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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. June 20, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Supplier Arrangements on jw.org

    Just to note that the supplier arrangements hold virtually no savings to the congregations, most of the 'savings' the discounts they may get are rebated back to the branch and virtually all of the suppliers have "JW insiders" that take commission for the sale.

    Take this one (for the UK): http://www.dt4u.com/dtsystems/kingdomhallsound.php and prices: https://www.dt4u.com/php/cat.php - 250 GBP to 400 GBP for a phone-to-sound bridge - the high end one can be had from other vendors for ~160 GBP.

  2. May 24, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” by Indian Passport Holders

    The OP letter would appear to be a re-hash from one sent out in March 2016:

    Letter - March 21, 2016: Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India” (JWIndiaGift.org)

    Which itself appears to be a re-hash from one sent out in December 2013:

    Letter - December 2, 2013: Re: To all Congregations who have Indian citizens as members (JWIndiaGift.org)

    Why has this been needed?

    Because over the last couple of years there must have been a phenomenal growth of thousands-upon-thousands of Indian ex-pats from around the world becoming JWs - so the GB was re-issued these letters to show all these new JWs how they are uniquely positioned to be able to help spread the 'good news' back home in India 


    Another reason for this- In 2001, the Bombay High Court prohibited the Indian Branch Office to receive foreign contributions. This happened when the Indian Branch Office was about to complete the construction of its mega branch complex in Bangalore where most of the funds in disposal was invested for the construction. With almost no funds with them, Indian office pulled the plug on the special pioneer work and layed off many bethelites. 

    The Indian branch office was about to plug off the construction work, however the GB asked them to go ahead with the work and complete the relocation. The branch was constructed and relocated and the branch office was left with practically zero funds. Local individuals chipped in whatever they could and the work continued. Since foreign contributions are still prohibited, indian citizens who moved and settled abroad send in their contributions through the website mentioned. Same applies to expats who convert to JW's and want to send in their money to India. 



  3. "We must avoid..." 

    I don't recall language as demanding as that before. It's as if the WT has given up trying to convince its readers by force of argument and is simply issuing commands instead.

  4. It is interesting how they used the word normal - "normal contact". I think this is a weasel word. They can later use it to argue that they have never told Witnesses to cut off all contact - to shun - just to cut off normal contact.

  5. And yet the elders guidebook Shepherd The Flock Of God, page 116 paragraph 6 states:


    Congregation members are led to believe that shunning is a "law" from Jehovah, when at best it's simply a recommendation from the GB. Since when did women have privileges to lose in the first place? A woman can't even pray aloud in the company of men without putting a dishcloth on her head.

  6. In Newcastle town centre. UK.

    The Chronicle Live. 15 June 2017.

    A council worker will stand trial after he was accused of being drunk at the wheel of his road sweeper in Newcastle city centre.

    John Paul Carruthers, who has since resigned from his post at Newcastle City Council, was allegedly over the legal drink-drive limit when he ploughed into a Jehovah’s Witness stand on Northumberland Street near to Haymarket Metro Station.

    Prosecuting, James Long told Newcastle Magistrates’ Court: “The allegation is that he was driving a Newcastle City Council road sweeper when he collided first with a Jehovah’s Witness stand next to Haymarket Metro Station. He carried on then a short while later was detained on Ridley Place and was said to be aggressive.

    Screen Shot 2017-06-18 at 2.12.06 PM.png

    READ MORE: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-council-roadsweeper-drink-drive-13183193

  7. So he tries to prove that we are living in the last days without any evidence, but instead a series of unsubstantiated assertions ("never has there been a time with so much lack love and affection"). And uses things that are not even part of the so-called "sign" (abortions, pollution). Then proceeds to ridicule the "ridiculers," stereotype them, and declare they are only fit for destruction!

    Instead of addressing the most glaringly obvious reason people don't believe we're living in the last days, i.e, the complete lack of any solid evidence, he goes on to give his own reasons:

    1. They are blinded by Satan. (If that is so is it really their fault? Why should they be deserving of destruction? If they've been misled by a more powerful being that does not make them wicked... it puts responsibility on God, if he truly wishes for all to be saved, to "unblind" them).

