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Jack Ryan

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  1. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in 2018 Regional Convention Outline and Talks   
    I am starting to get requests for these items posted previously. Enjoy!
  2. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
  3. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    Tell Us, When Will All This Happen?

  4. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah's Witnesses WorldWide Budgeting Meeting 2016-2020   
    @JW Insider I would guess these are the financial controllers of the major branch offices?
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. You often asked for accounts and transparency... here it is served up. ?
    @The Librarian  Add this to your archive... LOL....
  5. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Child Bearing Prevents Gossip   
    Sisters: Please start having more children.
    Notice this quote from 2017 Watchtower Study page 4-8:
    "The Bible does mention a Christian woman’s being “kept safe through childbearing.” (1 Tim. 2:15) But this does not mean that giving birth or having children results in gaining everlasting life. Rather, it refers to the fact that a woman’s having children to tend to, along with the other aspects of caring for a household, may keep her from falling into a pattern of gossiping and meddling in others’ affairs. (1 Tim. 5:13) However, she may still face tribulations linked to marriage and family life."
  6. Upvote
    Jack Ryan reacted to JW Insider in A&E Investigates Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Just heard it on A&E -- On Demand. Apparently it's going to be some series on "cults." Evidently there has already been an initial episode and this was the second one. If you're watching "On Demand" be prepared to have something to do after it gets half-way through. The commercials started seeming like 10 in a row back-to-back. And this happened 3 or 4 times. "Romy's" case, depicted, is a case from Fortuna, California. The producers interviewed Barbara Anderson, too, and took Romy to Tennessee to meet with her. It's a terrible case, and I think it's one of those which will happen much less often now that several of the procedures have improved.
    I believe that B.Anderson was absolutely right about Leviticus 5:1. For cases like child abuse, the verse apparently says pretty much the opposite of what the WTS has tried to make it say. Many of the best Bible Commentaries would also agree with her.
    They wasted their time getting all the supposed "expertise" about the JWs from a "cult expert" who seems to be a "professional" in that she can exaggerate without it sounding like she's exaggerating. I heard B.Anderson make one inaccurate statement. I heard this other "cult professional" make about 10 mistakes. The interviewer/moderator makes a few mistakes too, but it's also obvious that she was in on the agenda, to make sure that it became a supposed story about a cult where no elders can be trusted. It should have been about the common problem of abuse in religious institutions, where power and control is a common element in the crime. It should have focused on what the JWs have done to make things better. And it should have had some words of advice for people who have suffered.
    The episode mentions the most recent changes, but gives no credit, as if updated procedures wouldn't change anything anyway. The episode gives the impression that there has been no improvement since the latest changes went into effect. Also contains a very unflattering view of Warwick Headquarters that was completely unfair as they tried to get some dramatic footage.
    A strange mistake that "Romy" makes is memorable. She remembered as a girl, or even now, that Armageddon would be a time when people would be up to their necks in urine, out of fear. Obviously she was mis-remembering the blood up to the bridles on the horses.
    I would not recommend the episode, except to Witnesses who want to know the type of things the world will be seeing, and prepare for another "ding" in our reputation.
  7. Haha
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    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Dr. Phil on Jehovah's Witnesses   
  10. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Sherrill Szumik in 2018 Regional Convention Outline and Talks   
    I am starting to get requests for these items posted previously. Enjoy!
  11. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Elders’ Training Videos for 2018: Pioneering is Just a Title, a Reward and a Punishment   
    @Shiwiii @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  12. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Elders’ Training Videos for 2018: Pioneering is Just a Title, a Reward and a Punishment   
    Recently some secret “eldersÂ’ training videos” that are going to be used for the 2018 Kingdom Ministry School of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses were leaked online. One particular video was very disturbing; it showed a skit of three elders discussing what the religion calls “regular pioneers.” These are persons who spend a high amount of time in the preaching and proselytizing work of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses; in 2018, these pioneers were required to report a total of 840 hours for the year, equaling 70 hours per month.
    The elders, in this demonstration, are discerning if three such pioneers in their congregation should be allowed to remain as pioneers, as each one has failed to meet that hourly requirement for the past year.

