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  1. Upvote
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 12 April 2017
    The Supreme Court of the RF, as already noted earlier, granted on 12 April the petition of the Ministry of Justice for examining four witnesses for the plaintiff in the case for the  liquidation and recognition as "extremist" of all 396 religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Acting as witnesses for the plaintiff were persons who in the past professed the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses but who subsequently left it, a Portal-Credo.Ru correspondent reports.
    Speaking as the first witness for the side of the Ministry of Justice was Natalia Koretskaia, who left the JW religion many years ago. She was not able to explain to the court how in this case she could know about "incidents of extremist activity of the Jehovah's Witnesses" in recent years.
    Questioning the witness Koretskaia, the judge called attention to the fact that she was using personal notes in giving testimony. An attorney for the defendant asked her how she could explain the similarity of wording from her notes "to texts from the website of a well known anti-sectarian center." The judge made the decision to acquaint himself with Koretskaia's notes later.
    Questioning a witness for the Ministry of Justice, Pavel Zverev, the judge posed to him the question: "If you were harmed, did you turn to competent agencies with regard to this matter?" The witness answered that he did not. Zverev told the judge that under the influence of JW literature he "personally experienced hatred toward clergy of the Orthodox religion." To the question whether he is a member of anti-cultic organizations, Zverev answered that he was not, although had met and been photographed with the most famous "sect scholar."
    After the examination of Zverev, the judge invited justice ministry witness Petrova, who also in the past had been a member of a JW religious organization. Petrova told the court that in 1983, after becoming a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, she quit her job, which was "connected with the propaganda of military heroism," since this is not consistent with the JW teaching. In 2009 she left the JW religion. As an example of the extremist activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses the witness cited the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses supposedly "exclude from their ranks those who commit sins." After the examination of Petrova, the judge asked the lawyer for the Ministry of Justice just what arguments of the justice ministry's lawsuit were confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The response again spoke about a hypothetical "possible threat to an indefinite circle of persons." To the judge's question whether the witness Petrova had seen anybody distribute extremist literature, the witness answered that she had not.
    At 18:30 the judge summoned the last witness for the justice ministry, V.V. Koretsky. Koretsky left the Jehovah's Witnesses in 2009.
    To the judge's question whether his knowledge about Jehovah's Witnesses was limited to the year 2009, the witness answered "yes." A lawyer for the Ministry of Justice asked the witness to explain what he knows about the attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses to higher education and to state symbols. The judge posed to the justice ministry's lawyer a counter question: "If you have not indicated these points in the grounds of the lawsuit, why do we need to clarify this?" The justice ministry's lawyer answered that "the question is withdrawn." To the judge's question of whether Koretsky is interested in the outcome of the case, he answered briefly: "yes."
    After hearing the witnesses from the Ministry of Justice, the judge declared a recess until 10:00, 19 April 2017. (tr. by PDS, posted 12 April 2017)
  2. Upvote
    Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo.
    18:30 In 2009 Koretsky left the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge asked whether the 2009 limited his knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witness: Yes. The Ministry of Justice asked the witness to explain what he knows about Jehovah's Witnesses to higher education, to the state symbols. The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice: "If you do not specify the points in the grounds of the claim, why do we find out?" The representative of the Ministry of Justice, "the question is removed." On the question of the court, whether Koretsky is interested in the outcome of the case, he answers briefly: "Yes."
    The court announces a break until April 19, 2017 10:00.
    Case to proceed on April 19th after the memorial special talk on April 16th ENTITLED "HOW TO CULTIVATE PEACE IN AN ANGRY WORLD" WOW. THANK YOU JEHOVAH FOR A GREAT WITNESS TO THE WORLD.
  3. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from admin in NEXT HEARING APRIL 19 TH 10 AM SUPREME COURT RUSSIA VS. JW   
    he court announces a break until April 19, 2017 10:00.
    Case to proceed on April 19th after the memorial special talk on April 16th ENTITLED "HOW TO CULTIVATE PEACE IN AN ANGRY WORLD" WOW. THANK YOU JEHOVAH FOR A GREAT WITNESS TO THE WORLD.
  4. Upvote
    Portal-Credo.Ru, 12 April 2017
    The Supreme Court of the RF, as already noted earlier, granted on 12 April the petition of the Ministry of Justice for examining four witnesses for the plaintiff in the case for the  liquidation and recognition as "extremist" of all 396 religious organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Acting as witnesses for the plaintiff were persons who in the past professed the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses but who subsequently left it, a Portal-Credo.Ru correspondent reports.
    Speaking as the first witness for the side of the Ministry of Justice was Natalia Koretskaia, who left the JW religion many years ago. She was not able to explain to the court how in this case she could know about "incidents of extremist activity of the Jehovah's Witnesses" in recent years.
    Questioning the witness Koretskaia, the judge called attention to the fact that she was using personal notes in giving testimony. An attorney for the defendant asked her how she could explain the similarity of wording from her notes "to texts from the website of a well known anti-sectarian center." The judge made the decision to acquaint himself with Koretskaia's notes later.
    Questioning a witness for the Ministry of Justice, Pavel Zverev, the judge posed to him the question: "If you were harmed, did you turn to competent agencies with regard to this matter?" The witness answered that he did not. Zverev told the judge that under the influence of JW literature he "personally experienced hatred toward clergy of the Orthodox religion." To the question whether he is a member of anti-cultic organizations, Zverev answered that he was not, although had met and been photographed with the most famous "sect scholar."
    After the examination of Zverev, the judge invited justice ministry witness Petrova, who also in the past had been a member of a JW religious organization. Petrova told the court that in 1983, after becoming a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, she quit her job, which was "connected with the propaganda of military heroism," since this is not consistent with the JW teaching. In 2009 she left the JW religion. As an example of the extremist activity of the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses the witness cited the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses supposedly "exclude from their ranks those who commit sins." After the examination of Petrova, the judge asked the lawyer for the Ministry of Justice just what arguments of the justice ministry's lawsuit were confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The response again spoke about a hypothetical "possible threat to an indefinite circle of persons." To the judge's question whether the witness Petrova had seen anybody distribute extremist literature, the witness answered that she had not.
    At 18:30 the judge summoned the last witness for the justice ministry, V.V. Koretsky. Koretsky left the Jehovah's Witnesses in 2009.
    To the judge's question whether his knowledge about Jehovah's Witnesses was limited to the year 2009, the witness answered "yes." A lawyer for the Ministry of Justice asked the witness to explain what he knows about the attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses to higher education and to state symbols. The judge posed to the justice ministry's lawyer a counter question: "If you have not indicated these points in the grounds of the lawsuit, why do we need to clarify this?" The justice ministry's lawyer answered that "the question is withdrawn." To the judge's question of whether Koretsky is interested in the outcome of the case, he answered briefly: "yes."
    After hearing the witnesses from the Ministry of Justice, the judge declared a recess until 10:00, 19 April 2017. (tr. by PDS, posted 12 April 2017)
  5. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from David Normand in "WHAT WE OWE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" - RUSSIANS AND EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS   
    What We Owe Jehovah’s Witnesses
    1/27/2011 • AMERICAN HISTORY
    Jehovah’s Witnesses were unlikely champions of religious freedom.
    One of the most momentous cases on the Supreme Court docket as war raged globally in 1943 was about a single sentence said aloud by schoolchildren every day. They stood, held their right hands over their hearts or in a raised-arm salute and began, “I pledge allegiance to the flag…” To most Americans the pledge was a solemn affirmation of national unity, especially at a time when millions of U.S. troops were fighting overseas. But the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a religious sect renowned for descending en masse on small towns or city neighborhoods and calling on members of other faiths to “awake” and escape the snare of the devil and his minions, felt otherwise. They insisted that pledging allegiance to the flag was a form of idolatry akin to the worship of graven images prohibited by the Bible. In West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, Walter Barnett (whose surname was misspelled by a court clerk) argued that the constitutional rights of his daughters Marie, 8, and Gathie, 9, were violated when they were expelled from Slip Hill Grade School near Charleston, W.Va., for refusing to recite the pledge.
          In a landmark decision written by Justice Robert Jackson and announced on Flag Day, June 14, the Supreme Court sided with the Witnesses. “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous instead of a compulsory routine is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds,” Jackson said. “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”
    Jehovah’s Witnesses were unlikely champions of religious freedom. The sect’s leaders denounced all other religions and all secular governments as tools of the devil, and preached the imminence of the Apocalypse, during which no one except Jehovah’s Witnesses would be spared. But their persistence in fighting in the courts for their beliefs had a dramatic impact on constitutional law. Barnette is just one of several major Supreme Court decisions involving freedom of religion, speech, assembly and conscience that arose from clashes between Jehovah’s Witnesses and government authorities. The Witnesses insisted that God’s law demanded they refrain from all pledges of allegiance to earthly governments. They tested the nation’s tolerance of controversial beliefs and led to an increasing recognition that a willingness to embrace religious diversity is what distinguishes America from tyrannical regimes.
    The Witness sect was founded in the 1870s, and caused a stir when the founder, Charles Taze Russell, a haberdasher in Pittsburgh, predicted the world would come to an end in 1914. Russell died in 1916; he was succeeded by his lawyer Joseph Franklin Rutherford, who shrewdly emphasized that the Apocalypse was near, but not so near that Witnesses didn’t have time to convert new followers, which they were required to do lest they miss out on salvation. This “blood guilt” propelled in-your-face proselytizing by Witnesses in various communities on street corners and in door-to-door visits. Soon the sect developed a reputation for exhibiting “astonishing powers of annoyance,” as one legal commentator put it.