    2. They are victims of "gradualism." Pulling out that old frog illustration like its the first time anyone's heard of it. Implying that people have not made a proper investigation of the facts or history, when the opposite is more likely to be the case. Most people have come to the conclusion that we are not living in the last days because they have made a more thorough investigation of the historical evidence instead of just accepting Watchtower assertions or misleading twisting of statistics.

    3. They are haughty, depraved, wicked. His final brilliant argument is to imply that if people have allowed themselves to fall prey to his first two points they must be morally corrupt - the are deserving of destruction and good riddance to them! Or "so be it" in his words. 

    So in summary, what I got from the video was this: if people are too blind or stupid to see that we are living in the last days, and they have allowed Satan to blind them to the (non-existent) evidence then Psa 92:7 applies to them: They are wicked ones sprouting like weeds and their only reason for existence or worth as humans is to be annihilated.

    Nice demonizing and hate speech that towards those who don't accept your opinions. The JW leadership are not extremists at all, such tolerant, peace-loving people!

  8. I will provide links but also copy and paste the English translation that was provided for each one.

    This first letter was dated May 21, 2017 and concerns instructions on how to handle the donation$. (*bolding is mine)


    May 21, 2017 

    Subject: Guidance on voluntary donations and meeting expenses 

    Dear brothers! 

    In this manual, we want to provide guidance for the accounting meeting under new circumstances for us. Attached to the letter you will also find some additional technical details and sample forms filled s-26 "Blank Meeting accounts" and s-30 "Monthly Report on the Meeting of the accounts." After reading this guide to familiarize yourself with your congregation elders of this letter and its annex, without transferring them to the documents themselves. Discuss ideas from this guide to be responsible for the account in the congregation and give him an application, it is not necessary to transfer him to the letter itself. No need to print this letter. Perhaps your collection, it has been meeting in private homes, then you need to take care of, so that publishers in all groups where the meetings are held, will be able to make voluntary contributions to the worldwide work of the Kingdom, as well as the needs of the local congregation. 

    Boxes for the collection of donations. Care must be taken to ensure that every meeting place of meetings, there were two donation box (suitable opaque jars or boxes). Not necessarily that they were familiar shape, but they need to look decent. The inscriptions to refer to contributions in the boxes, you might want to make removable. We should not make the same boxes for all groups. The Council of Elders is to decide whether to store the collected funds into groups, or, after each meeting, pass them responsible for meeting the account. In any case, you should follow the instructions for accounting in the meeting. 

    Donations to meeting needs. As well as your collection take care of their Kingdom Hall, you should maintain proper form and new places for the worship of Jehovah. Therefore, from donations to the needs of the meeting, you can oplachi- Vat expenses associated with conducting congregation meetings. Please discuss these issues with the owners of the premises. If donations to meeting the needs will accumulate, then the excess funds can be sacrificed to the worldwide work on the resolution. 

