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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. The head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man; in turn, the head of the Christ is God.—1 Cor. 11:3. Because of the headship principle that exists throughout God’s arrangement of things, love is especially important. But headship is not to be exercised in a domineering way. Although a husband is the head of his wife, the Bible instructs him to ‘assign her honor.’ (1 Pet. 3:7) One way husbands can honor their wives is by taking into consideration their needs and giving them first choice in some matters. Indeed, God’s Word states: “Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it.” (Eph. 5:25) Yes, Jesus even gave his life for his followers. When a husband imitates the loving way in which Jesus exercises headship, it is much easier for a wife to love and respect him and be in subjection to him.—Titus 2:3-5. w15 11/15 4:6, 7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/25
  2. Pls. read : ( Revelation 19:11--16, 1 Corinthians 15:24--28, Isaiah 11:1--5, 24:2,3, Philippians 2:5--10)
  3. WHAT IS THE WAR OF ARMAGEDDON ? Who are the participants? What will be the outcome of this war? When will this war occur? Why is this information important for each of us? Simply stated, THE WAR OF ARMAGEDDON is the name given to "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" in which "the kings of the entire inhabited earth" gather to wage war against Jehovah God. Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:11-21. Jesus Christ, and his 144,000 co-rulers, will receive the authority to wield "an iron rod" of destruction against all enemies of God's Kingdom. Revelation 2: 26,27. See also Ezekiel 38:15, Revelation 16:16. The war of Armageddon will be the finale of the great tribulation. At that time, Jesus will take on an added task. In addition to being the Judge of "all the nations" he will also become the EXECUTIONER of the nations.....specifically, of all the people whom he had earlier judged as "goats." SEE Matthew 25:32,33. Yes, from "kings" to "slaves"....will be destroyed. SEE Revelation 19:15,18; Matthew 25:46. Here is a sobering fact! The majority of people alive on earth today are steadfastly clinging to false religion. Many of these believe Jesus is coming to take them to Heaven....when the fact is clear....he is coming to be their executioner. They would know all that if they would just stop and read their Bibles. Loyal servants of Jehovah God, and his Son, Christ Jesus will live through this time, and become part of the "Great Crowd" and will be in line to receive the blessing of everlasting life on a paradise earth. SEE Revelation 7:9,14. We all have a most important decision to make.....Will we listen to God, or will we listen to mortal man, who cannot even save himself ?  We all have free a will....  let us use it wisely. ( created by our Brother Elder ) Thank you !
  4. Thanks for your always so good understanding answers / explanations ! A special gift, having such of Sisters here in our Forum ! DANKE, dear @Melinda Mills ... you're a good help for me  Thank you so much !  Greetings from Germany....
  5. INFORMATION - VAN, TRAVELING THE STREETS OF NEW YORK.... a very good idea, YES ! Many people can read the importend words !  Thats a nice idea for many towns
  6. ? PATIENCE ? 1 " We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient " Romans 5.3 Even though I have quoted it before, I appreciate the following ditty because there is so much truth in it,... " It's the little things that bother us and put us on the rack, you can sit upon a mountain but you can't sit on a tack " It's amazing how uptight and impatient I/we can become with the little annoyances of everyday life. Sometimes it seems these upset us more than big issues. Remember, though, that the things that bug us don't cause our impatience, they just trigger it ! And that's what Jehovah God wants to get us to face and fix. He wants to fix us from the inside out so that we will learn both patience and every other grace. Keep in mind, though, if you want to experience trials and tribulation, pray for patience ! This is because we only learn patience by experiencing the things that upset and bug us. Growth is usually slow. So, while learning to be patient with others, don't forget, to learn to be patient with yourself ( created by Brother Bamps )  Thank you !
  7. Cart - witnessing in my long - time Camping-Holiday Switzerland ? I was often *on the way* with my dear Sister Verena ! she was in the congregation, German / Italian... A great time for 21 years  But the Switzerland is meanwhile too expensive, sorryÂ
  8. SO sweet little Baby - Hedgehogs... ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  9. Can happen, when we use the same source...Â
  10. A great job our little brother's   Looking for interested persons in KENIA, ÁFRICA !                                     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  11. TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 24 de octubre 2017
  12. You're the right one and the left has to obey........Â
  13. You had to write a book of ALL exciting moments in your life, @James Thomas Rook Jr. WOW.... SO many things you've experienced  SO many stories in your head, hahaha  Come on, tell us more please !  Be lucky, there was NO crocodile in the water, after your long dive, directly into the crocodile - mouth...   huuuiii >>>>>>>> In the NW let's on and off meet us to a big campfire with brothers & sisters, and you tell us some nice and creepy, old stories out of your younger life, YES !
  14. Danello is now 9 years, and has been doing public bible readings since he was 4 ! He was learning quickly, from his parents and the wonderful ministry - school Jehovah is of sure watching and very happy, little Danello ! But other kiddies doing well too.... we know that ! A BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  15. 6 year old Danello reads the bible in front of an audience of 80 people Bravo, little brave brother !
