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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. De Tweede Kamer en de Rapporteur Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen, Corinne Dettmeijer, willen erkenning voor de misbruikslachtoffers van Jehovah's Getuigen. De overheid moet onderzoek doen naar het eigen rechtssysteem dat de Jehovah’s Getuigen toepassen in gevallen van seksueel misbruik. Dat zegt Corinne Dettmeijer, Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen. Als de seksuele integriteit van kinderen niet gewaarborgd is, moet de overheid ingrijpen, vindt zij. Dat religieuze gemeenschappen en verenigingen in Nederland de vrijheid hebben om hun eigen regels te maken, mag geen belemmering vormen. Dettmeijer is ‘geschrokken’ van de berichtgeving in Trouw over misbruik binnen de Jehovah’s Getuigen. “Het wordt niet echt serieus genomen. Slachtoffers worden monddood gemaakt. Daders hebben, zelfs als ze bekend hebben, min of meer vrij spel. Dan beschamen we onze kinderen.” Politiek Ook vanuit de Tweede Kamer klinkt de roep om onderzoek. “We zullen de minister oproepen dit uit te zoeken”, zegt PvdA-Kamerlid Attje Kuiken. “Religie mag nooit een reden zijn om je aan de rechtsorde te onttrekken, en kinderen moeten altijd tegen seksueel misbruik beschermd worden.” SP-Kamerlid Nine Kooiman wil dat de ministeries van volksgezondheid en veiligheid en justitie reageren op de verhalen in Trouw en een onderzoek beginnen. “Dat moet een antwoord geven op de vragen hoe omvangrijk het probleem is, en wat de politiek kan doen.” Kooiman denkt dat het meldpunt Sektesignaal hierbij een belangrijke rol kan spelen. “De mensen daar hebben de kennis over dit soort problemen. Het speelt namelijk ook bij andere gesloten groepen.” Nu maakt Sektesignaal niet inzichtelijk van welke religieuze gemeenschappen zij meldingen ontvangt. Hoogleraar Recht en religie Fokko Oldenhuis noemt het meldpunt een ‘tandeloos instrument’ omdat het alleen maar signaleert en geen verdere bevoegdheden heeft. Hij pleitte herhaaldelijk voor een instantie die sekten kan verbieden op basis van meldingen, zoals in België mogelijk is. De hoogleraar sluit zich aan bij de wens tot verder onderzoek, net als de slachtoffers, leden en ex-leden met wie Trouw sprak. Marianne de Voogd: “Ik ben niet het enige slachtoffer: ik heb het zo vaak gehoord dat ik denk dat het percentage misbruikte kinderen hoger ligt dan in de katholieke kerk.” Erkenning In gesloten gemeenschappen is praten over seksueel geweld moeilijker, waardoor het minder gauw naar buiten komt, weet Nationaal Rapporteur Dettmeijer. “Dat misbruik ook bij de Jehovah’s Getuigen voorkomt, verbaast me daarom niet. Als een gemeenschap zich isoleert, is het voor slachtoffers moeilijker om te zien wat er eigenlijk gebeurt.” Uit de gesprekken die Trouw had met vier slachtoffers, blijkt dat zij hard moesten vechten voor erkenning, en die meestal niet kregen. Dat patroon baart Dettmeijer zorgen. “Herstel begint met erkenning dat jou iets is aangedaan. Gebeurt dat niet, dan is de weg naar herstel buitengewoon lastig.” Als er een onderzoek komt, is het volgens de Nationaal Rapporteur belangrijk om te kijken naar patronen die ervoor zorgen dat kinderen niet over misbruik durven praten. “Overal waar machtsverhoudingen spelen, komt misbruik voor. Daarom is het belangrijk de patronen te herkennen, zodat gemeenschappen daarvan kunnen leren.” https://www.trouw.nl/samenleving/brede-roep-om-onderzoek-naar-jehova-s-getuigen~a3f810b7/
  2. A 56-year-old former Jehovah's Witness will spend two months in jail with the rest of the sentence suspended, and undergo community service, over historical offences relating to the inappropriate touching of two girls. The ACT Magistrates Court heard the man was at the house of fellow Jehovah's Witnesses in 2004 when the then-43-year-old asked the couple's 14-year-old daughter to log on to the computer for him. As she was typing the man put his hand on her bottom, resting it there for a number of seconds. In a separate incident the girl and her 12-year-old sister stayed at the man's house when his wife offered to look after them so their parents could celebrate their anniversary. The girls slept the night at the man's house and after breakfast the next morning he asked the 12-year-old girl to sit on his lap. When she did not respond he picked her up and placed her on his lap, hugging her tightly. He then placed his hand inside the girl's underwear, leaving it there for two or three minutes. The court heard the girl froze with fear, until she summoned enough courage to say she needed to use the toilet and left the room crying. Sisters became estranged for 10 years The prosecutor read victim impact statements to the court outlining the trauma the incidents had caused the girls. The 14-year-old, now an adult and married, stated as a child she was full of confidence, ambition and had drive to succeed. But she said this changed when the man violated her and her sister. She said she had been estranged from her sister for 10 years because the incident left her feeling helpless and powerless and every time she saw her sister it reminded her that she could not protect her. The statement read to the court also described how the woman still found it difficult to look at children