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Blanchie DeGrate

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  1. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid   
    NOOOOOOO......   But  a  little  humor  on  and  off  is  ok,  yes ?
    I  will  try  not  be  crazy  here,  better  at  home,  hahaha
    See  us  later  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid   
    @admin  Hahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaa......  oh  NO !  maybe  half  and  half ?
    POOR  men  ;-((   Yes,  often  little  crazy  -  but  NOT  always.......
  3. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Thursday, May 11. 2017   
    Down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.—Rev. 12:9.
    As noted above, Satan is called Devil, meaning “Slanderer.” This reminds us that Satan has defamed Jehovah by calling him a liar. The words “the original serpent” bring to mind that tragic day in Eden when Satan used a snake to deceive Eve. The expression “the great dragon” brings to mind thoughts of a terrifying monster and aptly fits Satan’s savage craving to obstruct Jehovah’s purpose and destroy His people. Clearly, Satan poses the greatest threat to our integrity. For good reason, the Bible admonishes us: “Keep your senses, be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Pet. 5:8) Satan no doubt rejoices when one of God’s servants becomes stained with serious sin and may use such victories to taunt Jehovah.—Prov. 27:11. w15 5/15 1:3, 4, 10
  4. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Aawww.. we found our lost lamb again.... FINALLY ❤   
    I  can  imagine,  dear  sister  @Lorraine Reed  its  really  so  sweet,  like  a  Mom  &  her  little  child ❤
  5. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in NEW WORLD WARWICK CENTER, HEADQUARTERS, USA   
    One  of  Jehovah's  beautiful  nature  powers  we  can  see  here.... WOW !  In  the  NW  we  have  alot  of  these  fresh  water ❤
  6. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah is my light and my salvation -- Ps. 27 :1 ❤   
    Jehovah  is  SO  much  more....   HE  is  one  day  our  FATHER  -  GOD  -  AND  FRIEND ❤   enjoy  again ;-))
  7. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner
    One of the oldest known survivors of the holocaust who refused to renounce his faith has died aged 107. 
    Leopold Engleitner died on April 21, 2013, according to the Mauthausen Committee, an Austrian organization that tracks the fate of Nazi concentration camp inmates.
    After refusing to give up his faith as a Jehovah's Witness, he survived three concentration camps and forced labor between 1939 and 1945. 
    Engleitner was born in Aigen-Voglhub, Austria, in 1905 but grew up in the city of Bad Ischl.
    He became a Jehovah's Witness in 1932 after studying the bible for many years and faced religious intolerance even before the war began.
    He was arrested in April 1939 with other Witnesses during a religious celebration, and four months later was transferred to Buchenwald concentration camp.
    Two years later, Engleitner was held at Niederhagen concentration camp in Wewelsburg, Germany.
    He was offered release if he agreed to renounce his beliefs, but he refused saying he lived by God's word. 
    Instead, he was transferred to Ravensbruek.
    He weighed just 28 kilograms - about 60 pounds - on release from the Ravensbrueck camp in 1943 after he agreed to work as farm slave laborer.

