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  1. Haha
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    That is true that it is all about who has the True Religion. If you think we do not then why are you here???
    There are thousands of religions yet you are HERE !!! LOL   ONE true faith as you say yet YOU are HERE tells me all I have to know. 
    You can obey your god  and doctrines of men but:
     "Whether good OR bad,  we will OBEY the voice of JEHOVAH our God," Jer. 42:6
  2. Thanks
    bruceq got a reaction from ARchiv@L in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Of course.
    "Whether good OR bad,  we will OBEY the voice of Jehovah our God," Jer. 42:6
     Be OBEDIENT to those who are taking the lead among you and be SUBMISSIVE" Heb 13:17. 
     " Do EVERYTHING without COMPLAINING and ARGUING", Phil 2:14 
  3. Like
    bruceq reacted to AveragePub in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Some things are not fully understood until after they occur.  Some day all of this will be clear.  For now we need faith.
  4. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to JW Insider in Could Someone Be Disfellowshipped For Not Believing In The "Overlapping Generation" JW Doctrine AFTER Being Baptized?   
    There is obviously unity, but the best kinds of unity refer, not to absolute conformity of thought, but to the ability of Witnesses of all ages to respond in their own words with Bible answers to many doctrinal questions. Most active Witnesses are able to do this for dozens of Bible questions, using their own words, even coming up with their own illustrations. Continuous training in Bible topics will create a high level of conformity, but it's also a unity of purpose, unity in moral standards, and unity in the sense of getting along with one another with minimal issues with regard to race, nationality, etc.
    Not all Witnesses are even interested in potential variations of doctrine, because it is so easy to just listen and learn. I believe that, as Christians, it's our responsibility to question all things, but doctrines need not be the highest priority to Christians. They can't be ignored, but Christians should be more conscientiously concerned with moral standards, serving the needs of others and showing love for God and neighbor and allowing those priorities to motivate all of their life and conduct. Doctrines will find their place as time permits.
    Those Witnesses who do question teachings out of a strong desire for truth are not hard to find if you listen closely in person to their talks and prayers. And of course, online, it's possible to find many more hiding behind avatars and fake names.
    Remember, too, that many Witnesses who have done their Christian duty to question all doctrines may currently appear to be in total conformity with the vast majority of other Witnesses because their questions and research have brought them right back into full acceptance of the unique Witness doctrines. Some, of course, will do their Christian duty and find that one or two doctrines seem impossible to accept to that individual's conscience. Because they work among fellow Witnesses where the majority view is different, they are usually careful to avoid hurting the conscience of the other person by talking openly about their belief. This might give an appearance of conformity that appears stricter than the actual conformity.
  5. Like
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in Could Someone Be Disfellowshipped For Not Believing In The "Overlapping Generation" JW Doctrine AFTER Being Baptized?   
    Argument is not your forte @Shiwii. Try and speak straight. You might have more success.
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Don't patronise. It's a sure way of closing doors. I shouldn't have to tell you that. (There you go!)
    Good that you appreciate the need to keep a confidence. There's no need to elaborate. Abstract discussions are too inconclusive on this kind of thing so I'll move on from this subject.
  8. Haha
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    About 4 people?
  9. Haha
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Seems to indicate you understand the meaning of "generation" as per the wt/gb.
  10. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    No, wrongly anticipated. We have no basis for judgement is my point, faithful once, or otherwise. All we can see is their desertion, regardless of their justification.
    It may well be that erroneous views were promoted at the time, which we can pronounce as so now very well, in hindsight.
    Yes, as a matter of fact, I do....and many, if not all, did! There was enough truth adhered, to even in those days, for any so minded as Peter to conclude: "“Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." John 6:68.
    But........connect me back up with the theme????? 
  11. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to TrueTomHarley in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Uh oh. There is an ad hominem attack that I will let slide.
  12. Thanks
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Good illustration re. the schoolchildren 
    It's such a simple concept, it only gets complicated by people trying to explain who ISN'T part the generation! 
