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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. 26 April 2017 27 April 2017 28 April 2017 1 May 2017 6 May 2017
  2. Table of contents Friday morning No. 1 Chairman’s Address: We Must Not Give Up —Especially Now! No. 2 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium)—Informally No. 3 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium) —From House to House No. 4 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium)—Publicly No. 5 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium) —Making Disciples DRAMATIC BIBLE READING: Jehovah Delivers His People No. 7 Jehovah—The Greatest Example of Endurance Friday afternoon No. 8 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Unjust Treatment No. 9 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Advancing Age No. 10 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Our Own Imperfections No. 11 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Humbling Experiences No. 12 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Prolonged Illness No. 13 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —The Loss of a Loved One No. 14 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Persecution DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 1 No. 16 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium)—Faith No. 17 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Virtue No. 18 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Knowledge No. 19 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Self-Control No. 20 How You Can “By No Means Ever Fail” Saturday morning No. 21 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—The Weak and Those Who Are Depressed No. 22 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—Those in Material Need No. 23 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—“The Fatherless” No. 24 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—Older Ones No. 25 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Be “Content With the Present Things” No. 26 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Safeguard Your Children From “What Is Evil” No. 27 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Train Your Children in ‘the Way They Should Go’ No. 28 BAPTISM: “Do Not Give In to Fear”! Saturday afternoon No. 29 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Joseph No. 30 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Job No. 31 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium) —Jephthah’s Daughter No. 32 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Jeremiah DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 2 No. 34 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Camels No. 35 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Alpine Trees No. 36 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Butterflies No. 37 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Arctic Terns No. 38 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Lapwings No. 39 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Acacia Trees No. 40 Young Ones—Your Endurance Makes Jehovah Rejoice! Sunday morning No. 41 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Run to Win! No. 42 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Train Diligently No. 43 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Let Go of Unnecessary Burdens No. 44 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Imitate Good Examples No. 45 We Must “Run with Endurance” (Symposium) —Eat Nutritious Food No. 46 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Drink Plenty of Water No. 47 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Obey the Rules of the Contest No. 48 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Be Confident of Gaining the Prize No. 49 PUBLIC BIBLE DISCOURSE: Never Give Up Hope! No. 50 Summary of The Watchtower Sunday afternoon DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 3 No. 52 “Keep in Expectation . . . It Will Not Be Late!” Downloads: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwofxgrfEXucbFRfcUFYQ0J4SXM
  3. http://reiblingfoundation.org/press/ Reilings's foundation active in supporting certain project - Holocaust education, Boston University, film festivial about concentration camps and persecution of JW in WWII, - Blood Patient Management aka Prof Axel Hofmann - symphony concert titel title "discover new world", with high rank guest like German conusl Gneral Dr. Ralf Horlemann and his lovely wife. --------------------- The Reibling money is what goes into the research and promotion of PBM. Here is one medical study that has been supported by the Reiblings: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/trf.14006/full *note all the JWs listed as authors on that study ------------------- In 2005/6 (2007 return), the Reiblings gave $26,000 to the Blood Conversation Support Foundationand then again, the following year, they gave the same foundation $148,000 for a total of $174,000. What/who is The Blood Conservation Support Foundation? https://www.guidestar.org/profile/20-8429198 And...who is Barak. K. Baker? The president of this blood conservation foundation? http://jwemployees.bravehost.com/NewsReports/2062.html Baker's blood conservation foundation doesn't seem to be active anymore:
  4. River-to-River Trail to Provide a Pedestrian Route to Gunks From the Open Space Institute's website: River-to-Ridge Trail to Feature Local Agrarian Culture: http://www.osiny.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=9339 Map of Trail: http://www.osiny.org/site/DocServer/River_to_Ridge_Trail_overview_7.27.pdf?docID=15461
  5. You read that right. There is a whole talk on the topic. Outline: Safeguard Your Children From “What Is Evil” CO-tk17-26-E
  6. @ 51:05 in the video above..... It's highlighed that at 9/11 14 JW's had died. That's a horrible, horrible tragedy. It really is. But why differentiate? Imagine someone saying "14 white people had died" or "14 left handed people had died"... what would you think? It really annoys me when Watchtower does this. It sets up a "us and them" mentality. That the only people that really matter are the JW lives. And with the BILLIONS in JP Morgan bank they could have at least brought blankets and water etc rather than just showing up with a Bible in hand offer "soothing and calming" words. Actions speak louder than words.