    Despite this outright instruction to think of themselves as equals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and their elders dole out this position of pioneer, blatantly elevating it above other “publishers,” or congregation members. This is demonstrated when the men in the skit read a letter sent to all elders, dated May 1, 2017, which discusses how to handle various scenarios of pioneers who cannot meet their hours. The letter notes that a person could be considered an “infirm pioneer,” if they felt that removing the person from the pioneer ranks would be a “backward step” for them:

    This point, that being a pioneer elevates you above the rest of the congregation, is emphasized again in that same letter, when it separates and divides the everyday congregants or publishers from these pioneers:

    Obviously, to this woman and those whom she represents in this skit, the preaching work itself is not of importance; itÂ’s having a special title that says youÂ’re doing more than the next person thatÂ’s the real priority.
    The elders sitting in a room, judging and critiquing pioneers or any congregation member without them present, about any subject, is disturbing enough. However, this video also demonstrates that pioneering is not about how effective you are in preaching and teaching, and it’s not about fulfilling any command given by Jesus, or about the people you might be helping. This title of pioneer is about just that; the title. It’s given to those who toe the company line and is taken away from those who are struggling, in order to elevate some above the congregation and then put others in their place. This harsh judging and critiquing of such ones shows that the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses shouldn’t be called “field service,” but should just be called what it is; self-service.
  13. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Queen Esther in Do Jehovah's Witnesses Drink Alcohol?   
    This is a common question from the public.
  14. Like
    Jack Ryan reacted to JW Insider in A Samarkand Jehovah's Witness was fined when enquiring about state registration.   
    What the Baptist Church is doing here, reminds me of something similar that Jehovah's Witnesses have tried to do wherever it was possible, but on a more local level. U.S. Supreme Court cases include times when Witnesses refused to register under any local law because we wanted to assure our more universal right to go anywhere we could get to. On a nation by nation basis, however, Witnesses register in order to "legally establish" the right to preach there.
  15. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Space Merchant in Armageddon is Right Around the Corner!   
  16. Haha
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Queen Esther in Pavarotti in the Chicken World   
    I would have to eat that rooster... LOL
  17. Upvote
  18. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from admin in Cardinal George Pell, third-ranking official in Vatican, charged with multiple sexual offences   
    Come Home Cardinal Pell by Tim Minchen
    [Verse 1]
    It's a lovely day in Ballarat
    I'm kicking back, thinking of you
    I hear that you've been poorly
    I am sorry that you're feeling blue
    I know what it's like when you feel a little shitty
    You just want to curl up and have an itty-bitty doona day
    But a lot of people here really miss you, Georgie
    They really think you ought to just get on a plane
    (Just get on a plane)
    We all just want you to...
    [Chorus 1]
    Come home, Cardinal Pell
    I know you're not feeling well
    And being crook ain't much fun
    Even so, we think you should
    Come home, Cardinal Pell
    Come down from your citadel
    It's just the right thing to do
    We have a right to know what you knew
    [Verse 2]
    Couldn't you see what was under your nose, Georgie
    Back in '73 when you were living with Gerry?
    Is it true that you knew but you chose to ignore
    Or did you actively try to keep it buried?
    And years later, when survivors
    Despite their shame and their fear
    Stood up to tell their stories
    You spent year after year
    Working hard to protect the church's assets
    I mean, with all due respect, dude
    I think you're scum!
    And I reckon you should...
    [Chorus 2]
    Come home, Cardinal Pell
    (Cardinal Pell)
    I know you're not feeling well
    Perhaps you just need some sun
    It's lovely here, you should
    Come home, you pompous buffoon
    (Pompous buffoon)
    And I suggest do it soon
    I hear the tolling of the bell
    And it has a Pellian knell
    I want to be transparent here, George:
    I'm not the greatest fan of your religion
    And I personally believe that those
    Who cover up abuse should go to prison
    But your ethical hypocrisy
    Your intellectual vacuity
    And your arrogance don't bother me as much
    As the fact that you have turned out to be such
    A goddamn coward
    You're a coward, Georgie
    (You're a coward, George)
    Come and face the music, Georgie
    (Face the music, George)
    You owe it to the victims, Georgie
    (You owe it, George)
    Come and face the music, the music
    Hallelujah, hallelujah
    If the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
    He would take one look at you and say:
    (One look at you and say)
    [Chorus 3]
    "Go home, Cardinal Pell
    I've got a nice spot in hell
    With your name on it and so
    I suggest you toughen up and...
    "Go home, Cardinal Pell
    I'm sure they'll make you feel wel-
    Come at the pub in Ballarat
    They just want a beer and a chat"
    Come home, Cardinal Pell
    (Cardinal Pell)
    I know you're scared, Georgie-Poo
    (Come home)
    They have a right to know what you knew
    Your time is running out to atone, Georgie
    I think the Lord is calling you home, Georgie
    Perhaps he could forgive even you
    If you just let them know what you knew
    Oh, Cardinal Pell
    My lawyer just rang me to tell
    Me this song could get me
    In legal trouble
    Oh well, Cardinal Pell
    If you don't feel compelled
    To come home by a sense
    Of moral duty
    Perhaps you will come home and fricking sue me
  19. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Jehovahs witnesses and higher education   
    He reiterated this again just today!
    Gerrit Lösch gives a special talk the Norval Assembly Hall in Georgetown Canada
    There were 2 sisters who got up and had a dramatization about a sister not wanting to go to College. I will paraphrase as best as I can.
    High School Counselor: ''Have a seat Karen and I will show you all the College applications I have for you.''
    Sister: ''Thank you for all the work you have done.''
    Counselor: '' I have an application from Harvard,one from Michigan University,and a couple from the East Coast.''
    Sister: '' I have done alot of thinking and decided not to go to any College."
    Counselor: ''Karen,you have a 4.0 grade average and scored very high on the A.C.T. and you would have no problem getting into any of these schools."
    Sister: '' As you know,I'm a Jehovah's Witness and we believe that we are near the ''end times.'' I decided that I will go into the preaching work part time and maybe go to a 2 year school."
    Counselor: ''You will probably get into these schools at almost no cost because of your 4.0 average and high A.C.T. scores and have a good career the rest of your life.These are great schools and will prepare you to land a good job.''
    Sister: ''This world is passing by and may not be here any longer. I decided to enter the ministry work and Jehovah God will provide for me in the future."
    He brought up the fact that "70% of freshman go to post-secondary for MORE MONEY" - of course this is what ppl focus on when going to post-secondary. Does he seriously expect people to make over $20/hour without a post-secondary education, with the exception of trades? (I know you can get a good salary without post-secondary but this is increasingly hard to do in the 2010s) I guess we all should be making minimum wage for the rest of our lives and focus on pioneering!
    Including the musical interlude, Watchtower summary, Canada stats, and Losch's talk, the program was 2h 40m..
  20. Upvote
    Jack Ryan reacted to The Librarian in The United Nations Will Soon Act Against Russia, South Korea, Singapore and Eritrea for Human Rights Violations Against Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Listen to "The United Nations Will Soon Act Against Russia, South Korea, Singapore and Eritrea for Human Rights Violations Against Jehovah's Witnesses" on Spreaker.
    Jehovah's Witnesses have long been persecuted as a religious minority but the United Nations is telling Russia, Singapore, South Korea and Eritrea that time is up! Listen to investigative journalist Joseph Bonner break down the facts.
  21. Like
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Passover   
  22. Upvote
  23. Downvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Passover   
  24. Upvote
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Noble Berean in MPs demand action over Jehovah’s Witness abuse allegations   

