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Jack Ryan

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  1. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Ectopic pregnancy   
    Ectopic pregnancies, when detected, are usually treated by surgically removing them. I always understood that this procedure was ok for Jehovah's Witnesses. But the subject came up during pioneer school. The circuit overseer started explaining that abortions are NEVER acceptable. A human is a human as soon as conception happens. But then he asks if there is ever a reason to break this rule. So I decided to raise my hand and mention the Reasoning book under Abortion where is says it's up to the individuals involved to make a choice if it's during childbirth. I also mentioned ectopic pregnancies. 
    Well, this didn't go over so well with him. Oooh noooo! He said the information I had was incorrect and the it's NEVER acceptable even if it means death for the mother and that such things don't happen anymore with all the medical advancements. 
    I was very surprised. Especially since ectopic pregnacies have risen. If a JW woman refuses the procedure to have it removed she risks major blood loss and loss of life. I was and still am surprised by his response. I spoke to other elders about it and they either had no idea what an ectopic pregnancy was or if they did they told me it's one of those things where it's acceptable.
    I didn't find ANYTHING talking about ectopic pregnancies in the Watchtower articles. 
    Has anyone here had an ectopic pregnancy? What did the elders say?
  2. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Shiwiii in Resurrection complications   
    First off, Witnesses basically believe in an immortal soul, though they would be offended at that statement. They get around the issue by calling it "Jehovah's memory". An instance of this is in the Watchtower (w07 11/1 p. 26 par. 16) where it says:
    So, for example, let's say that some pioneer elder who has fifteen kids (that he's successfully raised in the 'Truth') dies tragically while doing business territory and helping an old lady cross the street. He's pretty much guaranteed a spot on the ole list, so he gets 'remembered' by Jehovah and his wife and kids.
    Time passes, Great Tribulation comes and goes, Armageddon happens with lots of screaming and pain and clergymen getting crushed by collapsing steeples. New System arrives. (Geez! Took long enough!) Now it's resurrection time.
    So Jehovah consults his list and sees our elder's name (we'll call him GA for 'Good Associate' and decides it's time to bring GA back.
    So what happens? Does Jehovah scrounge around for all of GA's molecules and put them together again? Nope, that part of him is gone (and potentially being used in other humans - Ewwww!!!). The Watchtower explains (w00 7/15 p. 16 par. 2):
    So Jehovah doesn't need to search for anything - that's great news! He can just sink a shovel in the dirt and get all he needs to build a hunky bod for GA. He gets to work and makes our buddy a body.
    So now God is standing there with a lifeless assembled corpse in front of him. What's next? Oh, right. We need crank this thing up and get it started. This is where it gets interesting, and complicated... and confusing... The Reasoning book (rs p. 333) says:
    So GA gets infused with his own personal identity. What is that? I don't know. No, seriously, I don't know. It's not his body, that's already been discussed. Is it his memories? No, because that's just GA's memories, that's not GA, you can download them into anyone or everyone. Is it his personality? That's not GA either, that's just wiring. What the heck is GA?!?
    To put this into perspective, let's put ourselves in GA's wife's shoes. Here is her resurrected hubby, young and hot, and just like she remembered (she's hot too btw). But how does she know it's him?  How does she know it's not just some conglomeration of molecules that was downloaded with GA's memories and wired to act like GA? She doesn't! And GA's no help either, because all he can remember is the good things about being GA. So neither of them know if GA is the real deal. They're both useless!
    And to really complicate things the Insight book (it-2 p. 786) says:
    Wait! What?!? Now, to be fair, this sentence is in a paragraph about those with the creepy heavenly calling. But it specifically says that the soul is different than the body - it's the person, apart from the body. In fact, it sounds a lot different than just being in Jehovah's memory. If I take GA's soul and put it back into some body (any body) - that's GA? Apparently, but don't ask me to explain, cuz' I don't get it. To me, it sounds like something survived when GA's body didn't, and when that got implanted in a new body it became new GA.
    This brings us back to Witnesses believe in an immortal soul. They really really want to believe that their dead loved ones will live again. But they also believe that there isn't anything that actually is the person, just memories in Jehovah's head. In that case, they can never be sure that their resurrected loved ones are who they used to be. This would terrify them if they ever took the time to think about it. But thankfully we can rest assured that Witnesses won't think about this and therefore we won't ever have to talk about GA ever again.
  3. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in THIS MUST BE STOPPED, Jehovah's Witnesses - 'the right to believe what you want is no right to do what you want against others' - Norway Stavanger Aftenblad newspaper FULL PAGE editorial   
    A full-page Editorial comment from the Norwegian newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad featured on page 4. With a daily circulation of around 40,000 copies - Stavanger Aftenblad is Norway's fifth most circulated newspaper.

    This must be stopped, Jehovah's Witnesses
  4. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 1925 C.E.   
    You mean this?

