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Jack Ryan

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  1. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Clip from the Supreme Court of Canada Case on November 2, 2017 involving the Jehovah's Witness Organization vs. Randy Wall. What this lawyer says is an utter lie. They do shun (even though they clearly don't want to admit it) and it does affect the family relationship in every way. Young people have been kicked out by their parents, spouses have divorced and siblings have cut off ALL contact not just "spiritual" contact. The entire coverage of this hearing can be seen here: http://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/in...
  2. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Strange how he doesn't quote a bible verse, he just states that the Bible "clearly says" you should shun your family members, your own children.
    If the Bible clearly says you should do that, why can't you quote any scriptures? Because there are none. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything like that.
  3. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    This comes from the final talk at the Birmingham, AL Convention. Herd talks kind of low and there is some background noise, so here is a transcript starting at about 1:25.
    I thought this was interesting because it doesn't appear to be in the talk outline. Admittedly, I just skimmed through the outline quickly, so it might be in there. Either way, there is something twisted about comparing the shunning of children to casting out demons from heaven.
    Edit: For those wondering, this talk is from August 5. The part before when the transcript starts is Herd talking about King Asa removing his grandmother from her position.
  4. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Best way to shun your kids completely is to stone them, according to Bible Principles.
    So much wisdom
  5. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Strange how he doesn't quote a bible verse, he just states that the Bible "clearly says" you should shun your family members, your own children.
    If the Bible clearly says you should do that, why can't you quote any scriptures? Because there are none. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything like that.
  6. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    That’s funny because during the recent court case in Canada regarding shunning, that the org bragged about winning, their lawyers flat out lie with this line :
    "As far as their family members are concerned, normal family relations continue with the exception of spiritual fellowship."
  7. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Best way to shun your kids completely is to stone them, according to Bible Principles.
    So much wisdom
  8. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Strange how he doesn't quote a bible verse, he just states that the Bible "clearly says" you should shun your family members, your own children.
    If the Bible clearly says you should do that, why can't you quote any scriptures? Because there are none. Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything like that.
  9. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    This comes from the final talk at the Birmingham, AL Convention. Herd talks kind of low and there is some background noise, so here is a transcript starting at about 1:25.
    I thought this was interesting because it doesn't appear to be in the talk outline. Admittedly, I just skimmed through the outline quickly, so it might be in there. Either way, there is something twisted about comparing the shunning of children to casting out demons from heaven.
    Edit: For those wondering, this talk is from August 5. The part before when the transcript starts is Herd talking about King Asa removing his grandmother from her position.
  10. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Space Merchant in Is this evidence of extraterrestrial life on the moon?   
    First ever film of demons flying around the planet?
  11. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in THE WATCHTOWER—STUDY EDITION | December 2018   
    Dec. 2018 WT's Shocking advice re: domestic violence

    It is very interesting that Watchtower always paints an abusive or violent mate as being an unbeliever. They always make it about the wife converting the unbeliever into a JW, and that will somehow fix the problem. There is no reality in these articles. They never talk about the abusive mate who is a JW, perhaps and elder or MS. It is totally fabricated scenarios that perpetuate the fairytale of happy JW marriages.
    They forgot to mention the abusive "brothers" that have beaten their wives to death. One of the two witnesses at the Russian Supreme Court hearing last year was a woman who had enough of the abuse and left her JW husband. She was not going to hang around until he killed her. The fact that she was dfd for divorcing the asshole and remarrying served as proof that the JW religion is extremist. From a women's rights perspective, it is indeed extremist and deadly.
  12. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    A now a message from our sponsor:
  13. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    Although Tokyo Bethel has found a way to deal with the situation.

  14. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to SuziQ1513 in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    Recently (like this last week), I was attending to our JW publication cart at our local library.  We (the sister with me) were approached by a guy dressed like a country music wannabe with cowboy hat and a plaid shirt with the arms torn off.  His arms were flaying around as he talked about a Youtube vid about our "black dude" leader saying we need to cast our children out of our homes if they aren't following JW rules.  The sister and I were perplexed since we didn't know what he was talking about and tried to reason with him.  Now I know what got him fired up.   The recording of Bro Herd is very hard to decipher what he is saying but I know from previous broadcasts he and Bro Morris can express their personal opinion like its scripture.  They mean well but I feel they go too far sometimes.  
