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    bruceq got a reaction from shasse in 19th LIVE UPDATES TRANSCRIPT SUPREME COURT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES VS. RUSSIA   
    9:00 In front of the Supreme Court has never crowded. The queue began to line up since the morning. Many specially came from different cities of Russia. As the weather is cold in Moscow, most dressed in winter. From time to time someone brought coffee and cakes for standing in the queue. Police officers work professionally and smoothly, providing security for the process participants.

    10:05 Little wife said motion for the admission of fresh documents. He reports that in March-April 2017 law enforcement agencies throughout Russia, with reference to the ongoing process of invading the liturgical buildings need to stop them, interrogate believers rewrite of passport data. Prosecutors submitted caution about criminal liability for extremism in connection with the meetings for Bible study. The Ministry of Justice objected to the initiation. The court determines to attach.

    10:15 The representative of the Ministry of Justice is applying for admission of cases copies of CA Steering Committee decisions on the appointment of members of the MPO committees. According to the Ministry of Justice, those documents show the leading role of CAs. Representatives of the CA is left to judicial discretion. In their opinion it neotnosimye evidence. Lawyers point out that some of the documents dated 1998 and earlier (ie before the registration of the CA under the new law). Furthermore content references fully corresponds Charter UTs. Certificates issued in connection with the fact that changed the statute of MPO, so reference issued to confirm that the persons mentioned in them are still part of the MPO. The court determines to attach, with the exception of those related to the time before re-TC. 10:25 The Court proceeds to study the case materials. The first document - a claim the Ministry of Justice. The Court once again clarifies the representative of the Justice Ministry, on what basis the department asks eliminate all MPO with UC. It asks not whether the Ministry of Justice intends to clarify the claims. The Ministry of Justice did not intend to. the defendant's lawyers point out that listed in the suit property not owned by UC. 10:35 The Court examines the document "Foundations of Faith and the corresponding practices of Jehovah's Witnesses." Lawyers pay attention to the position of love for one's neighbor and tolerance (which is in direct contradiction to the concept of "extremism"). Also asked to read out the position in which it is said that Jehovah's Witnesses endeavor to give their children a good education. 10:40 CA Charter investigated. Court interested in the question of whether religious groups are part of the structure of MPO? How many unregistered groups? Lawyers explain that unregistered groups are included in the structure of the TC. The concept of "structure" in the "Law on Freedom of Conscience" is related to the separation of religion from the state. Religions exist, in accordance with its internal hierarchical institutional structure where the state does not penetrate. In this connection, the CA does not conduct legal documentation related to the activities of unregistered groups, and therefore can not provide the court with the official information. 10:47 Court declares the 10-minute service break.

    11:00 It continues to study the documents. Court lists various court decisions. When we study the decision of the Rostov Regional Court 2009 (Taganrog LRO), a representative Omelchenko defendant draws attention to the fact that this decision was made before the Plenum of the Supreme Court, which ruled that is extremism and what is not. For example, the Taganrog community, as well as publications of Jehovah's Witnesses that decision were recognized for "undermining the respect for other religions," "rejection of the use of blood for medical purposes ',' failure to fulfill their civic duty." Also, a number of publications have been recognized as extremist because has absolutely nothing to do with extremism. For example, the booklet "Jehovah's Witnesses. Who are they? What do they believe? "He has been recognized as an extremist for the mention of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses do not take up arms. We give other examples. 11:10 the defendant's representatives point out that this collection of judicial acts were passed without the involvement of the CA, therefore, they can not serve as evidence in a lawsuit. 11:15 Novakov representative points out that at least one decision of the court, although the Ministry of Justice has made it to the case was overturned by a higher court. 11:20 Inspection Report discusses TC Ministry of Justice. Lawyers pay attention to the unreliability of the Ministry of Justice output that hides information about the CA import literature. In fact, providing the Ministry of Justice for review, more than 70 000 pages of documents, CA rightly refused to provide the information that the Ministry of Justice had to ask the customs authorities in the framework of inter-agency cooperation. 11:30 The representative of the Ministry of Justice points out that, according to one of the documents, under the supervision of CAs are more than 2000 unregistered groups. Lawyers explain that we are talking about the inner spiritual structure.
    Court asks the representative of the Ministry of Justice, for what purpose they were attached to the case turnover balance sheets. The representative of the Ministry of Justice explained that the statements indicate that "funds, possibly used to finance extremist activities." Court asks from which it is clear that the money spent was on extremist activity, rather than the usual statutory objectives. The Ministry of Justice does not have accurate data. Ax representative notes that within the framework of the Ministry of Justice checks have been given all the targeted donation contracts CA, which provides a transcript of the goal of all financial transfers. Representative natural question: "Why is the Ministry of Justice did not submit these documents to the court?"
