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Blanchie DeGrate

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    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The Life Cycle of The Honey Bee Queen (The Making of a Queen) video, photo's, text....   
    The Life Cycle of The Honey Bee Queen (The Making of a Queen)
    Learn how a honey bee queen is made and how she lives. Its remarkable. From egg to adult is only 14 days. She then leaves the hive with about a dozen drone (male) bees and flies into the sky with them where she will mate with them. The drones die and she returns to the hive mated for life! She will lay a thousand eggs a day and is waited on hand and foot by the worker bees the remainder of her life!

    From One Queen To The Next, The Ten Stages A Queen Honey Bee Experiences....
    The making of a new queen bee after the death of the old one is particularly critical to be done quickly as the existing eggs must be less than three days old in order for them to do what’s necessary to make it into a queen bee.
    1: Bees construct up to 20 wax queen cells.
    2: Current queen lays fertilized eggs in each queen cell (or in the case of the death of the queen, some existing eggs under three days old will be converted to queen cells by the method in the following step).
    3: Young nurse bees feed the young queen larvae with a special rich creamy food called Royal Jelly and extend the cell downwards until it is about 25mm in length.
    4: About nine days after laying, the first queen cell is sealed with a layer of wax.
    5: Assuming a new queen is being made because of an overpopulation within the hive, a large swarm, called the prime swarm, of bees leaves the hive, led by the older bees. The old queen gets starved so she is thinner and able to fly with the swarm and they go off scouting for a new place to create a colony. During their trip, the swarm will take frequent breaks to send out scouts to go search on their own. The scouts report back and from this information, they choose the best spot to go next until they finally settle on an optimal location.
    6: Back in the hive, about a week later, the first of the new queens will leave her cell. The new queen will then either choose to locate and kill her sister potential queens by stinging them through the wax wall of their cells. Or she will take a small swarm and go start a new hive somewhere, particularly if the hive is still somewhat crowded. If she leaves, then the next to emerge from her cell will make the same decision. Eventually one will decide to stay.
    7: Young queen flies around and orients herself to her new surroundings.
    8: The queen will take several mating flights and will mate with up to 20 male bees called drones; the drones will die after mating.
    9: A few days later, the mated queen will begin to lay fertilized eggs at a rate of about 2000 per day. Fertilized eggs become female worker bees. Unfertilized eggs get fertilized by male drones and become new drones. At any given time in a healthy hive, there is 1 queen bee, up to 40,000 or so female worker bees, and a few hundred male drones.
    10: This queen will stay with the colony for at least a year until a large enough swarm is available to go start a new colony somewhere else. Though the worker bees only live 40 or so days and drone bees die in mating or are evicted from the hive in the autumn to conserve food as they do no actual work, the queen bee can live up to 5 years.


