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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 6.11..jpg



    Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.—1 Pet. 5:7.

    Why does Jehovah not give us an immediate response to our every request? Recall that he likens our relationship with him to that of children with a father. (Ps. 103:13) A child cannot rightly expect a parent to grant every request or to do so right away. Some of a child’s requests may be mere passing whims. Others must wait till the time is right. Still others may not be in the child’s best interests or in the best interests of others involved. Furthermore, to concede immediately to a child’s every request would change the relationship to one of master and slave, the child being the master. Similarly, Jehovah may in our best interests allow time to pass before his response to our prayers becomes evident. That is his prerogative as our wise Creator, loving Master, and heavenly Father. Fulfilling all our requests right away would distort the proper relationship between us and him.—Isa. 29:16; 45:9. w15 4/15 4:6, 7


  2. We  know,  that  we  have  the  BEST  and  right  translated  names  of  Jehovah !  YHWH  and  similar  letters...   in  different  countries  always  little  simiar  but  right :)  The  Christendom  NOT  have  it,  bec. they  never  studied  the  Bible  like  JW  did.  So  the  laughter,  hahaha !   Yes,  Yahweh  is  also  okay  -  but  Jehovah, Jehova, Jeova  etc. -  JW  calling  and  writing  HIS  name  very  similar.  The  language  is  making  a  little  difference,  for me  its  okay.  -  JW.ORG  has  the  best  translation, thats  true !  I  believe,  nobody  knows  the  exactly  name  of  Jehovah  from  the  past...  its  too  long  ago >>>>>>>>>>>> 

    See  us  later  again,  my  brother.   Enjoy  your  day  so  long  and  take  care !   GREETINGS :D

  3. Wonderful  @Nicole....  may  Jehovah  bless  her  for  the  importend  work  she  is  doing :x   My  pioneer  GF  was  also  more  times  in  different  area's  and  countries,  where  the  need  is  greater.  She  is  learning  Indonesian  since  some  years  and  was  there  before  2 years :)  I  appreciate  all  brothers  and  sisters,  when  they  can  do  such  of  big  steps !  Great  experiences  they  make  and  can  tell  us  nice  stories :D

  4. REFLEXION......  JOSE.jpg

    Ist der Stein, der Daniels Zehen trifft,  das Äquivalent zu Armageddon oder der Beginn der  "großen Drangsal"?

    Sehr bald werden sich die politischen Kräfte der Welt Satans vereinigen, um eine Koalition zu bilden, die versuchen wird, das Volk Gottes zu zerstören.
    Diese Kräfte werden die Erde bedecken, als ob sie Wolken wären.
    Sie werden das Volk Gottes mit Wut angreifen. Jehovas Armee wird auf unserer Seite sein. In diesem entscheidenden Augenblick der großen Trübsal werden die Diener Gottes von der Armee der Engel beschützt werden, die diejenigen vernichten werden, die sich der Souveränität Jehovas widersetzen.
    Gott wird eine Armee von Engeln schicken, um ihre Feinde auszulöschen.
    Die Bibel erwähnt den Angriff von Gog von Magog, aber auch den des "Königs des Nordens" und den der "Könige der Erde".....
    Anscheinend ist es der gleiche Angriff mit verschiedenen Namen. Alle Nationen der Erde werden an dem Angriff teilnehmen, der den Krieg von Armageddon entfesseln wird.
    Gog de Magog ist nicht der Teufel,  sondern eine Koalition oder Gruppe von Nationen. Und wer wird diese Koalition führen?  Wird es der "König des Nordens" sein?  Es wäre vernünftig.