    Rutherford ruled the Witnesses with an iron fist. He routinely encouraged public displays of contempt for “Satan’s world,” which included all other religions and all secular governments. At the time, the number of Witnesses in the U.S.—roughly 40,000—was so small that many Americans could ignore them. But in Nazi Germany, no group was too small to escape the eye of new chancellor Adolf Hitler, who banned the Witnesses after they refused to show their fealty to him with the mandatory “Heil Hitler” raised-arm salute. (Many Witnesses would later perish in his death camps.) In response, Rutherford praised the German Witnesses and advised all of his followers to refuse to participate in any oaths of allegiance that violated (in his view) the Second Commandment: “Thou shall have no Gods before me.”
    With conflict looming around the world in the 1930s, many states enacted flag salute requirements, especially in schools. The steadfast refusal of Witnesses to pledge, combined with their refusal to serve in the military or to support America’s war effort in any way, triggered public anger. Witnesses soon became a ubiquitous presence in courtrooms across the country.
    The relationship between Witnesses and the courts was complicated, in part because of the open disdain Rutherford and his followers displayed toward all forms of government and organized religion. Rutherford instructed Witnesses not to vote, serve on juries or participate in other civic duties. He even claimed Social Security numbers were the “mark of the beast” foretold in Revelations. The Catholic Church, said Rutherford, was a “racket,” and Protestants and Jews were “great simpletons,” taken in by the Catholic hierarchy to “carry on her commercial, religious traffic and increase her revenues.” Complaints about unwelcome public proselytizing by Witnesses led to frequent run-ins with state and local authorities and hundreds of appearances in lower courts. Every day in court for Rutherford and the Witnesses’ chief attorney, Hayden Covington, was an opportunity to preach the true meaning of law to the judges and to confront the satanic government.
    In late 1935, Witness Walter Gobitas’ two children—Lillian, 12, and Billy, 10—were expelled from school in Minersville, Pa., because they balked at the mandatory recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, and a long court battle ensued. When Gobitis v. Minersville School District (as with Barnette, a court clerk misspelled the family surname) made its way to the Supreme Court in the spring of 1940, Rutherford and Covington framed their argument in religious terms, claiming that any statute contrary to God’s law as given to Moses must be void. The Court rejected the Witnesses’ claim, holding that the secular interests of the school district in fostering patriotism were paramount. In the majority opinion, written during the same month that France fell to the Nazis, Felix Frankfurter wrote: “National unity is the basis of national security.” The plaintiffs, said Frankfurter, were free to “fight out the wise use of legislative authority in the forum of public opinion and before legislative assemblies.”
    In a strongly worded dissent, Justice Harlan Stone argued that “constitutional guarantees or personal liberty are not always absolutes…but it is a long step, and one which I am unwilling to take, that government may, as a supposed educational measure…compel public affirmations which violate their public conscience.” Further, said Stone, the prospect of help for this “small and helpless minority” by the political process was so remote that Frankfurter had effectively “surrendered…the liberty of small minorities to the popular will.”
    Public reaction to Gobitis bordered on hysteria, colored by the hotly debated prospect of American participation in the war in Europe. Some vigilantes interpreted the Supreme Court’s decision as a signal that Jehovah’s Witnesses were traitors who might be linked to a network of Nazi spies and saboteurs. In Imperial, a town outside Pittsburgh, a mob descended on a small group of Witnesses and pummeled them mercilessly. One Witness was beaten unconscious, and those who fled were cornered by ax- and knife-wielding men riding the town’s fire truck as someone yelled, “Get the ropes! Bring the flag!” In Kennebunk, Maine, the Witnesses’ gathering place, Kingdom Hall, was ransacked and torched, and days of rioting ensued. In Litchfield, Ill., an angry crowd spread an American flag on the hood of a car and watched while a man repeatedly smashed the head of a Witness upon it. In Rockville, Md., Witnesses were assaulted across the street from the police station, while officers stood and watched. By the end of the year, the American Civil Liberties Union estimated that 1,500 Witnesses had been assaulted in 335 separate attacks.
    The reversal of Gobitis in Barnette just three years later was remarkably swift considering the typical pace of deliberations in the Supreme Court. In the wake of all the violence against Witnesses, three Supreme Court justices—William O. Douglas, Frank Murphy and Hugo Black—publicly signaled in a separate case that they thought Gobitis had been “wrongly decided.” When Barnette reached the Supreme Court in 1943, Harlan Stone, the lone dissenter in Gobitis, had risen to chief justice. The facts of the two cases mirrored each other, but the outcome differed dramatically. Most important, in ruling that Witness children could not be forced to recite the pledge, the new majority rejected the notion that legislatures, rather than the courts, were the proper place to address questions involving religious liberty. The “very purpose” of the Bill of Rights, wrote Justice Robert Jackson, was to protect some issues from the majority rule of politics. “One’s right to life, liberty and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, may not be submitted to vote….Fundamental rights depend on the outcome of no elections.” Jackson’s opinion was laced with condemnation of enforced patriotism and oblique hints at the slaughter taking place in Hitler’s Europe. “Those who begin in coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters,” Jackson wrote. “Compulsory unification of opinions achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard.” Religious dissenters, when seen from this perspective, are like the canary in the coal mine: When they begin to suffer and die, everyone should be worried that the atmosphere has been polluted by tyranny.
    Today, the Witnesses still proselytize, but their right to do so is well established thanks to their long legal campaign. Over time they became less confrontational and blended into the fabric of American life.
    In the wake of the Barnette decision, the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance continued to occupy a key (yet ambiguous) place in American politics and law. The original pledge was a secular oath, with no reference to any power greater than the United States of America. The phrase “under God” was added by an act of Congress and signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. Eisenhower, who had grown up in a Jehovah’s Witness household but later became a Presbyterian, alluded to the growing threat posed by Communists in the Soviet Union and China when he signed the bill: “In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resources in peace and war.”
    Eisenhower’s political instincts for the ways that religion functioned in American life were finely honed: Support for the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance was strong, including an overwhelming majority of Catholics and Protestants as well as a majority of Jews. According to a Gallup survey, the only group that truly opposed the change was the smattering of atheists. In a country locked in battle with godless communism, a spiritual weapon such as an amended pledge that was not denominationally specific made sense. Only after the intervening half-century and more does the “Judeo-Christian” God invoked in the pledge seem less than broadly inclusive.
    Sarah Barringer Gordon is the author of The Spirit of the Law: Religious Voices and the Constitution in Modern America.
  6. Downvote
    14:30 The representative of the Ministry of Justice continues to ask questions to representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses. What measures are being taken to prevent the CA extremist activities after the issuance of the Prosecutor General's warning March 2, 2016. Lawyers list. The court sets a representative of the Ministry of Justice clarifying questions: If the CA did not take anything at all? It would be the basis to remove them? Is extremism is by negligence or inaction? Reply by the representative of Ministry of Justice No. Court: If not, we're all trying to figure out? Why then do the Ministry of Justice it imputes blame CA? 14:45 The Ministry of Justice is the court "internal" document of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Ministry of Justice obtained from public sources. When asked the court representative of the Ministry of Justice reported that the letter was taken from the site NTV. The representative of the Ministry of Justice believes that the text of the letter will help clarify how each other are connected financially CA and MPO. Lawyers are not ready to confirm that this letter is authentic, but it is obvious that the MPO are neither recipients nor the sender of the letter, and then a letter is irrelevant to the process. Court postpones until later the question of whether the text to attach to the case file. 14:58 The Ministry of Justice seeks to question four witnesses for the plaintiff. We are talking about people who in the past practiced the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, but later abandoned it. Defendants argue. The court grants the motion to question witnesses for the plaintiff. 15:05 It begins examination of a witness by the defendant, Zavyalova Valentina Mihaylovicha, since 1992 professor at the IISS. Profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 20 years. He said that the meetings of his religious group never used literature made to FSEM. The names of the literature posted on the wall of the room where services are held. Believers carefully inspect the premises prior to the beginning of worship, to exclude the possibility of finding such literature on the worship. 15:20 Witness Eugene Skladchikov, Ph.D., professor of MSTU. Bauman. Of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1998. He said that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion attracted him unconditional peacefulness of biblical teaching, it is absolutely not compatible with extremism. No extremist publications in worship are not used.
  7. Upvote
    "Jehovah does the unexpected… and He does it with style" (G. Jackson)
  8. Downvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Rosania Moza Menezes in DAY 4 RUSSIA VS. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SUPREME COURT TRANSCRIPT LIVE UPDATES   
    15:30 Witness Wilen Canter, Ph.D., honored worker of science and technology. The representative plaintiff Ax: "Becoming a Witness 25 years ago, if you pursue extremist objectives?" Witness: "God forbid! No, of course! "The witness explains that it is incompatible with the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses. Axes: "Are you using the materials included in FSEM" The witness explained that, as a law-abiding citizen, destroyed these publications. (However, Kanter said that leaving aside the question of whether he agrees with the fact that these publications are included in FSEM.) Dozens of his students defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations. His religion does not contradict his scientific activity. To the representative of the Ministry of Justice says that his religion does not interfere with higher education. As a scientist, he believes that to education must be approached responsibly. 15:50 Witness Tatyana Kremneva doctor of pedagogical sciences. As part of the research activities concerned with the prevention of child abuse, as well as extremist materials in the youth environment. Profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The representative of Axes: When did you become a Jehovah's Witness, steel Do you have any motive to commit extremist acts? Answer: No, the Jehovah's Witnesses religion is incompatible with extremism. The question the court why you did not become the founder of MPO? Witness: I do not see the need. Court: You worship not excite each other hatred towards other religions? Witness: None. Lawyer little wife: The teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses help you to raise a child? The witness says that is proud of his child, his success in school and work. Little wife: how you treat colleagues and students, who do not share your religion? witness answer positively. Without hatred, contempt, scorn, discrimination. 16:05 The Ministry of Justice invites its witnesses. The first witness Natalia Koretskaya. The witness left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses for many years. She could not explain to the court where it may then be known "facts extremist activity" in recent years.
