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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  2. BOLIVIA, ESPECIALLY CONVENTION  *2017*  800 !  BAPTISMAL                                 ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  3. By my dear sister Beth, in the USA    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  4. Los cielos son mi trono, y la tierra es el escabel de mis pies (Is. 66:1). La imagen del escabel, o banquillo, también se usa en las Escrituras Hebreas para hablar del antiguo templo de Israel (1 Crón. 28:2; Sal. 132:7). Ese templo era el centro de la religión verdadera. Por eso era tan hermoso a los ojos de Jehová, porque se usaba para darle gloria desde la Tierra (Is. 60:13). Sin embargo, hoy en día el centro de la religión verdadera no es un templo construido por el hombre, sino un templo espiritual. Ese templo le da más gloria a Jehová que cualquier construcción literal.  ¿Y qué es? Es el sistema que Dios ha creado para que podamos reconciliarnos con él y servirle, sistema que funciona gracias  al sacrificio de Jesús. ¿Cuándo comenzó a funcionar? En el año 29, cuando Jesús se bautizó y fue elegido para ser el Sumo Sacerdote de ese gran templo espiritual (Heb. 9:11, 12). w15 15/7 1:1-3 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/11/12
  5. El nombre de Dios es blasfemado entre las naciones a causa de ustedes (Rom. 2:24). Es un gran privilegio conocer el nombre de Dios y pertenecer al pueblo que lleva ese nombre (Is. 43:10; Hech. 15:14). La primera petición que hacemos en el padrenuestro es: “Santificado sea tu nombre” (Mat. 6:9). Si le pedimos eso, lógicamente también debemos pedirle que nos ayude a no hacer o decir nada que pueda manchar su santo nombre. No quisiéramos ser como algunos cristianos del siglo primero que predicaban una cosa y hacían otra, como indica el texto de hoy. Para que su nombre sea completamente santificado y quede libre de toda acusación, Jehová tiene que eliminar a todos los que lo rechazan como Rey (Ezeq. 38:22, 23). En el Paraíso, la humanidad recuperará poco a poco la perfección. Llegará el día en el que todos —seres humanos y ángeles— traten con respeto el santo nombre de Dios. Entonces, nuestro querido Padre celestial será “todas las cosas para con todos” (1 Cor. 15:28). w15 15/6 4:7, 10 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/11/11
  6. The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool.—Isa. 66:1. Besides referring to the earth, the term “footstool” is also employed figuratively in the Hebrew Scriptures to describe the ancient temple used by the Israelites. (1 Chron. 28:2; Ps. 132:7) Located on the earth, the temple served as the center of true worship. For that reason, it was truly beautiful in JehovahÂ’s eyes and its very existence glorified the place for JehovahÂ’s feet. (Isa. 60:13) Today the center of true worship is no longer a literal temple on earth. There is, however, a spiritual temple, which glorifies Jehovah far more than any building. This is an arrangement that makes reconciliation with God possible by means of the priesthood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It came into existence in 29 C.E. at JesusÂ’ baptism when Jesus was anointed as High Priest of JehovahÂ’s great spiritual temple.—Heb. 9:11, 12. w15 7/15 1:1-3 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/12
  7. Here is another COVER, without record  very very old, yes !  Today we can quickly use our tablet, how nice. Our Brothers in the past had a very hard service  but they were happy too !