    Casting out demons is totally different than dealing with a disfellowshipped child.  The demons had been in Jehovah's presence as fully functioning perfect beings.   They chose a course of rebellion with full knowledge and understanding not subjected to the influence of Adamic sin.    A imperfect child does make their own choices but who knows what influences those choices.   Being an imperfect human gets complicated.    Every country on earth that I can think of has a prison system to protect their good citizens from the bad.  As with Russia we can see that system has a hidden agenda to do just the opposite.   As humans in or out of the Truth, we can have a hidden agenda and I suspect the BoE is not exempt if they are not careful.   I pray for Jehovah to repair any damage done and to cause corrections to be made.  
  15. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to Space Merchant in Raccoon Skydives off Building in New Jersey   
    Perhaps by mere chance. An there is a very, very high chance that most likely the Raccoon will never do that again and stick to raiding garbage bins nearby because that isn't much of a risk.
  16. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Space Merchant in Raccoon Skydives off Building in New Jersey   
  17. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from admin in China Threatens US With "Consequences" If It Does Not "Immediately" Revoke Sanctions Over Russian Weapons Deal   
    And what exactly would China do? increase tariffs?
    They consider themselves a superpower already and are about to learn a lesson in humility.
    Not yet China. You were still riding bicycles when I was kid.... you have just figured out how to drive cars thru drive thrus.
    Don't think Russian weapons systems will make you equal to US Military might.
    There has NEVER been another military in world history with the power and might of equal to the USA.
    The US Navy has the 2nd largest Air Force in the entire world after the US Air Force.
  18. Like
  19. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to SuziQ1513 in To all BoE: Handling Cases of Drug Abuse   
    Point well taken, albeit sarcastically.   I've done some digging on this subject and found that CBD from hemp (less than 3% THC)  is legal in all 50 US states.    It comes from a different strain of cannabis sativa than marijuana which is higher in THC (the psycho active ingredient).   There is a lot and I mean a lot of confusion about this even in the medical field.   One big problem is it's illegal to grow cannabis  including  hemp in the US by federal law (9 states  allow it).  Some believe the regulation law of 1937  came about because of the competition with the forestry interests vs hemp growers when it came to making paper.  In 1970 all forms (4000 strains/varieties) of  Cannabis  (which included hemp and marijuana) was classified as a Schedule I drug.   So you could be in a state that legalized cannabis but if you use it, you are still breaking US federal law.  This could be different in another country.   France is the largest grower of hemp followed by China, Japan, etc.   

    Based on the letter you submitted for the BoE, it doesn't address anything about whether someone smokes marijuana verses eating it or taking it in another form.   It doesn't address why a person needs it.  I understand they could get into a lot of trouble if they interfered with a medical directive but given the how the laws are written so loosely (sarcasm accepted here) pretty much anyone could get a prescription from a doctor.  It's Satan's crazy world and the poor brothers have to navigate through this mess for the benefit of the congregation.  I would hope you would cut them some slack here and there.  
    BTW:   Do some research on hemp variety of cannabis,  it's definitely not the devils lettuce.  It's amazing how useful and practical hemp is, as well, as nutritious (I personally use hemp seed in my diet and plan on adding CBD oil to it).   Jehovah created it for our benefit.  Just be cautious of the country where the hemp is grown.
  20. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from JW Insider in Ptolemy's Canon   
    © Carl Olof Jonsson, Göteborg, Sweden, 2000
    The following material is adapted from the discussion on pages 44-48 of the first and second editions of my book, The Gentile Times Reconsidered (published in 1983 and 1986), with some updates.
    PROFESSOR ROBERT R. NEWTON (who died in 1991) was a noted physicist who has published a series of outstanding works on the secular accelerations of the moon and the earth. He examined in detail hundreds of astronomical observations dating all the way from the present back to about 700 BC, in order to determine the rate of the slowly changing of the length of the day during this period. The best information on his research in this area is found in his book, The Moon’s Acceleration and Its Physical Origins, vol. 1, published in 1979. His results have more recently been further refined by other scholars, especially by F. Richard Stephenson. (Historical Eclipses and Earth’s Rotation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997) 
    The research of Newton, Stephenson, and all the other scholars who have examined this matter totally and irrevocably demolishes the idea of ”Gary” (alias ”Joshua/92”), who in his posts on the H2O site claims that the longitude of Babylon in 568 BC was located at the longitude of Honolulu (a desperate idea resulting from his attempts to overcome the evidence of VAT 4956)! This idea presupposes a change of the length of the day since that time of a magnitude that is in the most glaring conflict with the research of Robert R. Newton, whom ”Gary” likes to quote (although very selectively and completely out of context). 