  9. Upvote
    Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo.
    18:30 In 2009 Koretsky left the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge asked whether the 2009 limited his knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witness: Yes. The Ministry of Justice asked the witness to explain what he knows about Jehovah's Witnesses to higher education, to the state symbols. The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice: "If you do not specify the points in the grounds of the claim, why do we find out?" The representative of the Ministry of Justice, "the question is removed." On the question of the court, whether Koretsky is interested in the outcome of the case, he answers briefly: "Yes."
    The court announces a break until April 19, 2017 10:00.
    Case to proceed on April 19th after the memorial special talk on April 16th ENTITLED "HOW TO CULTIVATE PEACE IN AN ANGRY WORLD" WOW. THANK YOU JEHOVAH FOR A GREAT WITNESS TO THE WORLD.
  10. Upvote
    Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo. 18:11 Interviewing witnesses Koretskaya, the court pointed out that it uses personal notes when testifying. The lawyer Lew asked, how do you explain the similarity of the wording of its records with texts from the site well-known anti-sectarian center. The court decided to read the recordings Koretskaya later.
    Interviewing witnesses Zverev, the court asks, "If you harm if you are treated to the competent authorities on the matter?" The witness did not address. Zverev said that influenced the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, he personally experienced the hatred of the clergy of the Orthodox religion. The witness denies that he is anti-cult organizations, though there are pictures with the most famous "sectologists".
    Witness Justice Petrov, a former Jehovah's Witness. In 1983, he became a Jehovah's Witness, she left work associated with the promotion of military heroism, because it does not meet the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2009, she left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As an example of extremist activity Administrative Center of results in the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are excluded from its ranks those who commit sins. (The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, which is the Ministry of Justice the arguments set forth in the claim, confirmed by the testimony of this witness? The Ministry of Justice once again talking about a possible threat to the public.) On the question of the court, the witness Petrov saw that someone was distributing extremist literature, the witness He says he does not see.
    The Court of Justice welcomes the last witness, V.V.Koretskogo.
    18:30 In 2009 Koretsky left the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge asked whether the 2009 limited his knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witness: Yes. The Ministry of Justice asked the witness to explain what he knows about Jehovah's Witnesses to higher education, to the state symbols. The court asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice: "If you do not specify the points in the grounds of the claim, why do we find out?" The representative of the Ministry of Justice, "the question is removed." On the question of the court, whether Koretsky is interested in the outcome of the case, he answers briefly: "Yes."
    The court announces a break until April 19, 2017 10:00.
    Case to proceed on April 19th after the memorial special talk on April 16th ENTITLED "HOW TO CULTIVATE PEACE IN AN ANGRY WORLD" WOW. THANK YOU JEHOVAH FOR A GREAT WITNESS TO THE WORLD.
  11. Upvote
    Yes but the updates have stopped for now for some reason. Not getting any news from Russia at this time. Will update when we can.
  12. Upvote
    14:30 The representative of the Ministry of Justice continues to ask questions to representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses. What measures are being taken to prevent the CA extremist activities after the issuance of the Prosecutor General's warning March 2, 2016. Lawyers list. The court sets a representative of the Ministry of Justice clarifying questions: If the CA did not take anything at all? It would be the basis to remove them? Is extremism is by negligence or inaction? Reply by the representative of Ministry of Justice No. Court: If not, we're all trying to figure out? Why then do the Ministry of Justice it imputes blame CA? 14:45 The Ministry of Justice is the court "internal" document of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Ministry of Justice obtained from public sources. When asked the court representative of the Ministry of Justice reported that the letter was taken from the site NTV. The representative of the Ministry of Justice believes that the text of the letter will help clarify how each other are connected financially CA and MPO. Lawyers are not ready to confirm that this letter is authentic, but it is obvious that the MPO are neither recipients nor the sender of the letter, and then a letter is irrelevant to the process. Court postpones until later the question of whether the text to attach to the case file. 14:58 The Ministry of Justice seeks to question four witnesses for the plaintiff. We are talking about people who in the past practiced the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, but later abandoned it. Defendants argue. The court grants the motion to question witnesses for the plaintiff. 15:05 It begins examination of a witness by the defendant, Zavyalova Valentina Mihaylovicha, since 1992 professor at the IISS. Profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 20 years. He said that the meetings of his religious group never used literature made to FSEM. The names of the literature posted on the wall of the room where services are held. Believers carefully inspect the premises prior to the beginning of worship, to exclude the possibility of finding such literature on the worship. 15:20 Witness Eugene Skladchikov, Ph.D., professor of MSTU. Bauman. Of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1998. He said that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion attracted him unconditional peacefulness of biblical teaching, it is absolutely not compatible with extremism. No extremist publications in worship are not used.
  13. Upvote
    15:30 Witness Wilen Canter, Ph.D., honored worker of science and technology. The representative plaintiff Ax: "Becoming a Witness 25 years ago, if you pursue extremist objectives?" Witness: "God forbid! No, of course! "The witness explains that it is incompatible with the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses. Axes: "Are you using the materials included in FSEM" The witness explained that, as a law-abiding citizen, destroyed these publications. (However, Kanter said that leaving aside the question of whether he agrees with the fact that these publications are included in FSEM.) Dozens of his students defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations. His religion does not contradict his scientific activity. To the representative of the Ministry of Justice says that his religion does not interfere with higher education. As a scientist, he believes that to education must be approached responsibly. 15:50 Witness Tatyana Kremneva doctor of pedagogical sciences. As part of the research activities concerned with the prevention of child abuse, as well as extremist materials in the youth environment. Profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The representative of Axes: When did you become a Jehovah's Witness, steel Do you have any motive to commit extremist acts? Answer: No, the Jehovah's Witnesses religion is incompatible with extremism. The question the court why you did not become the founder of MPO? Witness: I do not see the need. Court: You worship not excite each other hatred towards other religions? Witness: None. Lawyer little wife: The teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses help you to raise a child? The witness says that is proud of his child, his success in school and work. Little wife: how you treat colleagues and students, who do not share your religion? witness answer positively. Without hatred, contempt, scorn, discrimination. 16:05 The Ministry of Justice invites its witnesses. The first witness Natalia Koretskaya. The witness left the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses for many years. She could not explain to the court where it may then be known "facts extremist activity" in recent years.
  14. Upvote
    14:30 The representative of the Ministry of Justice continues to ask questions to representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses. What measures are being taken to prevent the CA extremist activities after the issuance of the Prosecutor General's warning March 2, 2016. Lawyers list. The court sets a representative of the Ministry of Justice clarifying questions: If the CA did not take anything at all? It would be the basis to remove them? Is extremism is by negligence or inaction? Reply by the representative of Ministry of Justice No. Court: If not, we're all trying to figure out? Why then do the Ministry of Justice it imputes blame CA? 14:45 The Ministry of Justice is the court "internal" document of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Ministry of Justice obtained from public sources. When asked the court representative of the Ministry of Justice reported that the letter was taken from the site NTV. The representative of the Ministry of Justice believes that the text of the letter will help clarify how each other are connected financially CA and MPO. Lawyers are not ready to confirm that this letter is authentic, but it is obvious that the MPO are neither recipients nor the sender of the letter, and then a letter is irrelevant to the process. Court postpones until later the question of whether the text to attach to the case file. 14:58 The Ministry of Justice seeks to question four witnesses for the plaintiff. We are talking about people who in the past practiced the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, but later abandoned it. Defendants argue. The court grants the motion to question witnesses for the plaintiff. 15:05 It begins examination of a witness by the defendant, Zavyalova Valentina Mihaylovicha, since 1992 professor at the IISS. Profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 20 years. He said that the meetings of his religious group never used literature made to FSEM. The names of the literature posted on the wall of the room where services are held. Believers carefully inspect the premises prior to the beginning of worship, to exclude the possibility of finding such literature on the worship. 15:20 Witness Eugene Skladchikov, Ph.D., professor of MSTU. Bauman. Of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1998. He said that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion attracted him unconditional peacefulness of biblical teaching, it is absolutely not compatible with extremism. No extremist publications in worship are not used.
  15. Upvote
    8:00 Moscow, Cook Street. Invigorating morning. Numbed fingers. More than 200 people enter. Those who stand in the queue, came to the court by taxi to 5:30, but they were not the first: in a parked car is already basking in the faithful who came to the court, which decided the freedom of religion in Russia.

