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Everything posted by bruceq

  1. Here are some books for research regarding the Tetragrammaton in the New Testament as found at "Watchtower Historical Items and Research Publications" on ebay: HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE HUNDREDS OF BOOKS AND BIBLES THAT WE OFFER HERE ON EBAY. THESE ARE ALL RELATED TO THE USE OF THE DIVINE NAME at lisa.joeywit New Testament Letters His Name is One Biblical Archaeology Review 1978 Egypt Israel in Ancient Times Divine Name Controversy Synonyms of the Old Testament Dead Sea Scrolls [Burrows] Who Was a Jew The Lord and the Tetragrammaton Modern Matthew [Carr] First Edition of the New Testament Epistles of the Romans [Rutherford] Emphatic Diaglott The Living Words Hebrew English New Testament Interlinear Bible [Green] Archaeology and the New Testament New Testament Greek to Hebrew Dictionary Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Original Aramaic New Testament [Peshitta] Reina Valera Santa Biblia TranslationWuest Translation Simple English Bible Goodspeed Parallel [An American Translation] The New Old Testament Interlinear [Follett] Holy Bible [Moffatt] Tanakh [Jewish Publication Society] Youngs Literal Translation Jerusalem Bible Proclaim His Holy Name Bible American Standard Version Bible in Living English [Byington] Amplified Bible Unvarnished New Testament New Living Translation Darby Translation The Four Gospels - Revelation [Lattimore] Rotherham Translation [Emphasized Bible] Sacred Name Bible Original New Testament [Schonfield] Emphatic Diaglott Interlinear Bible [Green] 21st Century New Testament The Patristic Gospels Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Westcott and Hort Greek Text Holman Christian Standard Bible Original Aramaic New Testament [Peshitta] Reina Valera Spanish Holy Bible Julia E. Smith Bible Hexapla Polyglot Interlinear Parallel 1611 Edition of King James with Tetragrammaton on New Testament Title Page Hawaiian/English Parallell Bible Bay Psalm Book The Name of God Yehowah Indian Algoonquin New Testament [Eliot Bible] Polychrome Bible Hebrew Gospel of Matthew [Howard] The Stones Cry Out Cairo Geniza Jubilee Bible 2000 Anchor Bible Dictionary The Restored New Testament [Willis Barnstone] The Companion Bible [KJV] Messages of the Apostles New Testament [Kneeland] Interlinear Psalster [Bagster] Hebrew-English Genesis [Greenfield] NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English [Kohlenberger] Holy Bible [Sharpe] New Testament [Heinfetter] Studies in Matthew [Bacon] Epistles of Paul [Stevens] Divine Name King James Version The Exhaustively Cross-Referenced Bible [Goodwin] Yehowah God [Goodwin] Origen's Hexapla Hieroglyph Bible Septuagint and Modern Study Part of The Bible and Divine Name Museum Displays BIBLE AND DIVINE NAME MUSEUM We have dozens of artifacts and manuscripts that can be used in displays such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, Papyrus fragments such as P Fouad 266, Original Bible leaves going back over 400 years old and much more. Also see this list all of which are for sale on ebay at lisa.joeywit: Jehovah in New Testament and Old Testament New Testament Letters His Name is One Biblical Archaeology Review 1978 Egypt Israel in Ancient Times Divine Name Controversy Synonyms of the Old Testament Dead Sea Scrolls [Burrows] Who Was a Jew The Lord and the Tetragrammaton Modern Matthew [Carr] First Edition of the New Testament Epistles of the Romans [Rutherford] Emphatic Diaglott The Living Words Hebrew English New Testament Interlinear Bible [Green] Archaeology and the New Testament New Testament Greek to Hebrew Dictionary Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Original Aramaic New Testament [Peshitta] Reina Valera Santa Biblia Julia E. Smith Bible Hexapla Polyglot 1611 Edition of King James with Tetragrammaton on New Testament Title Page Hawaiian/English Parallell Bible Bay Psalm Book The Name of God Yehowah Indian Algoonquin New Testament [Eliot Bible] Polychrome Bible Hebrew Gospel of Matthew [Howard] The Stones Cry Out Cairo Geniza Jubilee Bible 2000 Anchor Bible Dictionary The Restored New Testament [Willis Barnstone] The Companion Bible [KJV] Messages of the Apostles New Testament [Kneeland] Interlinear Psalster [Bagster] Hebrew-English Genesis [Greenfield] NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English [Kohlenberger] Holy Bible [Sharpe] New Testament [Heinfetter] Studies in Matthew [Bacon] Epistles of Paul [Stevens] Divine Name King James Version The Exhaustively Cross-Referenced Bible [Goodwin] First Epistle of St. Peter [Hort] Quotations in the New Testament [Toy] Gospel According to John Indian Language [Buckner] Shem Qadesh Scripture Liberal Translation New Testament [Harwood] Literal Translation New Testament [Heinfetter] Inclusive Language Bible Scofield Reference Bible Restoration Sacred Name Bible Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition Gospel of Mark [Swete] KJV Names of God Version Pulpit Commentary Annotated Bible [Gaebelein] Adam Clarke Commentary Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ Adair History of the American indians Commentary on Revelation [Swete] Jehovah in the New Testament [In Italian] Hieroglyphick Bible [Thomas} 1788 Edwards Family New Testament 1851 New Testament Text and Transmission {Comfort} Translation Handbook on Luke Messages of the Bible Synoptist {Sanders} Jewish Annotated New Testament Newberry Reference Bible Commentary of the Bible {Dummelow} Critical Commentary of Luke {Plummer} Critical Handbook of Mark and Luke {Meyer} New Testament Commentary {Hendriksen} New American Commentary {Stein} New Darby Version Jesus The Jew {Geza Vermes} Did Only the High Priest Use the Tetragram in Jesus' Time?