    Accusations against Claudius Ptolemy not new
    The claim that Claudius Ptolemy ”deliberately fabricated” many of his observations is not new. Astronomers have questioned Ptolemy’s observations for centuries. As early as 1008 AD, ibn Yunis concluded that they contained serious errors, and by about 1800, astronomers had recognized that almost all of Ptolemy’s observations were in error. In 1817, Delambre asked: ”Did Ptolemy do any observing? Are not the observations that he claims to have made merely computations from his tables, and examples to help in explaining his theories?” (J.B.J. Delambre, Histoire de l’Astronomie Ancienne, Paris 1817, Vol. II, p. XXV. Quoted by Robert R. Newton in The Moon’s Acceleration and Its Physical Origins [MAPO], Vol. I, Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979, p. 43.) 
    Two years later (1819) Delambre also concluded that Ptolemy fabricated some of his solar observations and demonstrated how the fabrication was made. (Newton, MAPO I, p. 44) More recently, other astronomers have re-examined Ptolemy’s observations and arrived at similar results. One of them is Professor Robert R. Newton. In his book, The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977), Newton claims that Ptolemy fudged, not only a large body of the observations he says he had made himself, but also a number of the observations Ptolemy attributes to other astronomers, including some he quotes from Babylonian sources. These include the three oldest observations recorded in Ptolemy’s Almagest dating from the first and second years of the Babylonian king Merodach-baladan (called Mardokempados in Almagest), corresponding to 721 and 720 BC. 
    Scholars disagreeing with R.R. Newton
    In the ensuing debate a number of scholars have repudiated Newton’s conclusions. They have argued that Newton’s arguments ”are marred by all manner of distortions” (Bernard R. Goldstein of the University of Pittsburgh in Science, February 24, 1978, p. 872), and that his case collapses because ”it is based on faulty statistical analysis and a disregard for the methods of early astronomy” (scholars Noel M. Swerdlow of the University of Chicago, Victor E. Thoren of Indiana University, and Owen J. Gingerich of Harvard University, in Scientific American, March 1979, p. 93, American edition). Similar comments are made by Noel M. Swerdlow, ”Ptolemy on Trial, ” in The American Scholar, Autumn 1979, pp. 523-531, and by Julia Neuffer, ”´Ptolemy’s Canon´ Debunked?” in Andrews University Seminary Studies, Vol. XVII, No. 1, 1979, pp. 39-46. An article by Owen J. Gingerich with a rebuttal by R.R. Newton is found in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 21, 1980, pp. 253-266, 388-399, with a final response by Gingerich in Vol. 22, 1981, pp. 40-44.
    Scholarly support for R.R. Newton 
    Most of these critics, though, are historians without particular expertise in the field of Greek astronomy. Some reviews written by well-informed astronomers have been favorable to Newton’s conclusions. One historian who is also well acquainted with Greek astronomy, K.P. Moesgaard, agrees that Ptolemy fabricated his astronomical data, though he feels it was done for some honest reason. (K.P. Moesgaard, ”Ptolemy’s Failings,” Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. XI, 1980, pp. 133-135) Rolf Brahde, too, wrote a favorable review of Newton’s book in Astronomisk Tidskrift, 1979, No. 1, pp. 42,43. 
    B.L. van der Waerden, Professor of Mathematics and an expert on Greek astronomy, discusses Newton’s claims in his book, Die Astronomie der Griechen(Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988). Although he would not go as far as Newton in his attack on Ptolemy, he agrees that Ptolemy falsified his observations, stating: ”That Ptolemy systematically and intentionally has falsified his observations in order to bring his observational results in agreement with his theory have been convincingly demonstrated by Delambre and Newton.” (p. 253) 
    Recent criticism of R.R. Newton
    G.J. Toomer, the well-known translator of Ptolemy’s Almagest (London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1984), discusses Newton’s claim in an article published in 1988 (”Hipparchus and Babylonian Astronomy,” in A Scientific Humanist. Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs, eds. E. Leichty, M. DeJ. Ellis, & P. Gerardi, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 353-362), in which he convincingly argues that all the observations from earlier periods recorded by Ptolemy were taken over from the Greek mathematician Hipparchus (2nd century BC). 
