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Blanchie DeGrate

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  1. Sad
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in 7.0 M Earthquake In Mexico's Capital City   
    Mexico Earthquake 7.1 Anniversary one year later it happens again?
    A woman reacts after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rattled Mexico City on Tuesday while an earthquake drill was held in the capital for the anniversary of an 8.0 magnitude quake that struck on this day in 1985. ?: (in order of photos) Ronaldo Schemidt/Alfredo Estrella/Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images

  2. Sad
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in 7.0 M Earthquake In Mexico's Capital City   
    FIRST  JEHOVAH  CAN  BRING  LOVE  AND  PEACE   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  3. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?   
    SORRY  -  I  HAD  AN  INTERNET  ERROR.....   HERE  NOW  MY  FULL  COMMENT !  Thank  you
    I  know  Congregations  in  different  Countries....  and  I  realized  always  some  little  differences !
    Also  by  exercises  on  the  stage.  In  some  countries  very  little  kiddies  allowed  -  but  in  Germany  its  not  allowed !  Never  3 - 4  years  old  little  boys  alone  with  a  talk,  ONLY  together  with  the  Mom  at  the  stage - table....   Our  youngest  boys / brothers  alone  on  the  stage  ca. 8  years.
    The  new  idea  with  a  sister - microphne - service,  I  will  next  time  ask  in my  cong.  -
    I  know,  we've  many  elders  and   'service - helper'....    Never  did  a sister  this  job !
    But  in  some  countries  maybe  NO  other  possibilities....
    Jehovah  always  wanted  a  man  as  teacher,  bec. the  head  over  the  woman ;-)
  4. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Greece - The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people. (read more)   
    We are all SO different,  @Nicole ...  thats ok and normal !  Jehovah never wanted create robots, dolls or siminal   All of us so unique and interesting,  I love that !
    Best wishes from Germany??
  5. Like
  6. Like
  7. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Greece - The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people. (read more)   
    WOW.....   what  a  BIG  *Thank  you*     My  BIG  pleasure,  dear  ARchiv@L !
  8. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Greece - The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people. (read more)   
    The brothers of Greece shared with us on photos in a dispute, in a market where the brothers were distributing publications to the people.
    Observing can be like in the photos, there is a cure unorthodox that many were against the witnesses!
    Some people were on the side of the brothers, as the "fat" gentleman on the left, who had to keep our brother with ties ... because they offended the witness.
    Another proof that the situation in the world will be this Enconando against our people up in democratic countries ....
    Οι αδελφοί της Ελλάδα μαζί μας στις φωτογραφίες σε ένα επιχείρημα, σε μια αγορά όπου οι αδελφοί ήταν, εκδόσεις που διανέμονται στους ανθρώπους.
    Μπορούμε να παρατηρήσουμε στις φωτογραφίες, υπάρχει μια ανορθόδοξη θεραπεία ότι πολλοί ήταν ενάντια στους μάρτυρες!
    Μερικοί άνθρωποι ήταν από την πλευρά των αδελφών, όπως το λίπος άνθρωπος στο αριστερό, το είχε ο αδελφός μας με την εκμετάλλευση γραβάτα ... επειδή προσέβαλε τον μάρτυρα.
    Μια άλλη απόδειξη ότι η κατάσταση στον κόσμο είναι αυτή η Enconando ενάντια στο λαό μας σε δημοκρατικές χώρες ....
    ( translated by google )
  9. Sad
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in Twice saved from the Houston floods, but still, mysteriously, a victim ?????   
    Twice saved from the Houston floods, but still, mysteriously, a victim
    Houston - it was a difficult choice, but in the end it was not a choice. A small rescue boat had climbed down the road, offering help. Carl Ellis was with his fragile 73-Year-old, Wilma Jean. The boat had room for one.
    The water was already on Mr..'s knees. Ellis, so there was no time to wait for the rescuers with more space. His mother would have to go alone.
    Using the back of a van as a runway, Ellis helped his mother get into the boat, with his belongings tied in trash bags. There were no life jackets, but it was a short trip and the rescuers promised to return to him.
