the Spanish don't, they get the 'old' version 

    Second - the lighting! The English version is darker with Leon Weaver, Jr, while the Spanish version with 
    Adrian Fernandez has noticably brighter lighting....


  3. Three questions:

    Why would they need to "supplicate Jehovah" in behalf of someone else, isn't he aware of what's going on with his people or does he have to receive a certain amount of "supplications" or "supplications" from noteworthy individuals such as the GB memebers, before he will do anything to help ?

    What other kind of "supplication" is there other than one that is earnest...are their times when their "supplications" are insincere? 

    Why would he do anything, since his (supposed) intent was that the earth be cursed and life on it be made difficult so that human kind would suffer and pay for the sins of Adam and Eve?

  4. On behalf of the United States Branch Committee it's my privilege to speak with you for a few minutes.

    You dear friends have been close to our minds and hearts over the past days, and we have been earnestly supplicating Jehovah in your behalf. This is especially the case since many of you are now preparing for yet another storm, Maria. 

    As you know, over the past few weeks portions of our Branch territory have suffered greatly as a result of numerous storms. Because of this our Branch Committee has been working very closely with the Disaster Relief Desk here at the Branch to keep up-to-date on the difficult situation being faced by so many.

    However today, we want to talk to you who have been directly affected by Hurricane Irma. We want you to know that already your Circuit Overseers and four Disaster Relief Committees are working tirelessly, responding to your immediate needs and organizing for a long-term relief effort.

    It is evident that you have taken to heart Proverbs 22:3 where it states “the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.”

    We want to some sincerely commend you dear ones for working in harmony with the organizational arrangements put in place for situations like these. Due to your excellent cooperation with the local elders and your congregation, information about your condition has been made available quickly, which greatly assist us in caring for your immediate and long-term needs. We also wish to thank those of you who, out of brotherly love, immediately made homes available to receive brothers and sisters who have been displaced, as well as those who have assisted in other practical ways.

    You will be pleased to know that representatives from the branch will be visiting your area this weekend and will assist your local brothers to begin laying the foundation for a successful relief effort. In addition, we have asked that they visit many of you personally, and view the extent of damage this hurricane has caused.

    The relief effort is sure to extend into the coming weeks and months. Therefore continue to work along with your local elders and the circuit overseer as they provide direction. As soon as possible please try to resume your theocratic routine and be alert to opportunities to provide spiritual and emotional support to others including your neighbors. 

    In addition be assured that we are making every effort to help you.

    In the meantime remember that Jehovah is aware of your situation and is your fortress in times of distress as stated at Psalm 37:39. In addition please continue to take to heart these words at Psalm 62:8 “Trust in him at all times, O people. Pour out your hearts before him. God is a refuge for us.”

    It is with deep heartfelt love that our Committee sends this message to you.

    You friends are dear to our hearts and it is our sincere prayer that Jehovah will care for you and watch over you in the days to come.

  5. April 13, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN BRITAIN Re: Kingdom Hall Information

    Revision adds a paragraph about Security:

    14. Security: All openings should be secured before leaving the building. Security blocks and bolts, including wooden blocks, must not be used on fire exit doors at any time. Only quick-exit panic bolt systems should be used on these doors. Some Kingdom Halls in higher-risk areas have installed electronic security systems. If installed, these systems should be maintained in good working order. Prior to installing a system, the body of elders should contact the Local Design/Construction Department to determine if it is warranted for their Kingdom Hall.

    Compare with Version 1:

    April 13, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Kingdom Hall Information

  6. Soon we will all be able to just turn on the channel and watch televangelists.... oh wait... wrong term....

    Tele jw's?


    JW Broadcasting.... ah landed the right term finally.

    One man's televangelist is another's broadcaster.

  7. A new letter, that should be read to the congregation:

    September 18, 2017


    Re: 2018 Memorial and Special Talk

    Dear Brothers:

    On Saturday evening, March 31, 2018, we will gather to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. (Luke 22:19) To generate enthusiasm for the Memorial, the special public talk, entitled “Who Really Is Jesus Christ?,” will be presented one week before the Memorial, during the week of March 19, 2018. Congregations that have an assembly or the visit of the circuit over-seer the week of March 19 will have the special talk one week earlier. Most congregations will view a talk that has been prerecorded by the branch office, and in many cases, given by a member of the Branch Committee. We hope this advance notice will be helpful to you in pre-paring for these important events.

    Your brothers,

    c: Circuit overseers

    PS to bodies of elders:
    Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the first midweek meeting after its receipt. Thereafter, it should be posted on the information board. However, this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted on the information board.

    In preparation for the 2018 Memorial, please review the direction on selecting a Memorial speaker and selecting Memorial meeting times found in the February 13, 2017, letter to all bodies of elders.

    The prerecorded special talk will be available on JW Stream about one month prior to the week it is to be presented. Please assign an elder or a ministerial servant to download the prerecorded talk from JW Stream (using his jw.org credentials) several weeks before the congregation is scheduled to view it. Since there may be multiple recordings available in the same language, in early 2018 the branch office will inform groups and congregations which recording they should use. If possible, a backup speaker should be assigned in case of technical problems with the recording. If a congregation or group does not have the necessary equipment to view the recording or if the recording is not available in the language of the congregation or group, the body of elders should assign a qualified speaker to give the talk in the usual manner.

    Is this the beginning of the end of "live" public talks?

  8. According to this website http://www.geova.org/la-betel-di-roma-chiude/ in 2016 plans were in the works to look for real estate in northern Italy. 

    This blog post from :http://proclamatoreconsapevole.blogspot.ca/2017/08/notizia-flash-ultimora.html

    indicates as you say ,that in the early part of November the translation department and broadcasting from rome will be transferred a Imola (Bologna) in a new Remote Translation Office RTO. 

    I am not sure what else remains in the Rome Bethel since all printing is in Germany. I am assuming that if there are any offices remaining, they will be slowly transferred up north.

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