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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. ouououououou.jpg

    TO REASON MATURE BROTHERS AND SISTERS.  -   What is the 666 mark?
    The slave says:
    Many human beings, in word or deed, symbolically carry this mark that identifies them as "slaves" or "soldiers" of the "beast". (Revelation 13: 3, 4.)
    The enemies of God allow the mark of the beast, the mysterious number that contains its name, to be engraved on the forehead and in one hand. This gives them great opportunities for economic and commercial progress, but it brings them the wrath of God and excludes them from the millennial kingdom, Rev. 13:16; 14: 9; 20: 4

    Is this mark irreversible, that is, can it not be erased?
    The people of the world have already been marked with the 666 mark of the beast. Remember that the slave teaches that the marking began in 1922 and was renewed in 1945 when the UN came on the scene.
    All who receive the mark are condemned to eternal death. Their names are not in the book of Jehovah's life. The problem is that if the masses of humanity have already been condemned to the second death, what is the point of preaching the good news to them?

  2. The Life Cycle of The Honey Bee Queen (The Making of a Queen)

    Learn how a honey bee queen is made and how she lives. Its remarkable. From egg to adult is only 14 days. She then leaves the hive with about a dozen drone (male) bees and flies into the sky with them where she will mate with them. The drones die and she returns to the hive mated for life! She will lay a thousand eggs a day and is waited on hand and foot by the worker bees the remainder of her life!

    From One Queen To The Next, The Ten Stages A Queen Honey Bee Experiences....
    The making of a new queen bee after the death of the old one is particularly critical to be done quickly as the existing eggs must be less than three days old in order for them to do what’s necessary to make it into a queen bee.

    1: Bees construct up to 20 wax queen cells.

    2: Current queen lays fertilized eggs in each queen cell (or in the case of the death of the queen, some existing eggs under three days old will be converted to queen cells by the method in the following step).

    3: Young nurse bees feed the young queen larvae with a special rich creamy food called Royal Jelly and extend the cell downwards until it is about 25mm in length.

    4: About nine days after laying, the first queen cell is sealed with a layer of wax.

    5: Assuming a new queen is being made because of an overpopulation within the hive, a large swarm, called the prime swarm, of bees leaves the hive, led by the older bees. The old queen gets starved so she is thinner and able to fly with the swarm and they go off scouting for a new place to create a colony. During their trip, the swarm will take frequent breaks to send out scouts to go search on their own. The scouts report back and from this information, they choose the best spot to go next until they finally settle on an optimal location.

    6: Back in the hive, about a week later, the first of the new queens will leave her cell. The new queen will then either choose to locate and kill her sister potential queens by stinging them through the wax wall of their cells. Or she will take a small swarm and go start a new hive somewhere, particularly if the hive is still somewhat crowded. If she leaves, then the next to emerge from her cell will make the same decision. Eventually one will decide to stay.

    7: Young queen flies around and orients herself to her new surroundings.

    8: The queen will take several mating flights and will mate with up to 20 male bees called drones; the drones will die after mating.

    9: A few days later, the mated queen will begin to lay fertilized eggs at a rate of about 2000 per day. Fertilized eggs become female worker bees. Unfertilized eggs get fertilized by male drones and become new drones. At any given time in a healthy hive, there is 1 queen bee, up to 40,000 or so female worker bees, and a few hundred male drones.

    10: This queen will stay with the colony for at least a year until a large enough swarm is available to go start a new colony somewhere else. Though the worker bees only live 40 or so days and drone bees die in mating or are evicted from the hive in the autumn to conserve food as they do no actual work, the queen bee can live up to 5 years.






                   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

  3. 22.11..jpg

    Acérquense a Dios, y él se acercará a ustedes (Sant. 4:8).

    Aprovechar toda oportunidad para pensar en las cosas de Dios también nos ayudará a mantener vivo nuestro entusiasmo por la verdad. Ese entusiasmo contagiará a los demás hermanos de la congregación y a quienes nos escuchen en el ministerio. Y si meditamos en el regalo más grande que hemos recibido, el sacrificio de Jesús, valoraremos aún más nuestra amistad con el Creador (Rom. 3:24). Mark, un hermano de Sudáfrica que pasó tres años en la cárcel por negarse a participar en actividades políticas, explicó que meditar es como hacer un viaje. Mientras más viaja uno, más cosas nuevas y emocionantes descubre. Lo mismo sucede con la meditación. Mientras más medita uno, más cosas aprende acerca de Jehová. Luego, Mark agregó: “En ocasiones me siento un poco desanimado o me preocupa el futuro. Cuando me pasa eso, tomo la Biblia, la leo y medito en algún versículo; de inmediato me empiezo a sentir mejor”. w15 15/10 4:15


  4. 21.11..jpg

    Jesús amaba a Marta y a su hermana y a Lázaro (Juan 11:5).