    9:30 On the eve of April 11, 2017, most of Jehovah's Witnesses groups celebrating the Lord's Supper safely passed. At the moment, it is known that police officers and other law enforcement agencies intruded on celebrations in Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk region).. They rewrote the passport data of the faithful. Also, law enforcement officers came to worship in the city of Krasnoyarsk and Michurinsk (Tambov region.) To ask questions or give believers agenda. 9:58 "I ask you all to stand!" The court announces the continuation of the hearing and to give explanations to speak lawyer Anton Omelchenko. Omelchenko said that his explanation will concern how the claim of Justice violated the provisions of the Constitution and international treaties.

    10:12 Omelchenko loudly and convincingly proves that the action of the Justice Ministry in contravention of articles 9, 10, 11 of the European Convention, Articles 28, 29, 30 of the Russian Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. He quotes from the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in which an authoritative court establishes the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to freedom of religion. Something that requires the Ministry of Justice, is not justified and proportionate measure. 10:18 ECHR in its judgments clearly determined which texts can be considered to incite hatred and enmity - incitement to violence, to the blood feud, calls, justifies the use of physical force. It is noteworthy that in the memorandum, which the Russian Federation has sent to the ECHR, namely the Ministry of Justice has recognized that there are no open calls for violence (p. 41) in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. 10:25 Omelchenko said that the community of Jehovah's Witnesses, which the Ministry of Justice asking to liquidate, received numerous awards and commendations from local authorities (there are in fact), but they did not receive warnings about the inadmissibility of extremist activity. 10:31 Speaking about the disparity required Ministry of Justice action Omelchenko lists the steps that are taken Administrative Center (UC) of Jehovah's Witnesses: 1) notify all MPO of books introducing in FSEM, 2) established a commission to prevent the emergence of extremist materials, 3) to no avail notify authorities of planted 4) unsuccessfully asked the Prosecutor General's Office, what further action can be expected from the Jehovah's Witnesses, to avoid "extremist activity". 10:43 International law prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment. This rule protects the dignity, including the right to mental integrity of the individual. Justice lawsuit to ban Jehovah's Witnesses break moral and physical resistance of the person, since forcing them to be afraid to openly practice their faith. Of the victims of criminal prosecution for faith in Taganrog on sentencing left the Russian Federation and even received political asylum in Europe. Their flight eloquently testifies to the fact that believers are afraid to openly practice their religion. Of course, most of the 175 thousands of believers will not leave Russia, and therefore, will be prosecuted in Russia. 10:50 Omelchenko analyzes the legality of actions of the Ministry of Justice. By applicable law, Jehovah's Witnesses are recognized as victims of political repression. At the Ministry of Justice (among other institutions) the law imposed a duty to promote the rehabilitation of the faithful. However Justice moves in the opposite direction. Omelchenko lists domestic and international calls for Russia to stop politically motivated persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, the misuse of anti-extremist legislation as applied to Jehovah's Witnesses. It is, for example, on the signing of the most well-known Russian human rights activists appeal "Repressive again being harassed", on the open letter of the Moscow Helsinki Group, as well as appeals from various structures in Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation, the United Nations and others. international standards on the prevention of repression, require to pay close attention to the signals coming from the human rights community. The Ministry of Justice is ignoring all the signals, continues to act as a repressive body. 11:04 Omelchenko says biased position of the Justice Ministry. Expert institutions under the Ministry of Justice came to the mutually exclusive conclusions in respect of the same materials as the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Ministry of Justice did nothing to correct the situation. Moreover, the Ministry of Justice has always insisted on using only the conclusions of experts, who found "signs of extremism" in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is further evidence that the action of the Justice Ministry to ban Jehovah's Witnesses politically motivated. 11:12 Lawyer little wife asks opportunity to give an explanation of the court decision, which a few days ago the Ministry of Justice submitted to the court as "an example of violation of the rights of citizens on the part of the religious organization" (history of the patient, which of the two alternatives chosen drug treatment rather than via blood).
    A lawyer in the first place, is perplexed as to why the Ministry of Justice did not explain why they have a document containing medical confidentiality.
    Second, little wife says that in case of refusal of transfusion it not only is a violation of anyone's rights, but, on the contrary, that the citizens were provided with the right - the right to free and informed treatment. If the patient refused treatment on religious grounds only - it would be a violation of rights. Little wife read out excerpts from the Ministry of Health Order, concerning the dangers of transfusions of blood components, as well as the need to obtain their patient's written consent for the operation. Little wife notes that in Order no reservations, that the representatives of some religions are allowed to exercise the right to informed consent, and the other is not allowed.
    11:30 The judge begins to ask questions to representatives of the defendant.
    The first question: does the CA interpretation of the Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses to local organizations? The answer is no, the interpretation of sacred texts provide the Steering Board of the Jehovah's Witnesses (international guidelines).
    The new question is: in what sense the CA provides a "coordination of activities" MPO (the Charter). Answer: MPO are separate legal entities, however, the CA provides them with recommendations. For example, if there is a question about the construction of the liturgical buildings, CA is referring to the Bible to recommend the construction of a modest, nepompeznogo building. However, the final decision on what will be a new building takes MPO.
    The next question the court whether those statutes CA 8 MPO claimed which were liquidated court decisions. Ax representative explained to the court that the founders of the new MPO appeal to the CA with the request to join the TC structure, to speed up the registration process. In this case the CA will certainly agrees their charters, to ensure that the shareholders are Jehovah's Witnesses and that their objectives coincide with the purpose doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Court interested in the question whether the TC founder of non-profit, non-governmental organizations, or LRO, as in the Charter spelled out such a possibility. Lawyers explain to the court that the possibility of the Charter spelled out "just in case", but it was not implemented. The founders of MPO were local citizens. For example, the statute also spelled out the possibility to import literature, however, this possibility is also not being implemented due to objective circumstances.
    12:05 Court interested in the question whether the chairmen of the MPO are part of the CA steering committee. Kalin explains that MPO members never included in the CA steering committee.
    Are there any solutions CA Required MPO? Kalin explains that when MPO request financial assistance from the CA (in the form of donations), the center of interest the question of how funds are spent. For example, the CA provides a modest project liturgical building and MPO coordinates the project with the local authorities. Or if there is a natural disaster, the CA donates funds to help the faithful and collaborating with MPO to help the victims of Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as their relatives.
    Court asks whether the funds are spent on the production of printed materials? Respondents explain that there.
    Court: Did the CA literature imports, which was later recognized as extremist? Respondents explain that the CA function is purely logistical: the order of the individuals directly collects foreign publishers, and it also sends them to literature. CA does not deal with "the spread" of literature.
    Court: One of the books was imported in Russia not long before it was recognized as extremist, but when it was spread among the believers? Lawyers pay attention to the materials available in the letter case in which the CA immediately announces the introduction of this book FSEM and asks for more it does not use. Naturally, after that CA this book could not spread.
    Court: What is the fate of printed products, which is recognized as an extremist? She seized the center of the believers? Destroyed? Lawyers explain that the CA can not dictate to the faithful, what to do with the literature, which is in their possession. However, you may pay attention to the provisions of the law, and does so.
    12:30 Turn to ask questions goes to the plaintiff. What is the role of the CA in the approval of the Charter of MPO and their members? Omelchenko gives the following example. The role of the CA in the approval of the Charter of the LRO is similar to the role of the Ministry of Justice: Ministry of Justice checks for compliance with the statutes of the law and the statutes of the CA checks on canonical correspondence.
    New questions the representative of Ministry of Justice devoted to the elucidation of how MPO independent in their activities, how much influence the CA on the MPO, including the approval of the governing bodies and the Charter of MPO.
    The court sets a representative of the Ministry of Justice a counterclaim clarifying question: "From the point of view of the law as it affects the capacity and legal personality of legal persons?" The question becomes rhetorical. Ministry of Justice: Who are the traveling minister? Who are the special preachers? Responder representatives explain that these attendants cooperate with religious groups, and not with MPO.
    12:50 The judge (referring to the representative of the Ministry of Justice): Do you have proof of the plaintiff that the traveling minister and special preachers are somehow involved in the final judgments of the competent authorities for recognition of individuals or MPO guilty of extremist activity? No, the Ministry of Justice of the facts there.
    Court (referring to the representative of the Ministry of Justice): As before, if the Ministry of Justice considers that judicial decisions in respect of individuals and MPO have a prejudicial effect for our business? Yes, the Ministry of Justice still thinks so, since CA was aware of these matters. The Court recalls that in this process it is necessary to check the legality of Justice requirements, so please continue to lead the norms of law.
    13:10 The representative of the Ministry of Justice is trying to figure out, but does not indicate whether the fact that the CA provides financial assistance to the MPO, the fact that the CA and of MPO - a single organization, the subordinate CAs. Little wife's lawyer explains that if a person has a financial aid to his friend, it does not mean that he is dependent. Ministry of Justice: Is the CA conducts audit of financial activity of MPO? Lawyers explain that such a duty in CA there, but it is the Ministry of Justice carries out regular checks of economic activity MPO, as evidenced by the hundreds of existing regulations in matters of the Ministry of Justice inspections. Moreover, none of the checks did not reveal spending on non-statutory targets. 13:25 Representative of the Ministry of Justice are interested in the question of why CA has sent a letter to the MPO on the recognition of one of the books of extremist only after its inclusion in FSEM if by his own admission believers they knew of the decision earlier, from the information on the website of the district court. Lawyers explain that monitor court decisions on the official websites of courts is extremely difficult, moreover, from summary information on the Court's website it was not clear what we are talking about the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, not the eponymous publication of other origin. 13:35 The representative of the Ministry of Justice points out that, according to the obsolete (to 2010), a copy of "Fundamentals of Faith Jehovah's Witnesses", the main means of spreading the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses is the magazine "Watchtower". Resolution on the distribution of this periodical was withdrawn in Russia, and the document "Foundations of Faith", represented by the Ministry of Justice, be amended accordingly. Representative of the Ministry of Justice are interested in, what is the source of the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Lawyers explain that the foundation beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Bible, with the majority of religious books Witnesses are based on the Orthodox Synodal edition. Needless periodical was not recognized as extremist, but only a few issues. Since 2015, no publication do not enter the country. 13:40 The court announces a break in the court session until 14:30.