  8. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    I posted 2 times a detailed report in the past of our loyal Brother from Austria. Yes, he was a very especially JW.  I was a time in the FB group from Leopold Engleitner's friend and Manager B. Rammerstorfer and learned alot of L. E.'s life and different doings around his belief with Jehovah❤️   Very interesting!   Now we all can read that in his books and our literature   Now he is working near Jehovah & Jesus ;-)  bec. his heavenly hope on Earth !  A wonderful faithful Brother,  our Leopold Engleitner ???
  9. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Some words to our postings here......   
    Thank  you  Blanchie....  Carmen  was  thinking  the  same today !   And  still  more  others....  We're  not  in  a  school  here    We  want  click  on  different  themes  every  day  -  but  not  spend  too  much  time  for  all  -  thats  my  thinking  too !  Thank  you  so  much,  my  feeling  was  mostly  right.....  Good  night  from  Germany  to  ALL ❤
  10. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Wednesday, May 10. 2017   
    I will discipline you to the proper degree.—Jer. 30:11.
    King Azariah “continued to do what was right in Jehovah’s eyes.” Yet, “Jehovah afflicted the king, and he remained a leper until the day of his death.” (2 Ki. 15:1-5) Why? The account does not say. Should this disturb us or cause us to wonder whether Jehovah punished Azariah without due cause? Not if we have an intimate knowledge of Jehovah’s ways. King Azariah was also known as King Uzziah. (2 Ki. 15:7, 32) In the parallel account at 2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 16-21, we learn that although Uzziah did what was right in Jehovah’s eyes for a time, later in life “his heart became haughty to his own ruin.” Presumptuously, he attempted to perform priestly duties that were outside the scope of his authority. Eighty-one priests confronted him and endeavored to correct him. How did Uzziah respond? He demonstrated how proud he had become. He “became enraged” against the priests. No wonder Jehovah struck him with leprosy! w15 4/15 3:8, 9
  11. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in NEW WORLD WARWICK CENTER, HEADQUARTERS, USA   
    You  are  welcome,  dear  Brother  @David Mahlangu  Yes,  Jehovah's  holy  hands  always  very  near  us  for  helping ❤   thats  really  true !  Thank  you  for  liking  my  posting ;-))
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Aawww.. we found our lost lamb again.... FINALLY ❤   
    I love this picture!!! ???
  14. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Some words to our postings here......   
    That's what I was thinking too. ?❤️️?❤️️
  15. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    Yes, please continue to pray ???
  16. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in Aawww.. we found our lost lamb again.... FINALLY ❤   
    I love this picture!!! ???
  17. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    I'm  sure,  yes !    Thanks  for  your  very  good  comments.  We  all  can  learn,  bec. NOBODY  of  us  is  perfect !  Maybe  someone  thinking  so....  but  we  need  1000  years  for  that,  hahaha  -  thats  the  reason,  I  read  alot....  but  I  NOT  believe  all....  I  hope  you  understand  me,  @Micah Ong ??  Thank  you !  Greetings  from  Germany  to  you ❤
  18. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    Yes, please continue to pray ???
  19. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    A villager from the Moscow area threw a Molotov cocktail (incendiary bomb) at the home of Jehovah's Witnesses. Two houses and cars burned. The villager says he did it because he does not like the beliefs of his neighbors.
    That same day a guy broke the window of a kingdom hall. The brothers were gathered and told to stop doing that and the cry that will continue to do so until the whole room is destroyed.
    It has unleashed a witch hunt against the witnesses and people feel supported by the government.
    THINKING & PRAYING  to  all  our  Brothers ❤
  20. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Some words to our postings here......   
    Some  sisters  told  me,  why  some  postings  here  with  SO  much  Bible  texts...?  Maybe,  they're  not  able  for  so  much,  or  only less  time  for  reading  all  that  every  day.... ?   Lets  be  more  flexible  for  all...  a  fine  solution  I  think !   Thanks  to  you  all !
  21. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Aawww.. we found our lost lamb again.... FINALLY ❤   
    We  found  our  lost  lamb.... FINALLY !   Now  all  are  happy  again ❤
  22. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in A new, wonderful Bible - study in Malawi, AFRICA... more >>>>>   
    A  new,  wonderful  Bible - study  in  Malawi,  AFRICA  -  Nice  to  see  our  sisters  outdoor  by  their  doings ❤    May  Jehovah  very  much  bless  you ❤
  23. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Micah Ong   and   @Bible Speaks ......  who  has  the  right  answer ??
    I'm  sure,  ONLY  our  Librarian  can  help  here !
  24. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah is my light and my salvation -- Ps. 27 :1 ❤   
    LOOK  and  trust  JEHOVAH'S  word  -  bec.  ONLY  HE  can  one  day  rescue  the  right  humans !

             ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  25. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in SOUTH AFRICA - Our sister, preaching in a Territory without assigning.... May JEHOVAH bless her ❤   
    SOUTH  AFRICA  -  Our  sister,  preaching  in  a  Territory  without  assigning....   May  JEHOVAH  bless  her ❤
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