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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Our pioneer sister Olgica, by Cart - witnessing in MUNICH.... enjoying with her wheelchair-sister together, the last warm autumn - sunshine                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?  Nr. 110  "God's Wondrous Works" ( Piano - Vocal Mix: German & Russian ) ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ?
  2. ??? @James Thomas Rook Jr. Not understand your comment....
  3. Natürlich ist JEHOVAH am Wichtigsten❤️ Doch wenn die Menschen uns auf eine PIN ansprechen, kommen wir ja automatisch auf unser aller Schöpfer JEHOVAH... das ist doch auch schön. Muß natürlich nicht sein mit den Pins, aber wie Du weißt, wird die Literatur ab 2018 SEHR reduziert - da wäre so eine Pin eine kleine Hilfe für uns. Es muß natürlich eine gute Pin sein, z.B. mit dem Tetragrammaton ! Liebe Grüsse von Esther ???
  4. I like your thinking, that some people may ask us to our pins, that were great, yes   But the thoughts of all JW  often different, thats normal. I also use a red bracelet bec. *NO  BLOOD* so everybody can see it at once ! Thats better than wearing under the clothes. Thanks for your interesting comment !  Greetings and best wishes from Germany???
  5. Its the same report, @Bible Speaks.... I posted it also in German language ! Thanks for your help, Agape ???
  6. .....and here he is now: The beautiful *KALLI* in soft pastels (ca. 12" x 16") / Unison Colour Soft Pastels + Pastel Mat  / from Katja Sauer  Germany - She is an especially artist   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ? Unfortunately he's also already deceased  He is also gone over the *RAINBOW - BRIDGE*....
  7. GO AWAY SATAN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                 ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  8. FAIR / MASS, IN MINNESOTA, USA  - and our sisters working per Cart - witnessing ;-) Enjoy the day all together...
  9. What a wonderful loving JW Couple They were SO very happy together  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ? ( I often asked myself, WHY ?? )
  10. Russland.... Russische Senatoren bereiten Gesetzentwurf zum Schutz von Bevölkerung vor Betrüger-Sekten vor. ( 17.10.2017 • 21:44 Uhr )  Eine Gruppe russischer Senatoren arbeitet an einem Gesetz zum Schutz der Bevölkerung vor destruktiven Sekten. Dazu gehören auch Sekten ausländischer Herkunft sowie solche, die sich als "Schulen der Führung" tarnen, erklärte die Hauptinitiatorin des Gesetzprojektes der Presse. "Sekten sind ein sehr gefährliches Umfeld. Die diesbezüglichen Rechtsvorschriften müssen korrigiert werden. Wir arbeiten derzeit Vorschläge aus, wie wir unsere Bürger schützen können. Leider gibt es heute keine einzige Region des Landes, in der es nicht solche Sekten gäbe", zitiert RIA Nowosti die Senatorin Elena Misulina. Sie sagte, der Gesetzentwurf werde in Zusammenarbeit mit Regierungsexperten ausgearbeitet und noch vor dem 30. November dem Föderationsrat vorgelegt. Mizulina merkte an, dass viele der betrügerischen Sekten aus dem Ausland stammen. Außerdem sollen sich nicht alle von ihnen als religiöse Gruppen bezeichnen, denn einige fungieren als verschiedene Fortbildungskurse und dergleichen. Kleine Religionsgemeinschaft mit weltweit stetig wachsender Anhängerschaft: die Zeugen Jehovas Bild: jw.org Mehr lesen: Verbot der Zeugen Jehovas in Russland: Kanonen auf Spatzen oder legitime Selbstbehauptung? "Diese Sekten betrügen unsere Bürger mithilfe vielfältiger Psychotechniken und nehmen ihnen ihr Hab und Gut weg. In sehr weit verbreiteten Fällen versuchen die Sekten das Bewusstsein der Menschen zu manipulieren", erläuterte die Politikerin. Lesen Sie außerdem: RT Spezial: Seltener Einblick in die Welt der Zeugen Jehovas - Freiheit, Missbrauch und Verbote. Nach Angaben der Arbeitsgruppe des Föderationsrates zur Bekämpfung der Bedrohung durch destruktive Sekten sind in Russland derzeit etwa 500 solcher Gruppen aktiv. Im August dieses Jahres hat das russische Justizministerium die Zeugen Jehovas als verbotene extremistische Organisation eingestuft. Dies geschah nach einem langwierigen Gerichtsprozess, zu dem es kam, weil einige Mitglieder dieser Gruppe das Leben ihrer Kinder gefährdeten, indem sie Bluttransfusionen verweigerten, was eigentlich im Einklang mit den Überzeugungen der Zeugen Jehovas steht. Derzeit erlaubt das russische Recht die Bildung religiöser Gruppen, einschließlich derjenigen, die keine offizielle Registrierung und kein rechtliches Gebilde benötigen, und derjenigen, die offiziell registriert werden sollten. Die Sekten dürfen jegliche Aktivitäten austragen, wenn sie nicht gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen.