  13. Like
    bruceq got a reaction from Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    I'm thinking out loud a bit but this is how I have explained it in under a minute:  {Simplicity is key although some apostates may try to confuse and make light of this simple illustration with apparent words of worldy wisdom and drivel - just wait and see if it happens}:
       Lets say a child is born in the year 1996 and starts school in the year 2001. In that year he sees the event of 911. He ends his school age  in the year 2013 however another child begins school in the year 2013. That child did NOT witness the event of 911 however for a time isn't both students actually "students" in school and therefore of a particular school age or "generation"?  Is this not an example of an "overlap generation'? A child starting school in 2014 would NOT be of THAT contemporary generation [contemporary to the 911 event of the students]. Now many other generations can overlap with this one but the pivotal point is the event of 911.  It seems so simple to me. And if you ask the 5 year old : Who is a student in school at this time in the year 2013? Even he can figure out it is not just the one in first grade but also the one in 12th grade. Whereas a student beginning school in 2017 would not have witnessed the event of 911 as a student nor be a contemporary of the 2001 student but would be a contemporary of the 2013 student, his overlap is not related to the event of 911. So of course there can be and is many overlaps but only one overlap is the generation of being a student regarding the pivotal year of 911.
  14. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Something goes rather subtly off track in all these "generation" discussions for me. It really makes absolutely no difference to the reality of the situation whatever any of us think about the way the final "generation" before Armageddon is structured.
    The basic idea of two groups of people, whose lives overlap, spanning a period of time delineated by the year 1914CE and the (yet unknown) outbreak of the "great tribulation", is so elementary that it does not require even a child's chalkboard to explain.
    There are illogical dissections going one. For example:
     Who are "them"? How do we know that those disputing and leaving the Bible Students back then were actually anointed at all? Maybe only those proving loyal in the face of trials were genuine in the first place.
    How about:
    We have discussed this before, but to me, if something is said to be discerned as starting in 1874CE, still continuing in 1943CE, then regardless of revising the start date due to erroneous chronology or doctrine, if that start date includes the year 1914CE in its span, then the event is discerned in 1914CE regardless of any error in interpretation of detail.
    Really, the only way we are going to know if our current view of an overlapping group of people, connected by their shared experience and destiny, are indeed the "generation" Jesus was referring to, is to be there when the "great tribulation" starts, and by Jehovah's underserved kindness, to be there when the final post Armageddon dust settles. Isn't that the important element of this?
  15. Like
    bruceq reacted to JW Insider in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    @Eoin Joyce quoted one of the first real hints of the overlapping generation doctrine from the Feb 15, 2008 WT (above).
    Above, I also quoted a WT QFR that mentioned overlapping generations from the Sept. 1, 1952 WT, and it showed why overlapping generations do not effect the length of the generation Jesus spoke about.
    After the 2008 article, there was also a more recent mention of the some of the same points repeated in the April 15, 2010 WT, and this 2010 article was the first to explicitly create a generation that is defined by the overlap of two specific groups: One group saw the start of an event, and another group could not have seen the start of that event, but would see the start of a different event, not more than two lifespans from the first event:
    *** w10 4/15 pp. 10-11 pars. 13-14 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***
    13 Third, holy spirit is at work in bringing Bible truths to light. (Prov. 4:18) This magazine has long been used by “the faithful and discreet slave” as the primary channel for dispensing increased light. (Matt. 24:45) For example, consider our understanding of those who make up “this generation” mentioned by Jesus. (Read Matthew 24:32-34.) To what generation did Jesus refer? The article “Christ’s Presence—What Does It Mean to You?” explained that Jesus was referring, not to the wicked, but to his disciples, who were soon to be anointed with holy spirit. Jesus’ anointed followers, both in the first century and in our day, would be the ones who would not only see the sign but also discern its meaning—that Jesus “is near at the doors.”
    14 What does this explanation mean to us? Although we cannot measure the exact length of “this generation,” we do well to keep in mind several things about the word “generation”: It usually refers to people of varying ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period; it is not excessively long; and it has an end. (Ex. 1:6) How, then, are we to understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”? He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end. The fulfillment of the various features of the sign clearly indicates that the tribulation must be near. By maintaining your sense of urgency and keeping on the watch, you show that you are keeping up with advancing light and following the leadings of holy spirit.—Mark 13:37.