                   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  2. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Animated DAILY TEXT Tuesday November 21 2017   
    Animated  DAILY TEXT  Tuesday November 21  2017
  3. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in Why did Jesus speak of DEATH as a sleep ?   
    Thank you!! 
  4. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Why did Jesus speak of DEATH as a sleep ?   
    I  look  for  the  special  LAZARUS  picture
  5. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Why did Jesus speak of DEATH as a sleep ?   
    I have thousands of pictures.....  sometimes I find it fast and sometimes it takes little longer, sorry.....  But I will do my best dear Blanchie, thank you????
  6. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in Why did Jesus speak of DEATH as a sleep ?   
    Thank you . 
  7. Thanks
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in *Taken Wednesday, 15th November 2017*   
    Taken Wednesday, 15th November 2017
    Our Bible literature stall in the town. We had an interesting and eventful 2 hours
    Proverbs 10:22 "It is the blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, and he adds no pain with it."
    ( My  loyal  sister  Marie  from  England,  right  side... )
    Her  motto : ?? Don't wait for the perfect moment...  Take the moment and make it perfect ! ?
  8. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The whole story, "A POOR BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER" ;-))   
    This  Brother  is  one  of  the  rare  too !  YES,  Jehovah  knows  those  who  belong  to  HIM !
                              ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
  9. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in MOTIVATED TO ZEALOUS WORKS in the MINISTRY....   
    ... Train Our Conscience in our Christian life !
    Good works is our participation in the ministry from house to house and our taking advantage of opportunities to witness informally.
    Jesus said:
    “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”
    (Matthew 6:33)
    Does your conscience prompt you to set priorities that line up with JesusÂ’ advice?
    Now if I am declaring the good news, it is no reason for me to boast, for necessity is laid upon me.
    Really, woe to me if I do not declare the good news!
    New World Translation
    —1 Corinthians 9:16
    Is Your Conscience a Reliable Guide?
    Our conscience speaks to us, assuring us that we are doing the right thing.
    And by preaching the good news, we appeal to the conscience of those to whom we speak.
    But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God,  but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.
    —2 Corinthians 4:2
    How fine it is, when our goal is to bring our lives ever more into harmony with JehovahÂ’s standards and ways !
    By regularly immersing ourselves in GodÂ’s Word, meditating on what we find, and striving to put it into practice, we train our conscience.
    It will thus prove to be a valuable asset in our Christian life !
  10. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in OUR DEAR BROTHER'S.... OUR PRAYERS FOR YOU ALL, NEVER FLAG !   
     ?  THANK  YOU  ?
  11. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Any graphic artists in here?   
    I  know  someone  for  creating  a  cool  app....
    PS.  I  often  use  the  blue  color  in  my  postings    I  like  it  very  much   Especially  by  pictures  with  blue  sky,  water  or  similar,  it  has  a  great  WOW  effect  and  works  good  together !
  12. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in They were the only apostles who were allowed to go with him to the house of Jairus....   
    John was one of the three disciples most familiar with Jesus. Peter, James and John were taken by him to the mountain of transformation.-Mt 17: 1, 2, Mar 9: 2, Luk 9:28, 29. They were the only apostles who were allowed to go with him to the house of Jairus (Mark 5:37, Luke 8:51).
    On the night that Jesus was betrayed, they allowed him to go further into the garden of Gethsemane than the others, although they did not realize the full significance of the event, for they fell asleep three times and had to be awakened by Jesus.
    ccc (Mat 26:37, 40-45; Mar 14:33, 37-41)
  13. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Animated DAILY TEXT Sunday November 19 2017   
    Animated DAILY TEXT Sunday November 19 2017
  14. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Animated DAILY TEXT Monday November 20 2017   
    Animated DAILY TEXT Monday November 20 2017
  15. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Einstein was right ! We have many idiots... ;-))   
    Einstein  was  Right !    We  have  many  idiots...
  16. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jakarta, Indonesia Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Congress in Jakarta, Indonesia. Buses with delegates are accompanied by the police and help to avoid being caught in a traffic jam.
                              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  17. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, November 20. 2017   
    Your servants have come . . . out of regard for the name of Jehovah your God, because we have heard about his fame and about all he did.—Josh. 9:9.
    The Gibeonites wisely recognized Israel’s backer to be the true God. Rahab too perceived God’s hand in the events of her day. After learning about how Jehovah rescued his people, she told two Israelite spies: “I do know that Jehovah will give you the land.” Even though taking such a stand was fraught with danger, she expressed faith that Jehovah could deliver her and her family. (Josh. 2:9-13; 4:23, 24) These and many other examples in the Bible help us to understand what it means to see God or to see his hand in matters. As we come to know him, we too can see his hand because we perceive his qualities and actions with “the eyes of [our] heart.” (Eph. 1:18) Surely we want to be like those past and present who have clearly seen Jehovah supporting his people. w15 10/15 1:6, 7, 9
  18. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in Are YOU a Building or Wrecking Crew? –??????   
    Are YOU a Building or Wrecking Crew?
    10 little Witnesses standing in line
    1 disliked the Elders, then there were nine
    9 little Witnesses stayed up very late
    1 overslept, then there were eight
    8 little Witnesses pleasing God in Heaven
    1 took the broad road, then there were seven
    7 little Witnesses chirping like chicks
    1 liked rap music, then there were six
    6 little Witnesses seemed very much alive
    1 lost his interest, then there were five
    5 little Witnesses going door to door
    1 stopped going. Then there were four
    4 little Witnesses each busy as a bee
    1 got his feelings hurt, then there were three
    3 little Witnesses knew not what to do
    1 joined the worldly scene, then there were two
    2 little Witnesses, our rhyme is nearly done
    1 differed with the other, then there was one
    1 little Witness can't do much 'tis true
    Started a Bible Study, then there were two
    2 earnest Witnesses, each won one more
    That doubled the number, then there were 4
    4 sincere Witnesses to study made a date
    Each won another, then there were eight
    8 splendid Witnesses if they doubled as before
    In just so many months, we have 1,024!
    In this little jingle, there is one lesson true
    You belong either to the building, or to the wrecking crew! - Bible Speaks - Contributed ??????

