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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    How  he  become  Jehovahs Witnesses....

    At age 27,  Pascal began his journey. He crossed the border into Ghana,  traveled through Togo and across Benin, and finally reached the town of Birni Nkonni in Niger. Now the really risky part of the journey was about to begin. To travel north, he needed to hop on a truck and cross the Sahara Desert. Then, upon reaching the Mediterranean, he would board a boat to sail to Europe. That was the plan, but two things happened in Niger that stopped him.

    First, he ran out of money. Second, he met Noe, a pioneer, who started a Bible study with him. What he learned touched him deeply and changed his view of life. His material goals were replaced by spiritual interests. Pascal was baptized. To show his gratefulness to Jehovah, and he began to pioneer in Niger—in the very town where he had learned the truth :)

    "Be wise my son,and make my heart rejoice so that i can make a reply who taunts me"

    -Proverbs 27:11   -   VERY  WELCOME  OUR  DEAR  BROTHER :x

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    Eric and his wife,  Katy serve as pioneers in sparsely populated northern Benin. Some ten years ago, while living in France, they began reading articles about serving where there is a greater need and talking to full-time servants.

    This gave them the desire to move abroad, which they did in 2005. The growth they witnessed has been impressive.

    Says Eric: “Two years ago, our group in the town of Tanguiéta had 9 publishers;  now we have 30 ! On Sunday, between 50 and 80 attend the meeting.
    (Matthew 28:19-20)

    What  an  incomparable  joy  it  is  to  observe  such  growth!”


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    Why so many Bibles?
    Why are there so many biblical versions or translations? Do you think the new versions are a help or an obstacle to understanding the Bible? Knowing their origins will help us evaluate them well.

    Let's start seeing who wrote the Bible and when.

    The Original Bible

    Generally, the Bible is divided into two sections. The first consists of 39 books containing "the sacred formal declarations of God" (Romans 3:2). God inspired faithful men to write these books for a long period of time, about 1513 years since 1513 (before the common era) until shortly after 443 A.E.C. wrote primarily in Hebrew, so we call this section the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as "Old Testament".

    The second section consists of 27 books that are also considered "the word of God" (1 Thessalonians 2:13). God inspired some faithful disciples of Jesus Christ to write these books for a much shorter period of time, About 41 years from around 41 E.C. (was common) until 98. They wrote mainly in Greek, so we call this section the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as "New Testament".

    These 66 inspired books form the full Bible, God's message for humanity. But why did you do more translations of the Bible? Let's see three of the main reasons.

    So that people could read the Bible in their mother tongue.
    To remove the errors of the copyists and retrieve the original text.
    To update the language.
    Let us look at how these factors were taken into account in two of the first translations.

    The Greek Septuagint

    About three hundred years before Jesus, some Jewish scholars began translating Hebrew scriptures into another language: the Greek. This translation became known as the Greek Septuagint. Why did they do it? To help the many Jews who at that time spoke Greek rather than Hebrew to stay close to their "Holy writings" (2 Timothy 3:15).

    The Septuagint also helped millions of people who were not Jewish and spoke Greek to know the teachings of the Bible. In what way? Professor Wilbert Howard wrote: " since the middle of the first century, it became the Bible of the Christian church, and his missionaries were from synagogue in synagogue 'testing with the scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah' (Acts 17:3, 4 According to biblical scholar Frederick Bruce, that was one of the reasons why the Jews "lost interest in the septuagint".

    As the disciples of Jesus received the books of Christian Greek Scriptures, they were added to the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, and thus obtained the full bible that we have today.

    Latin vulgate

    About three hundred years after the Bible was completed, the religious scholar jerónimo completed a Latin translation, which in time was called the latin vulgate. Why was another latin translation needed if there were already several? Jerónimo wanted to correct "bad translations, misprints and unexplained additions or omissions", says the international standard Bible Encyclopedia.

    Jerome corrected many of those mistakes. However, later, the church took the worst of decisions: it determined that the latin vulgate was the only authoritative translation of the Bible, and it was for centuries. Instead of helping ordinary people to understand the Bible, the vulgate did the opposite, because over time most people stopped understanding Latin.

    New translations

    Meanwhile, other translations of the Bible appeared, such as the famous peshitta Syriac, around the fifth century of our age. But it was not until the th century that new attempts were made so that ordinary people could read the scriptures in their mother tongue.

    In England, at the end of the th century, John Wyclef began the process to release the bible from dead languages and produce an English translation that ordinary people could understand. Shortly afterwards, the printing methods of Johannes Gutenberg allowed biblical scholars to print and distribute new versions of the Bible in many of the languages spoken in Europe.

