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Blanchie DeGrate

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  1. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in I will see you in the NEW WORLD ❤ (video)   
    A  wonderful  video,  posted  from  our  sister  Ellen Tieking    Many  of  us  knowing  that  video....
    But  on  and  off  listen  to  Jehovah's  Creations  and  the  nice  music / text,  makes  feeling  good ❤
    *I  WILL  SEE  YOU  IN  THE  NEW  WORLD*  ;-))  MORE  importend,  we  all  encourage  each  other  living  in  the  NW soon ❤
  2. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    @Queen Esther Your love and kindness to me is very much appreciated! Jehovah continues to make me strong and I am greaful for His Loyal Love. I keep busy working for Jehovah as it keeps me focused and walking in Truth! My new motto is: "I have no fear, Jehovah is near!" Keep strong we are United in thought and actions. Agape,
    Bible Speaks ?????
  3. Upvote
  4. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Sign Language Midweek Meeting 2017-05-08   
    Dear  ARchiv@L....   thank  you  so  much,  always  thinking  to  our  deaf  JW ❤
  5. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    @Blanchie DeGrate Yes we learn so much from Jehovah! When we rely on Him and not ourselves we are so much stronger! He loves us so, sees our weaknesses but still shows Loyal Love! Does that not "touch" our hearts? Thank you for your encouragement ???we do our best to help others as we have been made strong! Agape,
    Bible Speaks
  6. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The original LINK directly on the download page ! Very easy.... JW - LIBRARY new !   
    Sorry, but it does give different links, seems so   Thanks for your link too !  Agape ???
  7. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in The original LINK directly on the download page ! Very easy.... JW - LIBRARY new !   
    The  original  LINK  directly  on  the  download  page,  very  easy....  /  JW - LIBRARY !
    Please  look  for  your  language.....
  8. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah is my light and my salvation -- Ps. 27 :1 ❤   
    Jehovah  is  my  light  and  my  salvation --  Ps. 27 :1 ❤
  9. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Indonesia, A little girl in service with her Dad.... smiling and enjoying ❤   
    Indonesia,   A  little  girl  in  service  wit  her  Dad....   smiling  and  enjoying ❤
    Good  job,  sweet  little sister  ;-))   Jehovah  will  be  happy !
  10. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Preaching in SOUTH AFRICA, with a bus !   
    SOUTH  AFRICA.....
    The congregation's service superintendent rented a minibus and took unassigned territory to the forerunners of the congregation and some elder brothers who had never been able to participate in this assignment. The minibus was parked on a corner of the street while everyone preached. The brothers enjoyed a lot, especially the older ones and much more in the meetings at dinner.
    ( translated  by  google )
  11. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Preaching in BURUNDI, ÁFRICA ❤   
    Preaching  in  BURUNDI,   ÁFRICA ❤
    A  nice  Brother  near  by  interested  kids,  looking  on  his  Smart-phone.....  of  sure  they  watching  Caleb & Sophia  ;-))
  12. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    SO  nice  said,  dear  Blanchie....   thank  you ❤
  13. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Tuesday, May 9. 2017   
    Appoint for us a king to judge us.—1 Sam. 8:5.
    Samuel was so reluctant to do what the people demanded that Jehovah three times saw the need to tell him to listen to them. (1. Sam. 8:7, 9, 22) Even so, Samuel did not allow bitterness or resentment against the man who would replace him to take root in his heart. When Jehovah told him to anoint Saul, the prophet obeyed, not reluctantly out of mere duty, but willingly out of love. Like Samuel, experienced elders today show a kind disposition toward those whom they train. (1 Pet. 5:2) Such elders do not hold back from training others for fear of having to relinquish certain congregation privileges to the learners. Bighearted teachers view willing learners, not as competitors, but as “fellow workers”—as precious gifts to the congregation. (2 Cor. 1:24; Heb. 13:16) And what satisfaction such unselfish teachers experience as they observe how the learners use their abilities to benefit the congregation!—Acts 20:35. w15 4/15 1:16, 17
  14. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    Beautifully done! I have been moved to tears with a smile. Thank you so much my dear Sister.  Agape!  ?❤️?
  15. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Our wonderful kingdom song No. 138 - sung from our Brother *Joan Manuel Serrat*   
    Thanks  for  liking  this  song  and  the  wonderful  voice....  FIRST  I  really  thought  its  Julio  Iglesias  -  bec.  the  voices  SO  very  similar  -  but  its  another  singer,  now  I  had  to  believe  it,  hahaha   yes !!   Sorry  for  my  first  posting  and  misunderstanding.....  its  REALLY   *Joan Manuel Serrat*  !!
  16. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to The Librarian in New Updates JW LIBRARY 9.0   
    The green circles around your icon signify that you are currently online on the website.
  17. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to The Librarian in Update on U.S. Local Design/Construction Arrangement—May 2017   
    Update on U.S. Local Design/Construction Arrangement—May 2017 video will be considered the week of May 1, 2017.
    Here is the letter I found online:
    March 1, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN THE UNITED STATES BRANCH TERRITORY Re: Update on Local Design/Construction Arrangement
  18. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Our wonderful kingdom song No. 138 - sung from our Brother *Joan Manuel Serrat*   
    Our  wonderful  kingdom  song  No. 138  -  sung  from  our  Brother   *Joan Manuel Serrat*
    <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  19. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, May 8. 2017   
    All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God—Deut. 28:2.
    As Christians, we can benefit from the guidelines that were given in the Law to the nation of Israel. How so? We can stop and look at the underlying principles of the Law. Even though we are not under those laws, we can view many of them as trustworthy guides in our daily lives and our worship of our holy God, Jehovah. He had those laws recorded in the Bible so that we could learn from them, be guided by the principles, and appreciate the higher moral standards for Christians. Listen to what Jesus said: “You heard that it was said: ‘You must not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Thus, we need to avoid not only the act of adultery but also the sexual craving to share in immorality.—Matt. 5:27, 28. w16.03 4:6, 8
  20. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate got a reaction from Queen Esther in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    Beautifully done! I have been moved to tears with a smile. Thank you so much my dear Sister.  Agape!  ?❤️?
  21. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!”   
    Thanks  my  dear  Sister.....   I  am  really  excited,  WHEN  they  calling,  “Peace and security!”
    Bec. thats  the  big  beginning  of  all  for  us....
  22. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in JOY OF CONVENTIONS.... WE ARE LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER ❤   
    JOY OF CONVENTIONS,   Before the music starts, I'm right beside you. The fire is growing, the fire is growing. The world in chaos, but here we got peace And we're just starting, we're just starting Yeah, yeah, yeah. We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before I'm on the edge of a human sea And the tide is in My eyes are surfing on unfamiliar faces Yet still I know them The family You wave at me from across the stadium What a beautiful sight I feel refreshed like a new-born baby If I'm not careful, I'll start to cry We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I haven't met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Give me your hand We're in the same fight You give me strength To carry on towards eternal life We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before And I love you even though I never met you before.  WE  ARE  LEARNING  FROM  EACH  OTHER ❤
    <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  23. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!”   
    Whenever it is that they are saying:
    “Peace and security!”
    then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them
    just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman;
    and they will by no means escape.
    (1 Thessalonians 5:3) ...[3/6/14] #TimothyJohn*
    "WHAT WILL HAPPEN JUST BEFORE THE END?"}   http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012681#h=10:0-11:0 

