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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. JW.ORG....

    What Does 666 Mean?

    The Bible’s answer :

    According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. (Revelation 13:1, 17, 18) This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight. How?

    More than a label. Names given by God have meaning. For example, God gave the man Abram, which means “Father Is High (Exalted),” the name Abraham, which means “Father of a Crowd (Multitude),” when God promised that He would make Abraham “a father of many nations.” (Genesis 17:5, footnotes) Likewise, God named the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.

    The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.

    Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.
    The mark of the beast

    The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” *

    How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.—Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19-21.

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    Obremos lo que es bueno para con todos, pero especialmente para con los que están relacionados con nosotros en la fe (Gál. 6:10).

    Hoy día somos millones los siervos de Jehová que estamos dando a conocer su nombre y su propósito por toda la Tierra. ¿Qué relación debería haber entre nosotros? (Rom. 12:10). El apóstol Pedro dijo que nuestra “obediencia a la verdad” debe producir “cariño fraternal” entre nosotros. Y luego añadió: “Ante todo, tengan amor intenso unos para con otros” (1 Ped. 1:22; 4:8). El gran amor que sentimos por nuestros hermanos nos ha permitido formar una organización única en el planeta. Y, como amamos y obedecemos a nuestro Dios, contamos con la fuerza más poderosa del universo: su espíritu santo. Gracias a todo eso podemos decir que somos una familia internacional que vive en paz y armonía (1 Juan 4:20, 21). w15 15/11 4:8, 9


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    Hazme entender, para que observe tu ley, y para que la guarde con todo el corazón (Sal. 119:34).

    Si un adolescente entiende las razones por las que sus padres toman alguna decisión o establecen ciertas reglas, le será más fácil obedecer. Por eso, padres, si es posible, expliquen a sus hijos sus razones. Barry, que tiene cuatro hijos, nos cuenta su experiencia: “Los adolescentes confían más en sus padres cuando se dan cuenta de que son razonables y de que no toman decisiones por capricho”. Recuerden que sus hijos ya no son niños; necesitan saber el porqué de las cosas. Están madurando y desarrollando su “facultad de raciocinio”, es decir, la capacidad de razonar (Rom. 12:1). Barry continúa: “Tienen que aprender a decidir sin dejarse llevar por las emociones”. Por lo tanto, sean humildes y expliquen por qué toman sus decisiones. Así, sus hijos se sentirán respetados y aprenderán a tomar las suyas. w15 15/11 2:11


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    Let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.—Gal. 6:10.

    Throughout the earth, there are millions who worship Jehovah and bear witness to his name and purpose. How should each worshipper of Jehovah view his fellow Witnesses? (Rom. 12:10) The apostle Peter wrote: “Now that you have purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart.” Peter also told fellow believers: “Above all things, have intense love for one another.” (1 Pet. 1:22; 4:8) Because we have intense love for our fellow servants of Jehovah, we make up a unique worldwide organization. Moreover, because we love Jehovah and obey his laws, he supports us with the most powerful force in the universe, his holy spirit, or active force. This enables us to enjoy wonderful unity as a truly international brotherhood.—1 John 4:20, 21. w15 11/15 4:8, 9


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    Give me understanding, so that I may observe your law and keep it with my whole heart.—Ps. 119:34.

    When appropriate, explain to your children the reasons behind a rule or a decision you make. If a teenager understands your thinking on the matter, he is more likely to obey you from a willing heart. “Giving reasons helps teenagers to trust you because they see that your decisions are not arbitrary or capricious but reasonable,” says Barry, who raised four children. A teenager is also maturing into an adult with his own “power of reason.” (Rom. 12:1) Barry explains: “Teenagers need to learn to make sensible decisions based on reason rather than emotion.” When you humbly give reasons for your decisions, your adolescent can sense that you recognize that he is progressing toward maturity, and he learns to make his own decisions with his “power of reason.” w15 11/15 2:11


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    ::::::::::STOP JUDGING:::::::::
    If we appreciate the merciful nature of God’s justice, we will not be quick to judge others in matters that really do not concern us or that are of lesser importance. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned: “Stop judging that you may not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1) According to LukeÂ’s account, Jesus added: “Stop condemning, and you will by no means be condemned.” (Luke 6:37) Jesus showed his awareness that imperfect humans have a tendency to be judgmental. Any of his listeners who were in the habit of harshly judging others were to stop it.
    Why must we “stop judging” others? For one thing, our authority is limited. The disciple James reminds us: “One there is that is lawgiver and judge”—Jehovah. So James pointedly asks: “Who are you to be judging your neighbor?”
    (James 4:12; Romans 14:1-4) In addition, our sinful nature can so easily render our judgments unfair. Many attitudes and motives—including prejudice, injured pride, jealousy, and self-righteousness—can distort the way we see fellow humans. We have further limitations, and reflecting on these should restrain us from being quick to find fault with others. We cannot read hearts;  nor can we know all the personal circumstances of others. Who, then, are we to impute wrong motives to fellow believers or to criticize their efforts in God’s service?  How much better it is to imitate Jehovah by looking for the good in our brothers and sisters rather than focusing on their failings !

