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Blanchie DeGrate

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  1. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, December 16. 2016   
    The word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing.—Acts 19:20.
    Christianity flourished in the first century. To fare well spiritually, each Christian had to put forth personal effort. Diligent study of the Scriptures, regular attendance at meetings for worship, and zealous activity in the Kingdom-preaching work were essential. Such activities contributed to the spiritual health and unity of Jehovah’s people at that time, even as they do today. Those associated with the well-organized early congregations benefited greatly from the willing and helpful efforts of overseers and ministerial servants. (Phil. 1:1; 1 Pet. 5:1-4) And what a delight it must have been when traveling elders, such as Paul, visited the congregations! (Acts 15:36, 40, 41) The similarities between our worship and that of the first-century Christians are remarkable. How grateful we are that Jehovah organized his servants then as well as now! w14 5/15 3:15, 16
  2. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in HAPPY @ BETHEL   
    ALL  Brothers & Sisters  had  a  funny  day....   with  laughing, dancing  and  in  fantastic  mood,  in  all  area's ;-)  Never  seen  before, hahaha   ENJOY !
  3. Upvote
  4. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in That Super Instrument / electrial-Machine is really unbelieable ! I am speechless, so fantastic & COOL ;-)   
    That  Instrument / electrial-Machine  is  really  unbelieable !   I  am  speechless,  so  fantastic  and  COOL ;-)
    And  watch...   NO  ball  is  falling  down,  WOW !!    I  can't  understand  that  phenomenon...
    SO  complicated  building  -  YES, really  a SUPER - INSTRUMENT,  but  needs  alot  place !
    Try  it  ZOOM  bigger  on  your  screen,  FANTASTIC,  COOL,   ENJOY !
  5. Upvote
  6. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Our Sister Olgica is singing the Kingdom song No. 110 in German and Russian !   
    Our  Sister  Olgica  is  singing  the  Kingdom  song  No. 110  in  German  and  Russian !
    A  wonderful  voice  ;-)  Enjoy !
  7. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Our Sister Olgica is singing the Kingdom song No. 110 in German and Russian !   
    Another  Kingdom song,  singing  from  Sister  Olgica,  No. 134    Enjoy !
  8. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in JW's Crossing Waterways on Foot   
    Preaching way  in  NICARAGUA,  on  stones  and  water  too....  
    Really  not  easy  for  our  Brothers & Sisters,  keep  one's  balance !
  9. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Miércoles 14 de diciembre. 2016   
    Manténganse alerta (Mat. 25:13).
    La parábola de las 10 vírgenes está dirigida a los cristianos ungidos, pero ¿significa esto que las “otras ovejas” no se benefician de ella? (Juan 10:16; Mat. 25:1-13.) De ninguna manera. La lección de la parábola es muy clara: “Manténganse alerta”. Y Jesús dijo en otra ocasión: “Lo que les digo a ustedes, a todos lo digo: Manténganse alerta” (Mar. 13:37). Él espera que todos sus discípulos estén preparados para servirle fielmente y continúen alerta. Todos los cristianos debemos imitar el buen ejemplo de los ungidos y poner la predicación en primer lugar en nuestra vida. El que las vírgenes necias intentaran sin éxito que las discretas les dieran de su aceite nos recuerda que no debemos esperar que otras personas sean fieles por nosotros, vivan la verdad por nosotros o se mantengan alerta por nosotros. Cuando Jesús venga a juzgar a los seres humanos, cada uno tendrá que rendirle cuentas. w15 15/3 2:14
  10. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in "I am Jehovah. That is my name" ~ Isaiah 42:8 (video, 4 min.)   
    "I am  Jehovah. That  is  my  name" ~  Isaiah 42:8
    I am Jehovah. That is my name;
    I give my glory to no one else,
    Nor my praise to graven images.
    Wonderful  video  with  a  Kingdom  song...
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to The Librarian in JW Jungle Witnessing Program   
    Amazon jungle 

  13. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in An embryo... Psalm 139 : 13 - 16 - ( a little wonder...)   
    An  embryo...   Psalm  139 : 13 - 16     (  a  little  wonder...)
    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
    13 For you produced my kidneys;
    You kept me screened off in my mother’s womb.

