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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. the opening line of the article reads:.

    the share of americans who identify as white and christian has dropped below 50 percent, a transformation fueled by immigration and by growing numbers of people who reject organized religion altogether, according to a new survey released wednesday.. the article is at:


  2. Yes, the editor Andrew Bostom "The legacy of Jihad" also disagree with Jenkins, The major difference between the Bible, which describes the destruction of a enemy at a point in time and the Quran, which urges an ongoing struggle to defeat unbelievers. "It's an aggressive doctrine," he says."The idea to impose Islamic law on the globe".

  3. An interesting article "Is the Bible more violent than the Quran"? ..March 18, 2010 Barbara Bradley Hagerty. Religion historian Philip Jenkins decided to compare the brutality quotient of the Quran and the Bible. His finding the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible. Violence in the Quran, Jenkins says is largely a defense against attach. The Bible is a specific kind of warfare laid down in which we can only call genocide. In 1 Samuel God instructs King Saul to commit genocide to the Amalekites, and because Saul failed God took away his kingdom. Of course this is only one man opinion so is he right, don't know. He does bring out some interesting points, something to think about but I don't have a clue what's in the Quran... Jenkins is a professor at Penn State university and author of two books dealing with the issue back in 2010....

  4. Don't know how else to name this topic.

    One of the hard things about being Christian is putting up with the handful of crazy people in our ranks.

    The story broke after there was an "arson attack" on one of our halls.. there was a big gasp of anxiety among brothers I know to begin with, until I saw the pictures...




    Menden -

    An arson attack has been commited on a building of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Menden.

    As the fire brigade informed on Tuesday night, small fires were ignited at several locations along the outside wall of the Kingdom Hall. The fire brigade was able to quickly clear the fires, only minor damage occurred.


    White powder in the entrance

    an unknown white powder was noticed by the rescue team behind the entrance of the building, . For this reason, the site was blocked and a special unit from Dortmund was alerted.

    The so-called Analytic Task Force set up a mobile laboratory at the site and carried out an analysis of the white powder. "The analysis has shown that the substance is not dangerous," a spokesman for the Menden fire brigade told the German press agency.

    Investigations carried out by State Security

    The fire brigade did not want to say what the powder was identified as, exactly. The State Security Agency has begun investigating.

    North Rhine-Westphalia was the last state to recognize Jehovah's Witnesses as a public body. Thus, the community has an equal status to that of the church.

    In 2006, the controversial religious community was recognized by Berlin as a public body under public law after a long legal struggle.

    According to Jehovah's Witnesses, there are more than 200,000 members in Germany. Critics criticise that the community is an "authoritarian sect" and a "restrictive organization" that expects blind obedience and isolates its members socially. (AP)


    The State Security Agency (I suppose it's similar to Homeland Security) quickly had begun investigating the case because there had already been some minor attacks on the same hall with graffiti and minor damages.

    Later, the story was amended




    Menden - "This area is video-monitored!" Neither the signpost of the Jehovah's Witnesses building nor the camera itself, nor the neighboring residential buildings, hindered a 34-year-old woman - herself a community member of the Jehovah's Witnesses - on Monday evening from more or less amateurishly igniting nine fires with charcoal lighters. The alleged perpetrator was arrested on Monday evening.

    The State Security Agency , which had been called on at first, is no longer investigating. There is no offense to investigate, said the police on Tuesday afternoon from the press office.

    The prosecutor's office Arnsberg and the Circuit police authority Märkischer Kreis are now responsible for the investigation.

    Arson attack on Jehovah 's Witnesses in Menden - Powder poses no hazard

    In a conversation with the editorial team, Thomas Schmelzer said: "It is not a religious or politically motivated act, but the 34-year-old woman from Menden lit the charcoal lighters next to the building as a result of personal dispute. The concrete motive is still unclear, we continue to investigate, the woman has not divulged any further information. "

    The fire brigade of Menden was dispatched with a large squad on Monday evening, between 80 and 100 firefighters were in the meantime at the scene of the crime at "Green Way", halfway between the district Plattenheide and the town center.