    He never saw them again, or his mother.
    Any catastrophic climate event has its measurable aspects: inches of rain, wind speed, cubic yards of debris. Others are incalculable: photographs photographs, communities, invisible moorings and security sweeps.
    But perhaps the worst things are the unknowable, lost forever in confusion, mysteries like what happened to Ellis, who was rescued not once, but twice, and yet became a victim of the storm.
    When his son thought he was being transported to a higher ground, he was found floating upside down in the water of the flood. In what became one of the moments of the day, Mrs. Ellis was resurrected by a group of civilian navigators in Louisiana, part of an informal organization known as the Cajun Navy. That moment was acclaimed on National Television and social media as an example of heroism and the link between two gulf coast states.
    But with a huge and chaotic rescue effort going on, much of it handled by private citizens who took things into their own hands, few people paid attention to Ellis's next 10 hours.
    A woman saved twice
    The Peak of despair for the residents of Northeast Houston flooded by Hurricane Harvey came on Monday, August 28 Greens Bayou had swollen to a 43,4-foot record where he crossed tidwell road, evicting cars and tearing apart flats to their poles.
    In the middle-class neighborhood, predominantly black, where mrs. Ellis lived in a three-bedroom brick house, people woke up in the early hours to find the water that was leaking. Hundreds, if not thousands, escaped in ships of all kinds. The water became thick and oily, boiling with angry clusters of fire ants.
    At some point around 7 in the morning, three men on a ship were going up to the entrance to Ellis's house at drifting winds drive.
    Mrs... Ellis was a strong woman, an engaged Jehovah's witness who made sausages sausages from scratch, played video games in a sega genesis, drove a giant truck with a grill the size of a portcullis and enjoyed the occasional pressure from Windsor.
    However, a surgery was recently performed, followed by a stroke, said members of the family.
    So Mr. Ellis didn't stop to ask exactly who the men were on the boat - he just helped his mother on board. She was still wearing the hospital's bracelet from her recent treatment. Without knowing, the ship had just arrived at the corner of the corner when his mother somehow fell into the water of the flood.
    "they were trying to make a right, but the boat leaned over", said a neighbor, Desmond Clark, who was looking through the rain from his window on parkway forest drive. And he added, "I didn't see anyone go for it".
    Mr... Clark said that the person in the water was floating in one direction, accompanied by the garbage bags, while the others supported the boat against a truck to drain, then they went back up and headed to the opposite side.
    "I'm not thinking of myself, ' oh, she's drowning ', ' cause she didn't look like she was drowning", Clark said. It looked like he was swimming.
    Soon, three sailors from st. Tammany, the Cajun Navy members, saw something floating in the water. At First, they thought it was a garbage bag. Then they realized it was a body.
    Two of them, identified in news like Ricky Berrigan and Donnie Davenport, jumped while a third, Joshua Lincoln, stayed with the ship, said Lincoln.
    The woman had lost her dentures and the other was blocking the airway, according to Mr. Lincoln. She seemed to be dead.
    "I don't know what made them do it", he said, but they started doing chest compressions. " after that he began to breathe slowly."
    Unable to lift it on the ship, the men recruited two neighbors to help. "she was alive", said one, Brando Flanagan. She was nodding. I just said, " you're gonna be okay, mommy. You're gonna be okay. " he shrank, remembering. " I looked him in the eye. I told him it was gonna be okay
    At that time, hospitals were practically impossible to reach. The Transporters took Mrs... Ellis to the nearest dry corner, where people get into a nursery and a gas station. " I was worried that she would not install too well in a chair ", said Lincoln, " so we asked them to say that they would be more attentive to her ".
    He took a picture of her, still with the black head of style that had left him at home, with a warm brown blanket covered on her. He took a close-up of the hospital bracelet that had his name and date of birth.
    Just after 8 am, another evacuated posted on Facebook that an Wilma Ellis had been rescued and needed help.
    More than 10 hours later, Mrs. Ellis arrived at Lyndon B. Johnson in a body bag. She was brought in, according to the records, by the coast guard - or maybe a hospital spokesman said later, the fire department. The hospital bracelet was missing. Wilma Ellis was a jane doe.