  24. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    @Bible Speaks  And  you  also  reaching  us  all  here,  NO  doubt !  Thank  you  SO  much  for  your  hard  work  -  despite  your  sicknesses....  Take  some  resting  on  and  off  -  we  not  want  lose  you,  okay ?  Be  right - minded  with  your  health,  bec.  too  much  postings...  We  want,  you  are  feeling  well ❤  And  think  about,  what  our  Librarian  said,  its  NOT  a  competition  here !  Not  the  counts  are  importend,  only  the  good  postings !  Enjoying  and  posting  with  LOVE  for  our  Brothers  &  Sisters ;-))  THANKS  AGAIN  and  Greetings  from  Germany,  AGAPE ❤  May  Jehovah  bless  you  daily,  my  dear  Sister !
  25. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1. ???
    JEHOVAH wants us to be happy, and he pours out on us many blessings that should lead to happiness. For one thing, we are alive. Hence, we can use our life to praise God, since he has drawn us to true worship. (Ps. 144:15; John 6:44) 
    Jehovah assures us of his love and helps us to endure in our service to him. (Jer. 31:3;2 Cor. 4:16) We enjoy the spiritual paradise, where we find both abundant spiritual food and a loving brotherhood. Beyond that, we have a precious hope for the future.
    With what do some faithful servants of God struggle?
    Despite having these reasons for happiness, some faithful servants of God struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. For those with persistent negative feelings, the idea of enjoying “many years” could seem to be a fantasy. Life might appear to be a series of dark days.—Eccl. 11:8.
    What may trigger negative feelings?
    For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. (Ps. 71:9; Prov. 13:12; Eccl. 7:7) Moreover, every Christian must face the reality that the heart is treacherous and may condemn us even though God may be pleased with us. (Jer. 17:9; 1 John 3:20) The Devil falsely accuses God’s servants. And those who have Satan’s thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed—we are worthless to God. That was a lie in Job’s day as it is today.—Job 4:18, 19.
    Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” (Ps. 23:4) One way he is with us is by means of his Word. The Bible is “powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things,” including misconceptions and negative ideas. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5) 
    Let us, then, consider how we can use the Bible to help us cultivate and maintain a positive viewpoint. You may gain personal benefit from this, as well as find ways to encourage others.

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