    Three hours later, almost 20 ABC (nuclear, biological and chemical attack) specialists from Dortmund joined the immense effort.

    Anybody examining the cordoned off scene of the crime could clearly make out the soot at the base of the Jehovah's Witnesses' entrance to the town hall, found at the base and the red clinker bricks.

    To the left of the corner, fire was placed at exactly eight points - six times at a distance of perhaps one meter, followed by two more places. It was still set several meters away from the main gas valve.


    Even here, soot on the wall - the damage to the building is, however, only minor, since the fire brigade had quickly stifled the flames. But it is also clear that right in the middle of the residential area, the fire could have otherwise had devastating effects ...

    The woman, who was supposed to have kindled the fire in the nine places, obviously had come by bicycle. On the bicycle, investigators found traces of charcoal lighters as were used at the crime scene.

    Curiously, or due to naiveté: It was by no means dark. The woman had to expect to be seen in the middle of the residential area. On the other side, where she lit the eight fires, there are three multi-family houses next to each other. The front doors and many windows face the Kingdom Hall. The Jehovah's Witness community also referenced to the 34-year-old female.

    Further investigations must now determine whether the woman is also responsible for damages that were left in the building of the Jehovah's Witnesses building weeks ago.

    The white powder, which had been found in the entrance area, was a crumbled grill lighter, but it had not been lit by the 34-year-old.




    Another report indicates the silly woman was quickly identified to the police by brothers who had video surveillance material of her carrying out the arson attack and was arrested the moment she arrived at her home on her bicycle, after which her bicycle was examined revealing traces of the charcoal lighters on her bicycle.

    Supposedly she did not feel accepted in the community and had an argument with somebody or something.

    No major damage was done but she obviously caused a huge circus. Not to mention all the embarassment and putting shame on Jehovah's name.  A lot of the comments from worldly people on facebook are along the lines of "The poor helpless lady probably lost everything to this wicked sect and couldn't think of any other way to fight back" and comments from brothers of course are all along the lines of assuming persecution.

    So, a very negative and sad piece of news but I felt the need to share to get the full story across. Probably only half the story is going around facebook, instagram, whatsapp and so on.. the perpetrator in this case was just a nutty, frustrated "community member" (whatever that means, sister, study, interested person, I don't know).

  5. On 9/9/2017 at 8:53 AM, The Librarian said:

    Andrew Schofield, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain, states: “For almost 60 years, our administrative operations for Britain have been located in London.

    Actually: "For almost 117 years, our administrative operations for Britain have been located in London."

    Let's refresh:

    God's Kingdom Rules! Chapter 2, page 29

    Box: Prepared for the Birth of the Kingdom
    1900: First branch office established in London, England

    Oh. You should have 'studied' the above in the mid-week meeting in October 2016.

    Here's a list to help you:

    1900: Gipsy Lane (now known as Green Street), Forest Gate, London (8 miles from Charing Cross, the 'center of London')

    1903: Eversholt Street, Euston, London (1.5 miles to Charing Cross)

    1911: Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London (2.5 miles to Charing Cross)

    1959: The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London (9 miles to Charing Cross)

    2019: Temple Farm, Chelmsford, Essex (outside London and 31 miles from Charing Cross)

    If you can't even get basic info right - why should we believe the rest of what you say?

  6. On 9/9/2017 at 8:53 AM, The Librarian said:

    Andrew Schofield, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain, states: “For almost 60 years, our administrative operations for Britain have been located in London. However, larger facilities became necessary due to the increased demand for Bible-related literature and materials. We began site preparation on the 34-hectare (approx. 85 a.) property in April 2015 and expect to complete construction by the end of 2019.”


    What about the cuts to bethel staff, lower printing rates etc...?