  2. Fortunately there are ways of being anonymous on social media i'm sure the friends in Russia are "cautious as serpents but innocent as doves".
  3. Interesting question. Of course legally it does not effect any who don't live in Russia.
  4. https://openrussia.org/notes/708958/ Ekaterinburg officials announced a competition to identify the extremists on the basis of profiles in social networks. Artist of the state order will receive no more than 450 thousand rubles, reports "New Day". The work should take place in two stages: analysis of blogs and social networks, then the - field research. Under the second phase of City Hall customers involve conducting a survey, 50 interviews, and the formation of focus groups of 100 people. The result of the work will be dvuhsotstranichny report analyzing the characteristics of social networks and the users in the sample should be at least 3,000 people. At the final stage of the report will be dealt with some experts, they also deliver a report and presentation for the customer - the mayoralty of Ekaterinburg. Anticipated next steps with the received data is not yet known. The application of City Hall stated that the purpose of the complex work to identify "extremists" is the study of timing, and information resource site for the "extremist" information contrary to the current Russian legislation.
  5. Russian parliament notices American concern for Jehovah's Witnesses U.S.A. THREATENS RUSSIA WITH NEW SANCTIONS BECAUSE OF BAN OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Parlamentskaia Gazeta, 29 April 2017 The federal commission on religious liberty of the U.S.A. came to a conclusion about the necessity of including Russia among countries "evoking special concern" because of violation of citizens' rights to freedom on conscience, TASS reports. In the annual report presented by the commission, it is noted that Russia for the first time has been included in the list of countries in which international nongovernmental organizations have identified cases of incidents of violations of religious liberty "bearing a systematic and continual character." The accusations of American public leaders arose also because of the fact that Moscow, in their opinion, has tried to determine the policy of freedom of conscience in the territory of a neighboring state, interfering in the discussion of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the so-called Kiev patriarchate. The authors of the document also express concern in connection with the ruling in Russia of the community of Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist organization. Considering the aforementioned incidents, members of the commission consider the possibility of appealing to American authorities to recommend effecting a change in Moscow's position by using individual sanctions of a humanitarian nature. The U.S.A. Commission for Religious Liberty represents itself as a bi-partisan consultative agency within the federal American government, which is authorized to make political recommendations to the head of state, the secretary of state, and members of Congress. (tr. by PDS, posted 30 April 2017) http://www2.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/170429b.html
  6. Why 1947? PROMOTING TRUE WORSHIP Jehovah’s servants know that if they are to enjoy divine favor they must engage in clean, undefiled worship. (Jas. 1:27) They need to be morally and spiritually clean. (Isa. 52:11; 1 Cor. 6:9-11) Properly, such points have been stressed by means of assembly talks, Watchtower articles, and the like, especially during relatively recent years as the world in general has sunk deeper and deeper into the morass of moral degradation. In 1951, advocates of true worship learned something significant about the term “religion.” Some of them could well recall 1938 when, at times, they carried the thought-provoking sign “Religion Is a Snare and a Racket.” From their standpoint then, all “religion” was unchristian, from the Devil. But The Watchtower of March 15, 1951, approved of using the adjectives “true” and “false” respecting religion. Furthermore, the absorbing book What Has Religion Done for Mankind? (published in 1951 and released during the “Clean Worship” Assembly at Wembley Stadium, London, England) had this to say: “Taken according to the way it is used, ‘religion’ in its simplest definition means a system of worship, a form of worship, without regard to whether it is true or false worship. This agrees with the meaning of the Hebrew word for it, ’a·boh·dáh, which literally means ‘service’, regardless of to whom it is rendered.” Thereafter, the expressions “false religion” and “true religion” became common among Jehovah’s witnesses. God’s people were determined to practice true religion and to remain morally and spiritually clean for Jehovah’s service. Particularly was this emphasized in The Watchtower of March 1, 1952, containing the highly significant articles “Keeping the Organization Clean,” “Propriety of Disfellowshipping” and “Sin Making Reinstatement Impossible.” This journal showed that it was proper to expel an unrepentant baptized wrongdoer from the Christian congregation. (1 Cor. 5:1-13) If the sinner later repented, it was pointed out, reinstatement was possible.