  8. REALLY ???  YOU ALSO KNOW THAT FUNNY DAY ?  WOW !!  Do you remember, when your daughter sent you into the 1. April with a great joke @James Thomas Rook Jr. ??  Kindly parents mostly playing that little game... then its a double joy for the kids   Also friends, couples, colleagues etc. doing that. The yellow press and TV too ! Next day they clearing up !  I don't know, how its by a Boss?  Better NOT by TRUMP  When it is a good joke, I love it ~~~~~
  9. The name of God is being blasphemed among the nations because of you.—Rom. 2:24. What a privilege it is for us not only to know GodÂ’s personal name but also to bear it as “a people for his name.” (Acts 15:14; Isa. 43:10) We implore our heavenly Father: “Let your name be sanctified.” (Matt. 6:9) Your making such a request may move you to ask Jehovah to help you to avoid doing or saying anything that would dishonor his holy name. We do not want to be like some in the first century who did not practice what they preached, as mentioned in todayÂ’s text. What is needed for GodÂ’s name to be completely sanctified and cleared of all reproach? For that to happen, Jehovah must act to remove all who willfully reject his sovereignty. (Ezek. 38:22, 23) Mankind will gradually be brought to perfection. How we long for the time when all intelligent creation will treat JehovahÂ’s name as holy! Then, at last, our loving heavenly Father will “be all things to everyone.”—1 Cor. 15:28. w15 6/15 4:7, 10 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/11
  10. TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 11 de noviembre de 2017
  11. YES !! hahaha - look the last word's in the video....  ONLY AVAILABLE ON 1. APRIL  Thats the BIG joke - date of our year ! Many kiddies making jokes with their parents and all adult people... its allowed ! Thats a big fun for many people.... Not all - and in the past it was alot more. Its also fun between adults  Seems, not in the USA ?  Sorry   Its really FUN....    It must be a fake, yes ! A peak behind the curtain of how this video was created: https://youtu.be/LSZPNwZex9s Here you can see the trick....  just COOL ! WOWÂ
  12. NY Style Pizza ?   In Germany it calls "Pizza Margherita" - and is the simple of all Pizza variations. But its looking tasty  A fresh Pizza is always looking tasty ! We've here ca. 20 - 50 variations, I think Look here : https://duckduckgo.com/?t=disconnect&x=%2Fhtml&q=many++different++pizzas++photos&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Falthawagah.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F12%2F?????-????-???-?????.jpg
  13. This report will bring you to tears.....  JEHOVAH, I'm going to put you first ? Anneliese Zelina's parents were Jehovah's Witnesses - but she didn't feel that she fit-in in the congregation, but only with her friends at school. So she moved to LA, and became a model. She did not find the 'life style' that she had expected, and felt empty. She also felt 'I'm too far from Jehovah, I can never return to Him'. Going on a tour in Bethel, she saw a picture and the sister who was taking her on the tour noted 'The people on the balcony are waiting for their loved ones to be resurrected'. Anneliese knew, for the first time the reality and wanted to come back to Jehovah. Jehovah, I'm Going to Put You First ?   The best decision https://tv.jw.org/#en/mediaitems/VODIntExpTransformations/pub-jwb_201702_4_VIDEO ( video, 5:24 min.)
  14. Traffic can be a real grind. For those travelling between work and home by car every day, the seemingly endless cycle of gas-brake-repeat at a snail's pace can wear thin. But commuters of the very-near future may be granted some respite by taking to the skies in a flying car. The US company behind the concept vehicle TF-X is hoping, a prototype will be ready to fly - and it will go on general sale within eight. It does give different of these vehicles....  ( Anyone remember that ? ) THE FLYING CAR IS REALLY A COOL THING FIRST ON THE STREET....  and THEN,  UP INTO THE AIR ~~~~~ WOW !! Â
  15. She kept saying: “If I touch just his outer garments, I will get well.”—Mark 5:28. Realizing that it was his Father, Jehovah, who had healed the woman, Jesus treated her kindly, saying: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed from your grievous sickness.” (Mark 5:34) How kind Jesus is! We see that he has a warm place in his heart for those who suffer from illnesses. Satan wants to convince us that we are unloved and worthless. By his miracles, Jesus clearly proved that he truly cares about us and our problems. What a sympathetic King and High Priest! (Heb. 4:15) It may not be easy for us to understand the feelings of those who suffer from a chronic illness, especially if we have never experienced such. We can bear in mind that Jesus empathized with the sick even though he himself was never sick. May JesusÂ’ example move us to do the same, to the best of our ability.—1 Pet. 3:8. w15 6/15 2:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/10