    Der Prophet Daniel erfuhr, dass in den letzten Tagen das Reich Gottes, in der Art eines großen Steinschnitts, nicht von Händen, ein gigantisches Bild zertreten würde, das die politischen Regierungen der Menschheit auf der Erde repräsentiert. ARMAGEDON ODER GROßE TRIBULATION ?
    Buch über Daniels Prophezeiungen sagt: Am "großen Tag Gottes, des Allmächtigen" wird der Einfluss dieses "Steines" in der Tat so verheerend sein, dass die Statue zu Staub zerfallen wird und der Wind des göttlichen Sturms wird wie von der Spreu einer Ära fegen, es war  -

    Was während der Trübsal geschieht, ist anders.
    Das sechste Kapitel der Offenbarung beschreibt es als den Zusammenbruch des Systems, der nicht mit dem Krieg in Armageddon verwechselt werden sollte.
    Denke daran, dass mit dem Öffnen des sechsten Siegels die verängstigten Völker der Erde zu den "Felsen" und "Bergen" flehen, um sie vor dem Zorn des Lammes zu beschützen; während in Kapitel 19 Könige und ihre Armeen tatsächlich gegen Christus kämpfen.  Die Trübsal ist also ein Vorläufer des letzten Krieges, nicht der Krieg selbst.
    Obwohl der Fall des Systems wie das Ende der Welt erscheinen wird, werden sich die Nationen in gewisser Weise erholen.
    Die Vereinten Nationen werden eine Weltregierung werden, weil Nationen sie ergreifen werden und ihre eigene Souveränität dafür verlieren werden. "Krieg und wirtschaftlicher Zusammenbruch werden die Menschen in eine verzweifelte Situation führen. Sie werden glücklich sein, jede Art von Regierung, sogar Kommunismus, statt Anarchie und Chaos zu haben. Die Weltregierung, die nach dem Schock an die Macht kommen wird, wird jeden töten, der ihn nicht anbetet. So werden Nationen vor Gericht gestellt. Diejenigen, die das Bild des Tieres verehren, werden von Christus in Armageddon vernichtet.

  5. 23032748_10214595918195726_5231780160301157046_n.jpg

    The sobering truth....  Mankind in general is in a  "coma"  mentally....   We pray,  that our knock on their door will  "awaken them from their coma."   Maybe soon,  it will be too  late to hear the words of Jehovah !


    AMOS 8:11  ‘Look !   The days are coming,’  declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah,  ‘When I will send a famine into the land,  Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,  But for hearing the words of Jehovah. 12 They will stagger from sea to sea And from the north to the east. They will rove about searching for the word of Jehovah, but they will not find it.

  6. red-caterpillar-1.jpg

    Red  caterpillar....   maybe,  a  red  butterfly ?


    Funny....  the  face  is  above  the  head :D

    FLYING  KIWI  ---.jpg

    I  read,  a  flying  Kiwi - caterpillar....  :)


    Thats  a  Queen - butterfly.....

    RED  ADMIRAL.jpg

    This  is  a  RED - ADMIRAL...


    The admiral belongs to the family of noblefolk and occurs almost everywhere on earth. Its habitat ranges from forests to mountains to home gardens. Admirals overwinter in warmer regions and move north again in the spring. The butterfly got its name because the white stripes at the top of the wing remind of the shoulder stripes of a military uniform :D

  7. Thank  you  dear  Blanchie :)  YES,  I  love  these  different  Sweeties  too !   Its  always  like  a  wonder,  first  a  caterpillar  and  then  a  gently  butterfly,  wow :x   Similar  by  hens  or  birdies,  first  an  egg  -  and  then  so  different  beautiful  hens  or  birds,  wow....  the  nature  is  so  wonderful,  thank  you  JEHOVAH :x

                                    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

  8. 1459153_606297332768464_65203739_n.jpg

    But  both  are  coming  from  JEHOVAH :x   so  many  different  caterpillar's  and  so  many  butterflies  -  but  both  are  beautiful,  I  think  so....   Look  the  nice  pictures  of  ALL :)  I  post  it  'step by step'  and  it  takes  some  min. !   -  Lastly  the  butterflies.....


    Swallowtail  Caterpillar

    cecropia 3rd 72109 018web.jpg



    Weird-caterpillar...  but  funny :D       A  little  bit  like  a  tiny  snake...