    I included the paragraph that drops plenty of hints that this new idea is evidence of holy spirit at work, and that it represents the light of Bible truth, and that the source is the "faithful and discreet slave." This introduction stands together with the explanation in paragraph 14 that we don't know the length, that it "usually" refers to a given description, and that Jesus "evidently" refers to a version of what it "usually" refers to. The only points that are given with "sureness" are these:
    The generation had a beginning It will have an end The fulfillment of various features of the sign indicates that the tribulation must be near Note that it isn't by believing in a potential 'two-lifespan' generation that we are keeping up with advancing light and the leadings of holy spirit, but only explcitly by maintaining a sense of urgency, and keeping on the watch. As Christians we would do this with or without the two-lifespan generation, based on other scriptures, for example:
    (2 Timothy 4:1, 2) . . .: 2 Preach the word; be at it urgently in favorable times and difficult times. . .
    (Ephesians 5:15, 16) 15 So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, 16 making the best use of your time, because the days are wicked.
    (2 Peter 3:11, 12) . . .Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought YOU to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, 12 awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah. . .
  16. Like
    bruceq reacted to Anna in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    No offense JTR but maybe you should take your bickering with TTH to another thread. We are trying to have a serious and (if possible) fruitful discussion here. I still owe you an answer on the other thread, but unfortunately it doesn't fit the topic either, since you have fractured it into several other topics and keep doing so by bringing up unrelated issues (via cartoons etc.) Still, I will try and return to it later.
  17. Like
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    True, but irrelevant to the generation discussion. We all know that the generation of 1914, consists of a number of generations any way you care to slice and dice those living in these "last days".
    Very good point actually, but such an irresistable discussion!. Anyway, I'm out of here until discipline is restored. No disrespect to @JWInsider. Apologies to @Librarian. 
  18. Like
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Still banging on about the "generation" here are we? Well, nothing wrong with that (Acts 1:6), as long as we don't fall out over it.
    Interesting quote in 2008 WT 15 Feb:
    "The word “generation” usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event. For example, Exodus 1:6 tells us: “Eventually Joseph died, and also all his brothers and all that generation.” Joseph and his brothers varied in age, but they shared a common experience during the same time period. Included in “that generation” were some of Joseph’s brothers who were born before him. Some of these outlived Joseph. (Gen. 50:24) Others of “that generation,” such as Benjamin, were born after Joseph was born and may have lived on after he died.
      So when the term “generation” is used with reference to people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated except that it does have an end and would not be excessively long. Therefore, by using the term “this generation,” as recorded at Matthew 24:34, Jesus did not give his disciples a formula to enable them to determine when “the last days” would end. Rather, Jesus went on to emphasize that they would not know “that day and hour.”—2 Tim. 3:1; Matt. 24:36."
    Is that difficult to grasp? Is there something wrong with me because I think I understand what this says?
    And it considerably precedes JW Broadcasting and Brother Splane's discussion in (I think) 2015.
     I find it infinitly easier to understand compared to this attempt : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlapping_generations_model
  19. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in The "Overlapping Generation" Revisited.   
    Now (with respect) don't you overstep either. This refers to " the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction".
    There's absolutely nothing wrong in being interested in these times and seasons, as long as we try to avoid (with difficulty on occasion) the snare of second guessing Jehovahs timetable.
    And we can also be very interested in those "times and seasons that the Father has not placed in, or has released from, "his own jurisdiction". (There is ample evidence of this in the Hebrew Scriptures).
    And a healthy interest in such matters is encouraged by Jesus in his admonitions to "keep on the watch", and illustrations in connection with "slaves" and "virgins", regardless of not knowing the day or hour.
    Also by Peter at 1Pet.1:10-11: "Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the undeserved kindness meant for you made a diligent inquiry and a careful search.  They kept on investigating what particular time or what season the spirit within them was indicating concerning Christ as it testified beforehand about the sufferings meant for Christ and about the glory that would follow.."
    and 2Pet.3:12 "........await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah......."
    And indeed the apostle Paul: Romans 13:17 And do this because you know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers." 1Cor.7:29 "...the time left is reduced..." 
    And with regard to an appropriate level of interest, the 2008 Watchtower quoted earlier demonstrates this adequately for me in that it states: "Therefore, by using the term “this generation,” as recorded at Matthew 24:34, Jesus did not give his disciples a formula to enable them to determine when “the last days” would end. Rather, Jesus went on to emphasize that they would not know “that day and hour.”
