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  1. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in TRUMP WARNS RUSSIA OVER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES This is fake news BEWARE   
    President Donald Trump has sent a strong message to the Russia Federation over the country’s ban on the “peaceful activities” of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Trump warns Russia to reverse its decision immediately else he would use the country’s own constitution against them.
    “You know right that this is contrary to the constitution of the land of the Russia Federation. I request you to reverse the decision immediately before I use your own constitution against you” – Trump warned.
    Trump went on to invite all Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia to seek asylum in the United States until their religious rights are reinstated in Russia.
    “As this is an infringement of your fundamental human rights, I therefore urge you to seek asylum in the United States until your rights are fully reinstated.” – Trump urged.
    Supreme Court judge Yuri Ivanenko reads the decision in a courtroom in Moscow Thursday AP
    Russia’s Supreme Court ruled on April 20, 2017 that the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization should be closed down and no longer allowed to operate legally in Russia, Human Rights Watch said today. The ruling, which affects more than 100,000 Jehovah’s Witness worshippers across Russia, is a serious breach of Russia’s obligations to respect and protect religious freedom.
  2. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses' appeal to be heard in Supreme Court June 13th   
    Jehovah's Witnesses' appeal to be heard in Supreme Court
    Hearings in the Appellate College of the Supreme Court of the Russian federation on the appeal in the case of the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" have been scheduled for 13 June 2017 at 11:40.
    Source: webpage of the Supreme Court of the Russian federation
  3. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in News source in Russian Far East speaks up for Jehovah's Witnesses   
    News source in Russian Far East speaks up for Jehovah's Witnesses
    by Katerina Chernova
    Suchan, 26 April 2017
    Like a stormy wave throughout all the news media of Russia rolled some triumphant articles to the effect that supposedly the "sect" of Jehovah's Witnesses had been banned on the legislative level. . . . This is not true.
    It was an amazing fact that this news was picked up literally on the fly by everybody who was not too lazy, referring to the fact that the Supreme Court ruled the organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist and banned its activity. People who attend meetings of an organization with a name that includes the words "Jehovah's Witnesses" were harassed, insulted, humiliated, slandered, and called all manner of nasty words. And why? What did these people do that was bad for society in their meetings? We conducted a small investigation and we are prepared to describe it.
    For starters, let's clarify the situation in the legal field. At the present moment no judicial decision HAS TAKEN LEGAL EFFECT prohibiting the activity of the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses. What for a week has been blared "into all horns" by all news media, social networks, and simply "proactive" people, as an order, which incidentally is not ruled out, is just one decision of the Supreme Court which at the present time is being appealed and has still not taken legal effect, and consequently is a judicial act on paper, with which the defense did not agree and so it is appealing it.
    What is more, an earlier initiative for placing Jehovah's Witnesses outside the law has already been overturned judicially . . . although one should not forget the kind of "cunning" with which the destruction of an organization may be approached. That is, first deliberately refuse to recognize it as illegal but then in the process of further judicial investigations nevertheless ban it in general and pretend that the decision was reached in an equal conflict of two sides and not treacherously and against the wishes of millions of people, infringing their constitutional right to freedom of religious confession. That is for the courts. So that keep in mind that so far, for the present time, Jehovah's Witnesses are within the law and are not banned!!!
    And now about particulars. . . . The position of citizens . . . . It is very negative in many cases. But in digging deeper into the topic, those citizens who vehemently spoke out AGAINST Jehovah's Witnesses still were not able to establish their position adequately and justifiably. In all cases completely, people began almost hysterically to get angry and accuse Witnesses of taking people's money, property, and other valuables and to talk about imaginary cottages built with this money. . . . But when they are asked to name just one victim from whom money, apartments, or something else was taken by the Witnesses, NOBODY was able to remember A SINGLE case in fact! So we asked to show us or give the address of just one cottage of a Jehovah's Witness, built with money stolen from people. And again, nobody knows a single real instance.
    So why such persecution of this organization? Everything is explained quite simply. Witnesses in the recent past preached too aggressively and insistently, they pestered people on the street, they knocked on doors, they went to workplaces, which irritated atheists and people who believed otherwise. As a result, in a few years they were able to provoke such antipathy against themselves among simple people—that's all! But! At the same time their ranks, strange as it seems, grew. The organization accumulated members while nobody was left without apartments and money.
    Many people turned around their personal life because at the meetings they learned humility and forgiveness of loved ones, many cast off harmful and addictive habits, some found for themselves the meaning of life, and generally no evil came of it.
    It is not without importance that various rituals of the type of "baptism," "weddings," and the like are conducted among the Witnesses on a cost-free basis. Take note, Witnesses for a long time have not been pestering people on the streets, they do not go from house to house, and they do not "tug" anywhere, they live quietly and peacefully, and they try to serve people and God—just so.
    At the same time we have not noted particular growth of the popularity of the Orthodox Church. We have heard many complaints against it regarding the impossibility of performing any ritual in the event that a person does not have money. That is, you want to be "baptized,"--some "donation;" you want to be "married,"--it takes so much cash; a "funeral,"-- it is also not for free. People murmur, priests in gold and jeeps, but candles in churches are only for contributions. Just so.
    It was possible to find a version that "the war on the Witnesses" was declared out of fear that they will overtake Orthodoxy, that people will be drawn to them sincerely, they will leave fat priests, and this is impermissible!
    In general, think for yourself and do not go along. As always, we are not justifying anybody; we do not take anybody's side. We are for justice. The court's decision has not taken legal effect, and people should not be deceived that THEY ARE BANNED, SHUT DOWN, and outside the law already! This is not true! The court's decision has still not taken legal effect. They are within the law and have the right to their own meetings and activity.