  7. Opulent and luxurious. Wasn't this recently sold? Or am I mistaken? To be fair though this is nothing (a drop in the bucket) compared to our Billions in cash investments in JP Morgan Chase. http://www.jw-archive.org/post/129054917283/watchtower-bible-and-tract-society-of-pennsylvania God is blessing Jehovah's Witnesses with extravagant riches.
  8. @AveragePub The person who said "What is Truth?" was on the wrong moral side of the story. Never admit that you have stopped searching for Truth. Being "content with present truth" implies you have blind faith just as the cow worshipers in India have in the Bovine species. What if Martin Luther had thought the same about the Catholic church? None of Protestantism and subsequent Adventism and subsequent Jehovah's Witnesses would have ever happened or been allowed. You must speak out for what you perceive to be wrong or else you are a part of the problem (sin). Please excuse me while I head to Wendy's for my double cheeseburger with no side of guilt. Isn't "Truth" great?
  9. @Nicola... Lev 5:1 And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity. @James Thomas Rook Jr. is speaking from decades of experience of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses as am I. Before most of the current JW's were ever around. From the days when there were maybe 2 million of us total worldwide. TRUE JEHOVAH"S WITNESSES did not dedicate themselves to a Governing Body. They dedicated thier lives to Jehovah and Jesus. As an example of speaking out... One of the foremost Jehovah's Witnesses in history spoke out against the formation of a Governing Body in the first place. Keep searching for truth and follow it. Jehovah is guiding his true servants still. There just aren't as many of them as some would have you believe and they aren't in "the prominent places in the synagogue" or televangelists either. You won't find the "truth" on a television screen with a studio. True Jehovah's WItnesses preached this for decades. True Jehovah's Witnesses also don't leave the debate, study and preaching to an elite few in a studio from New York while the rest of the world bows to their whims or "flavor of the month" new light teachings. Remember how many of Jehovah's people were part of Israel and yet the entire nation strayed from truth more than once. Disfellowshipping is a barbaric practice done by unloving Christians who haven't let go of Jewish traditions in favor of the teachings of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about that history here: http://wiki.jw-archive.org/Jehovah's+Witnesses+and+congregational+discipline Speaking Truth has always been "hate speech" in history.
  10. #16. "You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went through."#15. "Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new, they'll stretch after you wear them a while."#14. "If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."#13. "If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."#12. "Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you."#11. "You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anythingI want to on the ticket, huh?"#10. "Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help.Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?"#9. "Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket."#8. "The answer to this last question will determine weather you are drunk or not.Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"#7. "Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs, and step in monkey poop."#6. "Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster oven."#5. "In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC."#4. "How big were those 'Just two beers' you say you had?"#3. "No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're allowed to write as many tickets as we can."#2. "I'm glad to hear that Chief (of Police) Hawker is a personal friend of yours. So you know someone who can post your bail."AND THE WINNER IS...#1. "You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't. Sign here."
  11. Jesus is "the leader", while the Governing Body are merely "those taking the lead".. what, exactly, is the difference between a "leader" vs. "one who is taking the lead"?.
  12. "Why is it necessary, when someone feels that they can no longer abide the organisation and has to disassociate - why is it necessary to shun them? Why can't they keep having social contact with those people who happen to remain in the organisation?" - Australian Royal Commission to Jehovah's Witnesses
  13. Posted By: starconnectApril 29, 2017 Emmanuel Thomas l Saturday, April 29, 2017 The President, Vice President and the the first families paid the visit days after Russia, through its Supreme Court slammed a ban on activities of Jehovah’s witnesses and liquidated it throughout the federation. Trump stayed for the meeting shook hands with members of the congregation after the meeting. According to ans.cnewsgo.com, a US-based outfit, the president picked Watchtower and Awake magazines on the open counter and left with the magazines. He did not give any speech but he is seen to be on a fact finding mission. His presence was acknowledged by an announcement. His presence expectedly lead to a surge in attendance on Thursday evening during the Life and Ministry Programme. http://starconnectmedia.com/russias-ban-trump-pence-attend-meeting-of-jehovahs-witness-in-us/
  14. Talk about a "Captive Audience" There should now be a start of a new "Special Nursing Home Witnessing Program" worldwide to convert the aged and get Watchtower / jw.org listed as beneficiaries into their wills so we can fund our ministry publishing and now Television Evangelism network. I applaud their "out of the box" thinking.....
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