—2 Cor. 2:6-11. This was not the first time The Watchtower had mentioned expulsion of unrepentant sinners from the congregation. From 1952 onward, however, the need to maintain the spiritual cleanliness of the Christian congregation was especially stressed. The passing of years also brought increasing awareness that merciful treatment of repentant ones was essential. (Jas. 2:13) Often, therefore, overseers have brought about spiritual restoration of erring ones before matters have deteriorated to the point that expulsion from the congregation was required.—Gal. 6:1. BTW James do you celebrate Christmas?
  7. Easy remedy , once you find out it is fake news since you are the moderator then it is your responsibility to remove the post instead of being critical of everyone else for reading it since you left it up. I would have removed it if I knew how so I changed the heading so it would expose fake news. Was I so wrong to do so?
  8. So what it boils down to is everyone is spirit-directed either by Jehovah or Satan. So by their fruits you can identify them. So the point would be who is the true religion. Its not rocket science. A Spirit-directed people by God would love each other in that they would not kill each other in war time {or any other time}. Whereas each of the religions mentioned above have all at one point killed when their respective country told them to do so even killing members of their own religion. That to me shows spirit direction from the first killer Satan their father. {Source : pretty much every book in the Bible}. Jn 13:35
  9. Thanks Eoin Interesting, so it didn't come from any apostates or any Witnesses just a news outlet that is not legit and appears several others were doing the same thing on many topics not just Witnesses. Irregardless of it being fake or not did you notice the increased publicity the Witnesses got from it anyway. Just goes to show that Jehovah can turn any news even bad news or unreal news to the advantage of a "witness to the nations" because now people who read this will look up the true story and see how phony the ruling by the Supreme Court was. PRAISE JAH Matt. 10:18 says :"And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations." and also " He will not fear bad news. His heart is steadfast, trusting in Jehovah. 8 His heart is unshakable; he is not afraid; ]In the end he will look in triumph on his adversaries. PSALM 112:7,8 AND No weapon formed against you will have any success, And you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of Jehovah, And their righteousness is from me,” declares Jehovah. ISA 54:17 BE OPTIMISTIC JEHOVAH IS IN CONTROL
  10. Baptist leader sympathizes with Jehovah's Witnesses INTERVIEW: EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN-BAPTIST PASTOR YURY SIPKO by Vladimir Oivin Portal-Credo.Ru, 24 April 2017 --Vladimir Oivin: How do you assess the decision of the Russian Supreme Court for banning the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses? --Yury Sipko: If the Ministry of Justice filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court, then the fate of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was decided beforehand. At least, I did not see in the actions of our authorities on this matter some kind of reasonable legal basis. All these actions are politicized, intended for the infringement of liberties, both religious, and political, and civil. This decision is obviously illegal; it contradicts the constitutional norm, but fits the general trend: the ground is cleared, the territory of freedom is reduced to the limit, and only those who fit within we framework of the chekist [secret police] worldview have the right to life. Nevertheless, it is very bitter. I am extremely distressed, no matter what. --What awaits the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses in the near future? --As people of faith they will live even in prison conditions, as it once was. Officially, of course, the judicial decision with confiscation of property, practically equating this organization with a terrorist one—this is a disgrace; it simply does not lend itself to either commentary or explanation. But people in the future also will believe; for them all these persecutions are not terrible; they have profound convictions. And here the Russian authorities only gave themselves a good licking, discrediting the judicial and legal system. I am embarrassed for the country in which such hooligans rule. --Can a mass emigration of believers now begin? --Whoever understands and has such an opportunity has already emigrated long ago. But a mass exodus is a complex thing. I do not see the energy among our people that is enough for an exodus or a protest. There is only a long-dead legal consciousness, long-dead civic responsibility; there is a state of slavish obedience. And it is this state that is the cause of violence. But this is only the "beginning of sorrows," and the "great tribulation" is still ahead. (tr. by PDS, posted 28 April 2017)