and would sometimes shake and vomit uncontrollably. The court heard she had also suffered because she had wanted to be a mother but is on medication to help her sleep and that medication would make it dangerous to have a child. The woman's younger sister also wrote a statement describing the regular emotional breakdowns she still suffers, as well as flashbacks of the trauma. In the statement she said she had low self-esteem and felt disconnected from her family. Church didn't report matter to police when informed The court heard the girls' parents had informed the church at the time, which conducted an internal investigation, removed the man from the community and the man wrote a letter of apology to the family. The matter was reported to police in 2015. The man's lawyer told the court the man had since lost his security clearance, was expected to lose his public service job within the coming weeks and had gone through a marriage breakdown. In sentencing, Magistrate Bernadette Boss told the court the man was in a position of trust and in the matter of the 12-year-old girl being in his home, that she should have been able to feel safe and protected in the absence of her parents. Magistrate Boss said that it was most unfortunate a church was again involved and failed to inform the authorities, making them complicit in the matter, exacerbating the effect on the victims. The man was given 200 hours of community service and a two-year good behaviour order for the offence against the eldest girl. He was given a nine-month jail sentence, of which he will serve two months in full-time custody with the rest suspended, for the offence on the 12-year-old girl, as well as a second two-year good behaviour order. He will also take part in the sexual offenders program. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-24/jehovahs-witness-sentenced-to-jail-for-inappropriately-touching/8738682
  3. In Search of Christian Freedom.pdf Crisis of Conscience.pdf
  4. Russia Disfellowships All Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide. JW's are getting a taste of their own medicine. ========================== If WatchTower was in charge of governing countries. How much Freedom of Religion would there be?......ZERO...
  5. the 5 residence buildings mentioned would then correlate with these 5 houses in the middle section.(?) http://brebuzz.net/2017/06/19/first-ever-breeam-communities-innovation-credit-is-claimed-by-temple-farm-development/ 5 buildings at http://www.templefarmdevelopment.co.uk/
  6. NOTE: In the during picture, you can see the outline of the five residential blocks starting to be built (in the middle, just to the right - it seems they are in a section that was originally going to have seven blocks, but it looks like they've spaced the five blocks out more, which would indicate they're not expecting to build the other two blocks shown for that section?)
  7. June 20, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Supplier Arrangements on jw.org Just to note that the supplier arrangements hold virtually no savings to the congregations, most of the 'savings' the discounts they may get are rebated back to the branch and virtually all of the suppliers have "JW insiders" that take commission for the sale. Take this one (for the UK): http://www.dt4u.com/dtsystems/kingdomhallsound.php and prices: https://www.dt4u.com/php/cat.php - 250 GBP to 400 GBP for a phone-to-sound bridge - the high end one can be had from other vendors for ~160 GBP.
  8. May 24, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” by Indian Passport Holders The OP letter would appear to be a re-hash from one sent out in March 2016: Letter - March 21, 2016: Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” (JWIndiaGift.org) Which itself appears to be a re-hash from one sent out in December 2013: Letter - December 2, 2013: Re: To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (JWIndiaGift.org) Why has this been needed? Because over the last couple of years there must have been a phenomenal growth of thousands-upon-thousands of Indian ex-pats from around the world becoming JWs - so the GB was re-issued these letters to show all these new JWs how they are uniquely positioned to be able to help spread the 'good news' back home in India Another reason for this- In 2001, the Bombay High Court prohibited the Indian Branch Office to receive foreign contributions. This happened when the Indian Branch Office was about to complete the construction of its mega branch complex in Bangalore where most of the funds in disposal was invested for the construction. With almost no funds with them, Indian office pulled the plug on the special pioneer work and layed off many bethelites. The Indian branch office was about to plug off the construction work, however the GB asked them to go ahead with the work and complete the relocation. The branch was constructed and relocated and the branch office was left with practically zero funds. Local individuals chipped in whatever they could and the work continued. Since foreign contributions are still prohibited, indian citizens who moved and settled abroad send in their contributions through the website mentioned. Same applies to expats who convert to JW's and want to send in their money to India. Enjoy!
