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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    The Bible’s answer :

    The Bible does not mention Halloween. However, both the ancient origins of Halloween and its modern customs show it to be a celebration based on false beliefs about the dead and invisible spirits, or demons.—See  “Halloween history and customs.”

    The Bible warns: “There must never be anyone among you who . . . consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, The Jerusalem Bible) While some view Halloween as harmless fun, the Bible indicates that the practices associated with it are not. At 1 Corinthians 10:20, 21, the Bible says: “I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too.”—New International Version.

     Halloween history and customs,  read  more  by  the  link !


  2. We  can't  really  ask  Caleb  or  Sophia :)  But  we  could  see  here  posted  so  different  Kingdom  Halls...   Very  small  and  simple  congregation - rooms  on  little  islands  or  very  poor  countries,  until  to  the  pompous, huge  Bethel  houses. Jehovah  is  there,  where  the  clean,  loving  hearts  waiting  of  him :xHE is judging  first  our  hearts  and  motivations !  Of  sure  HE  loves  a  beautiful  Kingdom  Hall,  but  just  as  that,  HE  loves  a  very  small  Kingdom  room,  which  I  posted  last  month ?  with  2  handful  of  HIS  people !   LOOK  HERE.....


    THAT  WAS  IN  NICARAGUA  -  maybe  only  1 elder...   and  ca. 10  Brothers / Sisters :x   Very  simple  but  so  familar :)   and  Jehovah's  Holy  Spirit  is  near  them  all   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

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    Ellos no son parte del mundo, así como yo no soy parte del mundo (Juan 17:16).

    No debe sorprendernos que el mundo nos odie por nuestra postura neutral, pues Jesús ya nos había advertido. Nuestros enemigos no entienden el valor de la neutralidad cristiana, pero para nosotros es importantísima. Si queremos ser leales a Jehová, no podemos acobardarnos cuando surjan las pruebas (Dan. 3:16-18). El miedo al hombre puede dominar a personas de cualquier edad, pero a los jóvenes puede hacérseles especialmente difícil ir contra la corriente. Padres, si sus hijos tienen que hacer frente a pruebas como el saludo a la bandera o celebraciones patrióticas, ayúdenlos. Aprovechen la Noche de Adoración en Familia para explicarles por qué es tan importante la neutralidad y cómo defender con respeto sus creencias. Eso les dará el valor que necesitan para superar cualquier prueba que se les presente (Rom. 1:16). Si lo ven necesario, vayan y hablen con sus maestros y asegúrense de que entiendan su posición. w15 15/7 3:15, 16


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    Habrá gran tribulación (Mat. 24:21).

    Aunque no sabemos exactamente lo que ocurrirá durante ese período, lo más seguro es que tengamos que hacer sacrificios. En el siglo primero, los cristianos tuvieron que dejar atrás sus posesiones y sufrir apuros a fin de sobrevivir (Mar. 13:15-18). ¿Estaremos nosotros dispuestos a hacer lo mismo? ¿Haremos lo que sea necesario para demostrar nuestra lealtad a Jehová? Quizás no lo hayamos pensado, pero en ese momento, los únicos que no se distanciarán de su religión, que seguirán sirviendo a su Dios, seremos nosotros. Y tendremos que hacerlo cueste lo que cueste, tal como hizo el profeta Daniel (Dan. 6:10, 11). Ya no será el momento de predicar las “buenas nuevas del Reino”, pues estaremos al borde del fin (Mat. 24:14). De seguro, nuestro mensaje se convertirá en un mensaje de condena. Es muy posible que tengamos que decir a la gente que el fin del mundo de Satanás ha llegado. w15 15/7 2:3, 8, 9


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    Líbranos del inicuo (Mat. 6:13).

    Para vivir en armonía con la petición “líbranos del inicuo”, debemos esforzarnos por no ser “parte del mundo” de Satanás y no amar “ni al mundo ni las cosas que están en el mundo” (Juan 15:19; 1 Juan 2:15-17). Esta es una lucha de todos los días, pero pronto Jehová responderá nuestra petición y borrará del mapa al Diablo y a su mundo. Mientras tanto, no podemos olvidar que cuando Satanás fue echado del cielo sabía que tenía los días contados. Por eso está furioso e intenta por todos los medios que seamos desleales. Tenemos que seguir pidiendo a Dios que nos libre de él (Rev. 12:12, 17). Si quiere vivir para siempre, no deje de pedirle a Dios que venga su Reino, que su nombre sea santificado y que se haga su voluntad en la Tierra. Pídale que cubra sus necesidades físicas y espirituales. Pero sobre todo, siga las lecciones que nos enseña el padrenuestro y viva en armonía con esa oración (Mat. 6:9-13). w15 15/6 5:12, 17, 18




    Mis numerosos contactos con mas de 200.000 testigos de todo el mundo y la variada información de prensa que recibo, me tienen al día de algo que no quiero que pase desapercibido para mis amigos y amigas en este grupo privado.