  11. Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, Italians evangelicals take a stand The Commission of evangelical churches for relations with the state: "How Italian evangelicals consider religious freedom a fundamental and inalienable right" Of Agency NEV - April 28, 2017 0 3702 Facebook Twit Rome (NEV), 28 April 2017 - "How Italian evangelicals consider religious freedom a fundamental and inalienable right. Just because they are victims of persecution or discrimination, Italians Evangelicals represented in the Commission of evangelical churches for relations with the State (CCERS) protesting against the decision to ban the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and confiscation of their property in Russia ". Thus begins the declaration adopted yesterday by CCERS at its meeting on April 27, referring to the judgment with which the Russian Supreme Court has effectively "banned" religious minority from the territory of the Russian Federation. "We express even deep concern for the reason given by the Russian authorities - he continues CCERS statement - which, without contesting specific crimes, justified the measure as the preaching of Jehovah's Witnesses constitute a 'threat to the rights of citizens, for the 'public order and public safety'. As Italian Protestants - said the document - do not forget that in our country less than a century ago, similar accusations were directed not only against the Jehovah's Witnesses, also of Jews and Pentecostals, and based on those accusations you wrote a page shameful in the history of our country and Europe. We hope that the appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, already begun by Jehovah's Witnesses, to re-establish a principle of fundamental and inalienable freedoms for all civil and democratic state ". At this time the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), pastore Luca Maria Negro (which by statute is also president of CCERS), signed the appeal that the Italian section of the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty ( AIDLR ) launched about, and that will be delivered into the hands of the Russian ambassador in Rome, Sergey Razov . http://www.nev.it/nev/2017/04/28/testimoni-di-geova-in-russia-gli-evangelici-italiani-prendono-posizione/
  13. I agree we cannot say this is not the time for action. "they could not put us out by pouring GAS on this fire. But the result unknown to them will be that we wIl EXPLODE WITH MANY NEW HUNGRY ONES WHO ARE DISGUSTED WITH THE PRACTICES OF THESE RELIGIOUS HYPOCRITES. AS THE WORLD IS NOW GETTING THIS GREAT WITNESS AND WILL CONTINUE TO AS BROTHER SANDERSON SAID in the BROADCAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REALLY HE DID SAY IT "A WITNESS TO ALL THE NATIONS" NOT JUST RUSSIA. ADV advertise advertise advertise the King and his Kingdom Other times Jehovah's people have gone under ban meant growth for them. Read any Watchtower literature and Yearbooks on many countries including U.S.S.R and others. I have several books dealing with JW in Russia before the end of communism that showed the tremendous growth that can result from being under ban. Do not expect Jehovah to do nothing his holy spirit is stronger than any ban put by men. Have faith in Jehovah's Organization the time is near. Size means nothing to Jehovah...he sent one angel to destroy the entire army of Assyria {King of the North}. Have a bright outlook for the future for Jehovah is in control and knows what will occur before we do. Queen Esther But just now seems NOT HIS time.... otherwise it were coming to another result in RUSSIA ;-(( Sorry but I like to have a more upbeat healthy optimistic attitude to what is happening in order to energize the friends and I believe the end is near. I hope you understand Esther .
  14. 22 The little one will become a thousand And the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” Isa 60:22
  15. Recently I have come to the conclusion that since Jehovah's Witnesses have growth like a fire that the ROC and anti-cultist apostates thought they could put us out by pouring GAS on this fire. But the result unknown to them will be that we wIl EXPLODE WITH MANY NEW HUNGRY ONES WHO ARE DISGUSTED WITH THE PRACTICES OF THESE RELIGIOUS HYPOCRITES. AS THE WORLD IS NOW GETTING THIS GREAT WITNESS AND WILL CONTINUE TO AS BROTHER SANDERSON SAID. PRAISE JAH
  16. Yes there is now a connection from the Pope to Kirill To Putin and Dvorkin and the anti-cultist apostates. WOW-- just to get rid of our tiny religion. Obviously our tiny "sect" is of no real threat to them but we are a very grave threat to the one who is behind the scenes like a puppet - master. Satan the Devil who is the "ruler of the World" and is out to get the True Religion. I do not see such an incredible culture of repression spanning decades against one peaceful religious group unless Satan was behind it all. Rev. 12:17 :" 17 "So the dragon became enraged at the woman and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her offspring, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness concerning Jesus".
