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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. January 1, 2017 By Sam Eyoboka A JEHOVAH’S Witness became an instant winner of a brand new Bajaj Tricycle at the 2016 Eagle Flight Micro Finance Bank Limited and Poverty Alleviation Programme of Word of Life Bible Church at a ceremony to mark Boxing Day—a day after Christmas when post-men, errand-boys, and servants of various kinds expect to receive a Christmas-box which coincides with the 11th year anniversary of Eagle Flight Micro Finance Bank. Adah Jiroghene Emmanuel, a 32-year old classroom teacher in Ugboroke area of Warri, was one of the 78 persons who heartily jumped, rolled on the concrete road, to demonstrate their joy, profusely thanking God for an instant end-of-year divine turn-around in their fortunes. “Unbelievable!” the 32-year old graphic designer from Agbarha-Otor in Ughelli North Local Government of Delta State who worships at the Bazunu Kingdom Hall in Warri, exclaimed in ecstacy, narrating how the propriety of his school had encouraged all the teaching staff to participate in the Word of Life Bible Church empowerment programme. “Grudgingly, I applied and at a point during the ceremony I got tired and made to go away but decided to persevere. I thank Pastor Ayo and his wife for this gift and pray they should continue with the gesture because the Bible said it’s more blessed to give than to receive,” he said repeatedly. The occasion also provided joy unspeakable for Solomon Obuko-hwo Itse, Edah Orode Abigail and Bioku Linda Enajomo who went home with a brand new Hyundai car worth N3.5 million each to be used as commercial vehicles in the Warri area. Itse, a 46-year old unemployed Orogun man, who also filled the form for the empowerment out of boredom, is a member of Living Faith Church, Iza-kpa, said he was encouraged by his younger brother’s wife who won a tricycle three years earlier. Edah Orode who will be 33 on January 13 is currently learning how to bake. When her name was mentioned as winner of one of the three cars she simply went hysterical, rolling on the bare concrete. It took great effort before several women could calm her and bring her to the world of the living. “I thank God to Papa and Mama Ayo Oritsejafor, my spiritual parents. They have tried over the years as they have been there for us and has massively encouraged us. God will bless them massively.” *Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor presenting the car keys to one of the winners, Mr. Siolomon Obukohwo Itse while his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Helen Oritsejafor and others watch with keen interest. The third car winner, Bioku Linda Enajomo, who also expressed similar sentiments is a teacher at Ugbolohwosu area and has promised to operate the Taxi cab by herself daily after her primary responsibilities to her school children. Miss Ugbuhor Anna Jennifer, 26, also from Living Faith Church, Izakpa Airport Road, Warri, currently seeking admission to the University of Benin to read Business Administration, was the first to win a tricycle and her joy was simply phenomenal. Fifty one-year old Mrs. Roli Vivian Sifo, who won the second tricycle, is a member of the Ogunu assembly of Living Faith Church. A widow and mother of two, she expressed gratitude to God for the divine intervention which will now enable her to educate her two children. Apart from the three cars, 10 tricycles, 50 other persons also went home with grinding machines while another 25 bagged contracts for training in different vocations: Tailoring (Men and Women), Fish farming, Women make over, Aluminium work. The trainees will be provided with starter packs at the end of their trainiing programme. To mark the bank’s 11th anniversary, two staffers who had served the bank diligently for the past 10 years, Chikezie Cynthia and Aneh Samson were rewarded with one year full salary each just as faithful customers received various gifts for their steadfastness to the growth of the bank. Chairman of the Eagle Flight Micro Finance Bank, Pastor (Mrs.) Helen Oritsejafor said the bank which has been granted state lincence is striving to go national and beyond, promising “we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to poverty reduction which we are set to achieve by the grace of God. “Our joy is that we see the spiritual, physical and economical changes in the lives of persons who have on a yearly basis benefited from the poverty alleviation programme,” she stated, emphasising that to encourage entrepreneurial development and inculcate the culture of saving among the people, the bank had just lowered the amount for opening of accounts to N500. Affirming that the raffle draw that produced the 78 winners was no fluke, Mrs. Oritsejafor said it was done with utmost transparency and without bias for religion or tribe, appealing to those who didn’t win “if it’s not today, it is tomorrow. God can decide to bless you in another way any way. What we must do is to remain hopeful, prayerful, looking on to God who is the author and the finisher of our faith.” In an interview, the visioner and immediate past national president of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritse-jafor emphasised that the Church has no choice than to lend a helping hand to the under-privileged in the