    11:40 Lawyer Omelchenko Representative of Ministry of Justice: "Can you specifically say what amount, when what was spent and on what specific kind of extremist activity?" At the Ministry of Justice there is no information. 11:45 Surveyed the documents showing that the prosecutor's office gathered information about this property believers. respondent interested representatives from the representative of Ministry of Justice, with a goal of collecting these data. Answer: to confiscate property if the court so decides. 11:50 Examined honor and gratitude issued by authorities CA and MPO for help in the improvement of the cities. The representative of the Ministry of Justice believes that Jehovah's Witnesses are doing it for the purpose of "missionary activity." Lawyer little wife, referring to the representative of the Ministry of Justice "Svetlana Konstantinovna, when it came to financing the MPO, you suspected extremist goals. When believers participate aid the city, you again assume some kind of trick. You can not so! " 11:55 Little wife pays attention to the state religious expertise the Ministry of Justice, based on the findings of which in 1999 was registered by the CA. The conclusions of this examination are today. Trying to review the conclusions of competent expertise in the hearing is not allowed. 12:00 The following volumes of business consists entirely of expert opinions, about 70, indicating the absence of extremism in the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many studies have been conducted in the expert institutions of the Ministry of Justice. For example, little wife, referring to the conclusions of state expert institution, quotes from the book "Mankind's Search for God" (included in FSEM). In the book it is written: "To study the different religions does not mean betraying their own faith. It can, on the contrary, strengthened when we see other people looking for the truth, and that it is enabled. Knowledge gives insight and understanding of - tolerance for people who have different views. " Experts have not found signs of extremism in the book, but rather the opposite. Nevertheless, the book is included in the list of extremist materials. 12:05 The Ministry of Justice considers that the examination carried out by lawyers' requests and, therefore, contain a private expert opinion. Omelchenko explains that this is not true: a large part of the examination was carried out on the request of the courts, law enforcement and customs authorities. 12:15 Investigated entered into force court decisions and sentences, indicating a lack of extremist publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. Believers were prosecuted and, in fact, held in the court of five years, and then have been justified. Now they again threatened sanctions if will be satisfied the claims of Justice. 12:17 The representative of Novak planted of extremist materials in the service of Jehovah's Witnesses building acquired epidemic proportions in Russia. Novakov describes the events of September 20, 2016 in Art-tse Nezlobnaya (Stavropol kr.), When law enforcement officers grinder carved doors, and put extremist materials right under camera surveillance. 12:19 Omelchenko: The Ministry of Justice has not taken action to expert advice on the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses conducted in the south of the country, did not differ from the findings of examinations conducted in the north. The Ministry of Justice did not take anything (as a party who participated in the affairs), to review the newly discovered circumstances come into force court decisions on the recognition of the Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist materials. 12:25 Examines the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Due to the fact that the ECHR gave a legal interpretation of believers refuse to accept blood transfusions, the court again develops a discussion about blood transfusions. The representative of the Ministry of Justice refers to the case when the child of Jehovah's Witnesses died after a terrible accident, and the case where the dead child born with multiple pathologies. The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice: Is there evidence of a causal link between the non-use of blood and death occurred. Lawyers reported to the court that keeps back the representative of the Ministry of Justice: in both cases in relation to parents' criminal cases, conducted an extensive examination to establish the absence of such a causal link. Parents acquitted for lack of evidence of a crime. 12:40 Examined the materials, testifying that the faithful appealed to the authorities to falsify the facts (throw up). 12:45 Court decisions on the recognition of extremist literature. It is evident that the CA has not been brought to the case (as well as representatives of the publishing house). the defendant's representatives say the double standards of government agencies. When it was necessary to recognize the extremist literature, the CA is not allowed to participate in the case, however, when the task is to eliminate the CA, he is accused of recognition of extremist literature. 13:00 The case file contains DVD-disk with video recordings tossed. Novakov representative says that the materials will help to understand whether the CA related to prohibited materials into the local liturgical buildings, or it have to do with the other person. Wheels help to see the reaction of the believers themselves - how they react angrily to the emergence of prohibited materials in the service buildings. 13:05 Court: by what time period includes a video? Novak Events in the village Nezlobnaya refer to September 2016. Only thanks to video police officers abandoned the criminal plan of action against the MPO. Novakov describes outrageous falsifications details caught in the camera lens in the other towns of Russia. 13:10 The Court asked the representatives of the defendant: if challenged in the prescribed manner all these facts. And, if so, whether the results are. the defendant's representatives confirmed that the challenged and continue to be appealed at court, but to no avail. Court turns to the study of other evidence, without watching the video. 13:20 Examined materials are 24 volumes of the case. In total, in the case of not less than 43 volumes. 13:25 The court read out a public statement entirely CA that CA has nothing to do with extremism. The statement was originally posted on the website jw-russia.org . The court finds out who is the owner of this site. Representatives of TC reported that the site belongs to a foreign "to the Watchtower." CA does not have a website, so the statement was posted on the website of another organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. 13:30 Several volumes consist of the following acts MPO review by the judicial authorities, but no violations of the law have been identified. Ministry of Justice, in turn, requests that the case file copies of various alerts and warnings made against the CA. 13:43 The court announces a break until 14:30.