    The editors appeal to those citizens who have reliable information about incidents of extortion or seizures of property by Jehovah's Witnesses. Come to our offices and we will help you recover everything by legal procedure. And indeed we would like to see just one such person from whom something has been stolen. We have not been able to find such. (tr. by PDS, posted 4 May 2017)
  4. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in LIVE STREAM RUSSIAN VERDICT   
  5. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in LIVE STREAM RUSSIAN VERDICT   
  6. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses escape liquidation in Nizhny Novgorod province   
    Interesting how when opposers lies about the Witnesses come to light they go into hiding. " the plaintiff withdrew the claim were most likely dictated by a desire to save face"  
  7. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Jehovah's Witnesses escape liquidation in Nizhny Novgorod province   
    Jehovah's Witnesses escape liquidation in Nizhny Novgorod province
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 5 May 2017
    A lawsuit for banning an unregistered religious group of Jehovah's Witnesses in Arzamas (Nizhny Novgorod province) was withdrawn from the court on 4 May by the city prosecutor's office. Earlier, on 10 March, the prosecutor's office filed in Arzamas district court a plaintiff's declaration for banning the activity of a group of believers that was functioning without registration, a Portal-Credo.Ru correspondent reports.
    Attorney Arli Chimirov, who is representing the interests of the believers, said "citizens have the right to exercise their rights to joint confession of religion and without creating a religious group, according to the procedure of article 7 of the federal law "On freedom of conscience and religious associations." In the attorney's opinion, this lawsuit should not be considered in court at all.
    Hearings in the Arzamas city court began in late March and a subsequent session was held on 3 May. Assistant prosecutor Yulia Plakunova maintained that residents of Arxamas who profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses believe "in life after death and healing without medicines." This statement evoked puzzlement in the judge, who asked to clarify just what it is that Witnesses maintain. Mrs. Plakunova referred to the witness Meshko. The judge began reading the testimony of the witness, according to which everything was the other way around. Nevertheless, the assistant prosecutor continued to insist on her point and several other points of the indictment, which also suffered from lack of evidence. At a result, the judge suggested to present the missing evidence by 4 May.
    However on 4 May Yulia Plakunova did not appear at the court session. Instead a statement arrived from the Arzamas prosecutor withdrawing the lawsuit. The court accepted the withdrawal and closed proceedings on the case.
    "The prosecutor's office did not have a choice and the reasons why the plaintiff withdrew the claim were most likely dictated by a desire to save face," the attorney for the defense, Arli Chimirov, said.
    The story of the prosecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Arzamas received surprisingly blatant publicity in the press. It was reported, for example, that the prosecutor's office accused the citizens of the exclusivity of their religious convictions, which were incorrectly interpreted. Besides the aforementioned belief in "life after death," the plaintiff's declaration contained this accusation: "They manipulate the consciousness of people to refuse worldly values, teaching the existence of purity and light beyond the grave, without the problems and obligations of life." (tr. by PDS, posted 5 May 2017)
  8. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in "Jehovah's Witnesses" to a much greater extent than any other religious minorities have been in the sights of the Russian secret services. Does Trump oppose renewed religious repression in Russia?   
    Review, National , United States © AFP 2017, Belga / Nicolas Maeterlinck Does Trump oppose renewed religious repression in Russia?
    06/05/2017 42 5171 Elizabeth Clark (Elizabeth Clark) The Russian Supreme Court has recognized the religious organization "Jehovah's Witnesses" illegal, resulting in 170,000 people are prisoners of conscience.

    April 20 The Supreme Court has banned the pacifist religious organization "Jehovah's Witnesses", recognizing it as "extremist". More than 170,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia are no longer able to meet together, without fear of imprisonment, and all the property of this religious organization will be confiscated. In fact, Russia has recognized illegal the whole religion. President Trump has to raise the question about the ban on discussion with Putin and take in respect of the ban other diplomatic steps.

    This event was the culmination of several years for those who differed low level of repression by the authorities with financial audits, tossing evidence of failure of worship and prosecution of local organizations. A ban of this religious denomination throughout the country brings to mind the extent of religious persecution in Stalinist times, when Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious organizations, mass planted in cattle cars and deported to Siberia.
    The persecution of "Jehovah's Witnesses" - not a good sign
    The Guardian 04/27/2017 Ban "witness" does not work
    University of Oxford 04/24/2017 "Jehovah's Witnesses" have come under the ban
    Helsingin Sanomat 04/24/2017This prohibition is based on the law of 2002, which allows for a broad interpretation, and under the guise of "extremism" prohibits that in other countries it is considered a classic of freedom of speech - the promotion of "exclusivity, superiority or inferiority" of citizens because of their attitude to religion. In 2015, the UN Human Rights Committee has criticized the wording, calling it "vague and broad," and noted that "the law is increasingly being used to restrict freedom of expression, including political dissent and religious freedom."  

    The law on extremism, developed after the events of 11 September in response to the attacks on the state of believers with violence 'has come full cycle "and has changed diametrically opposite way - now it allows the state to attack the religious group, has not committed any of nonviolent action.
    The persecution of "Jehovah's Witnesses" - not a good sign
    The Guardian 04/27/2017 Ban "witness" does not work
    University of Oxford 04/24/2017 "Jehovah's Witnesses" have come under the ban
    Helsingin Sanomat 04/24/2017How did we get to this? During the years of Vladimir Putin's rule, religious discrimination and persecution intensified. He unceremoniously uses religion for the sake of its policy of nationalism since 2000, when the government adopted a policy document on national security, which includes a chapter on "Security in the field of spiritual life." There's a word, warning that the representatives of the "Foreign sectarian communities, such as the" Jehovah's Witnesses "... using religious cover, ... form a branched control structure through which collected socio-political, economic, military, and other information about what is happening in Russia, citizens are ideologically processing and incite separatist sentiments. "  

    This kind of paranoia and religious discrimination touched (though to a lesser extent) and members of other religious minorities, "is not a traditional Russian" - Baptists, Lutherans, Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons, Pentecostals, and Orthodox "schismatics." Caught in their number and some Muslim groups, including followers of the late Turkish Islamic Bogoslova Saida Nursi (Said Nursi).