  16. KD - songs and Bible - talks with our little Danello ?   Enjoy !  Listen Obey and Be Blessed, song No.120 4 year old Danello learned and memorized this song in 2 weeks 5 year old Danello sings a song in honor of the annual *Memorial* of Christ's death.  This year the date for this Memorial occasion is March 26, *2013*
  17. La sabiduría te hará bien: si la adquieres, verás sus frutos (Prov. 24:14, La Biblia Latinoamérica, 2001). Obviamente, ustedes, padres, quieren que sus hijos se mantengan cerca de Dios, y Dios quiere que los guíen y eduquen en sus caminos (Efes. 6:4). Aprovechen la autoridad que les ha dado para instruirlos con regularidad. Pongamos una ilustración: un buen padre quiere que sus hijos vayan a la escuela porque la educación es importante, los prepara para la vida y les enseña a aprender. De igual modo, los padres cristianos desean que sus hijos conozcan los caminos de Jehová, ya que eso puede darles la sabiduría que necesitan para hacerle frente a la vida. Por eso insisten en que no se pierdan las reuniones, las asambleas ni la Noche de Adoración en Familia. Tal como Jesús ayudó a sus discípulos, ustedes deben ayudar a sus hijos a tener éxito en la predicación. ¿Cómo? Para empezar, acostúmbrelos a salir a predicar. Además, hagan crecer en ellos el deseo de hablar de la Biblia con la gente. w15 15/11 2:6 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/24
  18. Que nunca se nos lleve a la deriva (Heb. 2:1). Meditar en Jehová y Jesús nos ayudará a ser cristianos maduros (Heb. 5:14; 6:1). Pero si dedicamos poco tiempo a hacerlo, nuestra fe se debilitará y estaremos en peligro de irnos a la deriva y acabar lejos de la verdad (Heb. 3:12). Jesús dijo que si queremos retener la Palabra de Dios, tenemos que escucharla y aceptarla “con un corazón excelente y bueno”. De lo contrario, podríamos ser arrastrados “por las inquietudes y las riquezas y los placeres de esta vida”, y nunca lograríamos alcanzar la madurez ni dar fruto (Luc. 8:14, 15). Reflexionemos todos los días en la Biblia. Si lo hacemos, estaremos mejor preparados para imitar la personalidad de Dios y sus maravillosas cualidades (2 Cor. 3:18). ¿Puede haber mayor privilegio que ese? Imagínese: podremos aprender de Jehová por toda la eternidad y reflejar cada día mejor su gloria (Ecl. 3:11). w15 15/10 4:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/23
  19. Nobody knows it ! We've to be patiently waiting of Jehovah's signs, okay? Thank you. Greetings from GermanyÂ
  20. Wisdom is good for you. If you find it, you will have a future.—Prov. 24:14. As parents, you want your teenage children to remain spiritually healthy. And God wants you to bring your children up “in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah.” (Eph. 6:4) So use your God-given responsibility to establish and maintain a spiritual routine. To illustrate: You insist that your children be educated because their education is important and you hope to instill in them a love for learning. Loving parents likewise insist that their children benefit from the “admonition of Jehovah” at congregation meetings and through other spiritual programs. Because divine education is vital, you try to instill in your children love for spiritual things and appreciation for wisdom. As Jesus helped his disciples, you seek to help your teenage children to succeed in the ministry by developing in them a love of teaching GodÂ’s Word and by helping them stick to a good field service routine. w15 11/15 2:6 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/24
  21. Never drift away.—Heb. 2:1.  Meditating on spiritual things will help a person grow to Christian maturity. (Heb. 5:14; 6:1) A person who spends little time thinking about Jehovah and Jesus will not maintain strong faith. Such a person is in danger of drifting away or drawing away from the truth. (Heb. 3:12) Jesus warned that if we do not hear, or accept, GodÂ’s Word “with a fine and good heart,” we will not “retain” it. Instead, we could easily be “carried away by anxieties, riches, and pleasures of this life, . . . and bring nothing to maturity.” (Luke 8:14, 15) Therefore, let us continue to ponder over GodÂ’s Word. This will motivate us to reflect JehovahÂ’s glory, qualities, and personality as revealed in the Bible. (2 Cor. 3:18) What more could we ask for? Growing in the knowledge of God and being allowed to reflect his glory are wonderful privileges, a never-ending process as we continue to learn how to imitate our loving heavenly Father.—Eccl. 3:11. w15 10/15 4:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/23 Â
  22. You're right @Sherry Trainor   It belongs ALL to JEHOVAH !  HE has all under control... NO problem for us JW ! HE will bring all to a perfect END, like always. We should trust HIM, HE is our GOD  My best wishes and greetings from Germany, Agape !
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