  2. Upvote
    Yea that is funny. He is the Lawyer Zhenkov
    14:40 Continue the hearing. Fro 39, containing protocols MPO meetings in different cities. The minutes recorded in detail the events associated with the planted of extremist literature, as well as measures that have been taken against the emergence of extremist literature in the service buildings. 14:45 The Court draws attention to the fact that the form of minutes of meetings of different MPO resemble one another. Court interested in the question: is there any approved form for these protocols? In connection with what they look like? Omelchenko explains that there is no approved form. The reason for their similarity due to the fact that believers are closely communicate with each other. 14:50 The court again asks the defendant's representatives, whether they pretend to challenge judicial decisions, which formed the basis of the claim. The lawyer Lew makes it clear that this is not a review of these decisions. In this meeting, the court must assess these decisions, like any other evidence in the case, the degree of relevance.
  3. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Queen Esther in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    I agree with you and Jehovah can use even small things to praise him. Unfortunately I am unsure if they will even put it in since we have no authorized number but I did give them the brothers at Headquarters so if they want to they can try and obtain a number. Anyway have a nice evening and pray for our brothers in the morning trial. agape, Bruce
  4. Upvote
    Summary of day four of Jehovah's Witnesses trial
    Kavkazskii Uzel, 13 April 2017
    Eight witnesses questioned, examination of charters of local congregations, history of a believer's illness, search for answer to the question what believers do with extremist literature—this is the way a session of the Supreme Court in the case about the liquidation of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia turned out, which was conducted on 12 April.
    As Kavkazskii Uzel wrote, at the start of the session, lawyers for the believers declared that the Administrative Center informed local religious organizations about the entry of some publications into the list of extremist materials and created a commission to prevent their appearance. It also was reported that several believers from Taganrog (Rostov province) had received political asylum in Europe as their congregation was liquidated and the court sentenced them to fines and suspended prison terms.
    In the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Justice, the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses threatens the rights of citizens and public safety. Lawyers for the defendant called the attempt to ban their activity political repressions, although the court did not agree with this assessment. A lawyer for the Ministry of Justice said that after liquidation of the organization, law enforcement agencies will be able to initiate cases on the basis of article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the RF (arranging the activity of an extremist organization) providing for fines of from 300 to 800 thousand rubles and imprisonment of from two to 12 years. The Ministry of Justice also demanded the confiscation of the property of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    We learned about this story only in court
    One of the central topics of the 12 April session was a discussion of a decision earlier made by the court to add to the case evidence of "violations of the rights of citizens on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses." As attorney Viktor Zhenkov explained, the issue was a story of the illness of a minor patient, whose parents made the choice to use bloodless medicine.
    "The doctors diagnosed the child with a low hemoglobin level. The question was how to raise it. The doctors recommended to the parents a treatment of a blood transfusion, although the parents decided to use a drug that helps an organism to produce red blood cells. Whether blood was used or not is unknown. There was no operation and the child spent several days in the hospital. He is alive and healthy. We, the defense, learned about this story only in court," Zhenkov reported.
    The attorney thinks that the story of illness has nothing to do with the case about extremism. "Every patient has a choice of how to be treated," Zhenkov told a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    We note that in the course of consideration of the question, the attorney read excerpts out of an order of the Russian Ministry of Health pertaining to the dangers of transfusion of components of blood and also to the necessity of getting written agreement for conducting this procedure from the patient in advance. "There is no qualification in the order that representatives of some religions are allowed to exercise the right of informed consent and others are not allowed," Zhenkov quoted the official website of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The defense also expressed puzzlement because the justice ministry possessed a document containing medical confidence. Kavkazskii Uzel still has not obtained commentaries from lawyers for the ministry.
    In June 2010, the European Court for Human Rights, having reviewed the case of Religious Community of Jehovah's Witnesses versus the city of Moscow, and others against the "Russian Federation" came to the conclusion that refusal of blood transfusion cannot be compared with attempted suicide or murder. "If one understands the decision of the national courts as implying equality between refusal of a blood transfusion and suicide, then, in the opinion of the European court this analogy is not applicable, inasmuch as the situation in which a patient tries to hasten the onset of death by means of discontinuing treatment is different from situations in which patients, for example Jehovah's Witnesses, simply select a method of treatment while wanting to recover and not wanting to reject treatment in general," the decision of the European court says. In June 2013 the ECHR ordered the Russian government to pay 5,000 euros to the daughter of a female Jehovah's Witness from Nalchik, finding disclosure of information from her medical record to be a violation.
    Function of the Administrative Center is purely logistical
    A special place in the trial was occupied by clarification of the role that the Administrative Center plays in the activity of local religious congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. This question was studied in the context of the liquidation, by decisions of courts, of eight congregations, a Kavkazskii Uzel conrrespondent who was in attendance in the courtroom reported.
