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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 5.11..jpg

    The word of God is alive and exerts power.—Heb. 4:12.

    While they were growing up, some young brothers were not encouraged to pursue spiritual goals. The truth never came first in the life of such young ones. (Matt. 10:24) Therefore, an elder should take time to develop a friendly relationship with a brother he wishes to train for congregation privileges and let him know that he is needed in the congregation. Then, over the course of time, the elder should sit down with the brother to reason on specific scriptures and help him think about his dedication to Jehovah. (Eccl. 5:4; Isa. 6:8; Matt. 6:24, 33; Luke 9:57-62; 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 5:15; 13:5) The elder might ask him, ‘What did you promise Jehovah when you dedicated yourself to him?’ He could try to stir his heart by asking, ‘How do you think Jehovah must have felt when you got baptized?’ (Prov. 27:11) ‘What were Satan’s feelings?’ (1 Pet. 5:8) Elders should never underestimate how deeply a brother can be affected by the reading of carefully selected Bible passages. w15 4/15 2:9, 11


  2. 4.11..jpg

    Let us by love grow up in all things.—Eph. 4:15.

    Using the example of the human body, Paul focused on unity under the head of the congregation, Jesus Christ. The apostle spoke of cooperating “through every joint that gives what is needed.” (Eph. 4:16) How can each of us, whether young or old, strong or frail, contribute to the unity and spirituality of the congregation? A key is to submit ourselves to and respect those whom Jesus has designated to provide direction in the congregation, the elders. (Heb. 13:7, 17) We may not always find this easy to do. However, we can with confidence request God’s guidance. His active force can help us to support the congregation arrangements wholeheartedly. So if we on occasion do not feel inclined to follow the direction given, we should reflect on how our humbly cooperating will contribute to the unity in the congregation. Furthermore, cooperating in matters like these will likely help all of us to grow in love. w16.03 3:8, 9


  3. 5.11..jpg
    La palabra de Dios es viva, y ejerce poder (Heb. 4:12).

    Algunos padres no motivaron a sus hijos a ponerse metas espirituales. Como consecuencia, el servicio a Dios nunca fue una prioridad en su vida (Mat. 10:24). Por esta razón, el anciano debe dedicar tiempo a hacerse amigo del hermano al que quiere capacitar para que tenga más responsabilidades. Debe decirle que la congregación lo necesita y razonar con él usando versículos de la Biblia. Ha de ayudarlo a reflexionar en lo que ha estado haciendo con su vida desde que se dedicó a Jehová (Ecl. 5:4; Is. 6:8; Mat. 6:24, 33; Luc. 9:57-62; 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 5:15; 13:5). Podría preguntarle algo como: “¿Qué le prometiste a Jehová cuando te dedicaste a él?”. Podría intentar llegar a su corazón con estas otras preguntas: “¿Cómo crees que se sintió Jehová cuando te bautizaste?” (Prov. 27:11). “¿Cómo se habrá sentido Satanás?” (1 Ped. 5:8). Los pasajes bíblicos bien seleccionados pueden llegar a lo más hondo del corazón y motivar al hermano a cambiar. w15 15/4 2:9, 11


  4. 4.11..jpg

    Por el amor crezcamos en todas las cosas (Efes. 4:15).

    Pablo puso como ejemplo al cuerpo humano para explicar que la congregación debe trabajar unida bajo la dirección de la cabeza, Cristo. Dijo que las distintas partes del cuerpo trabajan en armonía gracias a las coyunturas o articulaciones que las unen (Efes. 4:16). En nuestro caso, sin importar si somos jóvenes o mayores, fuertes o débiles, ¿qué podemos hacer para que la congregación se mantenga unida? Respetar y obedecer a quienes Jesús ha nombrado para que la dirijan: los ancianos (Heb. 13:7, 17). Esto no siempre es fácil, pero podemos pedirle con confianza a Jehová que nos guíe. Su espíritu santo nos ayudará a apoyar con entusiasmo las decisiones que se tomen en la congregación. Así que, si alguna vez nos cuesta obedecer las instrucciones que recibimos, recordemos que nuestra humildad contribuirá a la unidad de la congregación y a que crezca el cariño que sentimos por nuestros hermanos. w16.03 3:8, 9


  5. JEHOVAH  HAS   NOOO   DRESS - CODE :)   We  all  know,  in  poor  countries / area's,  the  JW  can  wearing  what  they  have.  But  mostly,  they  get  clothes  from  other  Brothers  which  have  little  more !

    Thats  around  the  world  SO  different  with  JW - clothes...  I  like  the  colored  clothes  of  our  JW  in  Africa !  But  I  know,  we've  poor  and  little  richer  people  there,  the  same  on  many  different  islands,  also  on  the  Philippines  etc. etc.  -  OF  SURE,  Jehovah  doesn't  judge  a  person  about  their  clothes,  NEVER !   But  we  all  know,  HE  likes  clean  and  nice  clothes,  okay ?  But  first  our  honest  heart  is  importend !   Now  you  got  my  opinion  to  that.  -  Sorry,  but  I've  NO  time  for  chatting  longer  about  that  theme.

    Wish  you  a  great  day  from  far  away  Germany !

  6. 23031624_1497293717054894_2081663139707840131_n.jpg

    This experience was given by  Brother Splane  of the Governing Body at an assembly in Oahu.
    They said,  everyone at the assembly was tearing up.