  19. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The Ants - EXPERIMENT.....   
    THE  EXPERIMENT !     ( seems, they love first yellow and red...)
    RAINBOW  ANTS.....
    These arresting photos of ants come via the Daily Mail. The photographer, Mohammed Babu, set up this experiment after his wife noticed that some ants had turned white from eating spilled milk. By setting up colored drops of sugar water on sheets of paraffin in his garden, Babu was able to create a palette of rainbow ants, their transparent abdomens revealing their latest meal.
    ThereÂ’s an interesting tension here. WeÂ’re not used to seeing insects as joyful, and usually regard them with disgust. (Though this may be a cultural response here in the West, as many other cultures do not have this response and in fact view insects as a perfectly acceptable food source.) But in this case, color seems to override our disgust, and the magic of the antsÂ’ transparent bodies revealing the color opposes our instinct towards disgust with wonder.
    Bug's life...
    It's easy to see which ants have been sipping which coloured sugar water drops thanks to their transparent abdomens. Father of three Mohamed Babu set up these photographs after his wife, Shameem, showed him some ants that had turned white after sipping on some spilt milk. Dr Babu mixed sugar water with edible colours red, green, blue and yellow and placed them in his garden to attract the insects. He discovered the ants preferred lighter colours such as yellow and green...
  20. Thanks
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Paradise and its benefits.....   
    Jehovah  needs  younger  JW....  bec. making  clear  and  new  the  EARTH  -  and  instruct  the  many  resurrected  people !
    JOB  33:25
    ''Let his flesh become fresher than in youth,
    Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor.''
  21. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Animated DAILY TEXT Saturday November 18 2017   
    Animated  DAILY TEXT  Saturday, November 18  2017
  22. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Saturday, November 18. 2017   
    Physical training is beneficial for a little.—1 Tim. 4:8.
    Many have concluded that a measure of regular exercise promotes good health and refreshes the body and mind. If we want to enjoy exercise in a group, should we share in it with just anyone? Proverbs 13:20 tells us: “The one walking with the wise will become wise, but the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.” Does this not suggest that we should be selective in our choice of recreation, guided by our Bible-trained conscience? There is also the question of when to engage in recreation. Do you plan recreation around theocratic activities, such as meetings, field ministry, and personal study? Or do you find yourself trying to fit theocratic activities between periods of leisure? What are your priorities? Jesus said: “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33) Does your conscience prompt you to set priorities that line up with Jesus’ advice? w15 9/15 2:13, 15
  23. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Malachit kingfisher - what a little, beautiful creation ❤   
    Malachit  kingfisher,  you  are  a  BEAUTY     WOW....  Jehovah  gave  you  a  nice  feather - crown
    The malachite kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus) is a river kingfisher which is widely distributed in Africa south of the Sahara. It is largely resident except for seasonal climate-related movements.
    The malachite kingfisher was described by the German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas in 1764 and given the binomial name Alcedo cristata.[2][3][4] The specific epithet cristata is from the Latin cristatus meaning "crested" or "plumed".[5] The adjective "malachite" in the vernacular name normally refers to the dark green colour of the copper containing mineral.[6] This kingfisher has blue upperparts but has black banding with pale blue or greenish-blue on its forehead.[7]
    A molecular phylogenetic study published in 2007 confirmed that the most closely related species is the Malagasy kingfisher, (Corythornis vintsioides).[8] The Malagasy kingfisher has a black bill and greenish crest, and is not quite as dependent on water as the African species. It is otherwise similar in plumage and behaviour to the more widespread malachite kingfisher.[9] The São Tomé kingfisher and the Príncipe kingfisher were sometimes considered as distinct species but a study published in 2008 showed that they are both subspecies of the malachite kingfisher.[10]
  24. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in NEW SERVICE YEAR....   
    Ok. nous pensons quelque chose de différent.
    Alors vous n'aimez certainement pas nos petits
    Aides, haha ....
    Beaucoup de frères aiment les images - mais tout le monde peut le faire
    décider pour eux-mêmes.
    Nous sommes tous différents, vous devez le faire
    accepter. Tous les êtres humains sont incompréhensibles avec cela
    nous devons vivre beaucoup plus d'années.
    Dans notre forum c'est aussi marrant, comme dans
    l'assemblage aussi! Même au congrès sera Rire
    Je ne veux pas en dire plus pour le moment.
    Est-ce que le sac et l'écharpe en bleu ou
    une couleur différente, alors vous n'auriez pas
    écrit ??   Peut-être que vous êtes plus âgé ou
    ne comprends pas tout le plaisir?
    Ce serait dommage, mais je dois l'accepter.
    Je vous souhaite de belles semaines - fin!
  25. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in NEW SERVICE YEAR....   
    Avoir juste ces créations colorées
    trouvé. Oui, Jéhovah aime ça coloré!
    Des tons pastels ou des couleurs vives, on peut tout trouver ...

    Malachit  kingfisher....   beautiful
    Martin-pêcheur malachite....   beau
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