    Acclaimed as a hero
    That night, China Davis was at the hospital where he worked when the phone rang. "someone called me and told me my sister was floating in the water", she said. "' China, your sister's on CNN '".
    Mrs... Davis was confused: His nephew, Carl, had told him that Mrs. Ellis had been taken to a nearby school. I was still waiting to be rescued.
    But there was Mr..'s voice. Lincoln on TV, describing how he'd found mrs. Ellis in an extremely intense current.
    The journalists are to the words of Mr. Lincoln. - were they moved to act? They asked. " how is she now?"
    As it is common in natural disasters, accurate information is scarce. On Tuesday, Mr. Lincoln told MSNBC: " now he's with his family, they say, and he's fine." he had received an address, he said, so he could return his dentures.
    But Ellis's family didn't know where he was.
    They called hospitals and shelters. They got in touch with Mr. Lincoln, who joined the search by posting on social networks and conducting follow-up interviews. A man said he'd seen her in a shelter. But still, no one could find her.
    It wasn't until Thursday that Mrs. Davis got a call from the morgue.
    Combing through tracks
    Mrs... Ellis, who spent his childhood collecting cotton in Northern Louisiana and later became a nurse in Houston, was a matriarchal figure in an extended clan - had seven brothers, six children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They called her mom, or Jean.
    To find her, they had been eagerly panning through the meager tracks, left as fragments of storm debris hooked on a chain fence. But now that they knew she was dead, those clues refused to add. How, if he had almost drowned, was the turban stuck in his head? In The Photograph taken by Mr. Lincoln, didn't it look dry?
    More importantly, where'd he stay and with whom? Had there been a dirty game? Or did anyone ever wonder, just didn't care enough about a lonely, old black woman?
    The bureaucracy didn't help. His son, Carl Ellis, went to get his medical records, but he came out empty-handed because he didn't have a death certificate. The Autopsy report wouldn't be available for weeks. Mrs... Ellis had been identified using fingerprints, said the medical examiner's office.
    But there was an official cause of death: drowning. Who raised more questions - if he had been revived, how did he drown? Had he been fished out of water to be swallowed again? Could he have gone through something so destructive to boot the bracelet from his wrist?
    "my mom wouldn't have left", said Ellis. He wondered if he had left it to himself. " if I saw an old man or an old woman, I wouldn't do that. I'll stay with them, make sure they're okay.
    But medical experts said that drowning could be listed as the cause of death even if mrs. Ellis initially survived. The Autopsy could have found fluid lurking in his lungs, or the nearby drowning could have led to fatal complications due to weakened organs, blood-Unbalanced Chemistry or a swollen airway. With Immediate medical attention, he could have survived. If the emergency medical workers had tried to treat her at any time, they might well have cut off the hospital bracelet to get her out of the way.
    Ellis could have been watched, but no one seems to remember. A man who worked at the gas station where mrs. Ellis was abandoned for the first time. He said he couldn't remember seeing her during the storm. Less than two miles away, near an emergency station, there was another gas station, where hundreds of evacuees had been taken.
    The employees there didn't remember mrs. Ellis. But one, karim musani, took a second look at the photo that Mr. Lincoln had taken. " I can remember this brown thing," he said, indicating the plush blanket. " I picked him up. When I picked it up, it was so heavy.
    Picking up the pieces
    More than a week after his mother died, Ellis took out his mother's truck on the road to his ruined house; his own car had been flooded. Using a pair of denim monkeys, he prepared for the job of getting rid and sorting.
    The day before, he had avoided a meeting of 13 family members on the road, and still seemed to be lost in self-reproach about what had happened. Asked about what he had thought when he heard about his mother's rescue on the news, he objected. " when my mother left here ", she said, " I thought it was her rescue."
    A few days later, Mr. Lincoln returned to Houston for Mrs..'s funeral. Ellis. Emotionally overwhelmed, he said, lost on the way. Mr... Lincoln said that he had been "drastically" affected by finding, then losing, Mrs. Ellis. "all this sounds spiritual when reborn, or born again, when I found her", he said. It's like I can't lie anymore.