  11. Hay tiempo de reír y tiempo de dar saltos (Ecl. 3:4). No todo el entretenimiento es bueno o relajante. Tampoco está bien dedicarle demasiado tiempo. ¿Cómo nos ayuda la conciencia a elegir actividades que nos renueven en sentido físico y espiritual? La Biblia dice que debemos rechazar “las obras de la carne”. Algunas de estas son: inmoralidad sexual, actos impuros, conducta desvergonzada, idolatría, ocultismo, odio, peleas, celos, ataques de ira, desacuerdos, divisiones, sectas, envidias, borracheras y fiestas desenfrenadas. El apóstol Pablo dijo que “los que practican tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios” (Gál. 5:19-21). Preguntémonos: “¿Evito los deportes que son agresivos o violentos? ¿Rechazo el espíritu competitivo y nacionalista que hay en muchos deportes? ¿Evito ver películas con escenas pornográficas o que presentan la inmoralidad, la borrachera y el ocultismo como algo normal?”. ¿Qué nos dice nuestra conciencia? w15 15/9 2:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/19
  12. Noé resultó exento de falta entre sus contemporáneos (Gén. 6:9). Noé fue un siervo de Dios que vivió rodeado de gente mala. Evitó juntarse con la gente que no servía a Dios. Al lado de su esposa, sus hijos y sus nueras, se mantuvo ocupado haciendo todo lo que Jehová le había mandado: construyó el arca y fue “predicador de justicia”. Como resultado, sobrevivió al Diluvio junto con su familia (2 Ped. 2:5). Tenemos mucho que agradecerles a todos ellos, pues fueron fieles y escogieron bien sus compañías, y esa es la razón por la que hoy estamos vivos. Los cristianos del siglo primero también son un ejemplo para nosotros. Ellos sobrevivieron a la destrucción de Jerusalén en el año 70 gracias a que se mantuvieron separados de las personas que no amaban a Jehová (Luc. 21:20-22). w15 15/8 4:17, 18 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/18
  13. [There is] a time to laugh . . . and a time to dance.—Eccl. 3:4. Not every pastime is beneficial, relaxing, or refreshing; nor is it good to engage in recreation too much or too often. How can our conscience help us to enjoy upbuilding recreation and benefit from it? The Scriptures warn against certain behavior identified as “the works of the flesh.” These works include “sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these.” Paul wrote that “those who practice such things will not inherit GodÂ’s Kingdom.” (Gal. 5:19-21) Accordingly, we can ask ourselves: ‘Does my conscience move me to shun sports that are aggressive, competitive, nationalistic, or violent? Does my inner voice warn me when I am tempted to view a film that features pornographic scenes or one that condones immorality, drunkenness, or spiritism?Â’ w15 9/15 2:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/19
  14. [Noah] proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.—Gen. 6:9. Noah lived in an evil world but had no desire to make its inhabitants his close friends. He did not seek the companionship of ungodly people. He and the seven members of his family occupied themselves with the doing of God-given work, which included building an ark. Meanwhile, Noah was also “a preacher of righteousness.” (2 Pet. 2:5) NoahÂ’s preaching, his work on the ark, and his association with his family kept him busy doing good things that pleased God. As a result, Noah and his immediate family survived the Flood. We should be grateful to them because all of us today are the descendants of those who served Jehovah—faithful Noah, NoahÂ’s wife, his sons, and their wives. Similarly, loyal and obedient first-century Christians kept themselves separate from ungodly people and survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish system of things in 70 C.E.—Luke 21:20-22. w15 8/15 4:17, 18 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/18