society. “When Jesus said I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you clothed me…He didn’t say there was a recession and you took a break and then after the re-cession you came back and you clothed me. That’s not what He said. “So the Church has no choice but to always reach out to the poor, to the under-privileged, the needy, those who are out there who need help. Jesus preached one day and when He finished preaching, He said to His disciples, give them food to eat. That immediately tells you that God is always concerned about the total man: the spirit, the mind and the body. It’s not just about preaching people to heaven, but while they are here on earth, what do they do, how do they live, how do they feed and survive? “So what’s life all about? Why should they be here? They are not dead, they are alive. So we have a responsibility and we just can’t run away from it. We must continue to do all what God “instructed” the Church to do, and we do it with joy. Because when you obey God and you are happy about it, Heaven is happy with you. So we rejoice and we will continue to do it. We don’t even think of recession. We do our best and He knows that we will always do our best. Whatever we do now, next time hopefully it will be better than this. We just pray we can improve and continue to improve,” he said. Asked if the gesture is in recognition that governments have failed in this part of the world, he said: “No, I don’t think so. In my own opinion, God spoke directly to the Church, so the Church has a responsibility to do exactly what we are doing now, whether there is government or not. In fact, the Church is government on its own and so has a direct responsibility to take care of the needy. So the Church, to be honest with you, should not hide behind government somewhere and say government ought to do this. “That’s not to say government shouldn’t. Government has the responsibility to take care of people they govern. Now that is between them and God and the people. But I must tell you that the Church has a responsibility given to her directly from God to take care of the needy amongst them. We do it because we are instructed to do it,” he said. Continuing, he told his interview-er: “It will shock you if you go to the UK to discover that the churches that are well recognized by government, by Her Royal Majesty and all important institutions are the ones that are doing exactly what we are doing now. That makes them stand out and they are recognized. In fact three years ago, Prince Charles went to a Nigerian church; on his birthday to worship. And when they asked him why, he said because I found out that this church is always meeting the needs of people and I just think it’s the right thing for a church to do, so I feel it’s a right place for me to come and worship. “Again I repeat, that does not take away the fact that government has a responsibility to make sure that the people are first protected; secondly their needs are met one way or the other. They have that responsibility. But I can’t sit here and speak for government. They will have to speak for themselves. But I can speak for the Church. I know I have a responsibility as a leader in the Church to do what we are doing and we will continue to do it by the grace of God. “The Church alone cannot do it. It is absolutely impossible, but the Church must do what she can do and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Government has a huge chunk of the responsibility but the Church has its place and corporate organizations have their place. I look forward to a day in this country when government, churches and corporate organizations would partner and work together to meet the needs of people. “My feeling is that we may ‘almost’, not totally, eradicate poverty from our society, if these three groups will come together. That’s my heart desire. I don’t know how to go about it. If you know how to, you can tell us how and reach out to the government and corporate organizations. I’m here, I’m ready. If the three groups can partner, believe me, we will change this nation. We are ready and we believe that together we can make a difference in this nation to the glory of God,” Oritsejafor pledged. http://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/01/jehovahs-witness-wins-tricycle-oritsejafor-empowers-78/
  2. A man who fondled a young boy he came into contact with through his church has been jailed and threatened with deportation. Yesterday at Inverness Sheriff Court, 45-year-old Zbigniew Komorowski was sent to prison for 14 months by Sheriff David Sutherland, who also recommended he was returned to Poland. Komorowski, of Polvanie View, Inverness, was told: “The only appropriate sentence is one of prison. You will also be placed on the sex offender’s register for five years and I will recommend that you be deported.” Komorowski had pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting the boy on one occasion between January 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 by touching him on the genital area on top of his clothing. He also admitted breaching a bail condition banning him from approaching unaccompanied children when he offered them drinks and biscuits outside his home while he was awaiting sentence. Fiscal depute Ross Carvel had told the court that Komorowski became friendly with the parents of the child as they were members of the same church and were Jehovah’s Witnesses. “They became concerned about the behaviour of Komorowski when their son’s behaviour changed. He had nightmares and on one occasion he took his mother’s hand and put it on his crotch area. “There was a confrontation with Komorowski who spoke with a number of elders at the church. He admitted the offence. Then the father told the police after Komorowski was expelled. “At the police interview, he said he knew what he had done was wrong but he did not know why he did it.” Mr Carvel added. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/inverness/1127519/man-faces-deportation-after-fondling-young-boy-he-met-through-church/