    A  Caterpilar  without  eyes....  but  original :)


  9. REFLEXION......  JOSE.jpg

    Is the stone that hits the toes of Daniel's image the equivalent of Armageddon, or, the beginning of the "great tribulation?

    Very soon, the political powers of Satan's world will unite to form a coalition that will try to destroy the people of God
    These forces will cover the Earth as if they were clouds
    They will attack the people of God with fury.
    Jehovah's army will be on our side. In that decisive moment of the great tribulation, the servants of God will be protected by the army of angels, who will annihilate those who oppose the sovereignty of Jehovah.
    God will send an army of angels to exterminate their enemies.
    The Bible mentions the attack of  Gog of Magog, but also that of the 
    "king of the north"  and that of  "the kings of the earth".
    Apparently, it is the same attack with different names. All the nations of the Earth will participate in the attack that will unleash the war of Armageddon.
    Gog de Magog is not the Devil, but a coalition, or group, of nations. And who will lead that coalition? Will it be the "king of the north" ?   It would be reasonable.

    The prophet Daniel learned that in the last days, the Kingdom of God, in the manner of a large stone 'cut, not of hands', would crush a gigantic image representing the political governments of humanity on Earth. ARMAGEDON OR GREAT TRIBULATION ?
    Book on Daniel's prophecies says: In "the great day of God the Almighty," the impact of that "stone" will be, in fact, so devastating that the statue will be reduced to dust, and the wind of the divine storm will will sweep as if from the chaff of an era it were

    What happens during the tribulation is different.
    The sixth chapter of Revelation describes it as the collapse of the system, which should not be confused with the war at Armageddon.
    Keep in mind that with the opening of the sixth seal the terrified people of the earth plead to the "rocks" and "mountains" to protect them from the wrath of the Lamb; whereas, in chapter 19, kings and their armies actually go to battle against Christ. So, the tribulation is a precursor to the final war,  it is not the war itself.
    Although the fall of the system will seem like the end of the world, nations will recover in some way
    The United Nations will become a world government, because nations will seize it, losing their own sovereignty to do so. War and economic collapse will lead people to a desperate situation. They will be happy to have any kind of government, even communism, instead of anarchy and chaos. The world government that will come to power after the shock will kill anyone who does not worship it. This is how nations will be put on trial. Those who worship the image of the beast will be destroyed by Christ in Armageddon.

  10. JEHOVAH  IS  NOT  THE  JW.ORG,  JEHOVAH  WE  FIND  ONLY  IN  THE  BIBLE,  HIS  SPIRITUAL  WORD !  ANTIQUE  OR  CURRENT,  ITS  ALWAYS  THE  SAME.  ----  Jesus  respected  all  people  what  they  had  to  say  -  he  NEVER   was  judging  like  some  members  doing  here... :(   WE'VE  NO  RIGHT  TO  THAT !   We're  all  only  little  people  on  earth....  Only  ONE  has  to  judge,  thats  our  GOD  JEHOVAH ?   THANK  YOU  ALL !

  11. Taken in the Dolomites..jpg

    It is hard to put into words, just how incredible this place truly is !

      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

    The Dolomites are absolutely amazing..jpg

    The Dolomites are absolutely amazing !  ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ?


    By  Michael  Shainblum

    Breath of the Dolomites is a collection of timelapse clips and aerial clips from my recent trip to the Dolomites mountains in Italy. The aerial scenes in this film were shot by Andrew Studer.

    ENJOY :) 

    The Dolomites (Italian: Dolomiti [dolo?mi?ti]; Ladin: Dolomites; German: Dolomiten [do?lo??m?tn?]; Venetian: Do?omiti [do?o?miti]: Friulian: Dolomitis) are a mountain range located in northeastern Italy. They form a part of the Southern Limestone Alps and extend from the River Adige in the west to the Piave Valley (Pieve di Cadore) in the east. The northern and southern borders are defined by the Puster Valley and the Sugana Valley (Italian: Valsugana). The Dolomites are nearly equally shared between the provinces of Belluno, South Tyrol and Trentino.


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