    Donations intended for the branch. Donations to the worldwide work of the kingdom (of the box offerings and resolution), for the construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls all around the world, on a global assistance program to aid program of traveling overseers, as well as for the purchase of videoborudovaniye, designed for the needs and should not be used for payment of meeting expenses (see s-27, paragraph 5). Please do not send more in the branch of "voluntary donations translation Blank" (s-20). Each week, by Wednesday, in the section "Transfer of funds" at the meeting site secretary to fill in the data on voluntary donations for the previous week. We realize that this innovation will require you more time and effort, but it will allow us to have the latest information about the amount in your collection of donations. Carefully enter the data on the site, avoiding errors that knew exactly what amount of donations the organization can manage. On the basis of this information in your collection order will be sent on a regular basis about how to deal with the accumulated funds. In most cases this will be the payment of funds for the maintenance of special full-time ministers (see annex to the letter, subtitled "Maintaining special full-time ministers"). Accounting. Despite the innovation, try to continue to follow the basic principles of the "Guidelines for the accounting meeting" (s-27). At the end of each month, details of donations intended for the branch, should be made in the "Commitments at the end of the month" blank bills (s-26), and information about donations for resolutions - in line "Money meetings reserved for special purposes" (ie ) form "Monthly report on the accounts of the meeting" (s-30). On the audit of accounts of the meeting report . Instead, quarterly, we ask you to organize a monthly check congregation accounts, and hold it as long as you do not get back the recommendation to carry out a quarterly check. Please refer to the basic principles set out in the form "Report on the audit of accounts of the meeting" (s-25). Within the "Additional Notes" be sure to specify that during the monthly meeting of checking accounts, cash was counted himself a brother who carried out this check. The amount of cash must exactly match the amount in the "Total cash at the end of the month" (m) of the form "Monthly report on the accounts of the meeting" (s-30). Please include in the "Additional Notes" figures from the fields (e), (g) and (m). Form "of the accounts audit report meeting" (s-25) immediately submit electronically to the accounting department of the branch. In the subject line, specify the name of the meeting, the form and the month. For example: ". Stavropol, Central s-May 25th.". We pray that Jehovah will bless your ministry and generous support of the Kingdom of the case (2 Lt 24:. 10-14). With Christian love, Your brothers *Note for district overseers. During follow-up visits, please make sure that the meeting followed by a new order. Especially with regard to the filling of the weekly donations Information on the meeting site and monthly checking accounts. If necessary, be ready to help them.*****Deposit card bank Tinkoff. If a special minister is away from you and you can not give him the money in cash, please, find his bank card number Tinkoff (no account number) or with the bank agreement number. If you do not know how to contact them, please contact your circuit overseer or the branch accountant. Keep careful in telephone conversations. APPENDIX Maintaining special full-time ministers. If special pioneers are in your collection, then we will tell you how much they should give. Sometimes we will ask you to transfer cash and other special ministers (if they are near you) and / or to ask you to fill up their ban-the Planck map. If you can not communicate with the recipient of the funds, we will tell you the number of his bank card (contract). Not later than one or two days after receiving a request from the branch you will need to top up the card the minister (see. Annex "Recharge Card Account"). Immediately after the transfer of funds (bank transfer), you should scan (to photograph) "Receipt» (S-24), signed a get-Telem and assembly shall be responsible, or check out of the terminal (bank order). An electronic copy of the receipt or check, along with the order of the branch store in the current folder. Please do not send these documents to the branch. In the column "Description of operation" form accounts should make a record of the amount of the re-cash or by transfer to the account. Comments to the samples fill in the form "Monthly report on the GSS-Rania accounts» (S-30) and "Blank bills» (S-26). As an example, we chose the option of co-GDS assembly meets in three different places. After each meeting with the two-dimensional publishers must complete and sign the form "Receipt» (S-24), as referred to in paragraph 6 "Instructions for accounting meeting» (S-27). If possible, take a photo of the signed receipt and immediately send it to the meeting of the box. Original in this case can be destroyed. Please note that in the column "Date" Blank bills listed the actual date when the money is responsible for the accounts were prepared, and in the column "Description of operation" - the date of the signing of the "Receipts» (S-24). Following the issuance of a special allowance polnovre-mennomu minister make a record of this operation, for example, the "Issued by Raspaud-maskers branch P. Ivanov." Last month, the operation should be filling the frame "Liabilities at the end of the month." After issuing means (or transfer) of the on-sacrifice intended for the branch, you should reduce the amount of residue found on you in this frame. For example, the sum of the line "Total cash at the beginning of the month" (h) Form S-30 was 40 000, and in the line "meeting money at the beginning of the month" (a) - 20 000 rubles. This means that the difference of 20 000 is designed-las branch, but remained in the congregation. In May, it was donated to the worldwide work 11 830 rubles (just in case) and 3400 rubles on the resolutions (see. Section "Money meetings reserved for special purposes" [e]). Thus, at the end of the month at the meeting of accumulated funds intended for the branch in the amount of 35,230 rubles. The amount remaining from the funds after the grant Ivanov allowance should be made in the "Commitments at the end of the month" (35 230-15 000 = 20 230). You can make a check like this: from the amount specified in the line "Total cash at the end of the ME-syatsa" (m), subtract the amount shown in the line "Money is available to cover the meeting-stroke races" (g). Should get the amount of your liabilities to the branch (24 870-4 640 = 20 230).In order to fulfill this mission, get any convenient terminal, allowing anonymous recharge card Tinkoff, from the following list: - terminals in the cabin "The Messenger" link (anonymous recharge card can only be through the terminal, do not turn to the cashier-operator); - Elecsnet system; - terminals CyberPlat system; - terminals EuroPlat system. Your nearest terminal can be found at https://www.tinkoff.ru/credit/payment/ . Preferably choose a method of funding, which allows you to do so without presenting your passport. In the terminal, you need to select the partition recharge debit (or credit) card Tinkoff Bank, indicate credit card number (or number of the contract) and a row inserted into the bill validator bills until reaching 15,000 rubles. Take the receipt and complete the operation. To make a large sum, do 2-3 sets of 15 000 in the same or in different terminals. If you can not find in your region terminal systems listed above, you can use the other replenishment points, presenting a passport or send funds from any personal bank account, but in this case, one person should not list more than 15 000 rubles. In operations need to be cautious. 