    Jehovah treats us the way we treat others. “Stop judging that you may not be judged,” said Jesus, “for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged; and with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you.” (Matt. 7:1, 2)

  7. Thank  you  my  dear  sister  @Blanchie DeGrate  too :x:)

    That  was  really  a  long,  detailed  comment :D  But  it  was  worth,  bec. this  old  Dr. hc. Alfred  VOGEL  was  our  Brother  and  a  great  nature  man.   I  learned  alot  about  healing  sicknesses  ONLY  with  plants  and  more...  You  can  read  online  about  him.  THANK  YOU !  

  8. The  Feeding  of  the  5,000 !

    Jesus provides a meal for 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes. Matthew 14:13-21 13 When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick . 15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals . 16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. 17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. 18 He said, Bring them hither to me. 19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake , and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

  9. I  know  Dr. hc. Alfred  Vogel,  our  Brother,  since 1990 :)  My  Swiss  GF  met  him  in  person,  by  his  talks !  Always  interesting  and  instructive, she said.  I've  some  books  of  him  and  get  monthly  his  booklets :  "GESUNDHEITS - NACHRICHTEN" / "Healthy - reports"...  very  good,  now  also  online !  He  brought  as  first  human,  in  the  past,  the  very  good  plant  'ECHINACEA'  to  Europe....   ( digitalis... )



    Alfred Vogel, the Lakota chief and the Echinacea plant.....
    In South Dakota, Alfred Vogel met Chieftain Ben Black Elk in the Pine Ridge Reserve in 1953 and talked to him about God and the world, the life in the reserve, the disappearance of many Indian customs and, how could it be otherwise, the healing arts with plants. In this way, the chief trusted him and not only gave him the knowledge of the effect of echinacea, the medicinal plant that was to become so important to Alfred Vogel, but also gave him seeds of the red sunhat.

    The Lakota have known this plant for generations and used it in many ways as a remedy: chewed leaves externally in snake bites and purulent wounds, internally to strengthen the body's resistance to feverish diseases and infections. How extraordinary this friendly gesture was, Alfred Vogel was to become really clear later.

    On his travels through South America, he often found that the Indians "carefully guarded their secrets in the field of medicine" and were by no means willing to tell them about passing strangers. Alfred Vogel was worthy of the generous gift: he planted the seeds in Teufen and also in the Engadine, where he harbored and cherished his beloved Echinacea cultures. Years later he summarized:

    "I raised the echinacea in the Engadin (at over 1600 meters altitude) and slowly acclimatized. However,  I had to ... be patient for 15 years, until the echinacea plant of the Sioux Indians had completely adapted to the climate difference through good care. "

    The drops and tablets from Echinacea are probably the best known fresh plant remedies from A.Vogel. For more than 50 years, millions of consumers in over 30 countries have trusted the immune-boosting, cold-relieving, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral power of Alfred Vogel's favorite plant.

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    The  seeds....

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    Echinacea / Red  Fingerhut /  Digitalis !

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    Lakota  -  Indianer  Chieftain  Ben  Black  Elk

    ( Dr. hc. A. Vogel, 94 yrs.  was  dying  in  the  TRUTH ? )

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    Der Sklave sagt:
    Viele Menschen tragen in Wort und Tat symbolisch dieses Zeichen, das sie als "Sklaven" oder "Soldaten" der "Bestie" identifiziert. (Offenbarung 13: 3, 4.)
    Die Feinde Gottes lassen das Malzeichen des Tieres, die mysteriöse Zahl, die seinen Namen enthält, auf die Stirn und in eine Hand gravieren. Dies gibt ihnen große Chancen für wirtschaftlichen und kommerziellen Fortschritt, aber es bringt ihnen den Zorn Gottes und schließt sie aus dem tausendjährigen Königreich aus, Off 13:16; 14: 9; 20: 4

    Ist dieses Zeichen irreversibel, das heißt, kann es nicht gelöscht werden?
    Die Menschen der Welt sind bereits mit dem 666er-Zeichen der Bestie gekennzeichnet. Denken Sie daran, dass der Sklave lehrt, dass die Markierung im Jahr 1922 begann und 1945 erneuert wurde, als die UN auf den Plan trat.
    Alle, die das Zeichen erhalten, sind zum ewigen Tod verurteilt. Ihre Namen sind nicht im Buch des Lebens Jehovas. Das Problem ist, dass, wenn die Massen der Menschheit bereits zum zweiten Tod verurteilt wurden, was ist der Punkt, ihnen die gute Nachricht zu predigen ?

    ( translated by google )

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