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Everything posted by bruceq

  1. supreme Court's decision about "extremism" threatens right of conscientious objection CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO ALTERNATIVE SERVICE DENIED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AFTER SUPREME COURT'S DECISION LIQUIDATING JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ORGANIZATION Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 11 May 2017 On 6 April 2017, a meeting of the draft commission was held in the military commissariat of the city of Zelenodolsk (Tatarstan) with regard to the case of an 18-year-old adherent of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, Damir Galeev, for whom performing military service contradicts his convictions. A member of the draft commission, A. Tygin (the mayor of the city), began arguing to other members of the commission that it is necessary to refuse the believer his constitutional rights to substitute alternative civilian service for military service on the basis that the youth allegedly is an "extremist." When the believer noted that the Supreme Court had still not issued a decision regarding the liquidation of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, the mayor requested that he come back in three weeks and find out whether he is sent "into the troops or into prison." The believer intends to appeal the draft commission's decision in court, although he was unable to get a copy of this decision. On 28 April 2017, in the village of Kugesi (Chuvashia) the draft commission for Cheboksary and Marposad districts, under the chairmanship of V. Nikolaev, denied an 18-year-old Jehovah's Witness, Evgeny Vladimirov, his constitutional right to alternative civilian service. Performing military service contradicts his convictions. In his case there existed a certificate from a religious organization to the effect that at an age of accountability he received baptism in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. Members of the commission declared that this certificate "confirms that the conscript is an extremist." The young man was promised that his case would be transferred to the FSB for verification. The believer intends to appeal the commission's decision in court. (tr. by PDS, posted 11 May 2017)
  2. I am trying to get you to read JUST the Bible but you bring up things outside the Bible such as Church Fathers. Why the blatant hypocrisy" Why not just go to the BIBLE ALONE to prove your Trinity? Is it perhaps because you already know it is not there and cannot be proven in Scripture?
  3. Why do you use idolatry at the end of all your sentences? Deut 4:15-18 : 15 “Therefore, watch yourselves closely—since you did not see any form on the day Jehovah spoke to you in Hoʹreb out of the middle of the fire— 16 that you may not act corruptly by making for yourselves any carved image having the form of any symbol, the representation of male or female, 17 the representation of any animal on the earth or the representation of any bird that flies in the sky, 18 the representation of anything creeping on the ground or the representation of any fish in the waters under the earth"
  4. Strange you have to go outside the BIBLE to prove God is Trinity even though he didn't even say it. Why was that? The Bible clearly shows what you believe to be true about Church Fathers that AFTER the Bible was written false doctrines wound spring up. So your very "proof" is proof that the Trinity came AFTER the Bible was written and is not in the Bible for if it was no men afterward would have needed to make statements or creeds to formulate a teaching that is already in the Bible in the first place. "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30 and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves." Acts 20:29,30.
  5. Not that it belongs in this topic but in the Greek which is what the New Testament was written has the word "governing""2232. hégemón for "taking the lead" in several Scriptures. Show me where the Greek word "triados" {No Strong's # identi] or the Latin word "trinitas" is located in the New Testament manuscripts please? Also ask yourself as to WHY is the word "Trinity" is not in the BIBLE since it is God's own Book? Why is the word "Trinity" only used a couple hundred years after the Bible was written and was used by MEN not God. And God said that an apostasy would happen after that time when they would speak "twisted things" to draw away disciples. And they have been "Drawn away" into over 2,000 sects all claim to believe in the same ONE God and most of them to a Trinity God.? Why does the Catholic "Dictionary of the Bible" by Meckenzie a Jesuit like the Pope admit that "the Trinity is not a Biblical teaching"? The very Catholic faith that is the origin of your Trinity God.