    Defense attorney Yury Toporov declared that the charters of regional organizations may differ. The Russian Administrative Center, at the request of fellow believers from the regions, provides recommendations, for example, what are the dimensions for building a house of worship. However the local religious organization agrees the construction project with local authorities.
    To the question of Judge Yury Ivanenko whether the head office had confirmed the charters of liquidated local religious organizations, Toporov answered that the founders of a new local religious organization may send a request for membership in the structure of the Administrative Center in order to speed up the procedure of registration. In that case, the Administrative Center examines the charter in order to be sure that the founders are Jehovah's Witnesses and that their goals coincide with the teachings of the religious organization.
    Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in the South Federal District and North Caucasus Federal District have frequently been fined for the use of literature that was later entered into the Federal List of Extremist Materials. And several local organizations have been liquidated, including those in Taganrog, Abinsk, Cherkessk, and Elista. Believers have reported increasing incidents of plants of printed materials ruled to be extremist in houses of worship and Russian rights advocates have noted that prosecutions have attained unprecedented proportions, according to information of "Jehovah's Witnesses—extremists or victims of lawlessness?" published in Kavkazskii Uzel.
    "Did the Administrative Center import literature that subsequently was ruled to be extremist?" the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses' website quoted the judge's question. The defendants described the function of the head office as "purely logistical": a foreign publisher amasses orders from individuals and then sends literature to the believers. As regards publications ruled to be extremist, Jehovah's Witnesses' attorneys said that the Administrative Center reports to local congregations about the entry of printed materials into the Federal List of Extremist Materials and asks them not to use them.
    "What is the fate of printed productions that have been ruled extremist? Is it taken away from believers by the center? Is it destroyed?" the judge asked. The attorneys declared that the Administrative Center cannot dictate to believers what to do with literature that is in their possession but it only calls attention to the provisions of the law.
    A justice ministry's attorney asked what measures had been undertaken by the Administrative Center for "preventing extremist activity." After attorneys' repeated information that had been voiced in previous sessions, Judge Ivanenko recalled that even in the event of an absence of such measures, these are not grounds for the liquidation of all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, Portal-Credo reported. "Is there extremism on the basis of carelessness or inaction?" the judge asked a lawyer for the plaintiff and he received a negative answer. [. . .]
    I destroyed [publications] that were entered into the list of extremist materials
    In the course of the session, attorneys for the defendant questioned their own witnesses: for this role, four believers with academic degrees were chosen. Most emotionally spoke Vilen Kantere, a doctor of technological sciences and member of the Russian Academy of Engineers, the International Academy of Engineers, the International Academy of Organic Products and Biotechnology and laureate of the State Prize.
    "After becoming a Jehovah's Witness 25 years ago, did you pursue extremist goals?" attorney Toporkov asked. "God help me! Of course not!" Kantere literally screamed. "Extremism is not compatible with my faith. After materials were entered into the Federal List of Extremist Materials, I destroyed them, although the question of the justice of entering publications into the Federal List of Extremist Materials I consider to be beyond the limits of this discussion," a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent quoted the witness for the defense.
    This speech was received by the believers present in the courtroom with enthusiasm: uneasy applause broke out. The judge looked at the bailiff sternly, who looked around the room attentively.
    In response to a question of the justice ministry's lawyer, Kantere explained that his religion does not prevent receiving higher education and he thinks that this question should be approached responsibly, the details of the hearings were reported on the website of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Regular inspections of the premises for services to find forbidden literature were described by Valentin Zavyalov, a professor of the Moscow Construction Engineering Institute and fellow of the department of theoretical mechanics and aerodynamics of the Moscow State Construction University. "The appearance of extremist materials at worship services is categorically ruled out," a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent quoted Zavyalov, who has been a Jehovah's Witness more than 20 years. Zavyalov clarified that the titles of literature that has been entered into the Federal List of Extremist Materials are hung on the wall of premises where worship services are conducted.
    "We are encouraged to reject forbidden literature and to get rid of it. But there are dishonest people and we always check whether extremist literature has been hidden behind a toilet, behind batteries, or under stairways," Interfax-Religiia quotes Zavyalov.
    "I am engaged in prevention of child abuse and the struggle with the distribution of extremist materials among youth. I can assure you that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is incompatible with extremism.  This teaching helped me to raise my own child, of whom I am very proud," a Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent quotes the answer to a question by the judge by Tatiana Kremneva, a doctor of pedagogy and professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.
    "In services do you not arouse hatred of other religions?" Judge Ivanenko asked. "No," the professor said, specifying that she deals with colleagues and students who do not share her convictions "positively, without hatred, disrespect, contempt, or discrimination," the website of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses quotes Kremneva.
    "Believers say that their convictions do not prevent them from being educated people, because science and religion do not conflict. Faith helps them treat all people with respect," defense attorney Viktor Zhenkov comments on the results of the examination of the witnesses.
    If harm was caused, why did they not appeal to law enforcement?