    In 1990, Dr. Gerd Grasshoff included a lengthy section on the accusations against Claudius Ptolemy in his work, The History of Ptolemy’s Star Catalogue(London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong: Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp. 79-91). He concludes that Newton’s arguments against Ptolemy are ”superficial” and ”unjustified”. 
    More recently, Oscar Sheynin has discussed Newton’s accusations at some length, arguing that the reason why Ptolemy’s observations so well agree with his theory is, not that he fabricated them, but that he selected the observations that best fitted his theory. Although such selectivity is not allowed in science today, it was quite common in ancient times. For this reason Sheynin states that Ptolemy cannot be regarded a fraud. (O. Sheynin, ”The Treatment of Observations in Early Astronomy,” in C. Truesdell (ed.), Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Vol. 46:2, 1993, pp. 153-192.) 
    In summary, there seems to be at least some evidence in support of the claims that Claudius Ptolemy was ”fraudulent” in the way he handled his observations, either by ”trimming” the values or by selecting those who best fitted his theory. However, few scholars would go as far as Newton, who dismisses Ptolemy altogether as a fraud. As Dr. James Evans notes, ”very few historians of astronomy have accepted Newton’s conclusions in their entirety.” (Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 24, Parts ½, February/May, 1993, pp. 145-146.)
    R.R. Newton and ”Ptolemy’s Canon”
    In a review of Newton’s book, The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, published in Scientific American of October 1977, pp. 79-81, it was stated that ”Ptolemy’s forgery may have extended to inventing the length of reigns of Babylonian kings.” This was a reference to the so-called ”Ptolemy’s Canon”, which Newton at that time erroneously believed had been composed by Claudius Ptolemy himself and thus may have been affected by his ”forgery”. The statement was quickly picked up and published in The Watchtower (December 15, 1977, p. 747). On page 375 of his The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, Newton also wrote: ”It follows that Ptolemy’s king list is useless in the study of chronology, and that it must be ignored. What is worse, much Babylonian chronology is based upon Ptolemy’s king list. All relevant chronology must now be reviewed and all dependence upon Ptolemy’s list must be removed.” 
    Newton was unaware of the fact that ”Ptolemy’s Canon” was not composed by Claudius Ptolemy. He was not an historian and he was not an expert on Babylonian chronology. He also admits in his work that he has not studied sources other than Ptolemy for the years prior to Nebuchadnezzar. (The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, p. 375) He explains that his thoughts on the relations between chronology and the work of Ptolemy were influenced by a Mr. Philip G. Couture of Santee, California! In the Preface of his book he states: ”I thank Mr. Philip G. Couture of Santee, California for correspondence which led me to understand some of the relations between chronology and the work of Ptolemy.” . (The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, p. XIV) The same Mr. Couture also induced Dr. Newton to reject the Assyrian eponym canon in his work, The Moon’s Acceleration and Its Physical Origins. (See Vol. 1, 1979, p. 189) 
    What Newton evidently did not know was that Mr. Couture was and still is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and that some of the chronological arguments he passed on to Newton were taken from the Watch Tower Society’s Bible dictionary, Aid to Bible Understanding. These arguments were not only aimed at supporting the chronology of the Watch Tower Society, but they are also demonstrably untenable!
    Correspondence with R.R. Newton
    In 1978, the year after The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy had been published, I had some correspondence with Professor Newton. In a letter dated June 27, 1978, I sent him a shorter study I had prepared in which the so-called ”Ptolemy’s Canon” was compared with earlier cuneiform sources. The study briefly demostrated that all the reigns of the Babylonian kings given in the Canon, from Nabonassar (747-734 BC) to Nabonidus (555-539 BC), were in complete agreement with these older sources. (This study was later expanded and published in a British scholarly journal for interdisciplinarty studies, Chronology & Catastrophism Review, Vol. IX, 1987, pp. 14-23.) I then asked: ”How is it possible that Ptolemy’s astronomical data are wrong, and yet the king list, to which they are attached, is correct?”
    In his answer, dated August 11, 1978, Newton said: ”I am not ready to be convinced that Ptolemy’s king list is accurate before Nabopolassar [= before 625 BC], although I have high confidence that it is rather accurate for Nabopolassar and later kings.” He also pointed out: ”The basic point is that Ptolemy calculated the circumstances of the eclipses in the Syntaxis from his theories, and he then pretended that his calculated values were values that had been observed in Babylon. His theories are accurate enough to give the correct day of an eclipse, but he missed the hour and the magnitude.” 