    Russia has even started a major international scandal with India in 2012, when the court figured out whether to ban the book "Bhagavad Gita As It Is» (The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is), the sacred text, esteemed representatives of the "Krishna Consciousness" International Organization, as an extremist. However, after the law became applied to the Bible and quotes from the Koran, the Russian authorities to take immediate amendment banning extremist recognize scriptures "traditional" Russian religions - Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses" to a much greater extent than any other religious minorities have been in the sights of the Russian secret services, even in Soviet times. During the Second World War, the number of Jehovah's Witnesses was at least two thousand in the Soviet Union, but the rapid growth of the number of post-war paranoia caused by the KGB - the secret service bother impact and spread of this organization. In 2000 he published a book by Christopher Andrew (Christopher Andrew) and Vasili Mitrokhin "Shield and Sword: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB» (The Sword and the Shield, 2000) - the fascinating story of how the secret dissident who worked in the archive of the KGB, for 12 years, I did an extract of the most valuable secret documents and secretly hated them from the archive building. The authors note that "obsession with Jehovah's Witnesses KGB leadership was perhaps the most striking example of their lack of a sense of proportion in relation to the most minor dissent."

    The same thing is happening today. However, Washington is idle. It's been two weeks, but the only response was "extreme concern" that expressed the acting State Department spokesman in an e-mail the information to the American online edition of US News & World Report. Contrast this with the reaction of the independent US Commission on International Religious Freedom, which sharply condemned the ban, calling it "politicized attacks on the religious group", or the reaction of Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel), which states clearly Putin. Not wanting to personally speak about the most violent phase of the post-Soviet religious persecution, Trump President and Vice-President of Pence provide food for suspicion of their links with Russia and cause frustration for those who appreciate the freedom of religion and speech. Trump can demonstrate that he owes nothing to Russia - it need only have the name of "Jehovah's Witnesses" at the same pressure, which he used to secure the release of humanitarian fund Aya Hijazi worker (Aya Hijazi).

    Ban endangers the "freedom of the individual in the Russian Federation as a whole," the joint statement said the UN Special Rapporteurs on freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. The fact that Russia "uses the law on countering extremism, in order to restrict the freedom of ... with regard to the fact that the state is allowed to ... marked a bleak future for the whole of religious freedom in Russia." By introducing the ban, said in his closing statement the lawyer, "Jehovah's Witnesses", "the country has successfully acquiring 170 thousand prisoners of conscience."
  9. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in An unprecedented step in the history of Russia. Hundreds of people in Russia have to leave their house. Who are they?   
    Hundreds of people in Russia have to leave your house. Who are they?
    An unprecedented step in the history of Russia. There are hundreds of citizens of the Russian Federation who have not committed crimes, and no offense, they want to seize their property, which they built on their funds, with their own hands. The state of the Russian Federation wants to take away even the property that belongs to the document with their international colleagues. Who are these people? In Russia, these people have repeatedly been victims of criminal prosecution only because of their religion - it is Jehovah's Witnesses. Dozens of buildings of worship, which some witnesses are home, such as the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses, or, as they call it themselves witnesses, Bethel (the biblical name, which means House of God), which is in reality hundreds of people is a literal house shall be confiscated. 

    And this unprecedented news confiscation and prohibition has caused an international outcry. 
    Here are a few examples:
    *** The EU condemned the Russian government against Jehovah's Witnesses 
    http://www.rferl.org/a/russia-deems-jehovahs-witnesses-extremist/28442809.html Toner urged the US to "ensure that laws against terrorism and extremism do not apply to peaceful religious minority groups. " He also urged the Russian authorities "to lift the ban on the activity of" Jehovah's Witnesses ". Russian Armed Forces on April 20 acknowledged extremist activity" Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia "and banned his work. Representatives of the" Jehovah's Witnesses "have declared their intention to appeal to the European Court of human rights. The protection of the organization were the German Foreign Ministry and the EU's foreign service. 

      RIA Novosti Ukraine:  
    Newsweek ( "Newsweek"): United States: Ban Witnesses in Russia demonstrates "paranoia" Vladimira Putina government 
    http://www.newsweek.com/jehovahs-witnesses-russia-ban-putin-587179 US News & World the Report: The State Department condemned the religious oppression in Russia https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2017-04-21/state-department-condemns-russian-clampdown-on-jehovahs-witnessesAmbassadors influential countries in the world were very disappointed and amazed the decision of the Supreme Court to ban Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. At a recent conference May 2, 2017 with President Vladimir Putin in his residence in Sochi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed concern over violation of civil rights in Russia and, among other things, was the unprecedented ban on Jehovah's Witnesses.

        The UN called on Russia to stop the persecution of the Witnesses.
    Despite this injustice, many families of Jehovah's Witnesses have to leave the Russian branch of Jehovah's Witnesses, which for some was their literal home. 
    You can just speculate - how can "extremists" to create and maintain such a beauty? After all this beauty, which was created by the witnesses at its center, as you saw in the video, in reality, actually is in the hearts of those who built and cared for this place. And in almost all places taken care of where they live and work, Jehovah's Witnesses, you can only see the reflection of love, peace, calm, caring, but not the opposite of this - no "extremism", what exactly are accused Jehovah's Witnesses. This place is too open, beautiful, peaceful and clean in every way, only one it destroys all the Russian charges against Jehovah's Witnesses. 

    You can also see a report released a few years ago, just about the Center, which wants to confiscate their state, and the people who live there. This report answers many questions and gives a lot to understand and see who they are - Jehovah's Witnesses and to liquidate them if necessary? http://www.fakt777.ru/2017/05/sotni-lyudej-v-rossii-dolzhny-pokinut-svoj-dom.html
  10. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia WHAT DO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES OWN IN ST. PETERSBURG?   
    The last post was from from another city. The ban has not taken legal effect until after the appeal process in June although as seen here some cities are enacting it and the brothers are clearing out before the legal ban takes effect just in case.