  17. I have now traced all of this to 1992 when Kirill met with the Pope to eliminate Jehovah's Witnesses with Watchtower and another newspaper. as source: The Archbishop Cannot Cope! LAST year, a consistory (solemn council of cardinals) was organized to discuss certain matters that are of great concern to the Catholic Church. One of these, according to the newspaper Il Sabato, is “the aggressiveness of the sects.” However, the newspaper said: “It should be no problem for the cardinals to reach agreement on this point. All are in accord that there is a need for a more in-depth study of the phenomenon of new religious movements and also a need to prevent, as far as possible, their expansion.” Evidently, though, “the aggressiveness of the sects” is not just a problem in Italy. Il Sabato reports: “While visiting the Vatican recently, Archbishop Kirill of Smolensk [one of Russia’s oldest cities] . . . asked the pope for ecumenical aid in coping with the overwhelming growth of Jehovah’s Witnesses and similar groups in the Soviet Union.” In the first century, leaders of established religion had similar complaints when Christianity was spread aggressively by its adherents. On one occasion indignant Jews complained to the city rulers: “These men that have overturned the inhabited earth are present here also”! (Acts 17:6) Back then, religious leaders tried hard to stop the spread of Christianity, but they failed. Today also, any effort to stop the spread of true Christian doctrine is doomed to failure. God himself promises: “Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. This is the hereditary possession of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from me.”—Isaiah 54:17. SOURCE : 8/15/1992 WATCHTOWER SEE UPDATED BEGINNING TO THIS THREAD
  18. Ban of Jehovah's Witnesses accompanied by violence SUPREME COURT DECISION PROVOKES VIOLENT ACT OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IN ST. PETERSBURG Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 25 April 2017 Several hours after the Russian Supreme Court announced the decision about liquidating the center of Jehovah's Witnesses, late in the evening of 20 April 2017 a group of men drove up in two passenger cars to the largest Jehovah's Witnesses' house of worship in St. Petersburg, located on Kolomyazhsky Prospect. They blocked the exit from the building with the vehicles. One of the visitors, shouting insults against the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses and threats of physical harm, threw cobblestones previously readied against the façade of the building, including glass doors and windows. The house of worship was substantially damaged. Such a development of events was predicted by lawyers speaking in court. Somewhat earlier in that day, speaking during the debates, Maksim Novakov, who represented the Jehovah's Witnesses' center, predicted that the trial may provoke a wave of violence against Witnesses: from damage to property to attacks on believers on the basis of religious hatred. These are the inevitable consequences of groundlessly ranking peaceful people along with dangerous criminals. (tr. by PDS, posted 27 April 2017) [PLEASE CONTINUE OUR PRAYERS FOR OUR BROTHERS SAFETY DURING THESE CRITICAL TIMES AND FOR JEHOVAH'S WILL TO BE DONE].