  8. But @James Thomas Rook Jr.  ....they can simply turn to the book of Job and be encouraged by reading about all the trials Job endured and how Jehovah lovingly solved all his problems in the end. For instance he replaced all of Job's 10 children who died when the family house collapsed on them. Job's already aged wife, had the privilege of spending at least the next 10-15 years of her life, pregnant so Jehovah could fix the tragedy by giving them10 new children....what a logical solution and what blessing it was for all concerned.

    P.S I understand that the new "Silver Sword" edition of the New World Translation, also serves as a flotation device.

  9. IV fluids used by NHS responsible for unnecessary deaths

    London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 28 February 2013

    Starch-based intravenous (IV) fluids used by the NHS to treat seriously ill patients are causing unnecessary deaths, according to a new Cochrane systematic review by researchers at the School.

    Based on data from 25 randomised control trials, the researchers concluded that starch-based colloid fluids, used to stabilise patients with low blood pressure, are not only more expensive than saline-based crystalloid fluids, but may also be causing around 250 unnecessary deaths in the UK every year.

    The safety of using colloids containing hydroxyethyl starch has been debated for years. They are widely used to treat shock following severe blood loss by increasing blood volume but recent large high quality studies have linked starch use to renal failure. The trials also found more adverse reactions with starch. Crystalloids work in the same way but do not contain starch.

    Calculation for number of deaths: 
    Number of adult admissions to NHS critical care units each year = 115,674
    Number of patients receiving fluid resuscitation = 42,799
    Number of patients receiving colloid = 32,099
    Number of patients receiving starch = 12,840
    RR of death with STARCH=1.10
    Risk of death in unexposed is 20%
    For every 50 patients treated there is one extra death
    Therefore starch use in British hospitals kill about 12840/50 = 257 patients each year.

    Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) products were initially withdrawn by NHS on 27 June 2013

    but reinstated in 2014 in the UK (dec 2013 in Europe) provided that certain precautions were taken - that HES not be used for burn patients, those who have sepsis, those with kidney problems and some others. 


  10. "Confronted by the violence sweeping over Israel, it can be easy to overlook the things that Jews and Palestinians share: a deep attachment to the same sliver of contested land, ... a common tradition of descent from the patriarch Abraham, and, as scientific research shows - a common genetic ancestry, as well.
    Ostrer’s research on “Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era,” published in The American Journal of Human Genetics, sampled 652,000 gene variants from each of 237 unrelated individuals from seven Jewish populations: Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek and Ashkenazi. These sequences were then compared with reference samples from non-Jews drawn from The Human Genome Diversity Project, a global database of genetic information gathered from populations across the world.
    Each of the Jewish populations, they found, “formed its own distinctive cluster,” indicating their shared ancestry and “relative genetic isolation.”
    ... Ostrer’s team also identified two major groups of Jews: Middle Eastern Jews (Iranian and Iraqi) and European/Syrian Jews. The split between these two groups of Jews occurred some 2,500 years ago.
    ... In addition, a “compact cluster” of Yemenite Jews “overlaps primarily with Bedouins but also with Saudi individuals.” Ethiopian and Indian Jews are more closely related to their own neighboring, host populations.
    ... Are these genetic ties between Jews, Palestinians, Bedouin, and Druze important in a contemporary context? “It doesn’t matter to me personally,” Skorecki says, “since I think that global human identity supersedes all other considerations.”


  11. According to the Bible, the biblical Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments Tablets, but some Israeli archaeologists have a different view.

    Haaretz media site publishes the story:

    The Real Ark of the Covenant May Have Housed Pagan Gods

    The holy ark was likely kept in Jerusalem for much less time than the Bible tells us. And it may have contained something other than the Ten Commandments.

    Quote: "These biblical stories may all contain echoes of the ancient cults connected to the ark. It is difficult to completely untangle the many layers of history and myth contained in this story thousands of years later, but a broader message does emerge.