    Thus Ptolemy’s ”adjustments” of the eclipse observations were too small to affect the year, the month, and the day of an eclipse. Only the hour and the magnitude were affected. Ptolemy’s supposed ”adjustments” of the records of the ancient Babylonian eclipses, then, didn’t change the BCE dates that had been established for these observations. They did not change the chronology! Further, Newton was convinced that the king list was accurate from Nabopolassar and onwards. In other words, he was convinced that the whole Neo-Babylonian chronology from Nabopolassar through Nabonidus (625-539 BC) was accurate! Why? 
    Because he had made a very thorough study of some of the ancient Babylonian astronomical records that were independent of ”Ptolemy’s Canon”, including VAT 4956 and Strm. Kambys. 400. From his examination of these two records, he had established that the first text referred to the year 568/67 BC and the second one to 523 BC. He concluded: ”Thus we have quite strong confirmation that Ptolemy’s list is correct for Nebuchadrezzar, and reasonable confirmation for Kambyses.” (The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, 1977, p. 375) These findings were further emphasized in his next work, The Moon’s Acceleration and Its Physical Origins, vol. 1 (1979), where he concludes on page 49: ”Nebuchadrezzar’s first year therefore began in –603 [= 604 BC], and this agrees with Ptolemy’s list.” 
    Therefore, to quote some statements by R.R. Newton in an attempt to undermine the chronology established for the Neo-Babylonian era would be to quote him out of context. It would be to misrepresent his views and conceal his conclusions. It would be fraudulent. Yet, this has been repeatedly done by the Watch Tower Society and by ”Gary/Joshua92”. Newton’s findings refute both of their chronologies and prove them to be false.
    Whether Ptolemy falsified his observations, perhaps also some of those of earlier astronomers, is irrelevant for the study of the Neo-Babylonian chronology. Today, this chronology is not based upon the observations recorded by Ptolemy in his Almagest. Further, the claim that Ptolemy may have ”invented” the lengths of reign in ”Ptolemy’s Canon” is based upon the mistake that this king list was composed by Claudius Ptolemy. As is demonstrated on pages 94-96 of the third edition of The Gentile Times Reconsidered (and also briefly in the second edition), the designation ”Ptolemy’s Canon” is a misnomer, as this king list had been in use among Alexandrian astronomers for centuries before the time of Claudius Ptolemy. Finally, the claim that the king list is the basis of or a principal source for the Neo-Babylonian chronology, is false.Those who make such a claim are either totally ignorant or dishonest. The plain truth is that the king list is not needed for the fixing of the chronology for this era, although its figures for the reigns of the Neo-Babylonian kings are upheld by at least 14 lines of independent evidence based on cuneiform documents, as is demonstrated in The Gentile Times Reconsided. 
    An excellent discussion of Ptolemy’s Canon, or, more correctly, the Royal Canon, and its relation to the Neo-Babylonian chronology, is found in the article by Leo Depuydt, ”’More Valuable than all Gold’: Ptolemy’s Royal Canon and Babylonian Chronology,” published in the Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 47, 1995, pp. 97-117.
  21. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from TLOwen in To all BoE: Handling Cases of Drug Abuse   
    This is the most recent Information all BoE received:
  22. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses Community Uses Online Surveillance Capabilities   
    Another way:

  23. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses Community Uses Online Surveillance Capabilities   
    This is a "Judicial Committee" of Jehovah's Witnesses summoning a JW member to a "hearing" for one of his suspected online profiles behaviour.
    "It has come to light and to the attention of the body of elders"....

    These same quasi-legal hearings from brothers who print out official summons "correspondence" in red ink?
    Do you think JW.org is embedded in Apple Siri or Alexa by Amazon listening devices?
  24. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from admin in Painful Deceptions   
  25. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to Space Merchant in How Rich is Steve Wozniak?   
    Steve Wozniak's (The Woz) Net Worth is estimated to be $100 million USD.
    Check this out: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/21/why-apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-doesnt-trust-money.html and https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/21/why-apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-doesnt-trust-money.html
    As for Bill Gates, I'd say he is still richer, he is sitting at a Net Worth of estimated to $97.9 billion USD.
    The only riches among them I can think of is Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, who is having an estimated Net Worth of $161.6 billion USD.
    Then we have Warren Buffet at $89.2 billion USD.
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