    MPs are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the Guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in Jehovah’s Witness communities in the UK.
    “I am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witness movement. Whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the Labour MP Sarah Champion.
    She said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take action to make sure all children were safe.
    Alex Chalk, the Conservative MP for Cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just a historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.
    “My instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... If even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” Chalk said.
    A Guardian investigation heard from 41 people who claimed they were victims of child sexual abuse and alleged a culture of cover-ups and lies, with senior members of the organisation, known as elders, discouraging victims from talking to the police.
    A further 48 people said they experienced other forms of abuse, including physical violence when they were children, and 35 claimed they witnessed or heard about others who were victims of child grooming and abuse.
    The Guardian was told that members of the community were taught to avoid interaction with outside authorities. It was also claimed that, according to rules set by the group, for child sexual abuse to be taken seriously there must be at least two witnesses to it. If that happened or a perpetrator admitted abuse, a judicial committee would be called and the case investigated.
    A solicitor representing some of the alleged victims said she believed there were thousands of complainants in the UK and that the people who had contacted the Guardian were “just the tip of the iceberg”.
    Kathleen Hallisey, a senior solicitor in the abuse team at Bolt Burdon Kemp, acting on behalf of 15 alleged victims, said: “Given the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the UK, and what we know about the pervasiveness of abuse in the organisation, there are likely to be hundreds and probably thousands more victims. This is truly just the tip of the iceberg.”
    Champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.
    She also expressed concern that abuse claims could only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it. “Abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” Champion said.
    Several more alleged victims came forward after the initial claims were published. One woman, speaking anonymously, said: “I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness and know personally of two girls who were abused and silenced within their congregations.”
    Another woman, also speaking under the condition of anonymity, said she tried to kill herself when she was 14 after being abused by her father. “I found an old article in the Awake magazine on abuse in the congregation library and left it open for the elder. I had left the same article for my father at one stage hoping he would read it and stop. When it was found out, I too was subjected to being told not to say anything and a cover-up. In my case the evidence was also destroyed by the elders,” she said.
    She said she was told never to speak to anyone about what happened and was not given any counselling. “I asked the elders privately if I could go live with a friend’s family ... and they said I had to ask my father as he was the head of the household.”
    Operation Hydrant, a British police investigation into allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse, has dealt with 45 potential victims of child abuse within a JehovahÂ’s Witness setting. It said allegations could be made by a third party which either identifies or does not identify a potential victim.
    When informed of the GuardianÂ’s findings, the Charity Commission said its inquiry into the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ governing body in the UK, was continuing. It said anyone affected by safeguarding concerns should come forward.
    In a statement, the Jehovah’s Witnesses said child safeguarding was of the utmost importance. They said that a victim and their family had the right to report allegations of child abuse to the police, and that the principle of sufficient evidence was a scriptural rule not related to reporting an allegation of crime to the authorities. 
    In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international suicide helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
  25. Thanks
    Jack Ryan got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in MPs demand action over Jehovah’s Witness abuse allegations   