    The Tinkoff banking system:


    This next letter, dated June 9, contains instructions to stop using kingdom halls but to continue to meet, stressing the importance of gathering together to "share encouragement".


    June 9, 2017 by all Council of Elders in RUSSIA Subject: Venues Dear brothers! In difficult circumstances, God's servants is especially important to meet together to encourage one another (Heb. 10:24, 25). Nice to see how much effort you make to continue to hold congregation meetings in the new conditions. Since the new circumstances by themselves can cause additional experience, we want to have publishers had less risk to face more severe persecution. Therefore, from now on you must stop holding meetings in the Kingdom Hall , regardless of to whom decorated hall, or in the premises, which were used as Kingdom Halls. 

    Elders need to prayerfully approach the issue meetings of groups, taking care of the security of publishers. As can be seen, even in small meeting groups provide great encouragement, to help better know each other and care for each other, and publishers have the opportunity to regularly eat spiritually (John 13:35;. 21:15). It is therefore important to continue to try to hold full meetings with all the points of the program, and do not connect or cut the meeting . For some program points, you can use Stream. It is also good to publishers understand that there is a violation of the law to gather at social gatherings, talking about topics that interest them, and discussing any moral, ethical or spiritual matters (see yb97 p. 75). If someone from the publishers held a conversation with representatives of the authorities, it is important to remember that he can always take advantage of Article 51 of the Constitution. On this article, you need to keep in mind from the beginning to the end of the conversation.

    Although we are not going to use the Halls the Kingdom, we are asking you to take reasonable care for the safety of buildings and property. If this is possible in your circumstances, charge a reliable brothers regularly come to the Kingdom Hall, to check its status and timely notice of the problem. Please check the operation of alarm systems, protective grilles, locks, etc. You may need something to improve in this regard. By this question should be approached balanced. It is important to continue to operate the equipment and engineering systems, necessary for the safety of the building. Expensive equipment, which does not affect the operation of the necessary engineering systems, you can decide to dismantle. Also, perhaps, some equipment can be used in conducting congregation meetings elsewhere. Please charge the reliable brothers, for example those who served on the committee for use, make a list of the Kingdom Hall of equipment that can be disassembled, and decide where you will be in good and suitable conditions to store equipment. In such a list could include, for example, audio and video equipment, household appliances, furniture and the like. For in the future need to be provided additional details on the service of the Kingdom Halls.

    For us the honor - to serve with you, "shoulder to shoulder" in this exciting time of human history (Zephaniah 3: 9.). "Every time we thank God when we mention about all of you in our prayers, because we always keep in mind your work of faith, labor of love and steadfastness, which you manifest through the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father" (1 Thess. 1, 2, 3). Your brothers, UpravTsentr copy circuit overseer

    It is noteworthy that the WTS' instructions concerning money, doesn't say anything about the congregations setting up a reserve fund or anything like that to assist the Russian brothers and sisters with their legal costs and fines that are beginning to accumulate across Russia. Or to set anything aside to help all the Russian JWs who worked in public service and have recently lost their jobs because of their association with the WT organization.

    Just send the org anything left over from meeting expenses and everything from the "opaque jar or box" marked with the removable label that says "worldwide work". And keep meeting. Really, really important to meet. With two donation boxe$. Or jar$.

  9. 1496769693756277.jpg

      Official police statement 

    Detectives have launched a murder investigation following the suspicious death of a man in Honiton today [6 June].