    Los casos de abuso infantil que como una plaga satánica, corre por todo el planeta, también nos ha tocado a nosotros. Nuestra organización lleva años orientando a los ancianos de las congregaciones en la forma de tratar estos casos sangrantes. Y SI SE HAN SEGUIDO las normas del esclavo fiel y prudente, las victimas han sido consoladas, restablecidas espiritualmente, y los depredadores sexuales expulsados y denunciados a las autoridades. Repito, si se han seguido las instrucciones del esclavo. Los que actualmente abanderan una denuncia social en internet y tribunales, presentando a toda nuestra comunidad como una religión que ampara a los pederastas, demuestran con sus mentiras su hipocresía y corrupción moral.
    La defensa y cuidado de los niños en nuestras congregaciones tiene un solo protagonista: LOS PADRES. De ninguna manera dejamos a solas nuestros hijos con nadie adulto, por muy testigo que diga ser. Nuestros hijos están protegidos en nuestros hogares, en nuestros salones del reino y en la predicacion. Solo si un padre se despreocupa de su obligación, es cuando surgen los problemas, pero no provocados por la organización.
    La verdadera 
    "verdad"  ya no puede ser silenciada con afirmaciones de aquellos que trabajan para calumniar con propagación de las mentiras impulsadas por los apóstatas en las redes sociales.



    My numerous contacts with over 200,000 witnesses from around the world and the varied press information I receive, keep me up to date on something that I do not want to go unnoticed by my friends in this private group.

    The cases of child abuse that as a satanic plague, runs all over the planet, has also touched us. Our organization has for years guided the elders of congregations in how to handle these bleeding cases. AND IF THE norms of the faithful and prudent slave have been followed, the victims have been comforted, spiritually restored, and sexual predators expelled and reported to the authorities. I repeat, if the instructions of the slave have been followed. Those who are currently claiming a social complaint on the internet and courts, presenting our entire community as a religion that protects pedophiles, demonstrate with their lies their hypocrisy and moral corruption.
    The defense and care of children in our congregations has a single protagonist: THE PARENTS. In no way do we leave our children alone with any adult, no matter how many witnesses it claims to be. Our children are protected in our homes, in our kingdom halls, and in preaching. Only if a father is unconcerned of his obligation, is when problems arise, but not provoked by the organization.
    The true
    "truth"  can no longer be silenced with claims of those who work to slander with propagation of the apostates-driven lies in social networks.



    Meine zahlreichen Kontakte zu über 200.000 Zeugen aus der ganzen Welt und die vielfältigen Presseinformationen, die ich bekomme, halten mich auf dem Laufenden über etwas, das meine Freunde in dieser privaten Gruppe nicht unbemerkt bleiben wollen.

    Die Fälle von Kindesmissbrauch, die als satanische Plage überall auf dem Planeten auftreten, haben uns ebenfalls berührt. Unsere Organisation hat die Ältesten der Kongregationen jahrelang dazu geführt, wie man mit diesen Blutungsfällen umgeht. UND WENN DIE Normen des treuen und vorsichtigen Sklaven befolgt wurden, wurden die Opfer getröstet, geistig wiederhergestellt und sexuelle Räuber vertrieben und den Behörden gemeldet. Ich wiederhole, wenn die Anweisungen des Sklaven befolgt wurden. Diejenigen, die derzeit eine soziale Beschwerde im Internet und in den Gerichten beanspruchen und unsere gesamte Gemeinschaft als eine Religion darstellen, die Pädophile schützt, zeigen mit ihren Lügen ihre Heuchelei und moralische Korruption.
    Die Verteidigung und Fürsorge der Kinder in unseren Gemeinden hat einen einzigen Protagonisten: DIE ELTERN. In keiner Weise lassen wir unsere Kinder mit jedem Erwachsenen allein, egal wie viele Zeugen es sein soll. Unsere Kinder sind in unseren Häusern, in unseren Königreichssälen und in der Predigt geschützt. Nur wenn ein Vater sich seiner Verpflichtung nicht bewusst ist, ist es, wenn Probleme auftreten, aber nicht von der Organisation provoziert werden.
    Die wahre 
    "Wahrheit"  kann nicht mehr mit Behauptungen derer zum Schweigen gebracht werden, die mit der Propagierung der von den Apostaten getriebenen Lügen in sozialen Netzwerken verleumden.