    When there were many English translations, critics questioned the need for more than one version in the same language. However, in the th century, the English clergyman John Lewis wrote: " languages age and become incomprehensible, so it is necessary to revise old translations to get them to speak in the language used by people, and the current generation can Understand ".

    Currently, the biblistas are in a better position than ever to review old translations. They have a greater understanding of the languages in which the Bible was written and have valuable ancient biblical manuscripts found in recent times. Thanks to that, they have been able to determine more precisely the original text.

    So it is very useful to have new versions of the Bible, although with some you have to be cautious. *Now, when what motivates reviewers to make a new version of the Bible is a sincere love for God, we can benefit greatly from his work*

  4. My pioneer girlfriend is learning Indonesian since some years. She was last year for 2 months there. Her husband was from Indonesia. She is in 2 congregations in Hamburg / Germany.  In our current week, she is enjoying to third time her special 3. pioneer school. Before,  2 times for 10 days, with sleeping and meals. To beginn the first school, then after 12 years the 2. school and now, the especially 3. school. But now, only for 6 days, in her nearness, from morning to evening !  To weekend, she will tell me from the 3. pioneer school. Very rare, 3 times visiting these schools.

    She is so happy :x  bec. she had still before few weeks a very serious surgery :( with a very less survivior chance !  Many many prayers went to Jehovah, from all brothers and sisters, family and friends and herself prayers. She said, she felt Jehovah very near in diff. moments. It happened some positive, special things :)  What a great experience we all made with our loving God Jehova❤️  Thank you so much Jehovah !

  5. Ich hatte ihn wieder vergessen...  Herzlichen Dank liebe Heidi, Du bist ein Schatz?  Ich freu mich so sehr, daß Du Deinen Pionierdienst wieder genießen kannst und nicht mehr so traurig bist wie vor einigen Monaten.....  Jehova hat Dir geholfen, er erhörte all Deine und unsere Gebete❤️

    Liebe Grüße, mit einer festen Umarmung, von Deiner Schwester Esther???

    Bis bald..........  ( Gerade gestern Abend zuhause angekommen ) 

    PS.  Jesaja 40:31

    31 doch die auf Jehova hoffen, werden neue Kraft gewinnen. Sie werden sich emporschwingen mit Flügeln wie Adler. Sie werden laufen und nicht ermatten; sie werden wandeln und nicht ermüden.“

  6. Sorry, dear @Alexa ...  I am not there :(  and I am not sure, if I work it in our old system....  Its pretty far away from my home  -  north Germany to the USA.  Maybe its a weekend tour for rich people, but from here I would like to go 1-2 weeks and thats too expensive just now. But I was 2 times in our German Bethel in Selters /Taunus :) A wonderful experience !

    My best wishes and greetings to you from far away Germany ???

  7. We only celebrate a little the first days, when a Baby was born, bec. SO much joy :x  After that its finished with birthdays !   JESUS  NEVER  celebrated his birthday, NOBODY  knows this exactly day.  Maria and Joseph made it perfect !  Who are WE,  that we want celebrate it ?  JESUS is SO much bigger than all humans...  we've NO right to do that.  Only our last day is importend, if we were loyal in the Truth ! 

    So we learned it from the Bible,  Jesus'  last day,  the 14. Nisan❤️  the highest ceremony for us JW !   THANK YOU JEHOVAH❤️  THANK YOU JESUS❤️

  8. Yes,  marriage is a  LONG  sweet dream :x  and we must work on our whole life,  when its possible...   Then we will never hear the loud  ALARM - clock !  :)   Many  couples  work  it  -  but  the  most  can't  and  won't,  thats  fact,  sorry :(  THAT'S  LIFE....

  9. We've  many  kiddies  in  our  congregation :)  All  are  SO  different  -  but  ALL  parents  work  it  with  words,  love  &  little  childlike  employments,  that  we  always  have  a  nice  meeting ❤  without  special  Bible Scriptures,  berate  or  anything.

    In  exceptions,  or  by  little  Babies,  Mom  or  Dad,  or  a  Sister  is  going  with  it  in  another  room,  so  simple  we  handle  it.  School - children  mostly  still  or  giving  nice  comments...  really  wonderful !   I  never  saw  parents  beating  or  loud  to  their  childs,  NEVER !

    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤

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    Ustedes tienen que orar de esta manera (Mat. 6:9).