  16. Upvote
    8:00 Moscow, Cook Street. Invigorating morning. Numbed fingers. More than 200 people enter. Those who stand in the queue, came to the court by taxi to 5:30, but they were not the first: in a parked car is already basking in the faithful who came to the court, which decided the freedom of religion in Russia.

    9:30 On the eve of April 11, 2017, most of Jehovah's Witnesses groups celebrating the Lord's Supper safely passed. At the moment, it is known that police officers and other law enforcement agencies intruded on celebrations in Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk region).. They rewrote the passport data of the faithful. Also, law enforcement officers came to worship in the city of Krasnoyarsk and Michurinsk (Tambov region.) To ask questions or give believers agenda. 9:58 "I ask you all to stand!" The court announces the continuation of the hearing and to give explanations to speak lawyer Anton Omelchenko. Omelchenko said that his explanation will concern how the claim of Justice violated the provisions of the Constitution and international treaties.

    10:12 Omelchenko loudly and convincingly proves that the action of the Justice Ministry in contravention of articles 9, 10, 11 of the European Convention, Articles 28, 29, 30 of the Russian Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. He quotes from the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in which an authoritative court establishes the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to freedom of religion. Something that requires the Ministry of Justice, is not justified and proportionate measure. 10:18 ECHR in its judgments clearly determined which texts can be considered to incite hatred and enmity - incitement to violence, to the blood feud, calls, justifies the use of physical force. It is noteworthy that in the memorandum, which the Russian Federation has sent to the ECHR, namely the Ministry of Justice has recognized that there are no open calls for violence (p. 41) in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. 10:25 Omelchenko said that the community of Jehovah's Witnesses, which the Ministry of Justice asking to liquidate, received numerous awards and commendations from local authorities (there are in fact), but they did not receive warnings about the inadmissibility of extremist activity. 10:31 Speaking about the disparity required Ministry of Justice action Omelchenko lists the steps that are taken Administrative Center (UC) of Jehovah's Witnesses: 1) notify all MPO of books introducing in FSEM, 2) established a commission to prevent the emergence of extremist materials, 3) to no avail notify authorities of planted 4) unsuccessfully asked the Prosecutor General's Office, what further action can be expected from the Jehovah's Witnesses, to avoid "extremist activity". 10:43 International law prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment. This rule protects the dignity, including the right to mental integrity of the individual. Justice lawsuit to ban Jehovah's Witnesses break moral and physical resistance of the person, since forcing them to be afraid to openly practice their faith. Of the victims of criminal prosecution for faith in Taganrog on sentencing left the Russian Federation and even received political asylum in Europe. Their flight eloquently testifies to the fact that believers are afraid to openly practice their religion. Of course, most of the 175 thousands of believers will not leave Russia, and therefore, will be prosecuted in Russia. 10:50 Omelchenko analyzes the legality of actions of the Ministry of Justice. By applicable law, Jehovah's Witnesses are recognized as victims of political repression. At the Ministry of Justice (among other institutions) the law imposed a duty to promote the rehabilitation of the faithful. However Justice moves in the opposite direction. Omelchenko lists domestic and international calls for Russia to stop politically motivated persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, the misuse of anti-extremist legislation as applied to Jehovah's Witnesses. It is, for example, on the signing of the most well-known Russian human rights activists appeal "Repressive again being harassed", on the open letter of the Moscow Helsinki Group, as well as appeals from various structures in Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation, the United Nations and others. international standards on the prevention of repression, require to pay close attention to the signals coming from the human rights community. The Ministry of Justice is ignoring all the signals, continues to act as a repressive body. 11:04 Omelchenko says biased position of the Justice Ministry. Expert institutions under the Ministry of Justice came to the mutually exclusive conclusions in respect of the same materials as the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Ministry of Justice did nothing to correct the situation. Moreover, the Ministry of Justice has always insisted on using only the conclusions of experts, who found "signs of extremism" in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is further evidence that the action of the Justice Ministry to ban Jehovah's Witnesses politically motivated. 11:12 Lawyer little wife asks opportunity to give an explanation of the court decision, which a few days ago the Ministry of Justice submitted to the court as "an example of violation of the rights of citizens on the part of the religious organization" (history of the patient, which of the two alternatives chosen drug treatment rather than via blood).
    A lawyer in the first place, is perplexed as to why the Ministry of Justice did not explain why they have a document containing medical confidentiality.
    Second, little wife says that in case of refusal of transfusion it not only is a violation of anyone's rights, but, on the contrary, that the citizens were provided with the right - the right to free and informed treatment. If the patient refused treatment on religious grounds only - it would be a violation of rights. Little wife read out excerpts from the Ministry of Health Order, concerning the dangers of transfusions of blood components, as well as the need to obtain their patient's written consent for the operation. Little wife notes that in Order no reservations, that the representatives of some religions are allowed to exercise the right to informed consent, and the other is not allowed.
    11:30 The judge begins to ask questions to representatives of the defendant.
    The first question: does the CA interpretation of the Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses to local organizations? The answer is no, the interpretation of sacred texts provide the Steering Board of the Jehovah's Witnesses (international guidelines).
    The new question is: in what sense the CA provides a "coordination of activities" MPO (the Charter). Answer: MPO are separate legal entities, however, the CA provides them with recommendations. For example, if there is a question about the construction of the liturgical buildings, CA is referring to the Bible to recommend the construction of a modest, nepompeznogo building. However, the final decision on what will be a new building takes MPO.
    The next question the court whether those statutes CA 8 MPO claimed which were liquidated court decisions. Ax representative explained to the court that the founders of the new MPO appeal to the CA with the request to join the TC structure, to speed up the registration process. In this case the CA will certainly agrees their charters, to ensure that the shareholders are Jehovah's Witnesses and that their objectives coincide with the purpose doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Court interested in the question whether the TC founder of non-profit, non-governmental organizations, or LRO, as in the Charter spelled out such a possibility. Lawyers explain to the court that the possibility of the Charter spelled out "just in case", but it was not implemented. The founders of MPO were local citizens. For example, the statute also spelled out the possibility to import literature, however, this possibility is also not being implemented due to objective circumstances.
    12:05 Court interested in the question whether the chairmen of the MPO are part of the CA steering committee. Kalin explains that MPO members never included in the CA steering committee.
    Are there any solutions CA Required MPO? Kalin explains that when MPO request financial assistance from the CA (in the form of donations), the center of interest the question of how funds are spent. For example, the CA provides a modest project liturgical building and MPO coordinates the project with the local authorities. Or if there is a natural disaster, the CA donates funds to help the faithful and collaborating with MPO to help the victims of Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as their relatives.
    Court asks whether the funds are spent on the production of printed materials? Respondents explain that there.
    Court: Did the CA literature imports, which was later recognized as extremist? Respondents explain that the CA function is purely logistical: the order of the individuals directly collects foreign publishers, and it also sends them to literature. CA does not deal with "the spread" of literature.
    Court: One of the books was imported in Russia not long before it was recognized as extremist, but when it was spread among the believers? Lawyers pay attention to the materials available in the letter case in which the CA immediately announces the introduction of this book FSEM and asks for more it does not use. Naturally, after that CA this book could not spread.
    Court: What is the fate of printed products, which is recognized as an extremist? She seized the center of the believers? Destroyed? Lawyers explain that the CA can not dictate to the faithful, what to do with the literature, which is in their possession. However, you may pay attention to the provisions of the law, and does so.
    12:30 Turn to ask questions goes to the plaintiff. What is the role of the CA in the approval of the Charter of MPO and their members? Omelchenko gives the following example. The role of the CA in the approval of the Charter of the LRO is similar to the role of the Ministry of Justice: Ministry of Justice checks for compliance with the statutes of the law and the statutes of the CA checks on canonical correspondence.
    New questions the representative of Ministry of Justice devoted to the elucidation of how MPO independent in their activities, how much influence the CA on the MPO, including the approval of the governing bodies and the Charter of MPO.
    The court sets a representative of the Ministry of Justice a counterclaim clarifying question: "From the point of view of the law as it affects the capacity and legal personality of legal persons?" The question becomes rhetorical. Ministry of Justice: Who are the traveling minister? Who are the special preachers? Responder representatives explain that these attendants cooperate with religious groups, and not with MPO.
    12:50 The judge (referring to the representative of the Ministry of Justice): Do you have proof of the plaintiff that the traveling minister and special preachers are somehow involved in the final judgments of the competent authorities for recognition of individuals or MPO guilty of extremist activity? No, the Ministry of Justice of the facts there.
    Court (referring to the representative of the Ministry of Justice): As before, if the Ministry of Justice considers that judicial decisions in respect of individuals and MPO have a prejudicial effect for our business? Yes, the Ministry of Justice still thinks so, since CA was aware of these matters. The Court recalls that in this process it is necessary to check the legality of Justice requirements, so please continue to lead the norms of law.
