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Jack Ryan

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  1. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Grey Reformer in Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to hand over evidence in sexual abuse case   
    What happened to "be in submission to the secular authorities" stuff?, oh that's right it goes out the window if it could hit the bank balance.
  2. Upvote
    Jack Ryan reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 2019 Regional Conventions   
    I read the letter ... neither does it disprove any statement.
    The supposition that it is two days instead of three days needs proof.
    In the absence of proof, the fair assumption is that it stays the same, whether that be three days, or thirty three days, etc.
  3. Upvote
    Jack Ryan reacted to olaogun in 2019 Regional Conventions   
    The info provided does not support your statement on the adjustment made concerning 2019 regional convention from 3 days to 2 days! 
  4. Upvote
    Jack Ryan reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Does anyone else find it concerning that Netflix is datamining subscriber viewing records?   
    I subscribe to Netflix, but only get DVDs two at a time ... obviously they know what I watch, because they send them to me. 
    Is there anything on Netflix that anybody should really care about whether or not they keep a list?
  5. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from 서기문 in Religious Liberty Task Force   
    President Trump will protect religions in the USA via this new task force.
  6. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in What was the reasoning behind not reporting such crimes?   
    The Royal Commission in Australia brought forth the fact that JW Elders never called the police on pedophiles in over 55 years. Not even in instances where the abuser were the parents or immediate family members.
  7. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Grey Reformer in AWAKE! | No. 2 2018 | 12 Secrets of Successful Families   
    Commitment - "Show your commitment by displaying photos of your spouse on your desk at work"
    Teamwork - "Do I keep my distance from my spouse’s relatives, even though he or she is close to them?" ...Yes, if they're not JWs...
    Respect - “To respect my wife means that I appreciate her value and I don’t want to do anything that would damage her or our marriage.”—Micah." ...In spite of her smaller brain...
    Forgiveness - Lots of talk about forgiveness, but damn little talk about giving a sincere apology. That's certainly the WT's response to questions about their 1975 fiasco. From the blurb: "‘Am I overly sensitive?’ ... ‘Is the offense so serious that I need an apology, or can I just overlook it?’ Yeah, they'd love to dump the responsibility for "forgiving" onto their members....
    Communication - "Genuine communication takes place when you and your children share a two-way exchange of thoughts and feelings." ...That's strange. That certainly isn't Tight-Pants Tony's method of communication - nor of any of the other Governing Body members, either.
    Discipline - ...That's weird... The entire blurb only mentions CHILDREN as needing discipline. Doesn't mention the fact that the parents often need as much if not more discipline (like self-discipline) themselves.
    Values - as in Bronze/Iron Age Middle Eastern Male values. Nothing more needs to be said.
    Example - "Children and even teenagers are influenced more by their parents than by anyone else..." - and parents are influenced more by "Mother" Watchtower than by anyone else, so it's no surprise that highly dysfunctional parenting is terribly common among JWs.
    Identity - "When you have a strong sense of identity, you stand up for your beliefs instead of allowing your peers to control you." No, no, no, let me fix that. "When you have a strong sense of self, you stand up for your innate existence instead of allowing a cult to control you." There, that's better...
    Trustworthiness - (Couldn't stop laughing at that title!) "Whether you want to earn more trust or regain lost trust, the following steps can help. Be honest. Nothing will shatter others’ trust in you quicker than lies. Conversely, when you are open and honest—especially about your mistakes—you can earn the trust of others." ...Too bad WT Society has completely shattered alert peoples' trust in them with false dates for "Armageddon", terrible miscarriages of 'theocratic zeal' when Malawi JWs were subjected to horrific mistreatment over a basic I.D. card while Mexican brothers were given permission to bribe officials, and more.
    Industriousness - "Industrious people do not shy away from work. Rather, they enjoy working hard to provide for their personal needs and to help others—even if the work they do is not glamorous." But don't you DARE go to college or seek promotions at work or develop your own profitable company or monetize your talents or try to be successful!
    Goals - (Ah, HA HA HA HA HA!!) "A goal is more than just a dream—something you wish would happen. Real goals involve planning, flexibility, and good, old-fashioned hard work." What is NOT stated, is that the ONLY acceptable goals for JWs are those which enrich the Watchtower Society. As mentioned in Number Eleven above, NO developing talents into hugely successful careers (but if you're already a successful rock star, they'll happily take your money!), no higher education (unless you're willing to slave for the WT Society), no seeking promotions or overtime at work, and so on.
    Now I need a shower...
    - Zactly
  8. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Have we actually had a DECREASE in Jehovah's Witnesses ?   
    So for decades where we were told that our worldwide increase was PROOF of Jehovah's Blessing....
    This would then be PROOF of what exactly?
    Or am I just being too picky?
  9. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Have we actually had a DECREASE in Jehovah's Witnesses ?   
    Wait a minute!
    Oh... nevermind.... we already got rid of the song "Theocracy's Increase".......
    new light.
    Continue on.
  10. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Adam and Eve story comes from the cycle of the zodiac   
    .In the sign of Libra to be exact...the start of the fall at the autumnal equinox........fall did I say?
    In the sign of Libra you have three of the ancient classical planets involved....first though.....you have to know the seven planets of the ancients.....and you all do!.....you just don't know you do.
    The seven planets are....the moon,mars,mercury,jupiter,venus,saturn and the sun.
    Do you know why you know them?....they are the seven days of the week!
    Monday is the moon day,Tuesday is Mardi in French...mars day,Wednesday is Mercredi...mercury day,Jeudi is jupiter day or Thor's day....(because Thor is jupiter is zeus....they are forces and concepts....not real gods),Vendredi is friday....venus day,Saturday is obviously saturn's day and sunday speaks for itself.....the seven planets.
    However in the story of the autumnal equinox....three of the planets are involved....the sun (the good guy)....venus .....the goddess of love and apples,and saturn...the grim reaper....god of darkness.....satan.
    The sun falls in Libra.....as does Adam....(it's the fall of sunny boy at the autumnal equinox every year as his reign ends)....Saturn climbs (exaltation/darkness once more takes over from the light) in Libra and Venus rules Libra.
    Look at the box on the right of the wiki page to see the characters.
    So you have the sun,saturn and venus (e-venus....the autumnal equinox is the dusk.....the eve-ening of the year).
    You can see Venus with the scales at Cardiff castle.....