  19. Website of Russian Ministry of Justice posts results of trial DOCUMENT: FOR THE INFORMATION OF CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF JUSTICE REGARDING THE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION "ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN RUSSIA" In connection with numerous appeals to the Russian Ministry of Justice from citizens of the Russian federation and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States on questions of the activity of the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia," the Russian Ministry of Justice reports the following. In the period from 8 to 27 February 2017 the Russian Ministry of Justice conducted an unscheduled documentary inspection of the compliance of the activity of the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" with the goals and task declared in its charter and with legislation of the Russian federation. As a result of the inspection, it was established that the activity of the aforesaid organization is conducted with violations of the charter goals and tasks and also of current legislation of the Russian federation, including the federal law of 25 July 2002, "On combating extremist activity." Thus, 95 materials of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which had been imported and distributed on the territory of the Russian federation since 2009 were found to be extremist. In the same period, 8 local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses were found to be extremist and were liquidated. In connection with this, on 2 March 2016 the office of the prosecutor general of the Russian federation issued to the organization a warning in accordance with article 7 of the federal law "On combating extremist activity." Said warning was appealed by the organization in court, but it was ruled to be legal and reasonable. On 15 March 2017, the Russian Ministry of Justice filed in the Supreme Court of the Russian federation an administrative plaintiff's declaration for finding the organization to be extremist, banning its activity, and liquidating it and removing information from the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities. On 20 April 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian federation granted the administrative plaintiff's declaration of the Russian Ministry of Justice for finding the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist and banning its activity. 24 April 2017 (tr. by PDS, posted 27 April 2017) Russian original posted on official website of Russian Ministry of Justice, 24 April 2017 {THIS NOW MEANS OUR BROTHERS CAN LEGALLY FILE THE APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURTS DECISION]
  20. USCIRF Releases 2017 Annual Report FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 26, 2017 USCIRF Releases 2017 Annual Report USCIRF Recommends Russia be Designated a Country of Particular Concern WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2017 Annual Report on the state of religious freedom in selected countries. “Overall,” said USCIRF Chair Thomas Reese, S.J., “The Commission has concluded that the state of affairs for international religious freedom is worsening in both the depth and breadth of violations. In the 2017 report, the Commission calls for Congress and the administration to stress consistently the importance of religious freedom abroad, for everyone, everywhere, in public statements and public and private meetings.” The International Religious Freedom Act requires the U.S. government to designate as a “country of particular concern,” or CPC, any country whose government engages in or tolerates particularly severe religious freedom violations that are systematic, ongoing, and egregious. To fulfill USCIRF’s mandate to advise the State Department on which countries should be designated as CPC, the Commission researches and monitors religious freedom conditions abroad and issues an annual report on countries with serious violations of religious freedom. This year’s report calls on the Secretary of State to designate Russia as a CPC partly due to its continued use of its “anti-extremism” law as a tool to repeatedly curtail religious freedoms for various faiths, most recently the Jehovah’s Witnesses. “The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ right to religious freedom is being eliminated through a flawed application of this law," commented USCIRF’s Chair, Thomas Reese, S.J. “The recent Russian Supreme Court ruling bans the legal existence of the group throughout Russia.” In 2017, USCIRF recommends that the State Department again designate the following 10 countries as CPCs: Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. USCIRF also finds that six other countries meet the CPC standard and should be so designated: Central African Republic, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, and Vietnam. In 2017, USCIRF places the following 12 countries, where religious freedom violations are severe but do not fully meet the CPC standard, on the Commission’s Tier 2 list: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, and Turkey. USCIRF remains concerned about the “securitization” of religious freedom, citing Bahrain as an example where the government has cracked down on the Shi’a Muslim majority yet the U.S. administration is lifting human rights conditions on weapons sales to that country. USCIRF Chair, Thomas Reese, S.J., said that “Religious freedom should not suffer under the guise of seeking to ensure national security.” Some governments have made efforts to address religious freedom concerns. For example, USCIRF does not recommend Egypt and Iraq for CPC designation in 2017, as it had for Egypt since 2011 and Iraq since 2008. In Egypt, while ISIS affiliates increasingly targeted Coptic Christians, the government took some positive steps to address religious freedom concerns, although the rest of its human rights record has been abysmal. In Iraq, while the Iraqi government has sought to curb sectarian tensions, ISIS has committed genocide, ruthlessly targeting anyone who does not espouse its extremist ideology. For years, USCIRF has recognized and documented how non-state actors are some of the most egregious violators of religious freedom. The Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act of 2016 requires the President to identify non-state actors engaging in particularly severe violations of religious freedom and designate each as an “entity of particular concern” (EPC). The act defines a non-state actor as “a non-sovereign entity that exercises significant political power and territorial control; is outside the control of a sovereign government; and often employs violence in pursuit of its objectives.” Accordingly, for the first time, USCIRF recommends that the following three non-state actors be designated as EPCs: the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria; the Taliban in Afghanistan; and al-Shabaab in Somalia. To view the full USCIRF 2017 Annual Report visit www.USCIRF.gov. SEE ALSO http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/commentary/russia-escalates-violations-of-religious-freedom-20170426.html?mobi=true
  21. 4 "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails." 1 Cor. 13
  22. Then I will use God's Word his "thinking" : "17 No weapon formed against you will have any success, And you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment.This is the heritage of the servants of Jehovah, And their righteousness is from me,” declares Jehovah.+ ISA 54:17
  23. NO REASON TO MAKE PERSONAL INSULTS AT ME IF YOU CANNOT DEFEND YOUR ANTI-CULTISTS FROM RUSSIA. m 6 “Do not give what is holy to dogs nor throw your pearls before swine,+ so that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open." JESUS SAID MATT. 7:6
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