    The Bible appears to describe the ancient Israelites, from Moses onward, as staunch monotheists who sometimes err towards paganism and are punished for their sins by God. But this picture may be the result of mostly self-serving propaganda by the priests and scribes of the late monarchic or post-exilic periods.

    The reality emerging today from the combined work of biblical scholars and archeologists is much more complex and diverse. It indicates that Judaism as we know it today evolved slowly and organically, incorporating a variety of influences and religious traditions from the mosaic of cultures that lived side by side in the region."

    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/archaeology/1.809233

  12. "Caught in Web of Evil" is the headline spashed over the front page of today's copy of the Cairns Post newspaper (Thursday, September 7, 2017) in Queensland, Australia


    The online version appears to be the same, apart from the headline

    Unlikely backgrounds of pair revealed after being sentenced for their part in Cairns murder

    The Cairns Post / Herald Sun, Wednesday, September 6, 2017

    She was a top student as a child, he finished as school dux and was studying medicine at university.

    How Samantha French and Alexander Hansen became caught up in one of the most chilling recent murders in Cairns defies belief.

    But yesterday they faced court, charged with their parts in helping Jake Livingstone cover his tracks after he beat chef Philip Quayle to death in a cruel, random attack on Spence St.

    The Cairns District Court heard how, in the hours after they watched 21-year-old Livingstone attack the 27-year-old hospitality worker in February 2015, the trio drove around the city, dumping and burning clothes in White Rock, retrieving evidence from a CBD bin and disposing of it in mangroves near the Cairns Airport.

    Later that night the horror of what unfolded became too much for French. She got her then boyfriend to drive her to the police station where she told detectives a sordid and tragic tale.

    It was the moment the 25-year-oldÂ’s life, which had been on a downhill slide for eight years, finally took a turn for the better.

    A Gold Coast girl, she excelled in school and had all the makings of a success when, as a young teenager her mum was diagnosed with epilepsy.

    She quit school to get a job and help her family, but two years later rebelled against her strict Jehovah's Witness upbringing and left home.

    As the cliche goes, she fell in with the wrong crowd and a few years later found herself drinking and smoking cannabis with Livingstone and Hansen one fateful night.


    While French came to the police station willingly, it was her that dobbed in Hansen and led police to both him, Livingstone and the evidence.


    The court heard, through her barrister Stephanie Williams, that French’s life is back on track.

    After the murder she returned to live with her parents under the condition of sobriety, got back custody of her two young children who were removed from her care several years before, and has rejoined the church.

    She parted ways with partner Glen Liam Cetinich — who she also dobbed in for trafficking ice and ecstasy, despite it also revealing her involvement.

    He was jailed earlier this year.

    French began a chef apprenticeship, although took leave during the court cases, but expects to return and qualify.

    “She has very good prospects of becoming a positive contributor to society,” Ms Williams said.
    French received a nine-month jail term but was granted immediate parole, while Hansen got 12-months jail fully suspended for 18 months

    READ MORE: http://www.cairnspost.com.au/news/cairns/unlikely-backgrounds-of-pair-revealed-after-being-sentenced-for-their-part-in-cairns-murder/news-story/139341abb7e9f3a532aab16984ebf747

    READ MORE: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/unlikely-backgrounds-of-pair-revealed-after-being-sentenced-for-their-part-in-cairns-murder/news-story/139341abb7e9f3a532aab16984ebf747

    FYI - some background including a timeline


  13. September 6th, 2017: A just released research survey shows once again that Jehovah's Witnesses are among the least educated people in the United States: 


    It is also interesting to note how JWs rank in the categories of: Income, Insurance Coverage and Homeownership. They are among the lowest in every one of these categories.

    • 45% of JWs report household earnings of less than $30,000 per year
    • Fewer than half of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses (48%) are homeowners
    • Only 31% report having health insurance through their employer


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