  20. Like
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Russell, The Egyptian Pyramids, Freemasons and Demonology   
    Do you LOVE your God? Then DEFEND him and don't run away. 
    "Love+ is patient*+ and kind.+ Love is not jealous.+It does not brag, does not get puffed up,+ 5  does not behave indecently,*+ does not look for its own interests,+ does not become provoked.+ It does not keep account of the injury.*+6  It does not rejoice over unrighteousness,+ but rejoices with the truth. 7  It bears all things,+ believes all things,+ hopes all things,+ endures all things.+8  Love never fails" 1 Cor 13.
    "always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper+ and deep respect". 1 Pet 3:15.  Do you have deep respect or do you grumble and try and lure others away from Jehovah and his Word?
    "dogma" ??? Is it not you who have to go OUTSIDE the Bible to find your false god of the Trinity? 
    Micah said:" My only intention was to warn you"  
    That is also what Korah's intention was and see how that worked out for him
  21. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from JW Insider in a representative of the Orel administration sympathized with the Jehovah's Witnesses because of the religious persecutions in the country and urged them not to lose heart.   
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Orel help clean up city
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 14 June 2017
    Authorities of the city of Orel awarded recognition to local Jehovah's Witnesses for their active participation in cleaning up trash from the territory of the city. The believers were scheduled to receive thanks from the city administration and a gift book with the inscription: "In gratitude for good work—cleaning up trash for the benefit of people and nature."  The precious gift was signed by the city administration.
    Wherever they live, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to provide benefit for neighbors not only by distribution of biblical knowledge but also by participation in various forms of socially useful activity. This is also the civic position of Dennis Christensen, one of the Orel Jehovah's Witnesses who participated actively in the clean up. Standing knee-deep in the cold waters of the river Orlik, he used a net to pull trash from the river. All the work was conducted without pay.
    In view of this, it seems especially paradoxical that Christensen has languished for almost three weeks now in the city SIZO [pre-trial investigation cell] on the basis of falsified charges of organizing an extremist society. Believers are dumbfounded that it was this society that, in the opinion of city authorities, produced a benefit for the city. Cleaning up trash was the last good deed that Dennis managed to do while at liberty.
    It is noteworthy that a representative of the Orel administration sympathized with the Jehovah's Witnesses because of the religious persecutions in the country and urged them not to lose heart. (tr. by PDS, posted 17 June 2017)
  22. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in a representative of the Orel administration sympathized with the Jehovah's Witnesses because of the religious persecutions in the country and urged them not to lose heart.   
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Orel help clean up city
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 14 June 2017
    Authorities of the city of Orel awarded recognition to local Jehovah's Witnesses for their active participation in cleaning up trash from the territory of the city. The believers were scheduled to receive thanks from the city administration and a gift book with the inscription: "In gratitude for good work—cleaning up trash for the benefit of people and nature."  The precious gift was signed by the city administration.
    Wherever they live, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to provide benefit for neighbors not only by distribution of biblical knowledge but also by participation in various forms of socially useful activity. This is also the civic position of Dennis Christensen, one of the Orel Jehovah's Witnesses who participated actively in the clean up. Standing knee-deep in the cold waters of the river Orlik, he used a net to pull trash from the river. All the work was conducted without pay.
    In view of this, it seems especially paradoxical that Christensen has languished for almost three weeks now in the city SIZO [pre-trial investigation cell] on the basis of falsified charges of organizing an extremist society. Believers are dumbfounded that it was this society that, in the opinion of city authorities, produced a benefit for the city. Cleaning up trash was the last good deed that Dennis managed to do while at liberty.
    It is noteworthy that a representative of the Orel administration sympathized with the Jehovah's Witnesses because of the religious persecutions in the country and urged them not to lose heart. (tr. by PDS, posted 17 June 2017)
  23. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in 6 TH DAY April 20th LIVE UPDATES SUPREME COURT RUSSIA VS. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
  24. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in 6 TH DAY April 20th LIVE UPDATES SUPREME COURT RUSSIA VS. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
    Jehovah's witnesses will appeal
  25. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in 6 TH DAY April 20th LIVE UPDATES SUPREME COURT RUSSIA VS. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
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