    Marta fue una de las mujeres con las que Jesús hizo amistad. Otra de ellas fue la hermana de Marta. Y, por supuesto, Jesús sentía cariño por su propia madre (Juan 19:25-27). ¿Qué clase de mujer era Marta? Jesús le tenía cariño a Marta no solo porque era hospitalaria y trabajadora, sino porque era una mujer espiritual. Ella creía todo lo que Jesús decía y estaba convencida de que era el Mesías (Juan 11:21-27). Claro, como todo ser humano, tenía sus defectos. En una ocasión en la que Jesús había ido a comer a su casa, Marta se atrevió a pedirle que corrigiera una situación que le parecía injusta. “Señor —le dijo—, ¿no te importa que mi hermana me haya dejado sola para atender las cosas? Dile, por lo tanto, que me ayude” (Luc. 10:38-42). w15 15/10 3:1, 2


  5. 20.11..jpg

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    Tus siervos han venido con respecto al nombre de Jehová tu Dios, porque hemos oído de su fama y de todo lo que hizo (Jos. 9:9).

    Los gabaonitas fueron sabios y entendieron que el Dios verdadero estaba de parte de Israel. Rahab también reconoció el poder de Dios. Ella sabía cómo había sacado Jehová a Israel de Egipto, de modo que cuando fueron a su hogar dos espías israelitas, les dijo: “De veras sé que Jehová ciertamente les dará el país”. Además, aunque entendía que era peligroso, los ayudó y confió en que Dios podía salvarla a ella y a su familios. a (J2:9-13; 4:23, 24). Estos ejemplos bíblicos y muchos otros nos ayudan a entender lo que significa ver a Dios, o ver la mano de Dios. El cristiano que conoce a Jehová, que sabe cómo es él, puede ver su poder y su ayuda con “los ojos [del] corazón” (Efes. 1:18). Obviamente, queremos ser como los siervos de Dios del pasado que vieron con claridad la mano de Jehová. w15 15/10 1:6, 7, 9


  6. WHAT ??? Again  your  humor  JTR ?  :D   That  was  a  big  mistake  from  the  elders !  NOT  needful  the  tears....  what  are  they  doing  with  the  little  boy?  Forgotten to  put  a  box  before the  micro?  Of  sure  not  the  first  time  for  such  a  little  Brother....   That  was  really  little  awkward  for  him...   sorry,  little  Sweetie :x   we're  all  imperfect :(:)

                                                 ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?


  7. !!!!$%&.jpg


    WHAT  A  BROTHERLY  LOVE:x   WOW...  2 hours  walking & more !!

    Jehovah  will  watching  your  love,  our  dear  Brother :x

                             ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

  8. 22.11..jpg

    Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8.

    By continuing to ponder over spiritual things, we will maintain our enthusiasm for the truth. Thus we will be a source of refreshment to our brothers and to the interested ones we meet in the field service. Meditating deeply on God’s greatest gift, the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, will help us to cherish the privilege of having a close relationship with our Holy Father, Jehovah. (Rom. 3:24) Mark, a South African who spent three years in prison because of his Christian neutrality, said: “Meditation can be compared to an exciting adventure. The more we meditate on spiritual things, the more we discover new things about our God, Jehovah. At times when I’m feeling a little discouraged or anxious about the future, I pick up the Bible and meditate on a passage of Scripture. I feel that it really calms me down.” w15 10/15 4:15


  9. Thats not a nice question, bec. we've sick and disabled JW in all countries !  They always need help of others and can't walk alone when they want :(  Thats a question for younger, healthy JW in especially countries, where they have rainy seasons, less or bad streets and often bad ways too....  In small or bigger towns, all JW driving to meetings or conventions !  We also have buses and trains. Thats my answer to your question,  @Bible Speaks...  Agape ???

  10. 21.11..jpg

    Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.—John 11:5.

    Although Martha was the only woman mentioned by name as being one whom Jesus loved, he also had pure unselfish love for other godly women, such as his dear earthly mother, Mary, and Martha’s sister, Mary. (John 19:25-27) Why, then, is Martha mentioned in this way in the Gospel account? Jesus loved Martha not only for her hospitable and industrious nature but, no doubt, because of her spirituality. She was a woman who truly believed Jesus’ teachings. Martha had remarkable faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah. (John 11:21-27) At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. On one occasion while Jesus was being entertained in her home, Martha presumed to tell Jesus what he should do to correct a situation she thought to be wrong. “Lord,” said Martha, “does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things? Tell her to come and help me.”—Luke 10:38-42. w15 10/15 3:1, 2


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    Your servants have come . . . out of regard for the name of Jehovah your God, because we have heard about his fame and about all he did.—Josh. 9:9.

    The Gibeonites wisely recognized Israel’s backer to be the true God. Rahab too perceived God’s hand in the events of her day. After learning about how Jehovah rescued his people, she told two Israelite spies: “I do know that Jehovah will give you the land.” Even though taking such a stand was fraught with danger, she expressed faith that Jehovah could deliver her and her family. (Josh. 2:9-13; 4:23, 24) These and many other examples in the Bible help us to understand what it means to see God or to see his hand in matters. As we come to know him, we too can see his hand because we perceive his qualities and actions with “the eyes of [our] heart.” (Eph. 1:18) Surely we want to be like those past and present who have clearly seen Jehovah supporting his people. w15 10/15 1:6, 7, 9


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