    But in the memorial service, he found a family still under tension of unanswered questions - perhaps never to be answered - about the late hours of Mrs. Ellis.
    Mrs... Campbell, Ellis's sister, said he had tried to help. "I tried to gather them one by one and sit and explain something: time and unforeseen events happen to us all", he said, to paraphrase the scriptures. "there are only two people who know what really happened: Jean, and Jehovah".

  10. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the belly of the fish.—Jonah 2:1. / Sat.day, Sept. 16.   
    ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤  ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤
  11. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Twice saved from the Houston floods, but still, mysteriously, a victim ?????   
    So  terrible  endtime ;-((    Every  week  1-2  new  disasters !   Step by step  more  and  more   "Job's - news"   When  I'm  at  home,  I  will  buy  a  good  rucksack / backpack  and  the  right  things  for  the  emergency....
    ONLY,   bec.  many  brothers  and  sisters  in  Canada  were  obedient  with  their  ready  backpack,  the  most  JW  could  flee  before  the  big  fire !   So  we  can  see,  how  importend  is  all  that  we  learned  last  time    I  SO  hope,  we  all  see  us  in  the  NW    and  talk  about  many  themes !!   Love  and  greetings  from  Germany
  12. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in 2 smiling Brother's on the way in south Africa ;-))   
    2 big smiling Brothers & full of nice mood, on the way preaching in south - Africa
    I  would  like  to  go  with  you,  my  Brother's....   We  had  a  funny  service  together 
  13. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in A nice REMINDER for all JW ! Enjoy these photo's ;-))   
    Hallo  dear  Brother  @Johnny Paulick  here  is  coming  the  translating  of  your  posted  Bible-Scriptures...
    12 Og Gud tilføjede: „Dette er tegnet+ på den pagt som jeg sætter mellem mig og jer og hver levende sjæl der er hos jer, generation efter generation, for altid. 13 Min regnbue+ sætter jeg hermed* i skyen, og den skal tjene som et pagtstegn mellem mig og jorden. 14 Og når jeg bringer en sky over jorden, da skal regnbuen vise sig i skyen. 15 Og jeg vil huske min pagt+ som består mellem mig og jer og hver levende sjæl af alt kød;+ og aldrig mere vil vandene blive til en vandflod der ødelægger alt kød.+ 16 Og regnbuen skal komme i skyen,+ og jeg vil se den og huske pagten der varer ved+ mellem Gud og hver levende sjæl af alt kød der er på jorden.“+
    17 Og Gud gentog over for Noa: „Dette er tegnet på den pagt som jeg hermed opretter mellem mig og alt kød der er på jorden.“+
    For  our  English  members....
    12 And God added: "This is the sign + of the covenant that I put between myself and you and every living soul that is with you, generation by generation, forever. 13 My rainbow + I hereby put * in the cloud, and it shall serve as a covenant sign between me and the earth. 14 And when I bring a cloud over the earth, the rainbow shall appear in the cloud. 15 And I will remember my covenant + consisting between me and you and every living soul of all flesh + and never again will the waters become a river of water that destroys all flesh. + 16 And the rainbow will come into the cloud + and I will see and remember the covenant lasting between God and every living soul of all flesh on earth. "+
    17 And God reiterated against Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I hereby make between me and all flesh that is on the earth." +
  14. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in WINSTON MARCOS IMAGES   
    I like the style of these pictures too !  A wonderful work ????
  15. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "Do You Have “a Heart ?to Know” Jehovah?   
    Oh yes.....   I HAVE A HEART FOR GOD SINCE MY CHILDHOOD,  and my deceased Brother too?  God's  name  JEHOVAH  I  learned from my pioneer girlfriend before ca. 30 yrs.❤️
  16. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The deepest level of worship is praising GOD ! read more...   
        ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ?
  17. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Never think, you aren't good enough for God to love you ! See what His repentant people once were....   
    Never think, you aren't good enough for God to love you !  See what His repentant people once were....