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    They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.—John 17:16.

    We should not be surprised if the world hates us for our neutral stand; Jesus warned us that it would. Most opposers do not appreciate the importance of the issues involved in Christian neutrality. For us, though, these are matters of utmost importance. Loyalty to Jehovah requires that we be steadfast in the face of threats. (Dan. 3:16-18) Fear of man can affect people of all ages, but young people may find it especially difficult to go against the flow, so to speak. If your children are facing such issues as the flag salute or nationalistic celebrations, do not hesitate to assist them. Use Family Worship sessions to help your children understand the issues involved so that they can meet those challenges courageously. Help them to express their personal convictions clearly and respectfully. (Rom. 1:16) Take the initiative to speak with their teachers about these matters if necessary. w15 7/15 3:15, 16


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    There will be great tribulation.—Matt. 24:21.

    Although we do not fully understand all that will happen during that time of test, we can expect that it will involve some measure of sacrifice. In the first century, Christians had to leave behind their possessions and endure hardships in order to survive. (Mark 13:15-18) To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah? Just think! At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what. (Dan. 6:10, 11) This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. w15 7/15 2:3, 8, 9


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    Deliver us from the wicked one.—Matt. 6:13.

    To live in harmony with the request “deliver us from the wicked one,” we must strive to be “no part of [Satan’s] world.” We must “not love either [Satan’s] world or the things in the world.” (John 15:19; 1 John 2:15-17) Doing so is an ongoing struggle. What a relief it will be when Jehovah answers this request by removing Satan and causing his wicked world to pass away! We must remember, though, that when Satan was hurled out of heaven, he knew that his time was short. Enraged, he does all he can to make us break our integrity. So we must keep praying for deliverance from him. (Rev. 12:12, 17) Do you desire such a happy outcome? Then continue to pray for God’s Kingdom to sanctify God’s name and cause his will to be done on earth. Look to Jehovah to supply your spiritual and physical needs. Yes, be determined to live in harmony with the model prayer.—Matt. 6:9-13. w15 6/15 5:12, 17, 18


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    The faithful and wise slave is urging us to go out and look for people depressed by the world situation. However, we must keep an eye on how to keep a few striking numbers of witnesses informing us that they are leaving the congregations.
    Just as we are concerned with knowing the reasons for the unbeliever's concern, we must use humility to see the why of the departure of some brothers.
    It is not good to say that the "so much percent" is very low, since our Faith is characterized by treating THE INDIVIDUALS. People are not disposable and replaceable. Christ cared for individuals. He used his power to help them. He used his time to instruct and guide each and every one. Jesus also trained the men to continue their work. His farewell words to one of his closest apostles were: "Feed my sheep"
    Jesus said that the true shepherd would leave the flock in search of the lost lamb. It is true that a few years ago the organization published a pamphlet in an attempt to call the lost sheep to return to Jehovah.

    The disgusting Babylon the Great, a specialist in damaging the sheep, will be called to account for the total abandonment of their sheep. The Bible already contains the judgment for these false Babylonian shepherds. But we would do well to read these words with the assurance that it does not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses, especially to our pastors:
    (Ezekiel 34: 2-5) "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and you have to say to them, to the shepherds, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said:' Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have become herd-keepers of themselves! Is not the herd what pastors must feed? 3 The fat is what you eat, and with the wool you dress yourselves. The fat animal is what they do. The herd itself does not feed. 4 The sick have not strengthened, and the suffering have not healed, and the ravine have not blindfolded, and the scattered have not brought back, and the lost have not sought to find, but have harshly had them in subjection, until with tyranny. 5 And they were gradually scattered because they had no shepherd, so that they became food for every wild beast of the field, and they continued to be scattered.

    When Warwick's project was first announced, I realized immediately that it was not simply a work of men. That sure will have the blessing of Jehovah. Warwick is not a granite temple. Nor is it necessary to live in a tent and try to save the lost and battered sheep.
    At the last annual meeting, it was announced that the PUBLIC Watchtower will appear 3 times a year. More than enough. Because the so-called FOOD AT YOUR DUE TIME is only for the dedicated servants and will continue to appear in our STUDY Watchtowers.

    As it is, with the drums of war striking harder every day, it is evident that Jehovah is ordering his great military force to administer his punishment. As Jehovah used Babylon to execute his judgments against apostate Judah, the nations are lining up against modern Babylon. In the meantime, let's keep looking after our little sheep.

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