    Venus above showing the scales of Libra and the bull of Taurus....she rules both of these houses.

    Venus of Arles holding the apple of Hesperides.
    Venus is also connected to the 5 pointed star........and lo and behold....cut inside an apple and you get the 5 pointed star......and the planet Venus also gives us a 5 pointed star in astronomy also.
    See if you can work out any other stories that come from the zodiac.....there are loads.
    It's all stories about parts of the cycle.....
  11. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Melinda Mills in A Town in Austria with a Funny Name   
    I just had to post this for those who are easily offended by a word.  ?
  12. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in A Town in Austria with a Funny Name   
    I just had to post this for those who are easily offended by a word.  ?
  13. Thanks
  14. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in FRONT PAGE: Jehovah's Witness film DANGEROUS to the children - OVER ONE MILLION people reading this today (see comments for translation)   
    UPDATE: Swedish POLICE launch preliminary INVESTIGATION in Jehovah's Witnesses anti-LGBT video from 2018 Regional Convention

  15. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in FRONT PAGE: Jehovah's Witness film DANGEROUS to the children - OVER ONE MILLION people reading this today (see comments for translation)   
    A major front page headline and two page article in Sweden's Metro newspaper.
    The Metro newspaper is a free newspaper that distributes 550,000-copies daily with a daily readership of some 1,153,000 people
    HBTQ = Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.
    Defector: Jehovah's film dangerous to the children
    Jehovah's Witnesses Show Movies That Disregard Children's HBTQ - Missing permission
    I'm compared to pedophiles and killers - to the joy of the sect
  16. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in Dutch representatives formally ask government re JW and abuse, JW and GDPR   
    A couple of members of Dutch parliament have asked the government some formal questions regarding JW and abuse, with a small sidestep to GDPR.
    (translation is mine, and somewhat informal)
    The government now has 3 weeks to come with a formal reply, which will likely be discussed in the House of Representatives or one of its committees.
  17. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in VIDEO: Watchtower Records Management... and destruction   
    Watchtower Records Management (57 minutes)
    Here is the video being shown worldwide:

    IMG_3013.mov Here is the original full length recording:
  18. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Kingdom Hall in Washington State   
  19. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in WT: Damaris rejects a scholarship and chooses to work in a bank instead because she PLANNED to become a pioneer. If she planned to pioneer, why did she even apply for university in the first place?   
    They cut the ending off a little prematurely.
    "My decision to pioneer helped me sidestep frustration, straight into manic depression, and have existed there for the past 15 years, and will most likely remain there untiL I die. Not unless I commit suicide to get out the the absolute hell hole ive been in all this time - I can see no way out of.
    I gave up my youth, my education, my family, my career goals to pioneer, to stand now beside a cart.
    If i could talk to myself again, I would tell myself to run...run and never look back.
    If i could tell the young ones reading this article, one thing to learn from my experience.....
    Run, run and never look back. You have time, i dont."
    THE END.
  20. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in WT: Damaris rejects a scholarship and chooses to work in a bank instead because she PLANNED to become a pioneer. If she planned to pioneer, why did she even apply for university in the first place?   
    Surely a university didn’t randomly approach her and give her a scholarship? ?
    This week's WT-study:
    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"

    Watchtower is trying to influence those who might be thinking about a university level education to drop the idea, based on simplistic and anecdotal information
    First, lawyers are usually not talking to bank staff - the lawyer's assistant is.
    Second, what lawyer ever says: "I'm so unhappy," especially to some random person at a bank.
    That doesn't invalidate the reality that just because one person noticed that some of the millions of people who followed the career path are unhappy, does not mean that it is wrong to follow that career path or that anyone who does will be unhappy. Flawed reasoning at its worst. Notice I did not say logic, because there is no logic to their reasoning.
  21. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Jehovah's Witnesses and congregational discipline   
    This sums up the JWs quite nicely...

  22. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Kingdom Hall in Washington State   
    This will sell very easy in the future if need be unlike the current design khs which are more difficult to sell. It could be converted into a fast food restaurant or professional office without huge costs. Also, the location is excellent as it is located on the corner of a busy state highway and main entrance to the town
  23. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to The Librarian in New Kingdom Hall in Washington State   
    This one is in Eastern Washington. It's pretty small as it seems to be about 25' x 65' and will have a capacity of around 80.
  24. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in WT: Damaris rejects a scholarship and chooses to work in a bank instead because she PLANNED to become a pioneer. If she planned to pioneer, why did she even apply for university in the first place?   
    Surely a university didn’t randomly approach her and give her a scholarship? ?
    This week's WT-study:
    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"

    Watchtower is trying to influence those who might be thinking about a university level education to drop the idea, based on simplistic and anecdotal information
    First, lawyers are usually not talking to bank staff - the lawyer's assistant is.
    Second, what lawyer ever says: "I'm so unhappy," especially to some random person at a bank.
    That doesn't invalidate the reality that just because one person noticed that some of the millions of people who followed the career path are unhappy, does not mean that it is wrong to follow that career path or that anyone who does will be unhappy. Flawed reasoning at its worst. Notice I did not say logic, because there is no logic to their reasoning.
  25. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Grey Reformer in Another Unrealistic Experience I'm Calling BullShit On....   
    This week's WT-study:
    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"
    The Winter Olympics? The f***ing Winter Olympics.
    So you're telling me this lady was one of the best athletes in her nation, good enough to go to the Olympic f***ing Games, a level of skill which already requires incredible dedication to reach. Which she passed on to go be a regular pioneer instead.
    And this was back in the 80s since it's been over 30 years. Well sister, you passed on a rare, once in a lifetime opportunity to do something only a handful of people get a chance to, something which apparently you had already been training to do, in order to do something you could have started the next fucking year.
    But I mean the end was probably so close, wasn't it? I'm sure you'll get extra Paradise for banging on people's doors to annoy them at 9:40am instead of the 15-ish months you'd have spent training doing a thing you apparently love to compete at Lake Placid or wherever.
    The f***ing Olympics, bullshit.
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