  5. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in JW's are scared!!!   
    Today, I learned that the elders are directing publishers who do cart witnesses to print out the new child abuse policy printout on the website. The instructions are to not say anything, don’t argue, just hand the paper and stay silent.
  6. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in JW Grandparents Who Shun Children Should Likewise be Banned from Contacting Grandchildren   
    If your parents shun you.... PLEASE, PLEASE also force a no contact policy between your JW parents and their grandchildren.
    This is the ONLY way for them to understand that disrespecting you is not allowed and so they can also experience how hurtful their behavior is.
    Have any of you already done this?
    I think they often forget the "Stop Judging LEST THEE BE JUDGED" commandment. Especially the latter part.
  7. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in JW Grandparents Who Shun Children Should Likewise be Banned from Contacting Grandchildren   
    The uproar needs to get louder on BOTH sides.
    If JW parents want to live in an unloving world of shunning and "holier than thou" judgementalism... then they need to experience the fruitage of thier works.
    There will be more and more conventions of gray haired seniors with no family to take care of them or even grandchildren that will remember them.
    Their fault.
    p.s. - We are already seeing the drying up of Watchtower funds, selling of thier KH's and branches for $ and the lack of baptismal candidates in most of the world.
  8. Like
  9. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in 1925 C.E.   
    You mean this?

  10. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Queen Esther in Joseph Franklin Rutherford (aka "Judge Rutherford")   
    Would you have followed this man?
    Watchtower 1941 Sep 15 p.287 
    "Why, then, should a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and a hank of hair?" (Applause)" This was a quote from J,F, Rutherford in a convention talk.
    Vindication I (1931) pp.156-157 
    "The women make monkeys or dupes of men. The men have become effeminate, soft and easily influenced, and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home. For instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men. The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that a man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. (1 Cor. 6:9) This proves that the scheme or habit of paying homage to women is not of God, but from the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a proper thing, and therefore it is more subtle than otherwise."
    Golden Age 1930 Apr 2 p.446 
    "Whether the identity of the sexes, as such, will be preserved, we do not know. There have been some well authenticated instances in which women have been transformed into men, and it is possible that this transformation may become general and we shall all be brothers together."

    Skip to 36:31
    Children of the King by JF Rutherford
  11. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
  12. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Regina Blake in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
    The governing body has finally realized that FEAR is the only way to keep the JW's in the organization. I mean seriously standing in a field with soldiers heading your way, guns out... wth? This is like the Bunker video, but worse because now there is a song attached to it... this is way too much. I forget what the song was called, but they had everyone sing it at the end. People were crying. I felt so bad knowing how emotional some people got. Makes me so mad.
     @John Houston  See links below for the videos you are looking for.
  13. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
  14. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from derek1956 in JW Convention 2018 Final Video - English Version   
  15. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Queen Esther in What Will Happen To All The Children At Armageddon?   
    Will God kill billions of children?
  16. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from lentaylor71 in JW's Watchtower to the Catholic Church   
    g84 8/22 p. 28 - The Catholic church........occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for....millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.
  17. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Could the ancient Jews eat pig fractions?   
    Would a Hebrew have understood the prohibition on pork as meaning he had to avoid "major" pig fractions (ham, bacon, ribs) but "minor" pig fractions like pickled feet and fried pork rinds were ok?
  18. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Is it ok to question the authority of the Governing Body?   
    Did You Know?
    You can openly and publicly question if the President of the United States is fit for office. You can question his policies, his statements, and his character. Your family and friends will not be taken away from you.
    You can openly and publicly question the policies, fitness for office, statements, and character of governors, senators, congressmen, judges, and various other politicians and leaders in the United States. Your family and friends will not be taken away from you.
    If you believe in a god, you can pray to your god questioning his authority, ability to rule, his decisions, and his purpose. When you open your eyes, you will find that your family and friends have not and will not be taken away from you.
    Jesus had his authority questioned many times. (Matt. 21: 23-27) According to the Bible, he would have had the power to punish those questioning him. Yet, he did nothing to them. He harmed no one physically or emotionally.
    You can confidentially question the ability to lead, the validity, the teachings, the doctrines and policies of the Governing Body to only two family members or close companions.  Your family and friends WILL be taken away from you. You will be labeled as dead, evil, and mentally diseased. You can and will likely lose all the social connections and relationships you have developed over a lifetime.
    Only absolute dictators take away the rights of those they rule if their authority is questioned. Look at the examples of Stalin, Hitler, Bashar al-Assad, and Kim Jong Un. 
    The Governing Body today will attend court hearings in other countries rejoicing when freedoms are granted to their followers. They will organize letter writing campaigns to lobby for religious freedoms of Jehovah's Witnesses. They will take legal arguments to the highest courts to fight for the rights of the organization that they govern. Yet, all it takes for you to lose all of your freedoms to be with your very own family is the admission to enough witnesses that you no longer believe the Governing Body are chosen by God and have authority over you. 
    Did You Know? The Governing Body will fight tooth and nail for their own perceived freedoms, but they have no problems taking away your own freedoms and declaring you dead if you dare to question them.
  19. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Foreigner in UPDATE: Petition for Inquiry Commission in Quebec, Candada, has now been HANDED IN!! - article and picture in Le Soleil newspaper   
    An article in Le Soleil, a French-language daily newspaper based in Quebec, Canada - around 70,000 copies are distributed each day.