  11. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia WHAT DO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES OWN IN ST. PETERSBURG?   
    Jehovah's Witnesses clear out their property
    One of the most influential religious organizations in the world has now fallen under a ban in Russia
    Moskovskii Komsomolets, 5 May 2017
    The Supreme Court has actually ruled that the Jehovah's Witnesses conducted extremist activity. Now they are required to cease their work immediately, which they have already done. Further, apparently, there will be new owners of their property. And these believers' property is good, especially in St. Petersburg.
    People left in tears
    In the northern capital, which has traditionally been considered to be multi-confessional, a place was found for the Jehovists also. Here they own a dozen hectares of land in Kurort district in the village of Solnechnoe, with dwellings and office buildings. They also own a congress hall with 2,500 seats on Kolomyazh Prospect, building 21, with a hectare of land. And several smaller buildings.
    The central office of the Russian Jehovists is located in Solnechnoe. In the plan of its  arrangement it may be compared with a monastery. Families of clergy worked and lived there. In all, about 300 persons worked in the settlement of the Administrative Center.
    Now the buildings on the shore of the Finnish Gulf are empty. The inhabitants began leaving with their things as soon as they learned of decision of the court. Many had lived and worked here for years and therefore they departed in tears.
    "We will challenge the decision, but we do not want to create in the authorities the impression that we are not obeying the court," one of the former leaders of the center explains.
    Instead of a dump they built a palace
    There existed the myth that back in the early 1990s Mayor Anatoly Sobchak presented the Witnesses a parcel of 10.5 hectares in Solnechnoe and a hectare on Komomyazh. However, as it turned out, according to documents the religious organization acquired the territory of a former Pioneer Camp in Solnechnoe, which included residences, buildings, and a boiler house, from a construction company for 150 million rubles. According to representatives of the Jehovists, the camp had been completely ruined and they rebuilt it and turned it into a well landscaped lot.
    At the time, fellow Jehovist believers from Finland, Sweden, and Norway worked on the construction. They brought a Finnish architect. The Scandinavians brought construction materials and hired workers. The construction began in 1992 and by 2002 the entire "camp" was ready. And all of this belonged to citizens of other countries, the Witnesses aver, and therefore it cannot be confiscated.
    While the construction of the camp was underway, the Witnesses found the land for the Hall of Congresses. Mayor Anatoly Sobchak signed an order to transfer to the Jehovah's Witnesses one hectare on Kolomyazh Prospect. It was leased for 49 years under the condition that for each square meter they were supposed to pay 10 rubles as their contribution to the development of the city. It turned out that the land was not without a surprise—under the future building was found a hazardous waste dump. But the Jehovists paid for the complete disposal of harmful waste.
    Despite the rumors about the foreign imprint in the immovable property of the Jehovists, according to information of Rosreestr [Russian Register] both the land in Solnechnoe and the hectare on Kolomyazh today are registered to the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The foreign owners, who might have been able to protect the property of their Russian fellow believers, could not be found. (tr. by PDS, posted 5 May 2017)
  12. Upvote
    Kavkazskii Uzel, 5 May 2017
    The decision of the Supreme Court that liquidated the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia may be seen as a signal for prosecution of believers by siloviki [security forces] and local authorities, attorneys for the religious organization who were questioned by Kavkazskii Uzel declared. However they said that it is still not necessary to speak of mass repressions.
    As Kavkazskii Uzel has written, on 20 April the Russian Supreme Court granted the demand of the Ministry of Justice for the liquidation of 396 religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, including their administrative center in St. Petersburg, as extremist. The court ordered confiscation of the property of these organizations for state use. The Jehovah's Witnesses called the court's sentence prejudiced. On 24 April the Zamoskvoreche district court of Moscow concluded that the decision of the Ministry of Justice to suspend the activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is legal.
    The side of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses received on 2 May the rationale part of the Supreme Court's decision. The decision for the liquidation of the religious organizations of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses will take effect only after it goes through the appellate stage, attorney Anton Omelchenko declared.
    "Only after the full text of the decision is handed over will the counting of the appeal period of one month begin. Then in the course of several months it will be considered in the judicial college of the Supreme Court. And there is a chance that the decision may be overturned or changed," the attorney explained.
    The session of the appellate college of the Supreme Court on the lawsuit to suspend proceedings on the administrative case from the religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" has been scheduled for 11:40 on 13 June, the court's website says.
    Since the activity of 396 legal entities has been immediately stopped by the court's decision of 20 April, then all actions in the name of these organizations are impermissible.
    "I think that members of the organizations are law-abiding people. In Derbent, apparently, ordinary citizens professing the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and not representatives of the banned organizations, wanted to arrange a public event. In that case, nobody had the right to prevent private individuals from believing as they wish. The court's decision does not speak of a ban on belief," Omelchenko thinks.
    Earlier Dagestani Jehovah's Witnesses told Kavkazskii Uzel that the landlord had terminated the agreement for rent of one of the buildings that was used in 2016 as the place for religious meetings. A representative of the congregation said that such a decision by the owner of the building was made after siloviki summoned him and threatened him with problems "in doing business."
    "The court's decision may be interpreted as a ban on the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses"
    The Supreme Court's decision does not specify the grounds for the liquidation of local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, an attorney of the Russian Administrative Center, Viktor Zhenkov, thinks.
    "395 legal entities (local religious organizations—K.U. note) were liquidated without the participation of their representatives, and this is specified in the decision. In neither the resolution part nor the reasoning part does the court indicate what the extremist actions of each of the closed local religious organizations consisted of. The Supreme Court's decision noted only the arguments of the Ministry of Justice and the arguments of the defense are not mentioned once and are not refuted in any way," he told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    In his opinion, the future of individual believers in Russia depends on the decisions of law enforcement agencies. "If one follows the letter of the constitution, then article 28 speaks of the right of a person to believe and to profess his religion, that is, to conduct specific actions: to read Scripture, to discuss faith with other people—friends or strangers. However the Supreme Court's decision does not say a word confirming or denying such a right of believers. The judge did not give an assessment of the fears of the defense side about the fate of individual Jehovah's Witnesses: whether they can gather together and conduct actions in accordance with their convictions, not as members of a forbidden organization but as private individuals," Zhenkov noted.
