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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the
    bottom for the result. This is not a trick question . It is as it

    No one I know has gotten it right. Few people do.

    A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did
    not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be
    her dream guy so much that she fell in love with him right there, but
    never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later
    she killed her sister.

    Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?

    [Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below]


    She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you
    answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test
    by a famous American Psychologist used to determine if one has the same
    mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the
    test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the
    question correctly, good for you.

    If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take
    your crazy ass off my list! 

  2. September 1, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse

    Spanish version:

    this appears to be a replacement for

    August 1, 2016 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse

    which in turn replaced

    October 1, 2012 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Child abuse

    Seems that the new policy is slightly more proactive.

    They've gone from a passive "Never suggest to anyone that they should not report..." to a more robust "Therefore, when the victim, his parents or any other person present to the elders an accusation of this nature, they should be clearly informed about their right to file a complaint with the authorities. "

    A step, however tiny, in the right direction, at least.


    I'm not sure crossing out paragraph 19 of chapter 12 of ks10 is a step in the right direction. On the surface, it appears to be but notice what is being crossed out:

    If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal
    decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision.

    This is being replaced with:

    they should be clearly informed about their right to file a complaint with the authorities.

    Notice the elders aren't being told to make it clear to the parents that there are no sanctions for reporting. They're only mandated to tell the parents that it's their right to report to the police. Then the eldersare told to not criticize anyone for making that decision.

    I can well imagine elders comparing the new instruction with what they're being told to cross out to see what the difference is and, when noticing that the new instruction does not say to tell the parents there are no sanctions for reporting, might conclude that they should not tell this to the parents. So I can see a conversation going like this:

    Elders: It is your right to make a report to the police if you so desire.
    Parents: But would that bring reproach on the congregation? Would that affect our standing in any way?
    Elders: All we can say is that it is your right to make a report to the police if you so desire.

    Parents go away thinking that the elders are legally required to tell them that it's their right to report but that their unwillingness to say what effect such reporting would have on their standing, might be a subtle way of hinting to them, by omission, that they should not report because there will be adverse consequences, and that maybe they're legally barred from explicitly saying so.

    They should have replaced paragraph 19 of chapter 12 of ks10 with:

    Be sure to clearly inform the victim and/or their parent(s) that reporting the matter to the authorities is a moral responsibility and that there are no congregation sanctions for doing so. (Leviticus 5:1; Matthew 22:39; Romans 13:1-4)
  3. Legal...

    What starts like a bible study group somewhere in 1876 ends up like a multi biliion $ corporation.


    Notice it says offence and not sin etc, and the area that this falls under is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicarious_liability where as far as common law is concerned the Watchtower and BT Society would be considered by any reasonable court and certainly by any section 73 court liable for the actions of anyone of these "special" people.

  4. We are pleased to make available the outlines for your meeting with the regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionaries that will be held in conjunction with one of the circuit assembliesduring the 2018 service year. Please note that you will now be allowed the flexibility todetermine with which circuit assembly the meeting will be held. Your primary consideration shouldbe what is in the best interests of the majority of the pioneers, not what is most convenient for you.There are many factors to be considered, such as weather, travel distance, accommodations, and soforth. The theme of the meeting is “‘Grow Mighty’ as Spiritual Persons,” based on 1 Corinthians16:13. For your personal reference, an outline of the program is provided below. Please see CircuitOverseer Guidelines, chapter 3, for instructions on making arrangements for this meeting. CircuitOverseer Guidelines will soon be updated to reflect the adjustment noted above.


  5. May 29, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN ENGLAND AND WALES Re: Charity Commission Annual Return Guidance

    Volunteers: Enter the peak number of publishers during the financial year ended March 31, less the number of elders who served as trustees.

    This has been showing up already for sometime on the new Charity Commission website:

    For Mill Hill: http://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1065638&subid=0

    Then click on the 'People' tab

    For Mill Hill: 18 Trustees plus 140 peak publishers = 158 total congregation members (at peak)

  6. Yes... please only ask elders in your area so that they can wield their own opinions about these weighty matters.

    Oh wait... elders are under strict orders to not offer their opinions....

    So.... pray about it and come up with your own scheme?


    Wait.... I just got an answer from above .... you are only allowed 3 hours per month per child .... and Jesus says he agrees.

    but it must be in lunar minutes.

    or was that just my "opinion"? :D

  7. Yes @JW Insider please refrain from spreading your light in public.

    Keep it hidden from us simple folks like @TiagoBelager and me.....

    Let our clergy class in New York do all the bible research for us..... preferably only speaking in Latin from a pulpit.

    Please stop preaching about your truths.....

    I personally am heading over to a non-latin bible burning now so I'll check in later.

  8. I remember a CO in the 80s said reading an Awake! bound volume was the equivalent of 2 years' of university education. Since maybe 1 out of 100 JWs had ever gone to college, in what kind of a position were they to contradict these "facts," especially when they're being thrown around by WT luminaries. 

  9. Starting from 3:05 he refers to "an effort" that was made in past to see how Society's curriculum corresponds with normal - worldly - universities.

    Then he claims that following question was asked (to university representative) "how we in five months can teach the same that for them takes two years"?

    According to W Samuelsson the representative of a university replied something like this: "Your students are motivated, they have come to learn where as our students have been send to university by their parents and might have something else than learning in their mind". This is to crystallize what he said. Please watch the video for exact words.

    But I mean seriously to claim that university students just are killing time in university and don't have any goals nor discipline to study is an insult towards university students. Of course there are some individuals that do fit this description but to generalize in that way! Jesus!

    Further more comparing Watchtower education with University is just ridiculous.

  10. That assembly hall is used only by the Mexico (now officially called Central America) Branch. JW's from the USA don't go there. There's a similar situation in the Rio Grande Valley, with 2 assembly halls almost literally across the border from each other (La Feria TX / Reynosa MX).

    Assembly halls are big money makers for the WTS in Mexico. The current assembly hall rental fee (required 'donation') to use these paid-for facilities is 60 pesos per publisher, which is the equivalent of about USD$3.50. However, many Mexican families, especially among JW's, are poorer than their US counterparts. 

    When many JW families in Mexico are taking home about 150 pesos a day, a family with 3 kids as publishers are expected to pay up 300 pesos.

    And for many assembly halls in Mexico, these are NOT suggested donations. Some circuits charge each congregation for their required donation, and in turn the elders charge each family for their part. I know of some congregations where the elders will go to your house and expect you to cough up your required donation before each assembly.

    Mexico was once a major area of growth for JWs at 5% plus increase per year. Now it's close to zero. 


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