    The session on 12 April culminated in the examination of witnesses for the prosecution, which role was played by four persons who had left the ranks of the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The first statement by St. Petersburger Natalia Koretska evoked a notice by the judge of active use of a notebook with notes. In his turn, attorney Omelchenko thought that Koretska's words were taken from one of the anti-cult websites. "The strong similarity of wording with notes in the notebook—How do you explain this?" the defense attorney questioned Koretska. However the woman answered evasively. "The court makes the decision to acquaint itself with the witness' notes," the judge ruled, declaring that the familiarization will occur later, the Kavkazskii Uzel reported.
    Koretska also was not able to explain to the court how the former believer, from 1995 to 2009, could now know about "incidents of extremist activity" of recent years, the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses website reported.
    The essence of Koretska's statement came down to what she said was the existing "complete and total control of life by the Administrative Center." Responding to a request from the judge to cite instances of control, Koretska reported that an example was her expulsion from the congregations after she "began her close, but not officially registered, relations with a man," TASS reports.
    Plaintiff's witness Pavel Zverev declared that he suffered from the activity of the religious organization in that he was not able to receive higher education, from which he suffers "in my living." Judge Ivanenko pointed out that other Jehovah's Witnesses not only received higher education but also academic degrees, Interfax-Religiia reports. Zverev also said that while working as a volunteer chef in the Russian Administrative Center "there formed in him an attitude of hatred toward Orthodoxy and the clergy."
    "We see that the witnesses give evidence in accordance with written materials, repeating the conclusions of so-called sect-scholarship literature. Some of them figure in open sources as activists of the movement that fights against Jehovah's Witnesses, TASS quotes defense attorneys. However Zverev denied that he is a member of anti-cult organizations, despite the assertion of the attorneys about the presence in open access of his photo with famous representatives of the "sect-scholars," the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses' website reports.
    "Witness, if you really were caused harm, did you turn to law enforcement agencies?" the judge asked. Zverev's answer was negative. Laughter broke out in the courtroom. The judge again looked at the bailiff sternly, and he—at the hall. The laughter ended, the Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent describes that episode.
    A former Jehovah's Witness, from 1983 to 2009, Volgograder Nina Petrova, declared that she did not marry since they persuaded her that she "does not need" a family, and when she "understood that this was a deception, it was too late." During the testimony, several of those present in the courtroom quietly discussed that the activity of the religious organization is not directly connected with making a family.
    The publications of Jehovah's Witnesses consistently criticize the teaching of obligatory singlehood (celibacy). "Although the Bible speaks highly of marriage, it certainly does not condemn singlehood, if it is undertaken voluntarily. Honest marriage is a blessing from God. Compulsory celibacy harms spirituality," the periodical publication Awake, for 8 June 1998, states in particular.
    Petrova considered that an example of extremist activity was that believers "expel from their ranks those who commit sins." The judge asked the justice ministry's lawyer just which arguments presented in the lawsuit confirm these testimonies. "A possible threat to an undefined circle of persons," the answer sounded. To the judge's question whether Petrova saw that believers distributed extremist literature, she responded negatively, Portal-Credo reported.
    In the ninth hour of the session, testimony was given by Viktor Koretsky, who ceased to be a Jehovah's Witness in 2009. The lawyer of the Ministry of Justice posed the question of what Koretsky knew about the attitude of former fellow believers toward higher education and state symbols. "These points are not indicated in the grounds of the lawsuit. Why explain this for us?" the judge addressed the lawyer of the plaintiff. "The question is withdrawn," the Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent quotes the reaction of the employee of the ministry.
    After that the judge declared a recess until 10:00 on 19 April.
    If there is an order, testimonies may be whatever is beneficial
    Believers who assembled after the session, not far from the Supreme Court building, were satisfied with the day's results.
    "Representatives of the plaintiff's side compromised themselves, especially the lady who read from notes," one of the believers told the Kavkazskii Uzel correspondent.
    Another Jehovah's Witness was less optimistic. "Despite the ridiculous statements of prosecution witnesses, the trial may not end in favor of believers. If initially there was an order to the court, then the testimony can be as ridiculous as you want," the speaker noted.
    "At the base of the decision to ban religious literature lies the "exceptionality" of Jehovah's Witnesses. But then it is logical to ban all world religious, which are based on the very same thing," trial attendee Maria shared.
    Conviction of the exceptional nature of beliefs is inherent to many religious movements, personnel of rights advocacy organizations and religious studies scholars surveyed by Kavkazskii Uzel declared earlier. They doubt the rationality of the lawsuit being considered by the Russian Supreme Court. (tr. by PDS, posted 15 April 2017)
  5. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    As they have stated themselves recently.
    In discussing the functioning of the Governing Body, the February 2017 study issue WT says::
    "And each member of that body views himself, not as the leader of his fellow brothers, but as one of the “domestics,” fed by the faithful slave and subject to its oversight." P29 para 11.