  9. June 29, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Relocation - Newsletter Britain Branch Relocation - Newsletter ed.5 Summer 2017 X by 25 = 150 x 2 people per apartment = 300 residents? This might even include guest accommodation for visiting GB members and other "dignitaries." Huge scale back from present facilities (which will easily pay for this and then some.) Enjoy!
  10. "We must avoid..." I don't recall language as demanding as that before. It's as if the WT has given up trying to convince its readers by force of argument and is simply issuing commands instead.
  11. It is interesting how they used the word normal - "normal contact". I think this is a weasel word. They can later use it to argue that they have never told Witnesses to cut off all contact - to shun - just to cut off normal contact.
  12. And yet the elders guidebook Shepherd The Flock Of God, page 116 paragraph 6 states: Congregation members are led to believe that shunning is a "law" from Jehovah, when at best it's simply a recommendation from the GB. Since when did women have privileges to lose in the first place? A woman can't even pray aloud in the company of men without putting a dishcloth on her head.
  13. Enjoy the highly coveted: Correspondence Guidelines.pdf - Google Drive.pdf Does anyone have a copy of the 2011 update?
  14. ratmanofsouthend: i relate to the ones who were playing but then got distracted by food via Humor
  15. sapboy: this person married a branch of bananas via Humor
  16. In Newcastle town centre. UK. The Chronicle Live. 15 June 2017. A council worker will stand trial after he was accused of being drunk at the wheel of his road sweeper in Newcastle city centre. John Paul Carruthers, who has since resigned from his post at Newcastle City Council, was allegedly over the legal drink-drive limit when he ploughed into a Jehovah’s Witness stand on Northumberland Street near to Haymarket Metro Station. Prosecuting, James Long told Newcastle Magistrates’ Court: “The allegation is that he was driving a Newcastle City Council road sweeper when he collided first with a Jehovah’s Witness stand next to Haymarket Metro Station. He carried on then a short while later was detained on Ridley Place and was said to be aggressive. READ MORE: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-council-roadsweeper-drink-drive-13183193
  17. So he tries to prove that we are living in the last days without any evidence, but instead a series of unsubstantiated assertions ("never has there been a time with so much lack love and affection"). And uses things that are not even part of the so-called "sign" (abortions, pollution). Then proceeds to ridicule the "ridiculers," stereotype them, and declare they are only fit for destruction! Instead of addressing the most glaringly obvious reason people don't believe we're living in the last days, i.e, the complete lack of any solid evidence, he goes on to give his own reasons: 1. They are blinded by Satan. (If that is so is it really their fault? Why should they be deserving of destruction? If they've been misled by a more powerful being that does not make them wicked... it puts responsibility on God, if he truly wishes for all to be saved, to "unblind" them). 2. They are victims of "gradualism." Pulling out that old frog illustration like its the first time anyone's heard of it. Implying that people have not made a proper investigation of the facts or history, when the opposite is more likely to be the case. Most people have come to the conclusion that we are not living in the last days because they have made a more thorough investigation of the historical evidence instead of just accepting Watchtower assertions or misleading twisting of statistics. 3. They are haughty, depraved, wicked. His final brilliant argument is to imply that if people have allowed themselves to fall prey to his first two points they must be morally corrupt - the are deserving of destruction and good riddance to them! Or "so be it" in his words. So in summary, what I got from the video was this: if people are too blind or stupid to see that we are living in the last days, and they have allowed Satan to blind them to the (non-existent) evidence then Psa 92:7 applies to them: They are wicked ones sprouting like weeds and their only reason for existence or worth as humans is to be annihilated. Nice demonizing and hate speech that towards those who don't accept your opinions. The JW leadership are not extremists at all, such tolerant, peace-loving people!
  18. I will provide links but also copy and paste the English translation that was provided for each one. This first letter was dated May 21, 2017 and concerns instructions on how to handle the donation$. (*bolding is mine) The Tinkoff banking system: https://www.tinkoff.ru/eng/operations_and_products/transactional_products/ This next letter, dated June 9, contains instructions to stop using kingdom halls but to continue to meet, stressing the importance of gathering together to "share encouragement". It is noteworthy that the WTS' instructions concerning money, doesn't say anything about the congregations setting up a reserve fund or anything like that to assist the Russian brothers and sisters with their legal costs and fines that are beginning to accumulate across Russia. Or to set anything aside to help all the Russian JWs who worked in public service and have recently lost their jobs because of their association with the WT organization. Just send the org anything left over from meeting expenses and everything from the "opaque jar or box" marked with the removable label that says "worldwide work". And keep meeting. Really, really important to meet. With two donation boxe$. Or jar$.
  19. This is a fork from another thread about guns... and also their stance on war in general.
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