  3. December 29, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide
  4. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Abuja has declared the Managing Director of Emsilv Nigeria Limited, Mr Sylvanus Odiase, wanted over fraud and financial crimes. Quick Adsense WordPress Plugin: http://quicksense.net/ a2 Mr Odiase is needed at EFCC, Abuja, on a matter wherein he was alleged to have used fictitious documents to obtain loan in September 2015. He has been a contractor to SPDC and Conoil (Beltop Nig Ltd) He is a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. His last known residential address was 6, Ezewalen Street, Off Afieki Road, Ekpan, Warri. The police and general public are hereby advised to fish this man out and let him face the law. Source: urhokpotareporters.com http://www.newsflashngr.com/index.php/2016/12/29/efcc-declares-jehovahs-witness-wanted-over-fraud/
  5. wifibandit 12 days ago December 12, 2016 Re: Branch Relocation Project - Regional Event Registration AND December 5, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Construction Project December 5, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Construction Project Dear Brothers: Since the year 1900, Jehovah’s people have used branch offices to organize the Kingdom work around the world. We were no doubt pleased when the Governing Body approved a branch construction project in our branch territory. It is truly exciting to see that the rapid growth in Jeho- vah’s organization is creating an increased demand for expanded branch facilities. King David prophesied that even though subjects of God’s Kingdom would face challenges, they would “offer themselves willingly” to serve Kingdom interests. (Ps. 110:3) Whether we can help out on a building site or not, all of us can have the privilege of supporting such projects through our voluntary donations. To that end, an additional contribution box will be available throughout the course of the project as a means for you to express your appreciation for this excit- ing endeavour. All contributions collected from this box will be remitted to the branch office to off- set expenses associated with this project and the many other projects that are currently under way around the globe.—2 Cor. 8:12. We are confident that when this project is completed, our new branch facility will give a grand shout of praise to our loving and generous God, Jehovah. Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes. Your brothers, c: Circuit overseers Page 2 PS to bodies of elders: Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the first midweek meeting after its receipt. Thereafter, it should be placed on the noticeboard. However, this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be placed on the noticeboard. A copy of this letter and postscript should be given to the accounts servant. At the conclusion of the meeting when this letter is read, the coordinator of the body of elders should ensure that a separate contribution box labeled “Branch Construction” is made available. The box should remain in place until notification is received that the project has been completed. Although publishers are being given an opportunity to provide additional financial support to branch construction activity, this arrangement is not intended to replace any existing congregation resolution to support the worldwide work. Contributions from the “Branch Construction” box should be collected at the end of each meeting in the same manner as all other contributions and should be recorded as a separate line item on the Receipt (S-24) form. Amounts should be recorded on the Accounts Sheet (S-26) using the transaction code “B.” The contributions should be remitted to the branch office each month along with all other donations. An updated version of the Contribution Remittance Form (S-20) and Record of Electronic Funds Transfer (TO-62) will show this line for the duration of the project. A new line will be available on the transfer funds feature of jw.org. Below are sample entries showing how to record the remittance to the branch office. ... When the monthly congregation accounts announcement is read to the congregation, it should be announced what portion of the funds forwarded to the branch office came from the “Branch Construction” box. Additionally, the congregation should be informed each month of the cumulative total of funds received in the “Branch Construction” box to date. This will help to keep all in the congregation aware of the need and will give them an opportunity to consider providing additional financial support as they are able.