    14 I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.
    Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.

    15 My bones were not hidden from you
    When I was made in secret,
    When I was woven in the depths of the earth.

    16 Your eyes even saw me as an embryo;
    All its parts were written in your book
    Regarding the days when they were formed,
    Before any of them existed.
  14. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Tuesday, December 13. 2016   
    [Be] always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have.—1 Pet. 3:15.
    Young ones, at school you prove yourselves courageous when you readily identify yourselves as Witnesses of Jehovah, even if doing so means being teased by classmates or others. You thereby show that you are proud to bear Jehovah’s name. (Ps. 86:12) You may face pressure to accept evolution as a fact. But you have sound reasons to be confident of your Bible-based belief in creation. You can use the brochure The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking to give a convincing answer to those who question your beliefs. Then you will find satisfaction in knowing that you have upheld the truth of God’s Word. As true Christians, we all need to keep “speaking with boldness by the authority of Jehovah.” (Acts 14:3) What reasons do we have to preach with boldness, or courage? We know that what we preach is the truth because it is based on the Bible.—John 17:17. w15 2/15 2:7, 8
  15. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, December 12. 2016   
    The one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment against himself.—1 Cor. 11:29.
    Paul warned Memorial partakers: “You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of ‘the table of Jehovah’ and the table of demons.” (1 Cor. 10:16-21) If a person who partakes of the emblems at the Lord’s Evening Meal has committed a serious sin, he should seek spiritual assistance. (Jas. 5:14-16) If such an anointed one has produced “fruits that befit repentance,” then he is not showing contempt for Jesus’ sacrifice by partaking of the Memorial emblems. (Luke 3:8) Therefore, as we personally prepare for the Memorial, we would find it beneficial to give prayerful thought to our God-given hope. No dedicated servant of Jehovah and faithful follower of his Son would want to show disrespect for Jesus’ sacrifice by partaking of the Memorial emblems if he or she actually lacks clear evidence of being an anointed Christian. w15 1/15 2:11-13
  16. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in A beautiful Daily-text gleanings *picture* for the current Sunday !   
    A  beautiful  Daily-text  gleanings  *picture*  for  the  current  Sunday !
    Sunday, December 11. 2016
    The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.
  17. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in JEHOVAH IS COUNTING IN OTHER DIMENSIONS....   
    @JW Insider   The  true  point  for  us  is  our  GOAL....  thats  the  WAY !  Never  mind,  when  Jehova's  day  will  come.  Thats  a  nice  sign  for  Jehovah,  we  want  love  and  serve  him  everlasting ❤  without  dates  and  any  calculating. --  ;-)
  18. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in A very encouraging story.... ( Phil. 4 : 13 )   
    Dear  Brothers  and  Sisters,  please,  take  a  little  time  for  this  wonderful  video.  Its  really  a  very  especially  story.  At  the  end  its  very  sad  and  tears  want  coming  out.  But  Jehovah  can  change  it,  bec. our  BIG  HOPE  of  the  PARADISE ❤
    WHAT  a  Brother  we  can  see  in  paradise  and  we  know  his  wonderful  Experiences  with  Jehovah,  he  had  in  prison.  He  became  a  Brother  and  did  all  he  could  do,  day  or  night  for  Jehovah  and  many  Brothers.   WHAT  an  encouraging  true  story !
    I  love  that  video,  giving  me  a  little  more  power  just  now ;-)
     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  19. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, December 11. 2016   
    The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.
    Jesus likened the preaching of the Kingdom message to all mankind to the lowering of a large dragnet into the sea. Just as such a net indiscriminately catches large numbers of “fish of every kind,” our preaching work attracts millions of people of all kinds. (Isa. 60:5) Not all those attracted to the truth will take a stand for Jehovah. Many have associated with us at our meetings. Others have been willing to study the Bible with us but are not willing to make a commitment. (1 Ki. 18:21) Still others are no longer associating with the Christian congregation. Some youths have been raised by Christian parents and yet have not developed a love for Jehovah’s standards. No matter what the situation, Jesus emphasized that everyone needs to make a personal decision. Those who do are viewed by him as “the precious,” or “desirable,” things “of all the nations.”—Hag. 2:7; ftn. w14 12/15 2:9, 10
  20. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Saturday, December 10. 2016   
    Strengthen the hands that hang down and the feeble knees, and keep making straight paths for your feet.—Heb. 12:12, 13.
    When Israel’s priesthood was installed, a ram’s blood was applied to the right ear, thumb, and big toe of High Priest Aaron and his sons. (Lev. 8:22-24) This use of blood signified that the priests would obediently do their best to carry out their duties. Similarly, High Priest Jesus set a perfect example for anointed ones and the other sheep. His ear was attuned to God’s guidance. Jesus’ hands were used in carrying out Jehovah’s will, and his feet never strayed from a holy course. (John 4:31-34) Anointed Christians and Jesus’ other sheep must follow the integrity-keeping course of their High Priest. All worshippers of Jehovah must obediently comply with the directives found in God’s Word and thereby avoid grieving his spirit. (Eph. 4:30) They must ‘make straight paths for their feet.’ w14 11/15 2:7, 8
  21. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to The Librarian in Disabled Showing Love For Jehovah   
    Sister in Brazil
  22. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in God's Love Letter To You ❤ ( 10 min. - with many Bible Scriptures..)   
    God's  Love  Letter  To  You ❤   ( 10 min.)
  23. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in *Santa Claus* made longer stop by Cart - witnessing...   
    *Santa Claus*  made  longer  stop  by  Cart - witnessing...
    Let's  hope,  this  man  will  soon  stop  with  X-Mas  -  and  change  his  false  belief  ;-)
    May  Jehovah  open  his  heart ❤
  24. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Bible Speaks in BE PROTECTED WITH JEHOVAH’S PEOPLE   
    “I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.”—Ezekiel 38:18-23.
    When Gog begins the attack, Jehovah will tell his servants: “Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isaiah 26:20) 
    During that time, Jehovah will give us instructions about what we need to do to be protected. The “inner rooms” may be connected with our local congregations.
    If we want to be protected during the great tribulation, we must accept that God has a people on earth today and that he has organized them into congregations. We must take sides with Jehovah’s people and stay close to our local congregation. 
    Just like the psalmist, may we say with all our heart: “Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people.”—Psalm 3:8.

  25. Upvote
    Blanchie DeGrate reacted to Queen Esther in Snowflake's are not falling , they are Dancing**❄️❄️**~~   
    Snowflake's  are  not  falling ,  they  are  Dancing  ;-)  ❄️❄️❄️❄️
    They  enjoying  the  snow  together....  lovely ❤  ❄️❄️⛄️❄️❄️
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