  6. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from admin in U.S. says Russia's Jehovah's Witnesses ban is latest sign Moscow views independent religions as a threat - Newsweek   
    U.S. says Russia's Jehovah's Witnesses ban is latest sign Moscow views independent religions as a threat The Russian justice ministry’s call for the country’s Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters to be shut down represents an attempt to “eliminate the legal existence” of the religion, said the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The USCIRF is a bipartisan federal commission, with commissioners appointed by the president, the Senate and the House.
    The justice ministry suspended the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters in St. Petersburg last month, alleging that its activities “violate Russia’s law on combating extremism.” The Russian branch of the U.S.-based religion said a ban on its headquarters would directly affect around 400 local branches in the country and all 2277 of its religious groups, with their 175,000 followers.
    Russia’s Supreme Court is set to rule on the matter Wednesday. The USCIRF said that if the court sides with the justice ministry it would constitute the first time Russia has banned an organized religious organization.
    “The Russian government’s latest actions appear designed to eliminate the legal existence of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia,” Thomas J. Reese, S.J., chair of the USCIRF, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said in a statement released Monday.
    “If the Supreme Court rules in April that this group is ‘extremist’ it would mark the first time that Russia legally has banned a centrally-administered religious organization and would effectively criminalize all Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activity nationwide. USCIRF calls on the Russian government to stop its harassment of this peaceful religious group.”
    The statement from the group added: “The treatment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses reflects the Russian government’s tendency to view all independent religious activity as a threat to its control and the country’s political stability.”
    The Russian branch of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has vehemently denied the Kremlin's charges, stating that “extremism is profoundly alien to the Bible-based beliefs and morality” of members of the faith. It warned of the far-ranging impact in the country for religious liberty.
    Russia’s dominant religion is Russian Orthodox Christianity, which comprises about 72 percent of the population, up from just 31 percent in 1991, according to analysis from the Pew Research Center.“Millions of believers around the world consider the action of the Ministry of a big mistake,” the group said. “If the claim is satisfied, it would entail catastrophic consequences for the freedom of religion in Russia.”   http://www.newsweek.com/russia-jehovahs-witnesses-ban-religion-579045
  7. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    We could spend a great deal of time speculating on scenarios on how we will (if we are there) survive the GT as you term it and what role the FDS will play in leading us during that time. And yet you have highlighted the most important aspect already in saying "if we ARE loyal, and approved by Jehovah..."
    In the light of Habbakuk's words at Hab.3:16-17, we need to be prepared for any eventuality during the "great tribulation" that will exceed all others in history. In the 1984 NWT, the rendering of verse 17, in connection with the "day of distress" (v16), contained the phrase "[the] flock may actually be severed from [the] pen.." What does that suggest as a possibility? And yet the WT 15/7/1977 stated in commenting on that verse "And never allow your vision to become dim as regards angelic backing of those holding to their dedication to Jehovah".
    Habbakuk goes on to exemplify what our resolve should be in verse 18: "Yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation" and indicates Jehovah's response in v19: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah is my strength; He will make my feet like those of a deer and cause me to tread on high places."

    I agree with your statement that we now need to maintain our loyalty, along with Jehovah's approval. And the FDS has had no meagre role in assisting and encouraging us to do this successfully so far. So there is no need to fear that this will cease, or that somehow, the loyalty and approval by Jehovah that we now experience (if genuine) should some how wear off if we find ourselves seemingly "severed from the pen". This regardless of where the anointed are located say, during the time of Gog's attack. 
    And neither is there any doubt that Jehovah can and will provide the means for His people to escape at that time, because "Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial" 2Pet.2:9.
  8. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Nicely said Queen Esther. It is possible that a another world war or even a limited nuclear exchange by a "crazy kid" [I think you know who I mean] may trigger the nations to want to strengthen the United Nations and declare "peace and security". How fitting and timely it is that the worldwide talk tomorrow is on the subject "How to Cultivate Peace in an Angry World".
    Somehow I do not believe that the events in Russia with Jehovah's Witnesses, and Syria and Afghanistan and the South China Sea and now North Korea all happening at the same time are all just a coincidence. Someone once said "there is no such thing as a coincidence" {Leroy Jethrow Gibbs NCIS}
    Footnote: The talk outline for the talk tomorrow was written about a year ago scheduled to be given tomorrow at the same time as all of these things are happening! Interesting.
  9. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Jehovah and Jesus use imperfect humans to lead us. We need to obey and be fully "devoted" to them as the Israelites were to Moses. Not critical or undevoted as Korah and his rebels were. The Christians had to obey certain "instuctions" to survive the Great Tribulation in the first century. If anyone has any doubt that  we should be "devoted" to imperfect men then just read the Bible : " 42  And they continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles" Acts 2 :42. 
  10. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    What is important is that people right now that I am speaking with in the field are scared to death about things happening this past week. So now is a good time to "comfort them from the Scriptures".