  15. Russia.... Russian senators are preparing a bill to protect people FROM THE FRAUD of sects. A group of Russian senators is working on a law to protect the population from destructive sects. These include foreign-born sects, as well as those that disguise themselves as "leadership schools,"Â said the main initiator of the press bill. "Sects are a very dangerous environment, and legislation must be rectified, and we are currently working on proposals to protect our citizens, but today there is not a single region in the country where there are such sects," RIA Novosti quoted. the senator Elena Misulina. He said the bill was being drafted in cooperation with government experts and was submitted to the Federation Council before 30 November. Mizulina noted that many of the fraudulent sects came from abroad. In addition, not all should be described as religious groups, as some function as different education courses and the like. "These sects deceive our citizens through a variety of psychotechnics and take away their possessions. In very widespread cases, the sects try to manipulate the conscience of the people," said the politician. According to the Federation Council working group to combat the threat of destructive sects, about 500 of these groups are currently active in Russia. In August of this year, the Russian Ministry of Justice classified Jehovah's Witnesses as a banned extremist organization. This happened after a long judicial process, which occurred because some members of this group at risk the life of their children by refusing blood transfusions, which is actually in accordance with the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Currently, Russian law allows the formation of religious groups, including those that do not require official registration and no legal structure, and those that must be officially registered. Cults can carry out any activity if they do not violate applicable law.
  16. ITALIAN PRESS ADVICE READ THE AWAKENING MAGAZINE THIS MONTH. What to do in case of disasters and calamities ? Palermo - During the month of October, Jehovah's Witnesses from all over the world participate in an extensive distribution campaign for the Issue Awake! centered on the theme: "Disasters and calamities ... what to do before and after". The magazine has more than 60 million copies in 118 languages. Jehovah's Witnesses from Palermo are also actively committed to supporting this an important information initiative, the distribution of the special edition throughout the city a. - "Disasters and calamities are increasing everywhere and, unfortunately, in our beautiful Sicily - Giuseppe Trifir ò responsible for media relations in Palermo says: Prepare for similar events can be crucial to survive." The Bible in Proverbs 22: 3 warns: astute who has seen the calamity A and will hide. In other words, there are specific actions that each person can set up immediately to be ready to face a "possible emergency situation." These practical tips have already saved the lives of many people. With this initiative, Jehovah's Witnesses want to contribute to raising the community's awareness of Palermo in what they can do immediately to prepare for a possible disaster or a calamity. They also want to convey some vital information that will be applied during and after calamities à , be it a fire, an earthquake or a flood, finally want to emphasize the need during these events, as long as they respect the provisions of the authorities a. The magazine is available free of charge in all rooms of the Kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses, in the location of the sites to Politeama, Via Maqueda and the central station or can be downloaded in any format, on the official website jw.org . https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no5-2017-october/disaster-steps-that-can-save-lives/ Awake! | No. 5 2017 When Disaster Strikes—Steps That Can Save Lives
  17.                                    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?                                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?  Suspected killer of Starbucks barista went to her church........  Whitney Heichel Memorial Video.... Dear Whitney, we all can see you back in the NW / PARADISE                      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  18. That reminds me to our very young and beautiful sister, Whitney Heichel... exactly before 5 years, shooting dead in Oregon at Oct. 16. 2012 ;-( The Librarian and me posted that by FB to that time... We all were so sad ! Few days we were full of hope, she may be alive, but suddenly they found our sister dead in the wood.... the saddest message at that time !                              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ? Dear Whitney, see you in the NW / PARADISE