  6. My Mother taught me LOGIC..."If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me." My Mother taught me MEDICINE..."If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze that way." My Mother taught me TO THINK AHEAD..."If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job!" My Mother taught me ESP..."Put your sweater on; don't you think that I know when you're cold?" My Mother taught me TO MEET A CHALLENGE..."What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you...Don't talk back to me!" My Mother taught me HUMOR..."When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me." My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT..."If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up. My mother taught me about GENETICS..."You are just like your father!" My mother taught me about my ROOTS..."Do you think you were born in a barn?" My mother taught me about the WISDOM of AGE..."When you get to be my age, you will understand." My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION..."Just wait until your father gets home." My mother taught me about RECEIVING..."You are going to get it when we get home." And, my all-time favorite - JUSTICE..."One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like YOU -- then you'll see what it's like!"
  7. A Jehovah’s Witness preacher and elder has been jailed for having sexual activity with a girl of 14. Family man Daniel Arthington, 46, of Llanddaniel, Anglesey, pleaded guilty at Caernarfon Crown Court and was sent to prison for two years and eight months. “I’m satisfied there was an element of grooming involved in your successful attempt in snaring your young prey,” Judge Huw Rees told him. “Your fall from grace is substantial but you have nobody to blame but yourself.’ Anna Pope, prosecuting, said the defendant had responsibilities which included being an elder, preacher and other duties. She described how a local builder had noticed a van parked on occasions on a remote lane near Bangor Rugby Club. He spotted it in the afternoon of October 17, with a male driver and a female sitting close to him. Becoming suspicious he told a friend who was a police officer who arrived and could hear voices from the back of the van, “with noises consistent with sexual activity.” Miss Pope added: “He waited for about 20 minutes during which he saw the van rocking from side to side, and the prosecution say this was the defendant involved in sexual activity with a child.” Arthington got back into the front of the van, appearing short of breath, and the policeman asked the passenger to get out. The court heard Arthington said to the girl: “Tell him you’re 19, I’ve already told him.” When asked for her date of birth the girl admitted she was 14 and on his way to the police station Arthington declared: “I’m dead.” Miss Pope said there was a mattress and sheet in the back of the van. In an impact statement the girl said she now felt sad and depressed, had lost weight and couldn’t sleep. Her family was now considering whether to move. Simon Rogers, defending, said his client’s family was standing by Arthington. “He’s deeply ashamed of what he has done and has let down himself and his family. “He’s been married 27 years with two children.” References described him as “hard working, kind and compassionate.” Judge Rees told Arthington he been greedy and lustful. He told him: “You made a sly attempt to prevent the police from seeing her and tried to hoodwink them that she was 19.” A Sexual Harm Prevention Order was imposed whose terms ban any contact with the girl and he must register indefinitely as a sexual offender. After the case Detective Sergeant Daf Curry of Caernarfon CID said, “The kind of acts this man perpetrated have caused his victim and her family huge damage. “By exploiting a position of trust, particularly towards a vulnerable child, he has betrayed them all and I hope they feel some sense of justice has been reached and they can attempt to rebuild their lives. “We welcome the sentence and I’d like to assure the communities of North Wales that we will treat every allegation of sexual abuse seriously and thoroughly pursue the perpetrators and bring them to justice.” A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses said that Arthington was sacked as an elder soon after his arrest. He said: “We would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family of the girl. We abhor any child abuse. “He was removed from a position of trust as soon as it became known.” The spokesman said that elders were a spiritual position and were chosen from within the congregation after many years service and study of the Bible. He added: “The elders are there to protect the welfare of the congregation. And I would like to repeat we detest this disgusting crime.” http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/sly-anglesey-jehovahs-witness-preacher-12361109
