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Blanchie DeGrate

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  1. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, June 24. 2016   
    Friday, June 24.  2016
    The head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man.—1 Corinthians 11:3.
  2. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Thursday, June 23. 2016   
    Thursday, June 23.  2016
    A vast mixed company also went with them.—Exodus 12:38.
  3. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Ross Tinney in just pray   
  4. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in WOW !! IS'NT THAT A COOL MODERN CAMPING - ESTATE CAR ?? The new vehicle design by Christian Susana is a cool combination of car and a caravan camper !   
    Me  too  Blanchie....  I  like  it  very  much !!   We  wait  of  the  NW....   then  we  are  making  our  nice  trips  ;o)   hahaha
  5. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Uwe Rügenhagen in WOW !! IS'NT THAT A COOL MODERN CAMPING - ESTATE CAR ?? The new vehicle design by Christian Susana is a cool combination of car and a caravan camper !   
    This is awesome!!  Wow!! I can see myself driving a little before fear its self sets in.  :0).  I really like it a lot.
  6. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in WOW !! IS'NT THAT A COOL MODERN CAMPING - ESTATE CAR ?? The new vehicle design by Christian Susana is a cool combination of car and a caravan camper !   
  7. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Wednesday, June 22. 2016   
    Wednesday, June 22.  2016
    Stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral.—1 Corinthians 5:11.
  8. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Tuesday, June 21. 2016   
    Tuesday, June 21.  2016
    Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you.—Hebrews 13:17.
  9. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Ross Tinney in Results of Armageddon   
  10. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Please, dear Brothers and Sisters, lets never, NEVER forget this so unique, especially photo from a baptism in TANZANIA, ÁFRICA... Its showing so deep LOVE for Jehovah ❤ I love it very much !   
    Please, dear  Brothers and Sisters, lets  never, NEVER  forget this so unique, especially  photo  from  a  baptism  in  TANZANIA, ÁFRICA....
    Its  showing  so  deep  LOVE  for  Jehovah ❤   I  love  it  very  much !
    Who  of  us  would  go  into  that  water ??  It  shows  so  much  love,  dedication  and  estimation,  its  so  heart-touching, so  honest❤
  11. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, June 19. 2016   
    Sunday, June 19.  2016
    It is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous . . . through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus.—Romans 3:24.
  12. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Scientists Find Coconut Oil Kills >93% Of Colon Cancer Cells In Vivo... An interesting report ! and photo -   
    Scientists Find Coconut Oil Kills >93% Of Colon Cancer Cells In Vivo
    A 2013 study led by Jane Fauser, Cancer Researcher at the University of Adelaide, found that lauric acid exterminated over 93% of colon cancer cells after two days of treatment. It weakened the immunity of cancer cells by decreasing their glutathione level which acts as their protective shield. Once the cancer cells were vulnerable, the lauric acid increased the cells’ oxidative stress which leads ultimately to cell death. The study concludes that lauric acid, a saturated fat, is more effective than butyrate in eliminating colon cancer cells. [3]
    Numerous other health benefits of coconut oil have already been well established through medical research. It kills multiple viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. It also promotes healthy skin and faster wound healing when applied topically. It has been shown to improve the LDL:HDL (good cholesterol/bad cholesterol) ratio in women. Coconut oil is in clinical trials for patients with chronic heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and for improving blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
    Coconut oil is – uniquely – around 50% lauric acid; a medium chain triglyceride that is otherwise very hard to find in our diets. It is interesting to note that lauric acid makes up about 2% of the fat in cow’s milk but 6% of the fat in human milk, suggesting that humans may derive a natural benefit from lauric acid.
    Colon cancer, the third most common cancer for both men and women is estimated to have 49,700 deaths this year (2015). Although incidence rates have actually declined overall in the past decades, there still is a 1.8% increase per year among adults younger than 50. Colon cancer is associated with obesity; physical inactivity; high consumption of red meat; moderate to heavy alcohol consumption; long term smoking; low calcium intake; and very low intake of whole-grain fiber, fruit, and vegetables.[1]
    Numerous natural remedies have been linked to the prevention and control of cancer. When naturopathic doctor and coconut expert Bruce Fife discovered the coconut oil’s resistance against cancer, the American Institute for Research (AICR) warned against false hopes considering that not enough research has been done. Regardless, people were optimistic and believed that its high selenium content which slows the ageing process in human cells can also beat cancer. [2] But a new study shows that its active anti-cancer component is what constitutes 50% of coconut oil: Lauric acid.
  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Again a wonderful foretaste of our PARADISE ❤ A Lioness Adopts a baby antelope ! A nice documentary that will open your eyes, ENJOY ;o)   
    Again  a  wonderful  foretaste  of  our  PARADISE ❤  A  Lioness  Adopts  a  baby  antelope !
    A  nice  documentary  that  will  open  your  eyes....  ENJOY  ;o)
  15. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in I found this very nourishing and worth reflecting on. So I want share with you ;-)   
    Exactly,  Sister Martha...  its really not difficult,  but helping each other and we rejoice Jehovah's heart❤️  
  16. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in This true, sad picture will be not so very far for us all... but we have Jehovah ❤ Look that photo ;-(   
    Oh Jehovah!   This is very, very sad.  Everyone, Continue to pray ?
  17. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in This true, sad picture will be not so very far for us all... but we have Jehovah ❤ Look that photo ;-(   
    YES.....   THATS  TRUE  AND  WE  DO !!!!  ❤
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  18. Upvote
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in I found this very nourishing and worth reflecting on. So I want share with you ;-)   
    This is very nice to meditate on when you perhaps find yourself in a similar situation . Thank you.
  21. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in I want send a beautiful weekend - rose to all my Brothers & Sisters ❤ with the best wishes from Germany... ;-)   
    what a very nice surprise Anke.  Thank you!   :0)
  22. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Train up a child in the way of Jehovah so that even when he/she grows up, he/she will not depart from it ;o) 4 sweet pictures....   
    Train up a child in the way of Jehovah so that even when he/she grows up, he/she will not depart from it.  ;o)
  23. Upvote
  24. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in I found this very nourishing and worth reflecting on. So I want share with you ;-)   
    I found  this  very  nourishing  and  worth  reflecting  on.  So  I  want  share  with  you  ;-)
    A Professor was teaching about Proverbs 15:1. He asked his students, 'why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?' The students thought for awhile. One said, because we lose our calm. But why shout when the other person is just next to you? Asked the professor. Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you are angry? The students gave some answers but none satisfied the Professor.
    Finally he explained, 'when two people are angry at each other, there is a distance in their hearts psychologically. To cover the distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are,the stronger they will shout to hear each other through that great distance. Then the Professor asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly. Why? Because their hearts are psychologically close. The distance between them is very close. The Professor continued,  'When they love each other even more, what happens? They don't speak, only whisper and they even get closer to each other in their love.  Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all....
    So next time you shout on a loved one, know that you are creating distance between your heart and that person’s heart.  Proverbs 15:1 says, a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  PLS  SHARE  with as many friends as you can. You may be healing a hot tempered person today...  Enjoy every moment.  "Life is easy"  -  Live the life ❤
    ( Rames Asama )

    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  25. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in I want send a beautiful weekend - rose to all my Brothers & Sisters ❤ with the best wishes from Germany... ;-)   
    I  want  send  a  beautiful  weekend - rose  to  all  my  Brothers  &  Sisters ❤
    with  the  best  wishes  from  Germany  ;-)
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