  11. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Lula in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Nicely said Queen Esther. It is possible that a another world war or even a limited nuclear exchange by a "crazy kid" [I think you know who I mean] may trigger the nations to want to strengthen the United Nations and declare "peace and security". How fitting and timely it is that the worldwide talk tomorrow is on the subject "How to Cultivate Peace in an Angry World".
    Somehow I do not believe that the events in Russia with Jehovah's Witnesses, and Syria and Afghanistan and the South China Sea and now North Korea all happening at the same time are all just a coincidence. Someone once said "there is no such thing as a coincidence" {Leroy Jethrow Gibbs NCIS}
    Footnote: The talk outline for the talk tomorrow was written about a year ago scheduled to be given tomorrow at the same time as all of these things are happening! Interesting.
  12. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Yeah...Let's go Russian Ministry of Justice on 'em all!!!
    (No offence to fair-minded people within the Russian Federation intended)
  13. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to The Librarian in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Maybe we should ban Instagram, FB and Twitter as well? 
  14. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    I think the best criteria is mentioned in Zeph. 2:3 :"2  Before the decree takes effect,Before the day passes by like chaff,Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,+Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you, 3  Seek Jehovah,+ all you meek ones* of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees.*Seek righteousness, seek meekness.*Probably* you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.+
    Even if we are not with one another and we are alone we must be faithful and loyal to Jehovah. As to uncertainties I really like Bro. Jacksons talk at the annual meeting "Expect the Unexpected".
  15. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    "Insider" said :"That's very true. What would make us idolators is if we devoted ourselves to imperfect men. We would be idolators if we devoted ourselves to the apostles. We would be idolators if we devoted ourselves to the Governing Body". 
    I do not agree with you but I do agree with Jehovah's Witnesses.
    I am "devoted" to my wife that does not make me an idolater Acts 2:42..
  16. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Anna in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    I think the best criteria is mentioned in Zeph. 2:3 :"2  Before the decree takes effect,Before the day passes by like chaff,Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,+Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you, 3  Seek Jehovah,+ all you meek ones* of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees.*Seek righteousness, seek meekness.*Probably* you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.+
    Even if we are not with one another and we are alone we must be faithful and loyal to Jehovah. As to uncertainties I really like Bro. Jacksons talk at the annual meeting "Expect the Unexpected".
  17. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Susan Gandara in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Translated from Russian so please excuse any inaccuracies 
    Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written ?! What is this marvelous news, which is almost entirely ignored by the media, especially in Russia, but considered representatives of the Guinness Book of Records? Most recently, the post offices in many countries ended international brands. In Facebook, Instagram and other social networks continues to grow the number of photos with people, writing letters to Russia.  Guinness workers watch to see letter-writing campaign can this be included in the Book of Records.  The current record holder for writing letters  The current record for a letter-writing marathon organization "Amnesty International": write letters in defense of human rights. The campaign has been written in general, more than one million letters, through which dozens of people were released.  What is this new story - by writing letters in Russian ? At a time when everyone is busy controversy about the extent to which Russia could intervene in the recent US elections, Russia quietly, significantly limited and restricts the freedom of one particular group of its citizens.  Perhaps you read and say, "Well, it - Russia, in the end; Is not she always restricts the rights of its citizens? ". Not really.  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia became a democratic society with the Constitution, described  even more clearly and specifically than freedom of religion guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.  Despite this assurance, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation petitioned the Supreme Court to recognize Jehovah's Witnesses (Jehovah's Witnesses) extremists on a par with an organization such as LIH. If the claim is satisfied, then for more than 175,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the country illegally will meet to worship, to discuss the Bible with others or even just to read the Bible in their own homes. Hearing on the case was scheduled for April 5, 2017, hearings were held and now the court will continue April 12, 2017. Interesting statistics © Google Trends All these actions of the Russian authorities have led to the fact that the dynamics of the popularity of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet has increased a record compared to other religious denominations.  As they say, are now Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet in the trend, as ever! :-) Top of the Pops in the Google Trends has received their official website, which is locked in a single country in the world - Russia. Witnesses decided to take the pens and pencils In response to the injustice all 8,000,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses from all over the world have decided to write a letter in defense of their Russian fellow six key officials in Moscow, including the president - Vladimir Putin.  Sending six letters by mail to Moscow from the United States costs about $ 8. The total cost of postage, according to one researcher, based only on the US level, amounted to more than $ 55 million. In some other countries it cost the family a large part of their monthly income. But these costs do not stop Jehovah's Witnesses to write so many letters in support of their co-religionists.  H as the basis of reports from sots.setey, "Jehovah's Witnesses",  their children , friends and business partners took up this matter with great desire.  Surprisingly, if each of the 8,000,000 people to send six letters, Facebook mathematician calculated that Moscow post office can get a stack of mail in height or length of over 30 kilometers!  