  16. Traffic can be a real grind. For those travelling between work and home by car every day, the seemingly endless cycle of gas-brake-repeat at a snail's pace can wear thin. But commuters of the very-near future may be granted some respite by taking to the skies in a flying car. The US company behind the concept vehicle TF-X is hoping, a prototype will be ready to fly - and it will go on general sale within eight. It does give different of these vehicles....  ( Anyone remember that ? ) AN ALTERNATIVE / OPTION,  TO THE TESLA CAR ?  THATS REALLY A COOL THING FIRST ON THE STREET....  and THEN,  UP INTO THE AIR ~~~~~ WOWÂ
  17. TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 10 de noviembre de 2017
  18. TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 9 de noviembre 2017
  19. Sorry..... that was Spanish ! Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday, November 9 2017
  20. What a nice mixed JW group in Nigeria, ready for serving  meeting before the  simple Kingdom Hall ! All are smiling, I want go with them Enjoy your day ?   all our Brothers and Sisters !             ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  21. PREACHING IN NIGERIA.... MOSTLY CASUALLY AND NICE  THE SAME IN SOME OTHER COUNTRIES AND ON MANY ISLANDS !    ( the little doggie is looking very interested...  )                                                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  22. Oh Boy.....  that was my first long study  I need dreaming a little                                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  23. New Little Current Kingdom Hall, open to the public this weekend By Robin Burridge - November 8, 2017 LITTLE CURRENT — The Kingdom Hall in Little Current is hosting open houses this weekend to unveil its new building to the community. The short 10-week construction project was made possible thanks to volunteers from community and national Jehovah’s Witness congregation members. “The entire new hall was built by volunteers,” explained LeeAnn Fawcett, who gave The Expositor a tour of the new building along with her husband and church elder Dan Fawcett. “There is a group of volunteers who travel throughout Canada building or renovating halls. Locally, people were asked about their skills and helped on site with everything from building to painting. Individuals (of the congregation) helped other ways too such as providing meals and accommodations. It is wonderful to be able to look around the new hall and know that we built it together.” “We were outgrowing our old building and it was determined that it was time to replace it opposed to doing renovations,” said Mr. Fawcett. The old hall was torn down on June 5 of this year and construction on the new building started on June 8. The building was completed and the first meeting in the new hall was held on Sunday, August 20. “The new building is all sensored and features LED lights,” explained Mr. Fawcett, noting that it is very green and energy efficient. “It knows when people are here and exchanges the air four times an hour, which is very helpful for people with allergies. It was also built using concrete foam, which maintains the temperature, and we have in floor heating.” The new facility is also wheelchair accessible, with a ramp up to the stage in the main room. “We were pleased to get new chairs as well,” shared Ms. Fawcett. “The building is designed as a package so we didn’t need to worry about anything.” There are no paid workers at the Kingdom Hall—from the building of the new hall to running the church, everyone is a volunteer. The Little Current Kingdom Hall has a core group of 40 members with seven elders who take on various roles such as accounting, education and speaking at meetings. The building was paid for by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. All contributions made to the church are forwarded on to help build other halls around the world, as well as provide relief work. There are two main rooms: the large meeting room and a smaller meeting room that can accommodate additional people or be used as a multi purpose room. Together the rooms have a capacity of 85. “We have dual monitors in the main room and one in the smaller meeting room that can all play the same program,” said Mr. Fawcett. “We use it for music, videos, pictures and for presentations. We have an upgraded phone system as well using the Internet that allows people who can’t make the meeting to listen from home.” “The smaller meeting room is also used by our Anishinaabemowin language group,” Ms. Fawcett said. “Our Sunday meeting is half in Anishinaabemowin and half in English. Our group is also working on translating projects such as pamphlets in Anishinaabemowin, videos and items for the website. The Jehovah’s Witnesses website is available in 120 languages and we are responsible for the Anishinaabemowin.” The Kingdom Hall is always open to the public, but this weekend the congregation wants to encourage members of the community to come see the new building and join in the celebration. The Little Current Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness is located at 51 Wilson Street. The open house will be held on Friday, November 10 from 4 to 8 pm and on Saturday, November 11 from 10 am to 2 pm. The brand new Kingdom Hall on Wilson Street in Little Current was completed in just 10 weeks thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers from across the country.
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