    The attorney fears that in places the Supreme Court's decision may be interpreted as a ban on the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. "Governmental bodies of local self-government may view this decision as requiring them to resist all Jehovah's Witnesses, whether they are individual believers or united in an organization or not," he supposes.
    In its lawsuit, the Ministry of Justice referred to decisions pertaining to local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, where literature that had been ruled to be extremist was found. The Ministry of Justice's attorney declared in court that after the liquidation of the organization, law enforcement agencies will be able to open criminal cases against believers of this confession on the basis of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (arranging the activity of an extremist organization), which provides for fines of from 300 to 800 thousand rubles and incarceration of from two to 12 years. The right of Jehovah's Witnesses to freedom of conscience will be regularly and massively violated in Russia after the liquidation of their local religious organizations and police, and prosecutor's offices will not focus on legal niceties in assessing the practices of believers, lawyers and rights advocates questioned by Kavkazskii Uzel predicted. The siloviki have received carte blanche for criminal prosecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, legal scholars conclude.
    "We have not gotten statistics on those who have left Russia"
    An accounting of the number of believers who have left Russia and become political refugees has not been conducted, declares Yaroslav Sivulsky, a representative of the liquidated administrative center.
    "There is information that one or another person has left. We do not consider it our task to monitor, analyze, or collate these processes. To leave one's country is a serious decision, which each one makes personally," Sivulsky told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    "A few people, including from the south of Russia, have left and received political asylum. But we have not gotten any statistics on those leaving Russia," Anton Omelchenko confirmed this information.
    In the session of the Supreme Court of 12 April, lawyers for the defendant reported that several believers from Taganrog (Rostov province) received political asylum in Europe after the activity of the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was ruled to be extremist and was banned by a court in September 2009. According to the account of the investigation, after the prohibition a group of believers continued to conduct prayer services and to study literature that had been ruled to be extremist. The defendants did not acknowledge their guilt, considering that they were being persecuted for religious convictions. On 30 November 2015, four defendants in the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Taganrog were given suspended sentences and another 12 were fined. This decision came as a result of a review of the original verdict, according to which in 2014 nine of the 16 defendants were acquitted. On 16 March 2016, the Rostov provincial court confirmed the conviction of the Taganrog Jehovah's Witnesses.
    "Law-enforcement machine 'traps' believers for reading the Bible"
    Yaroslav Sivulsky pointed out the information about the warnings issued to individual believers by law enforcement agencies about the "impermissibility of extremist activity" for assembling in a home to read the Bible.
    "The law-enforcement machine has already actually begun 'to trap' believers for reading the Bible. In Tatarstan, for example, the prosecutor's office issued a warning to a religious group that was not a member of any currently officially forbidden local religious organization. And the person gathering a group of believers was warned not to conduct a meeting of believers and not to read the Bible along with them," he noted.
    After the issuance of the Supreme Court's decision there occurred attacks of hooliganism. "For example, they broke windows with stones in the Hall of Congresses in St. Petersburg that is idle at the present time. However one cannot say that massive repressions throughout Russia against Jehovah's Witnesses have begun," Yaroslav Sivulsky emphasized.
    In the regions of Russia, at least four such cases have been identified. In particular, in the night of 22 April in the city of Gukovo (Rostov province) unidentified persons damaged the residence in which meetings of believers were held. A mailbox was damaged and the entrance door was smeared with mud and the gate damaged, the official website of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses reports.
    "Are Jehovah's Witnesses here?"
    "From Vladikavkaz there have arrived, still not confirmed, reports about the collection of information in educational institutions about children who adhere to the confession of Jehovah's Witnesses. If we receive more precise information, we will be able to report this in detail. From Stavropol, audio recordings were sent of a class in one of the schools, but for now it is not known which one. On the recording is heard the voice of a teacher who is conducting a unique lesson in political information, telling the pupils that Jehovah's Witnesses are banned in Russia and they may present a danger," Yaroslav Sivulsky explains.
    Kavkazskii Uzel is in possession of an audio recording made, according to Sivulsky, at an event in a Stavropol school.
    A female voice says:  "Jehovah's Witnesses are totally forbidden on the territory of our state by law. This is because . . . Americans are trying to disable us and they are trying to do this with the help of religion. After all, Jehovah's Witnesses are from America. And all this is clearly being paid for . . . After all, they all do not work, these Jehovah's Witnesses. But what do they live on? Are there Jehovah's Witnesses here—can someone enlighten us?"
    A question also is raised about the rationale of the judicial ban of religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, supposedly addressed to pupils, which also expresses uncomplimentary opinions about adherents of this religion.
    The Ministry of Education and Science of North Ossetia refused to comment on the information collected from these schools of the republic about children from families of Jehovah's Witnesses. A representative of the ministry told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent that written or oral reports on this matter have not been received.
    A representative of the Ministry of Education of Stavropol territory had difficulty commenting on an audio recording of a class that was conducted, in the opinion of representatives of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses, in one of the schools of the region. "Perhaps the issue is an educational hour conducted by leaders of the class," a representative of the ministry told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent. (tr. by PDS, posted 7 May 2017)
  13. Upvote
    Moscow patriarch celebrates Victory Day in Russia
    Interfax-Religiia, 8 May 2017
    Victory in the Great Patriotic War was secured with the participation of celestial forces, Patriarch of Moscow and all-Rus Kirill thinks.
