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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Some have asked me about the Panama Canal. - Here is a very brief overview. It is very interesting to tour the Miraflores Locks, and understand how the canal works, and how the huge ships are able to transit the canal. ( by Brother Elder..) On this day in History, Panama Canal opened to traffic on August 15, 1914. Today, ships from all parts of the world transit daily through the Panama Canal. Some 13 to 14 thousand vessels use the Canal every year. The Canal operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing transit service to vessels of all nations without discrimination. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_CanalÂ
  2. OUR LITTLE KIDDIES ON THE STAGE....  ALWAYS A JOY and SO sovereign !                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  3. A nice moment... 7 yrs. old Brother is helping his little Brother to give a donate into the congregation box     Jehovah of sure is happy and appreciates that wonderful doing !                                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  4. A picture with wonderful PARADISE moments   We're all SO waiting....                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  5. FOODSTUFFS and other importend things for a local community, our Brothers & Sisters, whle the fires in California, USA  --- Lets hope, they are soon okay.... body, heart, mind and their home              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  6. Water and food for the poor people after the Hurrikan in Puerto Rico ! Its amazing, always alot helpers by catastrophes in many countries. That touched our hearts.....      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  7. COCHABAMBA, Bolivien - Good Morning our Brothers in Bolivia.... have a great day with Jehovah             ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  8. Yes, you are right my Brother JTR.  the internet is always a PRO & CONTRA.... in SO many things, I know ~~~~  Importend is, that JW knowing the special traps etc. - then NO danger ! But its not so easy, bec. I see and learn every week in TV, the HACKER have new tricks ! Just now by WhatsApp !  Very mean tricks, only to recongnize for insider....  For beginners, the internet is little dangerous, thats my opinion ! Better with a little professional beside.... THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT, @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  9. Thank you dear Blanchie??? Yes, my heart also loves such of postings ! The NW we are almost there....  that sounds so wonderful   Yes, not a long time, then we are there, in love and peace   THANK YOU JEHOVAH??Â
  10. Jehovah Witnesses - The Paradise train..... similar to the plane                       ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  11. JEHOVAH AND INTERNET WITNESSES.....    ( for some European coutries ) Many find themselves searching with a search engine in one of the educational sites or networks. And find a page of apostates. Is there criticism, information that you can not imagine, possibly lying? Maybe you're thinking of statements like The Watchtower of 09.15.2002 on page 20: "Doubts can be sown by the media, the Internet and today's apostates." Or the Watchtower of 01.05.2000 admits on page 9 paragraph 9: "Some defectors increasingly use various mass media, including the Internet, to spread false information about Jehovah's Witnesses." Surely you've heard about the Bereans, who tried everything. And opponents use this argument to encourage you to read their pages: "What would you do if you were looking for a new car? Would you ask the manufacturer or maybe look for a critical view with Google? A new television? Would you use Google to learn more about the vulnerabilities that the manufacturer hides? Why not with your Faith? Should not it be better verifiable and stronger than a car or television that you have for some years? " Our slave, based on the Bible, admits that some of our people, due to lack of exact knowledge, have doubts. Watchtower 2015 says: After this self-examination, you may have discovered that your faith is not as strong as you thought. But there is no reason to be discouraged. Even the apostle Peter let himself be carried away by fear and doubt. And on some occasions, Jesus rebuked all the apostles for their lack of faith. And the same magazine adds: "Read the Bible daily, study it and meditate on what you learn, but do not be content with that, research the issues you have doubts about". We do not read that they encourage us to search in Google critical pages with our Faith, in order to know the "truth". What the Bible clearly says is: "If any of you has a deficiency in wisdom, let him continue to ask God, because he gives generously to all, and without reproach, and it will be given to him.6 But let him continue to ask with faith, without doubting, because the that doubt is like a wave of the sea impelled by the wind and thrown from one part to another.7 In fact, that man who will receive anything from Jehovah will not appear, 8 he is an undecided man, inconstant in all his ways. "- James 1: 5-8                              ( some good lessons... ) ( translated from Spanish )
  12. Cristo es el poder de Dios (1 Cor. 1:24). Jehová le dio poder a Jesucristo para que hiciera cosas extraordinarias. Los Evangelios dan detalles sobre algunos de sus milagros, pero de seguro realizó muchos más (Mat. 9:35; Luc. 9:11). Así es, Jehová manifestó su gran poder por medio de Jesús. Por eso, el apóstol Pablo dijo: “Cristo [es] el poder de Dios”. Ahora bien, ¿por qué son tan importantes para nosotros los milagros de Jesús? El apóstol Pedro dijo que Jesús realizó milagros, o “grandes maravillas” (Hech. 2:22, Dios habla hoy). Esos milagros son una muestra a escala de los que realizará por todo el planeta cuando lo gobierne. También nos ayudan a entender mejor su personalidad y la de su Padre. w15 15/6 1:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/11/9