    La oración modelo comienza diciendo “Padre nuestro”, no “Padre mío”. Esto nos recuerda que pertenecemos a una “asociación de hermanos”, una familia mundial que se quiere de verdad. ¡Qué gran honor! (1 Ped. 2:17). Los cristianos ungidos, que tienen la esperanza de ir al cielo, llaman a Jehová “Padre”, ya que realmente son sus hijos; él los ha adoptado (Rom. 8:15-17). Los cristianos que vivirán en la Tierra también lo pueden llamar “Padre”, pues él les ha dado la vida y cubre todas sus necesidades. Pero ellos solo llegarán a ser sus hijos cuando hayan recuperado la perfección y hayan demostrado su lealtad durante la prueba final (Rom. 8:21; Rev. 20:7, 8). El mejor regalo que pueden hacerles los padres a sus hijos es enseñarles a orar y a ver a Jehová como un padre que los quiere y se preocupa por ellos. Así es, no hay nada mejor que ayudarlos a hacerse amigos de Dios. w15 15/6 4:4-6


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    Estaba allí cierto hombre que llevaba treinta y ocho años en su enfermedad (Juan 5:5).

    Justo al norte del templo de Jerusalén había un estanque llamado Betzata, donde iban muchas personas enfermas con la esperanza de curarse milagrosamente. Movido por la compasión, Jesús se acercó a un hombre que llevaba treinta y ocho años enfermo. ¡Más tiempo del que él llevaba vivo en la Tierra! (Juan 5:6-9). Cuando Jesús le preguntó si deseaba curarse, su respuesta no se hizo esperar. ¡Claro que quería curarse! Pero cómo, si no había quien le ayudara a meterse en el estanque. Entonces Jesús le ordenó que hiciera algo imposible: que se levantara, que tomara su camilla y que comenzara a caminar. ¿Cómo respondió el hombre? Se levantó, tomó su camilla... y comenzó a caminar. ¡Qué conmovedora demostración de lo que Jesús hará en el futuro! Él actuó con compasión, pues buscó a la persona que más ayuda necesitaba. ¿Qué lección aprendemos de este relato? Que debemos buscar a las personas que están deprimidas por las cosas terribles que suceden en el mundo. w15 15/6 2:8-10


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    You must pray . . . this way.—Matt. 6:9.

    The expression “our Father,” not “my Father,” reminds us that we belong to an “association of brothers” who truly love one another. (1 Pet. 2:17) What a precious privilege that is! Anointed Christians, who have been begotten as God’s sons with heavenly life in view, rightly address Jehovah as “Father” in the fullest sense. (Rom. 8:15-17) Christians whose hope is to live forever on earth can also address Jehovah as “Father.” He is their Life-Giver, and he lovingly provides for the needs of all true worshippers. Those with this earthly hope will in the fullest sense become God’s children after they have reached perfection and have proved their loyalty in the final test. (Rom. 8:21; Rev. 20:7, 8) Parents give their children a fine gift when they teach them to pray and help them to view Jehovah as a caring heavenly Father. Parents can give their children no greater gift than that of helping them to develop a warm, close relationship with Jehovah. w15 6/15 4:4-6


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    One man was there who had been sick for 38 years.—John 5:5.

    Just north of the temple at Jerusalem was a pool known as Bethzatha. Large crowds of sick and infirm people would gather there, hoping that they would be miraculously cured. Moved with pity, Jesus approached a man who had been sick longer than Jesus had been alive on earth. (John 5:6-9) Jesus inquired if he wanted to get well. The response was immediate. The man wanted to be healed but he could not see how, for he had no one to help him into the pool. Jesus then commanded the man to do the impossible—to pick up his mat and walk. Taking Jesus at his word, the man picked up his mat and began to walk. What a heartwarming foregleam of what Jesus will do in the new world! In this miracle, we also see Jesus’ compassion. He sought out the needy. Jesus’ example should motivate us to continue to seek out people in our territory who are depressed about the terrible things happening in this world. w15 6/15 2:8-10


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    La angustia en el corazón de un hombre es lo que lo agobia, pero la buena palabra es lo que lo regocija (Prov. 12:25).

    Si no se dominan, los pensamientos pesimistas pueden ser muy dañinos para nuestra salud física y espiritual. Es mejor confiar en Jehová y recordar las palabras del texto de hoy. En efecto, las palabras de estímulo de alguien que nos entiende pueden levantarnos muchísimo el ánimo. Hablar con los padres, con el cónyuge o con un amigo de confianza que sirve a Dios puede ser justo lo que necesitamos para encontrar alivio. Y nadie comprende mejor nuestras preocupaciones que Jehová. Por eso Pablo recomendó: “No se inquieten por cosa alguna, sino que en todo, por oración y ruego junto con acción de gracias, dense a conocer sus peticiones a Dios; y la paz de Dios que supera a todo pensamiento guardará sus corazones y sus facultades mentales mediante Cristo Jesús” (Filip. 4:6, 7). Piense en todas las personas que están a su lado para protegerlo de cualquier daño espiritual: sus hermanos, los ancianos, el esclavo fiel y discreto, los ángeles, Jesús y Jehová mismo. w15 15/5 4:16, 17


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