    "The last salvos of the Great Patriotic War resounded on the day of St. George the Conqueror (6 May 1945, on which Easter fell—IF). A coincidence? Some think so, but not we, people of faith. Is it really possible to consider it a coincidence that the marshal of the victory was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov?" the patriarch said after a divine liturgy that he served on the day of the memorial of George the Conqueror in the St. George church on Poklonnaia Gora in Moscow.
    In the primate's opinion, St. George "through these signs showed to us his presence in our struggle and in our victory."
    "So on today we also pray to the Greatmartyr St. George, that he would preserve our fatherland from enemies, foreign and domestic, and that he would protect Moscow and strengthen the faith of the residents of this city so that Moscow would become the capital city not only in name but also in the faith of people living within it," he said.
    The patriarch believes that if the nation will pray to St. George, "Russia will be invincible and the city of Moscow will be great." (tr. by PDS, posted 9 May 2017)
  14. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Vigilante action against Jehovah's Witnesses' property   
    I always try to look at anything in a positive viewpoint. For example right-hearted honest people will see what is happening to the Witnesses and some will undoubtedly search for the Truth from Jehovah's people since it is quite obvious the Russian Government and ROC are on a ridiculous campaign against a peaceful people. Jehovah will always turn even bad news into something positive. " He will not fear bad news.  His heart is steadfast, trusting in Jehovah.   His heart is unshakable;  he is not afraid . In the end he will look in triumph on his adversaries" Psalm 112:7
  15. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Vigilante action against Jehovah's Witnesses' property   
    In Moscow, an arson attack on the house in which lived the Jehovah's Witnesses
    May 8, 2017 April 30, 2017 committed another act of vandalism against the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. In with. Lucina (Moscow reg.), One of the locals, who had previously spoken out against this negative religion, drunk threw a Molotov cocktail into the house where the family lived Jehovah's Witnesses. Two homes and cars destroyed by fire worshipers emerged.
    The culprit arson was arrested in hot pursuit.
  16. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Supreme Court's decision about "extremism" threatens right of conscientious objection   
    Here is a thought. Why would the Government give a gun to an "extremist" and tell him to fight for his country?  Does not add up = paradox.
  17. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Supreme Court's decision about "extremism" threatens right of conscientious objection   
    supreme Court's decision about "extremism" threatens right of conscientious objection
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 11 May 2017
    On 6 April 2017, a meeting of the draft commission was held in the military commissariat of the city of Zelenodolsk (Tatarstan) with regard to the case of an 18-year-old adherent of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, Damir Galeev, for whom performing military service contradicts his convictions. A member of the draft commission, A. Tygin (the mayor of the city), began arguing to other members of the commission that it is necessary to refuse the believer his constitutional rights to substitute alternative civilian service for military service on the basis that the youth allegedly is an "extremist." When the believer noted that the Supreme Court had still not issued a decision regarding the liquidation of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, the mayor requested that he come back in three weeks and find out whether he is sent "into the troops or into prison." The believer intends to appeal the draft commission's decision in court, although he was unable to get a copy of this decision.
    On 28 April 2017, in the village of Kugesi (Chuvashia) the draft commission for Cheboksary and Marposad districts, under the chairmanship of V. Nikolaev, denied an 18-year-old Jehovah's Witness, Evgeny Vladimirov, his constitutional right to alternative civilian service. Performing military service contradicts his convictions. In his case there existed a certificate from a religious organization to the effect that at an age of accountability he received baptism in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. Members of the commission declared that this certificate "confirms that the conscript is an extremist." The young man was promised that his case would be transferred to the FSB for verification. The believer intends to appeal the commission's decision in court. (tr. by PDS, posted 11 May 2017)
  18. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in NEW YORK TIMES Merkel, Meeting Putin, Raises Treatment of Gays and Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 2 May 2017
    On 2 May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to exert influence on the situation with sexual minorities in Chechnya, to protect the rights of homosexuals, and to protect the activity of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. She reported this during a press conference about the results of her meeting with the Russian leader, TASS reports.
    "We have received very negative reports about what is happening with homosexuals in Chechnya and I asked the president to exert his influence for preserving the rights of minorities," she said, adding that it is important also to protect the activity of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.
    Separately Merkel noted the necessity of honoring the right to public meetings and free activity of nongovernmental organizations.
    On 20 April the Russian Supreme Court issued a decision to find all organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia to be "extremist," and to prohibit their activity and to confiscate their property. During the judicial proceedings, which lasted 6 days, there was not introduced a single example of extremist activity other than instances of refusing blood transfusion, the right to which is provided by Russian law. (tr. by PDS, posted 2 May 2017)
  19. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in World opinion favors Jehovah's Witnesses versus Russian state   
    World opinion favors Jehovah's Witnesses versus Russian state
    by Viktor Boiarchuk
    FTimes, 13 May 2017
    The period from 20 April to the present was extremely troublesome for people of faith. Each person found for himself a hidden subtext in the Russian Supreme Court's decision to rule the activity of the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" to be extremist, which will entail the closure of the organization. To a great extent, this means that nobody will see on the streets of his city kind elderly women and friendly young people distributing among the populace brochures about the imminent advent of the Kingdom of God, ftimes.ru reports.
    It would seem that these people could evoke such emotions connected with extremism that would seem such as would not offend even flies. Which is really a rejection of their persistent chatter and peculiar opinion about the role of man in God's purposes. Evidently, the verdict of the Supreme Court of the RF was dictated by serious grounds for its adoption.
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia: Reaction of the international community
    The voice of the noisy "Jehovists," as they are contemptuously called in Russia and other Slavic countries, was immediately heard by their fellow believers in other countries and also by the legal community of Europe. Reaction to the decision of the Supreme Court turned out to be extremely negative. The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with the Minister for Human Rights of the European Union, Joyce Annelay, stressed that if the government of the Russian federation will not give heed to the fundamental human rights and freedom of citizens of their own country, then it should give head at least to its own independently drafted legislation.