    13:10 The representative of the Ministry of Justice is trying to figure out, but does not indicate whether the fact that the CA provides financial assistance to the MPO, the fact that the CA and of MPO - a single organization, the subordinate CAs. Little wife's lawyer explains that if a person has a financial aid to his friend, it does not mean that he is dependent. Ministry of Justice: Is the CA conducts audit of financial activity of MPO? Lawyers explain that such a duty in CA there, but it is the Ministry of Justice carries out regular checks of economic activity MPO, as evidenced by the hundreds of existing regulations in matters of the Ministry of Justice inspections. Moreover, none of the checks did not reveal spending on non-statutory targets. 13:25 Representative of the Ministry of Justice are interested in the question of why CA has sent a letter to the MPO on the recognition of one of the books of extremist only after its inclusion in FSEM if by his own admission believers they knew of the decision earlier, from the information on the website of the district court. Lawyers explain that monitor court decisions on the official websites of courts is extremely difficult, moreover, from summary information on the Court's website it was not clear what we are talking about the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, not the eponymous publication of other origin. 13:35 The representative of the Ministry of Justice points out that, according to the obsolete (to 2010), a copy of "Fundamentals of Faith Jehovah's Witnesses", the main means of spreading the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses is the magazine "Watchtower". Resolution on the distribution of this periodical was withdrawn in Russia, and the document "Foundations of Faith", represented by the Ministry of Justice, be amended accordingly. Representative of the Ministry of Justice are interested in, what is the source of the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Lawyers explain that the foundation beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Bible, with the majority of religious books Witnesses are based on the Orthodox Synodal edition. Needless periodical was not recognized as extremist, but only a few issues. Since 2015, no publication do not enter the country. 13:40 The court announces a break in the court session until 14:30.
  17. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Susan Gandara in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    Translated from Russian so please excuse any inaccuracies 
    Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written ?! What is this marvelous news, which is almost entirely ignored by the media, especially in Russia, but considered representatives of the Guinness Book of Records? Most recently, the post offices in many countries ended international brands. In Facebook, Instagram and other social networks continues to grow the number of photos with people, writing letters to Russia.  Guinness workers watch to see letter-writing campaign can this be included in the Book of Records.  The current record holder for writing letters  The current record for a letter-writing marathon organization "Amnesty International": write letters in defense of human rights. The campaign has been written in general, more than one million letters, through which dozens of people were released.  What is this new story - by writing letters in Russian ? At a time when everyone is busy controversy about the extent to which Russia could intervene in the recent US elections, Russia quietly, significantly limited and restricts the freedom of one particular group of its citizens.  Perhaps you read and say, "Well, it - Russia, in the end; Is not she always restricts the rights of its citizens? ". Not really.  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia became a democratic society with the Constitution, described  even more clearly and specifically than freedom of religion guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.  Despite this assurance, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation petitioned the Supreme Court to recognize Jehovah's Witnesses (Jehovah's Witnesses) extremists on a par with an organization such as LIH. If the claim is satisfied, then for more than 175,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the country illegally will meet to worship, to discuss the Bible with others or even just to read the Bible in their own homes. Hearing on the case was scheduled for April 5, 2017, hearings were held and now the court will continue April 12, 2017. Interesting statistics © Google Trends All these actions of the Russian authorities have led to the fact that the dynamics of the popularity of Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet has increased a record compared to other religious denominations.  As they say, are now Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet in the trend, as ever! :-) Top of the Pops in the Google Trends has received their official website, which is locked in a single country in the world - Russia. Witnesses decided to take the pens and pencils In response to the injustice all 8,000,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses from all over the world have decided to write a letter in defense of their Russian fellow six key officials in Moscow, including the president - Vladimir Putin.  Sending six letters by mail to Moscow from the United States costs about $ 8. The total cost of postage, according to one researcher, based only on the US level, amounted to more than $ 55 million. In some other countries it cost the family a large part of their monthly income. But these costs do not stop Jehovah's Witnesses to write so many letters in support of their co-religionists.  H as the basis of reports from sots.setey, "Jehovah's Witnesses",  their children , friends and business partners took up this matter with great desire.  Surprisingly, if each of the 8,000,000 people to send six letters, Facebook mathematician calculated that Moscow post office can get a stack of mail in height or length of over 30 kilometers!  And Russian Post has celebrated the new record of international mail. This campaign of letter-writing, which was organized by Jehovah's Witnesses, in some countries went so quickly and orderly, that simply amazed. Here is one example: Foreign media about the trial witnesses and letter-writing campaign In addition, many foreign media spread the news about the forthcoming decision of the court, and the campaign of writing letters against the RF Ministry of Justice action against Jehovah's Witnesses  (in English / in English) : The article on the Australian site   the R ealnewsone  begins with the incredible, but absolutely accurate entry : "The Russian government has decided to defy Jehovah God." Rochester, NY (Rochester, NY): Jehovah's Witnesses in favor of freedom in Russia. Of Missouri You will's University then Religion News the Service (University of Missouri, news service): Jehovah's Witnesses are afraid that the Russian authorities may prohibit them Philippines of The (Philippines): Witnesses problem - we join in the appeal against the Russian threat to ban them Leone sierra ( Sierra Leone): "Jehovah's Witnesses" - Mobilizing the global response to the threat of a ban in Russia. The Network's Mission Michigan You will News : Religious freedom and the Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Spokane, Washington You : Jehovah's Witnesses protest against the label And Tobago trinidad : Russia: Witnesses terrorist group World television channel the BBC , on its front page, post articles and videos , as law enforcement throw Witnesses prohibited materials with explanatory interview with a representative of Jehovah's Witnesses, Jaroslav Sivulskii (in English / in English). Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia and the websites of other countries  also reprinted a press release on the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Although the titles of the pro-Russian news sources, you can see several different outlook. But, in fact, the English-language news read as Russian: Had enough, enough, unjustly, that Jehovah's Witnesses are facing a ban! The Helsinki Commission , which consists of US senators and congressmen condemned the Russian lawyers filed a lawsuit. The UN also called on Russia to stop the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. While a sense of world politicians are not appreciated, millions of Jehovah's Witnesses letters - peaceful, law-abiding citizens who  just  want  that  all  people  have  the freedom  of religion -  strewed all over the world and are perhaps even more chances to persuade the Russian government to stop the persecution than a few American politicians.  If your local news outlet covered this story, please feel free to send them the link to this article.  Jehovah's Witnesses in the Book of Records  Guinness The future will show whether the representatives of the Guinness Book record a new world record for the number of letters written. Jehovah's Witnesses have at times fall into the Guinness World Records  - the number of languages into which translations of their literature magazine  The Watchtower,  which was there , even witnesses were in this book because of the refusal of transfusion of foreign blood .  Although Jehovah's Witnesses are not fundamentally, will they in the  Guinness Book of Records for the number of written messages or not, because their main task is quite different - the commandment that instructed them to their Lord Christ, in particular, in Matthew 7: 12; Matthew 22: 35-40; 28: 18-20; John 13: 34-35 ...
    Подробнее тут: http://www.fakt777.ru/
  18. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in RUSSIAN BAPTISTS SUPPORT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WRITE LETTER TO PUTIN   
    Russian Baptists support Jehovah's Witnesses
    5 April 2017
    Profoundly esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich, peace to you!
    On 15 March 2017 the Russian Ministry of Justice filed in the Supreme Court of the RF a lawsuit for the liquidation of the "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" and for the banning of the activity of the religious organization for extremism. Consideration of the lawsuit is scheduled for 5 April.
    Simultaneously, by an order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian federation of 15 March 2017 "Concerning the suspension of activity of a religious organization" in connection with the appeal to the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice suspended the activity of the religious organization Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and local religious organizations that are members of its structure.
    Inasmuch as the right to freedom of conscience is exercised by individuals through joint participation in one or another form of activity of religious associations and is expressed in the possibility to conduct joint activities for exercising and disseminating their convictions, the closing of religious organizations of the Jehovah's Witnesses will lead to the restriction of freedom of conscience of tens of thousands of citizens of the Russian federation who confess the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Despite our disagreement in the strictly religious sphere, to wit, theological dispute with the teachings and certain practices of Jehovah's Witnesses, we express our profound concern with the situation of the religious organization Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia in the sphere of the exercise of their constitutional rights to freedom of conscience and religious confession.
    Esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich! We ask you, as the guarantor of the constitution of the Russian federation, to protect the right of freedom of conscience of citizens of the Russian federation and do not permit the closing of religious organizations of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    With respect and prayer for you,
    A.V. Smirnov,
    President of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists
    (tr. by PDS, posted 6 April 2017)
    Russian original posted on Portal-Credo.ru, 6 April 2017
  19. Upvote
  20. Upvote
  21. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Witnesses called an ambulance for the Justice Ministry   
    17:07 , 09 April 2017   TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN: Jehovah's Witnesses called an ambulance for the Justice Ministry
    AUTHORGrigory LurieBishop Doctor rides, he goes through the snowy plain, 
    Powder healing people, it's lucky. 
    A man and a cat will take that powder, 
    And sadness will recede, and longing will pass ...
    In this favorite song of Uncle Fyodor (who still does not know it, please google the video "Man and Cat"!) The hope of the doctor does not have time to come true, but the door of opportunities is still open. In the real biography of the real Fedor Chistyakov everything turned out even more difficult, but after a few turbulent years, he was in a place where he managed to stabilize. And a few years later - to return to the concert activity. And this is the place in which he is still and still - the very thing where people have taken the informal self-name "witnesses". And formally - "Jehovah's Witnesses".