  6. Nice cop out but dosen't work. PLEASE show us where in the BIBLE that God is a Trinity {that is THREE not two in one }? It should not be THAT hard for you to do. You have read the Bible before. If not please do so then come back and have an intelligent discussion on the BIBLE and the identity of GOD from HIS own Book. "YOUR WORD IS TRUTH" John 17:17
  7. Topic is Trinity, so prove it with the Bible as the "foundation" anything else is just the word of men. Jn. 17:17 Should not the identity of God be in the BIBLE??? LOL
  8. By your Trinity belief the angels who spoke for God and said God's WORD [logos] they are all GOD. Since they thenselves said the words "I AM GOD" !!! Do you now DENY that Jesus is God just because angels said the same thing?
  9. So far you have failed to even give ONE Scripture to prove that the Bible teaches a Trinity. Still waiting.
  10. And that is BECAUSE the Bible Writers were not Trinitarians. Very good.
  11. LOL. Who was "speaking" to Moses at the burning bush and said "I am the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob"?
  12. I am talking about the BIBLE here which IS John's belief. He wrote the Book of John so of course it is his belief. Sorry if you thought otherwise. Where is your Trinity, show me a Scripture from the BIBLE to prove it PLEASE I am waiting patiently.
  13. Jesus can be equal just like other angels have been throughout history. But where is the Trinity, you keep avoiding that point I see.Angels have been called "God Almighty", "The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob" and even by the name "Jehovah" but they were still just angels speaking for God.
  14. John was a Jew and Jews do not believe in a Trinity so using John to try and prove your point is pointless to say the least. That is like me trying to use your words to show that you believe something that you know you do not believe in. .
  15. Of course I believe in the divinity of Jesus but not the Trinity of him. Because John and other Bible Writers were not Trinitarians.
  16. Maybe the word is not in the Bible because as I have stated before "The Bible writers such as John were Jews and Jews do not believe in a Trinity so you cannot look there for your teaching". Please try another Scripture if you dare. PLEASE I am having fun here. Its Howdy Doody Time !
  17. John never mentioned a "Trinity" please show me what Translation you are using that says so. John knew God was not a Trinity so he would not be teaching about a false God. The Bible should interpret itself not interpreted by manmade creeds written after the Bible. You seem to be arguing that Jesus is God but where is the third person. Jehovah's Witnesses have no problem in Jesus being called God so what is your argument about?
  18. Good. He speaks for God not himself. For more info on other what other beliefs are in the Bible instead of made up hundreds of years later try JW.ORG.
  19. All those kids were singing the SAME song at the SAME time they must all be the SAME!!!
  20. Perfect example of what we are talking about. BTW John who wrote that passage you quote was a JEW and JEWS do not believe in a Trinity so you cannot find it there. Sorry
  21. LOL If Jesus was God why use an angels voice at all? Certainly he would use his OWN voice instead of a created being. Howdy Doody indeed.
  22. Yup, I sure hope I am not one flesh with my wife! AND are we not made in God's image. That would make ALL of us Trinities or maybe multiple personalities. LOL
  23. I had a Bible study that once said that the Bible condoned drug abuse. He used the Scripture that said "Stephen was stoned". Now you can see how Trinitarians try so hard to use that same kind of reasoning about something that the Bible writers did not themselves even believe in. "Father Son and spirit are mentioned together means they are the same", by that reasoning "Abraham, Issac and Jacob" are also mentioned together several times does that mean they are all the same being? And BTW those three men were all JEWS and JEWS do not believe in God as a Trinity. {Shema Deut 6:4}.
  24. Perfect. Thank you, I checked and those Bible writers were Matthew and Paul. Both of them were JEWS who do not believe in a Trinity, why Paul even tells you the tribe he was from which would explain why neither of them ever used the word "Trinity" or anything else to prove a doctrine they themselves did not even believe in. So I am afraid you will have to choose another Scripture from God's Word.
  25. They were "no part of the world" as Jesus said which includes false beliefs of religion ,politics...Jon 17. Since your on this subject : Why do Trinitarians who believe in the same God kill other Trinitarians who believe in that God? Does your God condone you killing each other?
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