  13. Las vieron desde lejos y las acogieron (Heb. 11:13). Abrahán tenía tantas razones para confiar en Dios que era como si pudiera ver las cosas que le había prometido aunque aún no las había recibido. La fe de Abrahán le dio las fuerzas que necesitaba para obedecer a Dios. Con plena fe en sus promesas, se marchó de la ciudad de Ur. Además se negó a establecerse en las ciudades de Canaán, pues tenían los días contados ya que sus reyes no servían a Dios (Jos. 24:2). Durante el resto de su larga vida, Abrahán esperó “la ciudad que tiene fundamentos verdaderos, cuyo edificador y hacedor es Dios” (Heb. 11:10). En otras palabras, Abrahán pudo verse a sí mismo viviendo en un lugar permanente gobernado por Jehová. Abel, Enoc, Noé, Abrahán y otros creían en la resurrección y esperaban vivir en la Tierra bajo el Reino de Dios, “la ciudad que tiene fundamentos verdaderos”. Meditar en lo que Jehová les tenía reservado aumentó su fe (Heb. 11:15, 16). w15 15/5 3:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/11/8
  14. Christ is the power of God.—1 Cor. 1:24. Jehovah displayed his power through Jesus Christ in extraordinary ways. The four Gospels provide faith-strengthening details about some of the miracles that Christ performed. Likely, he performed many other miracles. (Matt. 9:35; Luke 9:11) Yes, GodÂ’s power was manifested in Jesus. For good reason, then, the apostle Paul could say about him: “Christ is the power of God.” Yet, what bearing can JesusÂ’ miracles have on our life? The apostle Peter said that Jesus performed miracles, or “wonders.” (Acts 2:22) The powerful works that Jesus did on earth were foregleams of even grander blessings to come under his kingly rule. They foreshadow the miracles that Jesus will perform in GodÂ’s new world on a global scale! His miracles also give us tremendous insight into his personality and that of his Father. w15 6/15 1:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/9
  15. They saw them from a distance and welcomed them.—Heb. 11:13. Abraham had so much evidence to demonstrate the reality of what he hoped for that it was as if he could see what he had not actually beheld! AbrahamÂ’s faith in GodÂ’s promises strengthened his resolve to do the divine will. Acting in faith, he left the city of Ur and refused to take up permanent residence in any of the cities of Canaan. Like Ur, they had shaky foundations because of their ungodly governments. (Josh. 24:2) For the rest of his long life, Abraham “was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” (Heb. 11:10) Abraham “saw” himself living in a permanent place governed by Jehovah. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others like them believed in the resurrection of the dead and looked forward to life on earth under GodÂ’s Kingdom, “the city having real foundations.” Reflecting on such blessings bolstered their faith in Jehovah.—Heb. 11:15, 16. w15 5/15 3:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/8
  16. Little happy family on the way preaching in Nigeria, ÁFRICA
  17. Don't lose hope.....  we're almost there    Rev. 21:4              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  18. Opónganse al Diablo, y él huirá de ustedes (Sant. 4:7). Nosotros estamos a punto de presenciar el fin de este mundo. Satanás quisiera que dejáramos de estar alerta justo ahora, que fuéramos “bondadosos con nosotros mismos” y tratáramos de estar lo más cómodos que fuera posible en este mundo. ¡No le demos el gusto! Jesús mandó: “Manténganse alerta”, y eso es lo que debemos hacer (Mat. 16:22, 23; 24:42). No se crea la mentira del Diablo de que el fin está lejos o que no va a llegar nunca. El Diablo quiere convencernos de que Dios no nos ama y que nuestros pecados son imperdonables. Pero si lo pensamos bien, ¿quién es realmente el que ha perdido el amor de Jehová? El Diablo. ¿Y quién es el que de verdad no merece que lo perdonen? ¡Pues el Diablo! En cambio, a nosotros nos asegura la Biblia: “Dios no es injusto para olvidar la obra de ustedes y el amor que mostraron para con su nombre” (Heb. 6:10). Nuestro servicio no es en vano; Jehová agradece todo lo que hacemos por él (1 Cor. 15:58). ¡No caigamos en el engaño de Satanás! w15 15/5 1:16-19 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/11/7
  19. Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.—Jas. 4:7. As we near the end of this system of things, Satan wants us to relax our guard, to “be kind” to ourselves by carving out a niche in this world, thus losing our sense of urgency. Do not let that happen to you! Instead, “keep on the watch.” (Matt. 16:22, 23; 24:42) Never believe SatanÂ’s deceptive propaganda that the end is far off—or that it is not coming at all. Satan tries to have us believe that from GodÂ’s standpoint we are unlovable and our sins are unforgivable. That is all part of SatanÂ’s deceptive propaganda. After all, who is particularly and really unlovable in JehovahÂ’s eyes? It is Satan. Who is really unforgivable? Again, it is Satan. But the Bible assures us: “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.” (Heb. 6:10) Jehovah appreciates our efforts to please him, and our service is not in vain. (1 Cor. 15:58) So let us not be fooled by SatanÂ’s deceptive propaganda. w15 5/15 1:16-19 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/11/7
  20. TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 7 de noviembre de 2017
  21. Mark Sanderson : *Russischer Kongress — Reisebericht*   Video, 5:24 !  https://tv.jw.org/#de/mediaitems/LatestVideos/pub-jwb_201709_12_VIDEO
  22. Mark Sanderson : *Russian Convention Travel - Report* - Enjoy Length 5:24 https://tv.jw.org/#en/mediaitems/LatestVideos/pub-jwb_201709_12_VIDEO
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