    In an Eastern European country in 1989  there was a huge 8.9 earthquake.
    30,000 people died in 4 minutes. It happened in the morning and a man
    had just returned from taking his small son to school. After he made sure his
    wife was alright, he went straight back to the school to find his son.

    When he got there he saw the school was completely flattened like a pancake.
    Just rubble. He stood there devastated, completely destroyed.
    Then he remembered a promise he made to his son sometime back. He told him that as long as there was life
    and breath in his body he would always be there for him. So with that promise in his mind he
    went around to the northeast side of the rubble where his son's classroom had been and started digging through the debris.
    The neighbor came out and said, " Sir, I know you're distraught but you have to accept that your child is dead.
    There's nothing you can do."  The man didn't stop digging, he just looked at the neighbor and said,

    "Are you going to help me ?"

    Later the fire chief came and told him and he had to stop, there was no one
    left alive and he was putting himself in danger. Again, the father simply ask

    "Are you going to help me now ?"

    After many hours of digging the chief of police came and told him he was putting other people in danger and
    ordered him to go home and to leave it to the professionals. The man again said nothing but,

    "Are you going to help me now ?"

    Finally, after 38 hours of digging through concrete and twisted metal the man moved a final boulder.

    There he found a small space where several children have been protected. His son was among them.

    The first thing he said to his father was, "Daddy,  I told them not to be scared. I told them you would come."

    Brother Splane paused then he said... " The faithful slave is engaged in a massive search and rescue mission.

    It is an enormous task, and what they are asking from you and me is,

    "Are you going to help me now?"  -  Then he walked off the stage."  ------



  7. 3.11..jpg

    Si alguien quiere venir en pos de mí, repúdiese a sí mismo y tome su madero de tormento (Mat. 16:24).

    Hay cristianos que no entienden bien cuál es la diferencia entre la dedicación y el bautismo. Por ejemplo, algunos jóvenes dicen que se han dedicado a Jehová, pero que todavía no están listos para bautizarse. Eso es imposible. Cuando una persona se dedica a Jehová, le promete que le servirá para siempre. Y cuando se bautiza, simplemente está haciendo pública esa promesa que ya le hizo a Jehová en privado. Joven, ¿ves lo importante que es entender bien lo que significa dedicarse a Jehová antes de bautizarse? En pocas palabras, cuando te dedicas a Jehová, es como si le dijeras: “Ahora te pertenezco a ti”. Le prometes que a partir de ese momento lo más importante será hacer lo que él quiere, más importante que cualquier otra cosa en tu vida. Seguro que siempre tratas de cumplir tu palabra, ¿verdad? ¡Con cuánta más razón debes cumplir cualquier promesa que le hagas a Jehová! (Mat. 5:33). w16.03 1:14, 15


  8. 2. 11..jpg

    Oh hijo de criada rebelde, ¿no sé yo bien que estás escogiendo al hijo de Jesé para tu propia vergüenza y para vergüenza de las partes naturales de tu madre? (1 Sam. 20:30).

    Debemos ser leales a Jehová aunque uno de los encargados de la congregación nos trate injustamente. Saúl, aunque había sido nombrado rey por Jehová, trató mal a su hijo. No entendía por qué era tan buen amigo de David, y en un arranque de ira lo humilló enfrente de muchas personas. Aun así, Jonatán no le faltó el respeto. Pero tampoco dejó de ser leal a Jehová ni a David, que llegaría a ser el rey de Israel (1 Sam. 20:31-41). Claro está, los encargados de la congregación se esfuerzan por ser justos con todos. Pero como son imperfectos, en alguna ocasión podrían malinterpretar nuestras acciones (1 Sam. 1:13-17). No dejemos que nada nos impida ser leales a Jehová, ni siquiera si somos víctimas de un malentendido o se nos trata injustamente. w16.02 3:14, 15


  9. 3.11..jpg

    If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake.—Matt. 16:24.

    Some might be confused about the difference between dedication and baptism. For example, some young people say that they have made a dedication to Jehovah but are not ready to get baptized. Does that make sense? Making a dedication means telling Jehovah that you will serve him forever. At baptism, a person shows others that he is dedicated. Therefore, baptism is a public expression of a private dedication that you have already made in prayer to Jehovah. Before you get baptized, you need to be sure that you understand what dedication means. Simply stated, when you dedicate your life to Jehovah, you give up ownership of yourself. You promise Jehovah that you will put the doing of his will ahead of everything else in your life. Any promise should be taken seriously, but how much more so a promise made to Jehovah God!—Matt. 5:33. w16.03 1:14, 15


  10. 2. 11..jpgYou son of a rebellious woman, do you think I do not know that you are choosing to side with the son of Jesse, to your own shame and to the shame of your mother?—1 Sam. 20:30.

    Our loyalty to Jehovah may be challenged if someone in a responsible position misjudges us. Jonathan may have faced such a challenge. King Saul, the anointed of God, was aware of his sonÂ’s friendship with David, but he did not understand the reason for it. Saul humiliated Jonathan in an angry outburst. However, Jonathan did not retaliate. He did not waver in his loyalty to God or to David, who would in time become IsraelÂ’s king. (1 Sam. 20:31-41) In congregations of JehovahÂ’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly. However, those taking the lead among us are imperfect men and could misinterpret our actions. (1 Sam. 1:13-17) If we are ever misjudged or misunderstood, let us remain loyal to Jehovah. w16.02 3:14, 15


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