    MPs are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the Guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in Jehovah’s Witness communities in the UK.
    “I am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witness movement. Whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the Labour MP Sarah Champion.
    She said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take action to make sure all children were safe.
    Alex Chalk, the Conservative MP for Cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just a historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.
    “My instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... If even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” Chalk said.
    A Guardian investigation heard from 41 people who claimed they were victims of child sexual abuse and alleged a culture of cover-ups and lies, with senior members of the organisation, known as elders, discouraging victims from talking to the police.
    A further 48 people said they experienced other forms of abuse, including physical violence when they were children, and 35 claimed they witnessed or heard about others who were victims of child grooming and abuse.
    The Guardian was told that members of the community were taught to avoid interaction with outside authorities. It was also claimed that, according to rules set by the group, for child sexual abuse to be taken seriously there must be at least two witnesses to it. If that happened or a perpetrator admitted abuse, a judicial committee would be called and the case investigated.
    A solicitor representing some of the alleged victims said she believed there were thousands of complainants in the UK and that the people who had contacted the Guardian were “just the tip of the iceberg”.
    Kathleen Hallisey, a senior solicitor in the abuse team at Bolt Burdon Kemp, acting on behalf of 15 alleged victims, said: “Given the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the UK, and what we know about the pervasiveness of abuse in the organisation, there are likely to be hundreds and probably thousands more victims. This is truly just the tip of the iceberg.”
    Champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.
    She also expressed concern that abuse claims could only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it. “Abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” Champion said.
    Several more alleged victims came forward after the initial claims were published. One woman, speaking anonymously, said: “I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness and know personally of two girls who were abused and silenced within their congregations.”
    Another woman, also speaking under the condition of anonymity, said she tried to kill herself when she was 14 after being abused by her father. “I found an old article in the Awake magazine on abuse in the congregation library and left it open for the elder. I had left the same article for my father at one stage hoping he would read it and stop. When it was found out, I too was subjected to being told not to say anything and a cover-up. In my case the evidence was also destroyed by the elders,” she said.
    She said she was told never to speak to anyone about what happened and was not given any counselling. “I asked the elders privately if I could go live with a friend’s family ... and they said I had to ask my father as he was the head of the household.”
    Operation Hydrant, a British police investigation into allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse, has dealt with 45 potential victims of child abuse within a JehovahÂ’s Witness setting. It said allegations could be made by a third party which either identifies or does not identify a potential victim.
    When informed of the GuardianÂ’s findings, the Charity Commission said its inquiry into the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ governing body in the UK, was continuing. It said anyone affected by safeguarding concerns should come forward.
    In a statement, the Jehovah’s Witnesses said child safeguarding was of the utmost importance. They said that a victim and their family had the right to report allegations of child abuse to the police, and that the principle of sufficient evidence was a scriptural rule not related to reporting an allegation of crime to the authorities. 
    In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international suicide helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
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