  8. 1) Santa vive en el Polo Norte ... Jesús está en todas partes. 2) Santa se pasea en un trineo ... Jesús monta en el viento y camina sobre las aguas. 3) Santa viene una vez al año.... Jesús es una ayuda siempre presente. 4) Santa llena tus calcetines con regalitos ... Jesús suple todas tus necesidades. 5) Santa baja por la chimenea sin ser invitado ... Jesús está a la puerta y llama, y entra en tu corazón. 6) Tienes que esperar en la fila para ver a santa ... Jesús esta más cerca, solo mencióna su nombre. 7) Santa le permite sentarse en su piernas ... Jesús te deja descansar en sus brazos. 8) Santa no sabe tu nombre, lo único que puede decir es, "Hola, niño o niña, ¿cómo te llamas?" ... Jesús sabía nuestro nombre antes que nosotros. No sólo Él sabe nuestro nombre, Él conoce nuestra historia y el futuro, y El conoce nuestro corazone y cuántos pelos están en nuestra cabeza. 9) Santa tiene una barriga como un tazon lleno de gelatina ... Jesús tiene un corazón lleno de amor, gracia, misericordia y perdón. 10) Todo lo que santa puede ofrecer es HO HO HO ... Jesús dice: "Echad tus preocupacions en Mí por que me importas." 11) Santa lo puede hacer carcajear, pero ... JESÚS te da alegría la cual es tu fuerza. 12) Santa deja regalos debajo de tu árbol ... Jesús se convirtió nuestro regalo y murió en la cruz por usted y por mi. Es obvio que realmente no hay comparación. Tenemos que recordar de QUIEN se trata la Navidad. Tenemos que poner a Cristo de nuevo en La Navidad. Jesús sigue siendo el motivo de esta temporada. Sí, Jesús es mucho mejor, incluso El es mejor que Santa Claus. Saludos
  9. 1. You work for an acronym, on an acronym, and your job title is an acronym. 2. You can name the project leader of more than 10 projects including your own, but still can't explain in the simplest terms what they do. 3. The process becomes more important than the product. 4. You've sat at the same desk for 3 years, done the same thing for 3 years, but have had 3 different business cards. 5. You don't see anything wrong with attending a meeting on a subject you know nothing about. 6. You feel you contributed to the meeting just by being there. 7. You realize that a paperless office is impossible. Actually, you believe it is possible, just not in your office. 8. You keep documents/manuals on projects that have been long since canceled. 9. You stop raising issues/problems because you know you will be the one answering them. 10. You fly across the country to attend a conference with 100+ people to discuss the fact that the project does not have enough money. 11. You've sat at the same desk for 4 years and worked for three different agencies. 12. Your name plate is attached with Velcro. 13. Your resume is on a diskette in your pocket. 14. The office symbol on your badge is applied with tape. 15. When someone asks about what you do for a living, you lie. 16. You get really excited about a 2% pay raise. 17. Your biggest loss from a system crash is that you loose your best jokes. 18. Your supervisor doesn't have the ability to do your job. 19. You sit in a cubicle smaller than your bedroom closet. 20. You think lunch is just a meeting to which you drive. 21. It's dark when you drive to and from work. 22. Fun is when issues are assigned to someone else. 23. Communication is something your group is having problems with. 24. You see a good looking person and know it is a visitor. 25. Free food left over from meetings is your main staple. 26. Weekends are those days your spouse makes you stay home. 27. Being sick is defined as can't walk or you're in the hospital. 28. Art involves a white board. 29. You're already late on the assignment you just got. 30. You work 200 hours for the $100 performance check and jubilantly say, "Oh wow, thanks!" 31. Dilbert cartoons hang outside every cube. 32. Your boss' favorite lines are "when you get a few minutes," "in your spare time," "when you're freed up," and "I have an opportunity for you." 33. Vacation is something you roll over to next year. 34. Your relatives and family describe your job as "works with computers." 35. Change is the norm. 36. Nepotism is encouraged. 37. The only reason you recognize your kids is because their pictures hang in your cube. 38. You only have makeup for fluorescent lighting. 39. You can name more people that used to work with you than people who do
  10. New documentary on pedophilia that aired December 1st, 2016 on Radio-Canada(CBC) in Quebec in french now with english subtitles. Note : activate subtitles on youtube. Enquête : Les «Sales» du Royaume (Translation)
  11. fyi, 10/12/2016 at melton assembly hall. 1,266 in attendance. Two 15 yo, one male one female baptised. Costs for the day, $6,951:00 Before costs contribution to Sydney branch office from last assembly surplus $3,000:00
  12. @Eoin Joyce I believe this is their quote about themselves you are referring to:
  13. The Jehovah's Witness Church in Australia failed to protect children in its care from sexual predators, a report has found. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse delivered its report into the organisation on Monday. It stated that: "Children are not adequately protected from the risk of child sexual abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organisation and [the commission] does not believe the organisation responds adequately to allegations of child sexual abuse." Survivors of sexual abuse within the church and senior church members appeared before a public hearing last year. The inquiry heard the church received allegations of child sexual abuse involving more than 1000 of its members over a 60-year period but did not report a single claim to police. In its report on the inquiry, the royal commission found that the organisation's general practice of "not reporting serious instances of child sexual abuse to police or authorities, demonstrated a serious failure on its part to provide for the safety and protection of children." The royal commission determined that the church's response to allegations of child sexual abuse were outdated, including a rule that there must be two witnesses to an incident, which "showed a serious lack of understanding of the nature of child sexual abuse". "It noted the rule, which the Jehovah's Witness organisation relies on, and applies inflexibly even in the context of child sexual abuse, was devised more than 2000 years ago," the report found. Royal commission chairman Justice Peter McClellan. Photo: Jeremy Piper The Jehovah's Witnesses approach to handling claims internally was not appropriate for children or survivors of sexual abuse, the report found. "Survivors are offered little or no choice in how their complaint is addressed, sanctions are weak with little regard to the risk of the perpetrator re-offending." The head of the Jehovah's Witness community's service desk, Rodney Spinks, is considering the report and is expected respond on Monday afternoon. http://aunews24.com/25951/Jehovahs-Witnesses-demonstrated-a-serious-failure-to-protect-children-Royal-Commission
  14. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2112829-blood-from-human-teens-rejuvenates-body-and-brains-of-old-mice/
  15. The feb 2017 Watchtower says the Governing Body is not inspired nor infallible. yet, they are still using the baptism questions. the second one being... "do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s witnesses in association with god’s spirit-directed organization?".
  16. A letter was just read at my midweek meeting that Georgetown (Canada Bethel) will have renovations done on it beginning Spring 2017. The letter asked for publishers who are electricians/plumbers/etc. and in good standing to apply to help out. Those helping out will be considered "part-time commuters" and will only be at the property for about 3 days a week and must reside outside of Bethel and pay for all their own expenses. I believe the last major work done at Canada's Bethel was in the 80's when they built another residence and renovated some of the rooms in the main housing center (I forget the building name) and in 2009/2010 when they got the new Manroland press. I don't understand any of this, the org is laying off so many Bethelites, why bother doing any renovations? Are they really just renovating it only for it to be sold in 5 years time? Too many questions, no answers. There's less than 400 full time Bethelites there now too so quite a few of the rooms will be empty anyway
  17. Watchtower has removed the video news update: jehovah’s witnesses moving forward. this video featured jared kushner speaking in glowing terms about wt personnel and how well maintained the buildings were by the organisation.. despite claims in this same video that "we're not trapped in time" by watchtower spokesman david a. semonian, here is the url of the removed page:. https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/united-states/video-jehovahs-witnesses-sale-brooklyn-move/ . Here is that video: OCTOBER 3, 2013
  18. By Zunilda Mata. Discriminated against for decades, Cuba’s Jehovah’s Witnesses just opened an employment agency that focuses on the “honesty and decency” of its people. The database “is an opportunity to advertise the skills that the brothers have in different professions and trades,” says Tamara Sanchez, one of the managers. As a “private initiative,” although it is linked to the religious community, she describes the new project as one to connect the private sector with “serious and decent” workers. Close relationships within the congregation are a plus for the rapid transmission of information. “When I look for a job with the state and they realize that I am Jehovah’s Witness they see me as a weirdo,” said Mario Francisco. “I was not a Pioneer [in elementary school] and did not wear the neckerchief,” he recalls. The young man works in the private sector as a caregiver for the elderly. He considers that job opportunities through the agency could be “a way to erase prejudice.” He notes that he only works with families who share his beliefs because he feels “more respected.” “Please, if you are not a witness, do not call to register (…), although we do not doubt that you are an honest person, we cannot accept your registration,” clarify the managers of the employment exchange. The project is focused only on those who “find it very difficult to get work in these critical times.” Jehovah’s Witness Hall in Havana. (14yMedio) The Cuban government’s relationship with Jehovah’s Witnesses has been tense since the coming to power of Fidel Castro. Many were interned in the