And Russian Post has celebrated the new record of international mail. This campaign of letter-writing, which was organized by Jehovah's Witnesses, in some countries went so quickly and orderly, that simply amazed. Here is one example: Foreign media about the trial witnesses and letter-writing campaign In addition, many foreign media spread the news about the forthcoming decision of the court, and the campaign of writing letters against the RF Ministry of Justice action against Jehovah's Witnesses  (in English / in English) : The article on the Australian site   the R ealnewsone  begins with the incredible, but absolutely accurate entry : "The Russian government has decided to defy Jehovah God." Rochester, NY (Rochester, NY): Jehovah's Witnesses in favor of freedom in Russia. Of Missouri You will's University then Religion News the Service (University of Missouri, news service): Jehovah's Witnesses are afraid that the Russian authorities may prohibit them Philippines of The (Philippines): Witnesses problem - we join in the appeal against the Russian threat to ban them Leone sierra ( Sierra Leone): "Jehovah's Witnesses" - Mobilizing the global response to the threat of a ban in Russia. The Network's Mission Michigan You will News : Religious freedom and the Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Spokane, Washington You : Jehovah's Witnesses protest against the label And Tobago trinidad : Russia: Witnesses terrorist group World television channel the BBC , on its front page, post articles and videos , as law enforcement throw Witnesses prohibited materials with explanatory interview with a representative of Jehovah's Witnesses, Jaroslav Sivulskii (in English / in English). Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia and the websites of other countries  also reprinted a press release on the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Although the titles of the pro-Russian news sources, you can see several different outlook. But, in fact, the English-language news read as Russian: Had enough, enough, unjustly, that Jehovah's Witnesses are facing a ban! The Helsinki Commission , which consists of US senators and congressmen condemned the Russian lawyers filed a lawsuit. The UN also called on Russia to stop the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. While a sense of world politicians are not appreciated, millions of Jehovah's Witnesses letters - peaceful, law-abiding citizens who  just  want  that  all  people  have  the freedom  of religion -  strewed all over the world and are perhaps even more chances to persuade the Russian government to stop the persecution than a few American politicians.  If your local news outlet covered this story, please feel free to send them the link to this article.  Jehovah's Witnesses in the Book of Records  Guinness The future will show whether the representatives of the Guinness Book record a new world record for the number of letters written. Jehovah's Witnesses have at times fall into the Guinness World Records  - the number of languages into which translations of their literature magazine  The Watchtower,  which was there , even witnesses were in this book because of the refusal of transfusion of foreign blood .  Although Jehovah's Witnesses are not fundamentally, will they in the  Guinness Book of Records for the number of written messages or not, because their main task is quite different - the commandment that instructed them to their Lord Christ, in particular, in Matthew 7: 12; Matthew 22: 35-40; 28: 18-20; John 13: 34-35 ...
    Подробнее тут: http://www.fakt777.ru/
  18. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Bible Speaks in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    L?K here? 
  19. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Fine with me just the unverified issue of the news item.from others not on this forum as noted above. I am glad there are others posting it however. And I am happy you did.
  20. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from JW Insider in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    I think the best criteria is mentioned in Zeph. 2:3 :"2  Before the decree takes effect,Before the day passes by like chaff,Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,+Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you, 3  Seek Jehovah,+ all you meek ones* of the earth,Who observe his righteous decrees.*Seek righteousness, seek meekness.*Probably* you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.+
    Even if we are not with one another and we are alone we must be faithful and loyal to Jehovah. As to uncertainties I really like Bro. Jacksons talk at the annual meeting "Expect the Unexpected".
  21. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Anna in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Well, I wouldn't even worry about it then. Who cares what they think, really?
  22. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Queen Esther in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Take all more patience.... I trust in what Jehovah will doing soon !  
    All words around that are in vain.....  It takes time,  Jehovah's time✔️ HE will make it alone, we don't know HIS plan ! I learned to have patience and keep on the watch, daily ! 
    Thats my opinion. Have a nice day to all !  
  23. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to www.trionis.de in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Prediger 3: es gibt für alles eine zeit.......auch zum warten, ob es stimmt.
  24. Upvote
    bruceq reacted to Evacuated in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Just a P.S. really.
    Ambiguity and misunderstanding can arise when using the word "devote". It has a range of meanings today that may obscure understanding the word as it is used in the NWT to translate original language expressions in mostly the Hebrew and to a lesser extent the Greek Scriptures.
    Exodus 20:5 is relevant in this context; also 1Tim 4:8. As is the Miriam Webster definition:
    Definition of devotion
    1a :  religious fervor :  piety
    1b :  an act of prayer or private worship —usually used in plural during his morning devotions c :  a religious exercise or practice other than the regular corporate (see corporate 2) worship of a congregation
    2a :  the act of dedicating something to a cause, enterprise, or activity :  the act of devoting; the devotion of a great deal of time and energy
    2b :  the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal "her devotion to the cause";  filial devotion
    3 (obsolete) :  the object of one's devotion
    Probably another thread required to take this further.
  25. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from JW Insider in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    What is important is that people right now that I am speaking with in the field are scared to death about things happening this past week. So now is a good time to "comfort them from the Scriptures".
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