  18. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in 3 pioneer Sisters, preaching in BRAZIL.... and so wonderful smiing ;-))   
    3 pioneer Sisters,  preaching  in  BRAZIL....   and  so  wonderful smiing
    May  you  all  have  much  fun  and  success !
  19. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in 2 smiling Brother's on the way in south Africa ;-))   
    And  3 pioneer Sisters  also  on  the  way,  preaching  in  BRAZIL.....
    just  as  so  wonderful smiing
  20. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one." They are one in purpose like a married couple are...   
    John 10:30  -  Jesus  said,  "I and the Father are one."
    Matthew,  19:5,
    5 and JESUS  said: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife,  and the two will be one flesh’...
    They are one in purpose like a married couple are.
                    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ?
  21. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in THE PRECIOUS STONE ! A wise woman traveling in the mountains, found a precious stone in a stream......   
          ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ?
  22. Thanks
  23. Like
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jonah prayed to Jehovah his God from the belly of the fish.—Jonah 2:1. / Sat.day, Sept. 16.   
    Jehovah hears our pleas and understands us even when no one else does. His response to our prayers is a beautiful expression of his enduring love for us. We can learn much from prayers recorded in God’s Word. At times, therefore, we may find it very beneficial to consider such prayers during family worship. Reflecting on how JehovahÂ’s servants of the past expressed their deepest thoughts to God may help us to enrich our own prayers. For instance, consider JonahÂ’s contrite prayer from the belly of a huge fish. (Jonah 1:17–2:10) Review SolomonÂ’s heartfelt prayer to Jehovah at the inauguration of the temple. (1 Ki. 8:22-53) Meditate on the model prayer that Jesus offered for our benefit. (Matt. 6:9-13) Above all, regularly “let your petitions be made known to God.” As a result, “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers.”—Phil. 4:6, 7. w15 8/15 1:11, 12
  24. Like
  25. Sad
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Hurricane Irma & Mexico Earthquake - Update.....   
    Hurricane Irma Update....
    Information is becoming available regarding the status of our brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and southeastern United States in the wake of Hurricane Irma.
    Sadly, an elderly brother in Florida and one of our sisters in Georgia died while evacuating. Additionally, two of our brothers were injured in Tortola, which is the largest of the British Virgin Islands. Throughout the Caribbean, over 40 homes have sustained major damage and at least 40 of our brothers have been displaced. Assessments are ongoing as the brothers gain access to affected regions.
    Our prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and the many who are impacted by the storm. We continue to rely on the comfort Jehovah provides through the congregation.—1 Thessalonians 3:7.
    Hurricane Irma & Mexico Earthquake...
    HURRICANE IRMA:   The storm, which made landfall on September 5, 2017, is one of the strongest hurricanes ever measured in the Atlantic. It has already devastated many islands in the Caribbean. At this time, none of our brothers and sisters have been reported injured or killed in the storm. One Kingdom Hall in La Désirade, Guadeloupe; one Kingdom Hall in St. Barts; and an Assembly Hall in St. Martin sustained damage.
    The island of Barbuda was especially hard hit by the storm, with an estimated 50 percent of the island’s residents left homeless. The entire population of the island, which includes 11 of our brothers, has been ordered by the government to evacuate to Antigua in anticipation that another hurricane, José, will hit the Caribbean over the weekend.
    The brothers have put in place several initiatives to care for ongoing relief efforts as Hurricane Irma continues tracking north through the Bahamas, Cuba, and the southeastern United States. This includes identifying housing in advance for brothers and sisters that may be displaced.
    MEXICO EARTHQUAKE:  Late Thursday, September 7, a magnitude 8.2 earthquake struck off Mexico’s southern Pacific coast. The quake is the strongest to hit Mexico in a century, killing at least 45 people. Sadly, we have received confirmation that one of our brothers and two of our sisters were among those who died.
    Additionally, initial reports indicate that many homes of the brothers and several Kingdom Halls have been damaged or destroyed. Two Assembly Halls in Chiapas State were also damaged. Assessments are ongoing.
    We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, confident that Jehovah will comfort and strengthen them.—  2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17.
     16 Moreover, may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, 17 comfort your hearts and make you firm in every good deed and word.
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