Military Units to Aid Production (UMAP) camps that operated on the island between 1965 and 1968 – along with other religious believers, homosexuals and political dissidents – while others were driven underground and into exile. The official animosity continues today, but some years ago the authorities issued permits for the congregation’s meeting halls to open. “We are allowed to meet but there is no public recognition that we exist, that we are here and we are not criminals or bad people,” says the nurse. The stigma is felt strongly in teaching and working life. “There is not a single Jehovah’s Witness who is the manager of a hotel, a hard-currency store manager or a state official,” says Mario Francisco. In his opinion, this group is still seen as “unreliable” for certain positions. The latest report on Religious Freedom in the World (2014), released by the United States Department of State, reveals that the Cuban authorities continue to monitor the activities of religious groups on the island. Among the hardest hit are the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although the Constitution, in force on the island since 1976, enacts that “the State recognizes, respects and guarantees religious freedom,” the Office of Religious Affairs of the Communist Party staunchly monitors construction permits for new houses of worship. Excessive controls have strengthened the informal networks that serve the Witnesses to spread their beliefs from door to door, to help each other in case of need and to warn each other of dangers. They have now extended these networks to the job search. Through a phone call, a text message or an e-mail sent to the organizers of the new employment agency, applicants submit their professional skills and contact details. The project has two databases, one public and one private. The public information can be read on classified site such as Revolico and others circulate in the Weekly Packet. There are more than twenty occupations included and they include everything from plumbing to cooking, cleaning, medicine and jewelry making. “Often someone would ask us for a serious, honest and responsible worker for a job and we didn’t have ways to identify the brother who would be ideal for the position,” the promoters explain. The list will favor those who until now have been adversely affected by prejudice. “The witnesses who are contacted for a possible job will be duly questioned about their beliefs and their faithfulness in the service of the Lord,” they clarify. A test that Mario Francisco deems necessary. “When people ask me for my religious beliefs, it is usually to not give me the job… but in this case I will answer the question without fear.” Source: 14yMedio and Translating Cuba.
  19. Éloïse Dupuis refused emergency blood transfusion, now her aunt wants Civil Code amended to protect others Éloïse Dupuis, 26, died from complications related to blood loss six days after giving birth to her first child by C-section. (Manon Boyer) A public memorial event for Éloïse Dupuis, a 26-year-old Jehovah's Witness who died six days after giving birth in October, will take place Dec. 3 in Laval. The gathering is being organized by her aunt, Manon Boyer, to celebrate Dupuis's life, which Boyer alleges ended under pressure from other Witnesses to refuse an emergency blood transfusion. Transfusions are prohibited under Jehovah's Witness doctrine, which holds that the Bible forbids adherents from "ingesting" blood. A Quebec coroner is investigating Dupuis's death to determine if her refusal of blood met legal and medical standards for free and informed consent. Police in Lévis, where Dupuis died in hospital, are also investigating her death after Boyer lodged a complaint about the alleged behaviour of a Jehovah's Witness hospital liaison committee at the hospital. "Éloïse didn't deserve to die like this, and she deserves to be remembered and celebrated, so that's what we're planning," Boyer said. "There can't be another Éloïse. There can't be more children left motherless," she said. The event will take place at 4 p.m. on Dec. 3 at the Eggspress restaurant at 8028 Marcel-Villeneuve Avenue. Boyer said the memorial will help compensate for the fact she and other non-Jehovah's Witness family members weren't invited to Dupuis's funeral, which she said takes place today in Sainte-Marie-du-Beauce, south of Quebec City. Aunt wants Civil Code amended The memorial event will also serve to highlight calls by Boyer and others for amendments to Quebec's Civil Code that would allow doctors to override religious objections when a life is at stake. "If someone needs blood, doctors should have the right to give it to them," she said. Boyer said she would also like to see a public inquiry on the issue. "We need to debate this as a society, because that's where we're at. And I won't stop until the Civil Code has been amended," she said. "We can't let sectarian movements do whatever they want in our hospitals. It's just inconceivable," she said. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/dupuis-memorial-jehovahs-witness-1.3857367
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