    Police and ambulance crews were called at around 3.40pm after concerns were raised for the welfare of the man at a premises in Dowell Street.

    On arrival they found the man, who is yet to be identified, deceased at the scene. He had sustained a number of stab wounds.

    A 55-year-old man was located nearby and has been arrested on suspicion of murder. He has been taken into custody in Exeter awaiting questioning.

    Detectives from the Major Crime Investigation Team have launched an investigation to establish the circumstances of the man’s death.

    Officers are appealing for anyone who may have information which may assist with the enquiry to contact them.

    A cordon remains in place around the scene while a forensic examination is carried out by scenes of crime officers.

    Anyone who may have information about the incident is asked to contact police via 101@dc.police.uk or by telephoning 101, quoting log 529 of 06/06/17.

    Information can also be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers via 0800 555111 or the charity’s website at www.crimestoppers-org.uk

    Read more at http://www.devonlive.com/police-cordon-around-honiton-s-kingdom-hall-of-jehovah-s-witnesses-after-fatal-stabbing/story-30375040-detail/story.html


    The question now is.... are either of the two Jehovah's Witnesses?

  10. 1 Corinthians 10  NWT  9 Neither let us put Jehovah to the test, as some of them put [him] to the test, only to perish by the serpents.  

    NIV  9 We should not test Christ, as some of them did—and were killed by snakes. Greek mEde ekpeirazOmen ton christon kathOs kai tines autOn epeirasan kai hupo tOn opheOn apOlonto 


    Χριστόν - Christon - Christ 

    Why render it Jehovah if you deny that very teaching? 

    Numbers 21 NWT  5 And the people kept speaking against God and Moses: “Why have YOU brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread and no water, and our soul has come to abhor the contemptible bread.” 6 So Jehovah sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they kept biting the people, so that many people of Israel died.

  11. An elderly widow has claimed she has been sent pamphlets by Jehovah's Witnesses in a bid to convert her days after the the death of her husband.

    Sue Judd's 77-year-old husband Neville died peacefully in his sleep at their home in Mapua, New Zealand, on May 2.

    She put a notice in her local newspaper on May 3 and 4 with an address provided for people to send messages of condolence to the family.

    A few days later, Mrs Judd received a handwritten letter from a woman – along with pamphlets promoting Jehovah's Witnesses, she told stuff.co.nz.

    Screen Shot 2017-06-03 at 1.12.33 PM.png

    An elderly widow has claimed she has been sent pamphlets by Jehovah's Witnesses in a bid to convert her days after the the death of her husband. File photo

    She said she was horrified to received unsolicited messages from the religious group, a Christian denomination known for its door-to-door evangelism.

    'They're sending it to me unsolicited at a time when I'm at my utterly most vulnerable,' she told stuff.co.nz.

    'They're preying on me and my grief.'

    She added: 'It's so disingenuous. If they really cared, you'd think they'd arrive on the doorstep with some baking or something as anyone else does.'

    Mrs Judd described the letter – which included Bible verses – as 'nonsense,' saying the focus was to convert rather than console her.


    The New Zealand woman said the religious group, known for its door-to-door evangelism was 'preying on my grief.' File photo

    And another letter arrived three weeks later from a 90-year-old woman, also contained leaflets about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    She added that they had affected her mourning process – and called on the church to stop targeting grieving families.

    It comes after former Jehovah's Witnesses elders admitted that they deliberately targeting those who had recently lost loved ones, considering them 'ripe fruit.'

    Vince and Michele Tyler revealed last year they knew members who would trawl through obituaries or visit cemeteries in a find people to convert.

    But a current senior elder of the faith said it had no policy to target the recently bereaved.


  12. JW had multiple allegations of rape

    Once Noticias Honduras, May 26, 2017

    His victims are girls between 12 and 13 years of age. The authorities have not disclosed which congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses the accused belongs to.

    More than five reports of rape filed by minors between 12 and 13 years old had the prosecution against Roger Abraham Flores Diaz, 45, the Jehovah's Witnesses preacher arrested last night in San Pedro Sula, authorities said.

    Flores Díaz was arrested in Barrio el Centro by agents of the Technical Agency of Criminal Investigation (ATIC), where he had a business selling cell phones. According to the authorities, he deceived the young girls by offering them money.


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