    And this legislation, in its turn, confirms the freedom of each person to free expression and religious confession. More than 170,000 followers of the faith of the Jehovah's Witnesses experience great dissonance when comparing these words with real facts. Of course, the lawyers of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia can still file an appeal against the decision of the Russian Supreme Court in the European Court for Human Rights. Most likely the appeal will be granted, although it will not be a surprise for anyone if the Supreme Court does not submit to it and the state, even in the event that the verdict is challenged, will implement a tactic of passive displacement of followers of this faith to the margins of society, which still is a violation of human rights.
    The development of the conflict within the state will only serve for a yet greater negative view of Russia in the world as a country where such concepts as tolerance and respect for others' faith are alien.
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia: Earlier episodes of struggle of authorities in Russia with the Jehovists
    Sooner or later, this or a similar decision will have to stir up the world community, since pressure on this organization on the part of the state has been conducted for a rather long time at the regional level. If the court's decision fails to be appealed at the supreme instance, then the organization will have to be liquidated and all its property will be transferred to the state. Fellow believers throughout the world are expressing sympathy and are ready to provide help of any type in order to preserve the organization in Russia.
    However, back in soviet times Russia was able to fight against the Jehovists. Officially the organization appeared in Russia back in the time of Nicholas II. In soviet times adherents of this faith were persecuted and subjected to repressions and imprisoned in Siberian and Central Asian camps. Jehovah's Witnesses themselves did not offer resistance, since this violates their convictions. In our time the Russian authorities, repeating the persecutions of the early 1990s, in 2004 tried to prohibit the activity of the organization, based on incitement of hatred, manifestation of disrespect to other faiths, and distribution of forbidden materials.
    As is known, the brochures "Awake" and "Watchtower" do not contain any extremist materials, so that one can draw the conclusion that the Supreme Court's decision was dictated by abject adherence to popular prejudices and stereotypes. In any case, it is clear that the international community will not let pass such a violation of the rights of believing people. (tr. by PDS, posted 16 May 2017)
  20. Upvote
    Jehovah's Witnesses report negative effects of court's ruling
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 15 May 2017
    Late in the evening of 6 May 2017, unidentified persons drove up in an automobile to a residence on MPS St. in the village of Novokhopersky (Voronezh province) and broke glass in the apartment of a local resident who professes the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The action was accompanied by shouts whose meaning the woman was not about to make out.
    In addition, in the night of 14 May 2017 in the city of Ekaterinburg, on the porch of a building in which Jehovah's Witnesses conducted worship services, unidentified persons drew an insulting inscription.
    The decision of the Supreme Court against the organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, issued on 20 April 2017 and not having taken legal effect, evoked a wave of aggressive actions against adherents of this religion. Incidents occurred also in St. Petersburg, in Kaliningrad, Moscow, Penza, Rostov, and Tula provinces, and in Krasnoyarsk territory. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 May 2017)
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 15 May 2017
    Another incident of the violation of the right to alternative civilian service occurred in Chuvashia. On 12 May 2017, in the city of Shumerlya, a draft commission refused the constitutional right to alternative civilian service for 18-year-old Avel Lukin, for whom performing military service contradicts his convictions. One of the members of the draft commission, appealing to the decision of the Supreme Court against the organizations of Jehovah's witnesses, said to the young man: "You may keep your convictions to yourself, and your faith, too."
    Avel was issued a summons to appear on 22 May 2017 for dispatch to processing for military service. He intends to appeal the decision of the draft commission. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 May 2017)
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 15 May 2017
    Against the background of the judicial proceedings against organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses, several children who are being trained in accordance with biblical morality have begun experiencing unprecedented pressure on the part of teachers and police personnel.
    On 28 March 2017, in the city of Ufa (Bashkortostan), a police officer, A. Rozhkin, arrived at the home of a family with several children and, finding the oldest son, asked for a written explanation regarding their religious confession. When the mother approached, with her daughters, the officer demanded explanations of why the woman "involves minor children in extremist activity" (which does not correspond to reality). The woman refused to provide an explanation, and the older daughter began recording the officer's words on her cell phone camera. Subsequently the police have continued to put pressure on the family.
    On 17 April 2017, in one of the schools of Rodionovo-Nesvetaisk district of Rostov province, the class director summoned out of class a 14-year-old girl to the office of the school's director, who had previously taken her telephone from her. In the office, police officer A. Yunyaev, and also a man in civilian clothes, began telling the girl that her Mama forces her to go to a "terrorist organization," in which "they are robbed" and "taught to kill people." The official brought the child to tears by frightening the child, hurting her feelings, and falsely claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses allegedly would "strap her up and send her to blow up the school." They urged the girl "to rat on her Mama and not go to meetings." "If you wish, read the Bible at home, and do not go anywhere," they said. "Just read our Bible, from the Church."
    On 24 April 2017, in one of the schools of Pizhansk district of Kirov province, two pupils of the sixth grade, sisters from a family of Jehovah's Witnesses, in a music class refused to perform a song whose text extols military actions and murder (which contradicts the religious convictions of the family). Although the teacher knows the views of this family, she sent the children from the classroom to search for another song, with a raised voice, which brought them to tears. In front of the whole class the teacher said to the girls: "You are now banned, and we are fed up with your religion." Later in a conversation with the girls' Mama, the teacher said: "You are now extremists and there will be no mercy." Nevertheless, the family managed to get agreement on performance of a song about nature, which does not contradict their views. The teacher graded the girls down "for a song off-topic."
    According to legislation in effect in Russia, parents have the preemptive right over all other persons to teach and train their children. It is on the parents that the Family Code imposes the duty of concern for the "spiritual and moral development of their children." (tr. by PDS, posted 15 May 2017)
  21. Upvote
    Yup they are probably gnashing their teeth. Many will need dental surgery soon.