    Jehovah's Witnesses are not only a religious phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon. And as a social, for my taste, they are much more interesting. They are an ideal test provocation for hidden infections of political regimes.
    Infected regimes of the twentieth century reacted to the "Witnesses" almost the same way and almost instantly:
    "In their numerous publications ... they mock the state and the church, maliciously distorting the biblical illustrations. Their methods of struggle are characterized by a fanatical impact on their followers ... "
    This is a quote from the classics of the genre - the decree of the Reichspresident, at that time Paul von Gindeburg, "On the Protection of the German People and the State" of February 28, 1933. It was only the second month of Hitler's rule. Within a year of this decree, all the religious organizations of the Witnesses in the Third Reich were banned. Compare (I quote from the same article):
    "... under the guise of studying the doctrine and performing religious rituals, encroached on the rights of citizens, urging them to abandon public activity, from their political rights, and also prompted them to refuse to fulfill civil obligations imposed by the Constitution of the USSR and other Soviet laws."
    This is 1984 (I miss Stalin's time and Khrushchev's persecution of religion for obvious reasons).
    Such a stormy reaction to test provocation is a sure sign of the infection of the political regime. What kind of infection has our state now picked up? The question is not why our Ministry of Justice has never been distinguished by strong political health, but only about why it is right now that it is straight so covered? Here comes this to the Supreme Court and says: "And forbid me to here a whole religion! And, by the way, then later, when you forbid, take away all the property from her. "
    The court is not used to deny the Ministry of Justice. But it's one thing - when something is more correct to understand what is legally required, and another - when the respected client, and suddenly ... In general, yes, this is the most: "The doctor is going-going ..." He must be in time!
    The court is wasting time. This is the stage that we see now. The court is not enthusiastic about the prospect of letting the Russian state jump on the same hummocks that even the much more serious regimes of Hitler and Stalin did not pass.
    Unlike the Justice Ministry, the court does not associate particularly close ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. This is for the ROC, Jehovah's Witnesses - a strong competitor: 170,000 "witnesses" - comparable to the number of active parishioners of the ROC, that is, only ten times less.
    But the ROC would not be able to inspire the state persecution of "witnesses", if officials did not decide that "witnesses" to all strangers and everyone are disgusted. It turned out that "witnesses" were strangers, yes, but only in the religious sense. And humanly, no. The current braking of the court is, I think, the result is not so much the expected protests of human rights defenders, as the unexpected protests of Christians and some of the Muslims. Religious people realized that an attack on "witnesses" is an attempt to breach the legislation on freedom of conscience to further reformat it under the ROC as state religion.
    Obviously, this will not only concern religious people. "Witnesses" have not phoned our apartments for a long time already. But do we need calls instead of them at the door from the people's squad of the local deanery of the ROC?
  22. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from Thinking in Does Any Non-Biblical Archaeological Evidence Exist to Support the Existence of Jesus Christ?   
    (c. 37-100 C.E.) This Jewish priest and historian states that Annas, a Jewish high priest who continued to wield political influence, “convened the judges of the Sanhedrin [the Jewish high court] and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ.”—Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200.
  23. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from The Librarian in Does Any Non-Biblical Archaeological Evidence Exist to Support the Existence of Jesus Christ?   
    (c. 37-100 C.E.) This Jewish priest and historian states that Annas, a Jewish high priest who continued to wield political influence, “convened the judges of the Sanhedrin [the Jewish high court] and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ.”—Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200.
  24. Upvote
    Local Jehovah's Witnesses Defend Brothers, Sisters In Russia
    CapeNews.net - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ “It is my understanding that the laws of the Russian government guarantee freedom of religion to all citizens. Jehovah's Witnesses strive to be good citizens,” Mariah's letter states. It continues and asks that the official consider God's word before ...   Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia v. in the US
    Religion News Service - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ The Jehovah's Witnesses have been on trial in St. Petersburg this week for violating a Russian law against extremism. The alleged extremism includes refusing blood transfusions, publishing pamphlets critical Russian Orthodox Church, and undermining ...   Russia Supreme Court considers ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
    Fox News - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ MOSCOW – State news agency RIA Novosti says Russia's Supreme Court has upheld the decision of the city court in Birobidzhan to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses, a decision that comes amid proceedings on a Justice Ministry suit to ban the religious ...   Russia: Jehovah's Witnesses Break Law by Refusing Blood Transfusions
    Newsweek - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Jehovah's Witnesses break the law forbidding “extremism” when its members refuse blood transfusions, Russia's Justice Ministry said Thursday at a Supreme Court hearing on the question of banning the religious group in the country. The ministry added ...   Russia Moves To Label Jehovah's Witnesses As 'Extremists'
    Huffington Post - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ The Justice Ministry in Moscow has been investigating the Jehovah's Witnesses' Russian headquarters near St. Petersburg over the last year and claimed it discovered violations of a Russian law banning extremism. The ministry accused the organization of ...   Russian Supreme Court Considers Outlawing Jehovah's Witness Worship
    TIME - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Russian Supreme Court could declare the Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization in a Wednesday hearing, a move that would lead to the seizure of the church's headquarters near St. Petersburg and the outlawing of the group's organized ...   Russia Moves to Ban Jehovah's Witnesses as 'Extremist'
    New York Times - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Justice Ministry, in a preliminary adminstrative strike last month, put the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, an office complex near St. Petersburg, on a list of the bodies banned “in connection with the carrying out of extremist ...   Russian court mulls Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    Fox News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court began a hearing Wednesday to potentially ban the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare the group an extremist organization in the country. The Russian government filed a lawsuit on March 16 to outlaw the Christian-based movement.   Proceedings on Ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Enters Day 3
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Crowd forms outside of Russian Supreme Court in Moscow. The court is considering a claim from the Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses.   Russia's Supreme Court to consider Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    Atlanta Journal Constitution - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ According to a New York Times report, the religious group is viewed by the Russian government as deviating too far from traditional norms that President Vladimir Putin has promoted. Jehovah's Witnesses do not vote or otherwise participate in politics ...   Russia court considers Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    BBC News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups.   Russia Continues Proceedings on Jehovah's Witnesses in Supreme Court Thursday
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Latest decision on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is yet another blow to the religious organization. Russia's news agency is reporting the city court of Birobidzhan's decision to ban Jehovah's Witnesses will be upheld. A Justice Ministry suit is working ...   Spokane-area Jehovah's Witnesses wait anxiously for Russian court ruling
    The Spokesman-Review - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Justice Ministry filed a case with the Supreme Court to declare the administrative center for Russia's Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization on March 15. The court reviewed the case for about seven hours Wednesday before announcing a ...   US: Russia's Ban of Jehovah's Witnesses as 'Extremist' Shows that Moscow Views All Independent Religions as a Threat
    Newsweek - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Russian justice ministry's call for the country's Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters to be shut down represents an attempt to “eliminate the legal existence” of the religion, said the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).   Russian Government Seeks to Ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    Voice of America - ‎Apr 3, 2017‎ Several U.S. legislators have criticized the Russian government for plans to effectively ban the Jehovah's Witnesses, a nontraditional Christian movement, as an "extremist" organization. On March 15, Russia's Justice Ministry filed a claim with the ...   Russia launches court bid to ban Jehovah's Witnesses over 'extremism'
    Evening Standard - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Russia's government has launched a Supreme Court bid to outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses and have the movement declared an extremist organisation. The Christian-based faith group's headquarters, near St Petersburg, has already been added to a list of ...   Jehovah's Witnesses Face Russian Ban
    Transitions Online - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Jehovah's Witnesses are breaking the law against extremism when they refuse blood transfusions, a Russian Justice Ministry official said yesterday as the Supreme Court heard arguments that could see the religious group banned. The court began hearings ...   Russia top court hears bid to outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses
    JURIST - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ [JURIST] The Russian Supreme Court [official website, in Russian] began hearings on Wednesday on a request [RAPSI report] to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses religious group. The Russian Ministry of Justice [official website, in Russian] has named the ...   RUSSIA: Russia Suspends Jehovah's Witnesses
    United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (press release) - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ Washington, D.C. – Russia's Justice Ministry suspended the Jehovah's Witnesses on March 24, alleging that its activities “violate Russia's laws on combating extremism.” The Russian authorities have used their extremism law to systematically harass the ...   Jehovah Witnesses here worried over Russian court ruling
    Barbados Today - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses faith here have expressed concern about the plight of fellow Witnesses in Russia, which is seeking to ban the religious organization altogether. Russia's Supreme Court Thursday upheld the decision of a Russian city to ...   Russian court considers ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
    SBS - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court has rejected a counter claim filed by Jehovah's Witnesses who are challenging a Justice Ministry order to cease operating in the country. The religious organisation had asked the court to declare the government's actions unlawful ...   Russia's high court considers banning Jehovah's Witnesses
    UPI.com - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ April 5 (UPI) -- Russia's Supreme Court on Wednesday considered a request by the government to ban Jehovah's Witnesses and declare the Christian group an extremist organization. On March 16, the Russian government filed suit to outlaw the organization ...   Russia may ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    Catholic Culture - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ “The Russian government is claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremist group, but in fact it's their move to ban them outright that appears to be extreme,” said Maina Kiai, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of ...   Russia Jehovah's Witnesses Could Be Labeled Extremist, Worship Banned
    Newsmax - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court may declare Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization at a hearing Wednesday, which means the Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters would be seized and their organized worship banned in the country. "If the Supreme Court ...   UN experts voice concern over possible ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
    TASS - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ GENEVA, April 4. /TASS/. A total of three rapporteurs of the UN on human rights have said the moves taken by the Russian authorities to declare the Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia an extremist organization are "extremely worrying ...   RUSSIA: Police harassment as Supreme Court considers ban
    Forum 18 - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court is due to resume considering a total ban on Jehovah's Witness activity on 12 April. Already police in several towns have disrupted their worship. A Moscow community's rental of a hall to mark their main annual commemoration was ...   High-Profile Case Against Jehovah's Witnesses Started Today in Russia's Supreme Court
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ On March 24, 2017, Russia's Ministry of Justice suspended Jehovah's Witnesses with the allegation that their religious activities are in violation of Russian law and fighting extremism. The Russian government, under the authority of their extremism law ...   Russian court turns down Jehovah's Witnesses' bid for 'victim of repression' status
    TASS - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Earlier in the day, the Russian Supreme Court began hearings on the Justice Ministry's appeal to ban the activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses Managerial Center in Russia as extremist. Jehovah's Witnesses filed a counterclaim demanding to recognize the ...   Russia Moves To Ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    360Nobs.com - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ The Supreme Court in Russia has begun hearing a government request to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. BBC reports that the justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of ...   Russia's Supreme Court Begins High-Profile Case Against Jehovah's Witnesses
    PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ NEW YORK, April 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation began consideration of a claim from the Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The Court announced a ...  