  19. In the meantime I am thinking like you ! Its little worldly, bec. too many different pins... Thats always a problem in our world, from all things it does quickly give a surplus ! So, everybody of us must decide for itself, do I need that, or do I like it ? Thats my new opinion to that. Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  20. Hope in Jehovah, and Be Courageous ! “Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and let your heart be strong. Yes, hope in Jehovah.”—PSALM 27:14. There brothers and sisters genuine hope is like a bright light. It helps us to see beyond present trials that we may be passing through now, and gives us strength to face the future with courage and joy. Only Jehovah can give us a sure hope, which he does by means of his inspired Word. (Read 2 Timothy 3:16) In fact, the words “hope,” “hoped,” and “hoping” appear over 160 times in the Bible and refer both to the eager and sure expectation of something good and to the object of that expectation.* Such hope is superior to a mere wish, which may have no foundation or prospect of fulfillment. So When we are faced with trials and hardships, we should keep in mind Jesus fine example. Jesus looked beyond the present and hoped in Jehovah. “For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Read Hebrews 12:2) Because he was keenly focused on the prospect of vindicating JehovahÂ’s sovereignty and sanctifying His name, Jesus never deviated from his course of obedience to God, no matter what it cost him. King David is another fine example he points to the connection between hope and courage, saying: “Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and let your heart be strong. Yes, hope in Jehovah.” (Read Psalm 27:14) If we want our heart to be strong, we must never let our hope become vague but always keep it clearly in mind and close at heart. Doing so will help us to imitate Jesus in manifesting courage and zeal as we share in the work he commissioned his disciples to do. (Read Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) Indeed, hope is placed alongside faith and love as a vital, enduring quality that characterizes the life of servants of God.—1 Corinthians 13:13. Brothers and sisters we have a wonderful future before us. Anointed Christians eagerly await serving with Christ in heaven, while the “other sheep” hope to “be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the [earthly] children of God.” (Read John 10:16; Romans 8:19-21; Philippians 3:20) That “glorious freedom” includes deliverance from sin and its horrible consequences. Indeed, Jehovah—the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present”—would extend nothing less to his loyal ones.—James 1:17; Isaiah 25:8. So to keep trusting in Jehovah we need to imitate Jesus, our Exemplar, he thrived on GodÂ’s Word. By considering him closely, we avoid ‘getting tired and giving out in our souls.Â’ (read Hebrews 12:3) It stands to reason that if our God-given hope grows dim in our mind and heart or if our focus shifts elsewhere—perhaps to material things or to secular goals—spiritual weariness may soon overtake us, eventually leading to loss of moral strength and courage. In that frame of mind, we may even experience “shipwreck concerning [our] faith.” (1 Timothy 1:19) On the other hand, true hope strengthens our faith. We now so close to the time the bible call God's new world we all need to keep trusting in Jehovah and keep out hope alive Gods new world is soon at hand
  21. (1 John 2:19) They came out from among us, but they were not of our kind; because if they had been of our class, they would have stayed with us. But [they left], so that it was clear that not everyone is our class.
  22. Hello dear Brother's and Sister's  Still 10 days from today, then starts your wonderful Reg. Convention, on 27. Oct. 2017   ENJOY !    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  23. You have been warned many times now !! Obadiah: 1: 15, 16. For the day of Jehovah against all the nations is near. As you have done, so it will be done to you. The way you treated others will come back on your own head. For in the way that you have drunk on my holy mountain, All the nations will keep drinking constantly. They will drink and gulp down, And they will be as though they had never existed.... Matthew, 24:37 - 39  //  Luke, 17:20   //  2. Pet. 3:3, 4
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