  22. Upvote
    Latest JW Broadcast confirms that indeed many are now becoming interested in Jehovah's Witnesses because of the lies of Christendom's Churches and the anti-cultist and the actions of the Government of Russia:
  23. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Danish citizen arrested in connection with raid on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Severe treatment of foreign Jehovah's Witness in heart of Russia
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 27 May 2017
    A 44-year-old Dane, Dennis Christensen, who is respected in the circle of his fellow believers, was sent to a SIZO [pre-trial isolation cell] for two months in the city of Orel. He is charged with continuing the activity of an organization that had been banned for extremism (article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF). He was arrested on 25 May 2017 during a joint Bible reading, which local Jehovah's Witnesses were conducting in a building on Zheleznodorozhnaia St.
    In the evening of 25 May at 7:30 p.m., the street near the building, which belongs to one of the believers, began filling with automobiles and buses with armed persons in masks—OMON troops. Under the direction of an investigator of the FSB, a group entered the building and blocked the believers who were in it, who were not allowed to touch their telephones and tablets. Inspection of documents, searches, and questioning continued until morning. Searches were conducted in a number of residences of believers.
    On Friday, 26 May 2017, Judge Svetlana Naumova ordered the selection of a measure of prevention for Dennis Christensen in the form of detention for two months. Dennis' wife, Irina Christensen, and also lawyers, intend to use all possible means of legal defense. The consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark was notified about the incident. (tr. by PDS, posted 27 May 2017)
  24. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Danish citizen arrested in connection with raid on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Danish citizen arrested in connection with raid on Jehovah's Witnesses
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, 26 May 2017
    On 25 May 2017 in the city of Orel, at least 15 armed persons, including personnel of the FSB, entered the building where local Jehovah's Witnesses were located. Law enforcement officials reported that a criminal case has been initiated on the basis of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (continuation of activity of an organization that has been prohibited for extremism). One of the believers was arrested. Passport data of all in attendance were copied, explanations were taken, and tablets were confiscated. The men were taken off to the FSB building, where some of them were detained until the morning of the next day. Searches were conducted in several residences of believers.
    It is known that a criminal case was initiated for at least one of the believers, Dennis Christensen, a foreign citizen. He was arrested and held in custody in the FSB building. (tr. by PDS, posted 26 May 2017)
    Press Service of Soviet District Court of City of Orel, 26 May 2017
    On 26 May 2017 the Soviet district court of the city of Orel considered an order of the Investigation Division of the FSB Directorate of Russia for Orel province presenting before the court a petition for selecting a preventive measure in the form of incarceration under guard for a member of the Orel religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, a citizen of Denmark, D.O. Christensen, who is charged with committing a serious crime provided for by part 1 of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian federation (arranging the activity of an extremist organization).
    After considering the aforementioned order of the investigator and presented materials, the court made a decision to satisfy the order of the investigator and the selection for D.O. Christensen of a preventive measure in the form of detention in custody.
    The order has not taken legal effect and may be appealed by the parties within three days. (tr. by PDS, posted 26 May 2017)
    See also JW.ORG :
    Danish Jehovah’s Witness Arrested and Jailed in Russia After Police Raid a Christian Meeting
    NEW YORK—In the wake of the April 20, 2017, decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation against Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Danish citizen was arrested along with Russian citizens at a peaceful worship service disrupted by a police raid on the evening of May 25, 2017.
      Dennis Christensen
    At least 15 heavily armed police and Federal Security Service (FSB) officers raided a peaceful religious service of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the city of Oryol (also known as Orel), pictured above. The police collected copies of the identification documents of all in attendance and seized their electronic devices. The FSB also took into custody Dennis Christensen, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who is a Danish citizen. Shortly thereafter, police officers searched four homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses located throughout the city.
    After being detained overnight in FSB custody, today, the Soviet District Court of Oryol granted the application of the FSB and ordered Mr. Christensen to be jailed in pretrial detention pending completion of the FSB criminal investigation. Mr. Christensen is the first foreigner to be included in these official actions against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia since the Russia Supreme Court decision. If convicted, Mr. Christensen faces the possibility of a lengthy term of imprisonment.
    This raid is the latest of over 40 incidents of aggression against Jehovah’s Witnesses perpetrated by authorities and others after the Russian Supreme Court labelled them as extremists and liquidated the Witnesses’ Administrative Center in Russia along with 395 Local Religious Organizations they used throughout the country.
      Vandals burned a house used for religious services.
    Just hours after the Supreme Court issued its decision on April 20, a group of men in St. Petersburg vandalized the largest place of worship used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, even threatening the worshippers. Vandals have also targeted other places of worship and even homes of Witnesses in Kaliningrad, Moscow, Penza, Rostov, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, and Krasnoyarsk. In one incident, on May 24, 2017, in the town of Zheshart in the Komi Republic, a house where meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses used to be held was badly damaged in an arson attack. In addition to police raids and vandalism, individual Witnesses have been attacked, threatened at school and work, or lost their jobs.
    David A. Semonian, a spokesman at the Witnesses’ world headquarters, states: “Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are now even more concerned about our fellow worshippers in Russia. These disturbing events are clearly aftereffects of the Russian Supreme Court’s unjust decision against us. We have formally appealed this decision on May 19, 2017. This will give Russia another opportunity to end these unwarranted and unjustifiable actions against Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are also filing a complaint against the unjust imprisonment of our fellow worshipper, Dennis Christensen.”
    Media Contact:
    International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000
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  25. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in Review of a decision of the Supreme Court against the Jehovah's Witnesses is scheduled for July 17, 2017   
    Review of a decision of the Supreme Court against the Jehovah's Witnesses is scheduled for July 17, 2017
    June 1, 2017   Photo: Supreme Court of Russia. Moscow, Cook Street Trying to complete ban Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
      On 17 July 2017 a hearing on the appeal of the decision of the Supreme Court on April 20, 2017 on the liquidation of a religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia." The complaint was filed May 19, 2017 Administrative Center. In addition, a complaint was sent to all 395 of liquidated local religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses. The court's decision also affect the rights of individuals, so at least 400 appeals sent to the court on behalf of individuals.
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