  25. Upvote
    bruceq got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in MASSIVE WORLDWIDE EXPOSURE TO PLIGHT OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN RUSSIA   
    Local Jehovah's Witnesses Defend Brothers, Sisters In Russia
    CapeNews.net - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ “It is my understanding that the laws of the Russian government guarantee freedom of religion to all citizens. Jehovah's Witnesses strive to be good citizens,” Mariah's letter states. It continues and asks that the official consider God's word before ...   Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia v. in the US
    Religion News Service - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ The Jehovah's Witnesses have been on trial in St. Petersburg this week for violating a Russian law against extremism. The alleged extremism includes refusing blood transfusions, publishing pamphlets critical Russian Orthodox Church, and undermining ...   Russia Supreme Court considers ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
    Fox News - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ MOSCOW – State news agency RIA Novosti says Russia's Supreme Court has upheld the decision of the city court in Birobidzhan to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses, a decision that comes amid proceedings on a Justice Ministry suit to ban the religious ...   Russia: Jehovah's Witnesses Break Law by Refusing Blood Transfusions
    Newsweek - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Jehovah's Witnesses break the law forbidding “extremism” when its members refuse blood transfusions, Russia's Justice Ministry said Thursday at a Supreme Court hearing on the question of banning the religious group in the country. The ministry added ...   Russia Moves To Label Jehovah's Witnesses As 'Extremists'
    Huffington Post - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ The Justice Ministry in Moscow has been investigating the Jehovah's Witnesses' Russian headquarters near St. Petersburg over the last year and claimed it discovered violations of a Russian law banning extremism. The ministry accused the organization of ...   Russian Supreme Court Considers Outlawing Jehovah's Witness Worship
    TIME - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Russian Supreme Court could declare the Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization in a Wednesday hearing, a move that would lead to the seizure of the church's headquarters near St. Petersburg and the outlawing of the group's organized ...   Russia Moves to Ban Jehovah's Witnesses as 'Extremist'
    New York Times - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Justice Ministry, in a preliminary adminstrative strike last month, put the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, an office complex near St. Petersburg, on a list of the bodies banned “in connection with the carrying out of extremist ...   Russian court mulls Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    Fox News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court began a hearing Wednesday to potentially ban the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare the group an extremist organization in the country. The Russian government filed a lawsuit on March 16 to outlaw the Christian-based movement.   Proceedings on Ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Enters Day 3
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Crowd forms outside of Russian Supreme Court in Moscow. The court is considering a claim from the Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses.   Russia's Supreme Court to consider Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    Atlanta Journal Constitution - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ According to a New York Times report, the religious group is viewed by the Russian government as deviating too far from traditional norms that President Vladimir Putin has promoted. Jehovah's Witnesses do not vote or otherwise participate in politics ...   Russia court considers Jehovah's Witnesses ban
    BBC News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups.   Russia Continues Proceedings on Jehovah's Witnesses in Supreme Court Thursday
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Latest decision on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is yet another blow to the religious organization. Russia's news agency is reporting the city court of Birobidzhan's decision to ban Jehovah's Witnesses will be upheld. A Justice Ministry suit is working ...   Spokane-area Jehovah's Witnesses wait anxiously for Russian court ruling
    The Spokesman-Review - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Russia's Justice Ministry filed a case with the Supreme Court to declare the administrative center for Russia's Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization on March 15. The court reviewed the case for about seven hours Wednesday before announcing a ...   US: Russia's Ban of Jehovah's Witnesses as 'Extremist' Shows that Moscow Views All Independent Religions as a Threat
    Newsweek - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ The Russian justice ministry's call for the country's Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters to be shut down represents an attempt to “eliminate the legal existence” of the religion, said the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).   Russian Government Seeks to Ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    Voice of America - ‎Apr 3, 2017‎ Several U.S. legislators have criticized the Russian government for plans to effectively ban the Jehovah's Witnesses, a nontraditional Christian movement, as an "extremist" organization. On March 15, Russia's Justice Ministry filed a claim with the ...   Russia launches court bid to ban Jehovah's Witnesses over 'extremism'
    Evening Standard - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Russia's government has launched a Supreme Court bid to outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses and have the movement declared an extremist organisation. The Christian-based faith group's headquarters, near St Petersburg, has already been added to a list of ...   Jehovah's Witnesses Face Russian Ban
    Transitions Online - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Jehovah's Witnesses are breaking the law against extremism when they refuse blood transfusions, a Russian Justice Ministry official said yesterday as the Supreme Court heard arguments that could see the religious group banned. The court began hearings ...   Russia top court hears bid to outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses
    JURIST - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ [JURIST] The Russian Supreme Court [official website, in Russian] began hearings on Wednesday on a request [RAPSI report] to outlaw the Jehovah's Witnesses religious group. The Russian Ministry of Justice [official website, in Russian] has named the ...   RUSSIA: Russia Suspends Jehovah's Witnesses
    United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (press release) - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ Washington, D.C. – Russia's Justice Ministry suspended the Jehovah's Witnesses on March 24, alleging that its activities “violate Russia's laws on combating extremism.” The Russian authorities have used their extremism law to systematically harass the ...   Jehovah Witnesses here worried over Russian court ruling
    Barbados Today - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses faith here have expressed concern about the plight of fellow Witnesses in Russia, which is seeking to ban the religious organization altogether. Russia's Supreme Court Thursday upheld the decision of a Russian city to ...   Russian court considers ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
    SBS - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court has rejected a counter claim filed by Jehovah's Witnesses who are challenging a Justice Ministry order to cease operating in the country. The religious organisation had asked the court to declare the government's actions unlawful ...   Russia's high court considers banning Jehovah's Witnesses
    UPI.com - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ April 5 (UPI) -- Russia's Supreme Court on Wednesday considered a request by the government to ban Jehovah's Witnesses and declare the Christian group an extremist organization. On March 16, the Russian government filed suit to outlaw the organization ...   Russia may ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    Catholic Culture - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ “The Russian government is claiming that the Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremist group, but in fact it's their move to ban them outright that appears to be extreme,” said Maina Kiai, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of ...   Russia Jehovah's Witnesses Could Be Labeled Extremist, Worship Banned
    Newsmax - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court may declare Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist organization at a hearing Wednesday, which means the Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters would be seized and their organized worship banned in the country. "If the Supreme Court ...   UN experts voice concern over possible ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia
    TASS - ‎Apr 4, 2017‎ GENEVA, April 4. /TASS/. A total of three rapporteurs of the UN on human rights have said the moves taken by the Russian authorities to declare the Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia an extremist organization are "extremely worrying ...   RUSSIA: Police harassment as Supreme Court considers ban
    Forum 18 - ‎Apr 7, 2017‎ Russia's Supreme Court is due to resume considering a total ban on Jehovah's Witness activity on 12 April. Already police in several towns have disrupted their worship. A Moscow community's rental of a hall to mark their main annual commemoration was ...   High-Profile Case Against Jehovah's Witnesses Started Today in Russia's Supreme Court
    World Religion News - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ On March 24, 2017, Russia's Ministry of Justice suspended Jehovah's Witnesses with the allegation that their religious activities are in violation of Russian law and fighting extremism. The Russian government, under the authority of their extremism law ...   Russian court turns down Jehovah's Witnesses' bid for 'victim of repression' status
    TASS - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ Earlier in the day, the Russian Supreme Court began hearings on the Justice Ministry's appeal to ban the activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses Managerial Center in Russia as extremist. Jehovah's Witnesses filed a counterclaim demanding to recognize the ...   Russia Moves To Ban Jehovah's Witnesses
    360Nobs.com - ‎Apr 6, 2017‎ The Supreme Court in Russia has begun hearing a government request to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. BBC reports that the justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of ...   Russia's Supreme Court Begins High-Profile Case Against Jehovah's Witnesses
    PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Apr 5, 2017‎ NEW YORK, April 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation began consideration of a claim from the Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The Court announced a ...  
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