    Agnès Maltais calls for commission
  20. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Foreigner in THIS MUST BE STOPPED, Jehovah's Witnesses - 'the right to believe what you want is no right to do what you want against others' - Norway Stavanger Aftenblad newspaper FULL PAGE editorial   
    A full-page Editorial comment from the Norwegian newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad featured on page 4. With a daily circulation of around 40,000 copies - Stavanger Aftenblad is Norway's fifth most circulated newspaper.

    This must be stopped, Jehovah's Witnesses
  21. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Disfellowshipped - A Jehovah's Witnesses Movie   
  22. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW’s are now allowed to have beards and publicly preach....   
    Women are allowed. ?
  23. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Wanted / McLean was a Jehovah's Witness and found his sexual assault victims through people he met in at the Kingdom Hall / Armed and extremely dangerous.   
    Here are some clues to help us find him: 
    McLean previously owned a business restoring and selling old race cars. His specialty was CAN-AM racers from the 1960Â’s and 1970Â’s, especially Lola chassis race cars. McLean was last known to be driving an older blue or green conversion van. McLean was a Jehovah's Witness and found his sexual assault victims through people he met in church. At the time of McLeanÂ’s disappearance, he was known to have at least $100,000 in cash. McLean is knowledgeable/capable of doing home/auto repair, McLean may be working as a mechanic or handyman. In the past, McLean resided near Winchester, California, and may still be in the Southern Riverside/Northern San Diego County area. He is an experienced camper and has frequented the Anza-Borrego desert and the Cuyumaca Mountains.
    McLean is a white male, 5'11, 170 lbs., with brown hair and hazel eyes.
    Anyone that has seen or may know Frederick McLean should call Deputy U.S. Marshal Tom Maranda at (619) 557-6620, extension 240. In an emergency situation, call 911.
    More info at:
  24. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from E dub in Catholics Complain: The proselytism of Jehovah's Witnesses: they even learn Chinese in Ecuador to recruit   
    The proselytism of Jehovah's Witnesses: they even learn Chinese in Ecuador to recruit
    RIES Secretariat, 4.06.18
    **"What's the secret to having a family that's always close?"**reads Eduardo Cueva on a poster at the head of a mobile bookseller.
    He translates it from a phrase written in Mandarin that attracts the attention of those who pass by the boulevard of the Quebrada, located at Av. de Los Shyris and Portugal (Quito, Ecuador). For the past two months, he and a colleague have been setting up the stand every Tuesday and talking to people who ask what it means. We read it in the newspaper La Hora.
    All the book covers have colorful pictures and pictograms, and everyone talks about Jehovah's word. Cueva is from Guayaquil, is 28 years old and started learning the language when he was 20. "Some brothers came to teach Mandarin and I was included," says the young man, who speaks fluently.
    No matter the language
    Every day, groups of Jehovah's Witnesses are placed in different parts of the city to share their faith as part of the commands of their sect. "Messages must reach everyone, no matter what language they speak." For this reason, the sector was chosen to implement the Mandarin texts, as there is an important presence of Chinese and Mandarin speaking companies.
    Although the Asian nation still does not officially allow Jehovah's Witnesses to open their offices, and in countries such as South Korea and Russia, members of this creed have been imprisoned, Cueva says that this is not an impediment to citizens' knowledge of his doctrine. From 8 a.m. onwards, install the bookcase and it is available until 12 a.m. so that people can take one of the texts for free. During the time that the initiative has been underway, not only Chinese people have come together, but also people of all nationalities says the Guayaquil native.
    In other parts of the city, however, English is also preached once a week and those who are with the mobile booksellers attend to people who are interested in the explanatory materials. Books written in different languages are printed for Latin America in Brazil and Colombia and distributed from there to Ecuador.
    To reach any person
    Another special feature of the sect is that during all the meetings there are sign language interpreters who interpret for the hearing impaired. On the official website of the sect, there are explanatory videos for information.
    Also included is a guide with phrases for people who need to preach in another language around the world. There are videos, songs, activities to practice and a manual to learn "What can you do if you meet someone who speaks another language?”.
    Street proselytizing is one of the most recognized characteristics of Jehovah's Witnesses and one of their obligations. In fact, in sect jargon, they call themselves "publishers". It is common to see them in public spaces or visiting homes to preach their manipulated version of the word of God.
    As we reported in 2014, at that time the sect began to test a new method of attracting followers, which is what you can now see in Quito and around the world: to be on the street, in busy places, not talking to anyone, but waiting for a passer-by to come and show interest in the books and brochures on display in these "booksellers" or small portable stands.
    According to the official website of the sect, their role as preachers is explained from the biblical word, one of the quotes that are constantly repeated is the command of Jesus that is read in the Gospel according to Matthew: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all nations, [...] teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you.
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