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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. I learned, JESUS is our current king? until to PARADISE ! JEHOVAH is our GOD and CREATOR all over the EARTH ? In PARADISE, HE will be our Father❤️ King ? and still much more? Then we're all PERFECT & the real life can start, finally WONDERFUL... WHAT A BIG GIFT FROM JEHOVAH and JESUS???
  2. Danke Dir liebe Heidi, daß Dir meine postings so gut gefallen?? Ja, ich versuche immer mal etwas Schönes, Individuelles zu zeigen, z.B. aus Jehova's wunderbarer Schöpfung ! Das liegt mir besonders am Herzen. Ich hoffe, Du konntest wieder Kraft schöpfen in der Versammlung, das brauchst Du für die kommende Woche Wir haben Sonntags um 14 Uhr Versammlung, aber wir sind noch beim Camping... packen aber nach und nach. Ich höre alle Versammlg. mit m. Allnet Flat per Handy ! Wir hatten viel Pech in diesem Jahr, beide gestürzt. Mein Mann hatte eine Op. u.3 Wo Reha, ich wartete auf ihn, allein ! Schreibe Dir mehr in einer Privatnachricht, das wird zuviel für hier ! Liebe Grüße und eine feste Umarmung von Deiner Schwester Esther ??? Bis bald.....
  3. A Flock of Hummingbirds..... I love these tiny birdies ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤ Very rare, a white hummingbird.... Hummingbird Medicine –
  4. A tiny Sweetie ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤ Jehovah's Creation, so beautiful, stunning..... The tiniest birdies in our world Sorry, I first can see them in the NW....
  5. El dios de este sistema de cosas ha cegado las mentes de los incrédulos (2 Cor. 4:4). Solo engañando a la gente puede el Diablo alejarla de nuestro querido Dios, Jehová (1 Juan 4:8). Con engaños consigue que las personas no se den cuenta de que tienen necesidades espirituales (Mat. 5:3). Así es, ha nublado la mente de los incrédulos “para que no pase a ellos la iluminación de las gloriosas buenas nuevas acerca del Cristo, que es la imagen de Dios”. Uno de los engaños más perfeccionados que tiene Satanás es la religión falsa. Tiene que darle un gusto enorme ver a tanta gente adorando a sus antepasados, a la naturaleza, a los animales o a cualquier otra cosa que no sea Jehová, el Dios que “exige devoción exclusiva” (Éx. 20:5). A otras personas les hace creer que están adorando a Dios como es debido, pero las tiene esclavizadas a doctrinas falsas y ritos inútiles. ¡Qué situación tan triste! Están igual que los israelitas a quienes Jehová dijo: “¿Por qué es su afán por lo que no resulta en satisfacción? Escúchenme atentamente, y [...] halle su alma su deleite exquisito en la grosura misma” (Is. 55:2). w15 15/5 1:14, 15 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/8
  6. El Señor me librará de toda obra mala (2 Tim. 4:18). ¿Alguna vez ha sentido que tiene que hacer frente a los problemas solo? Quizás perdió su empleo o tuvo un problema de salud. O tal vez eres un joven que ha sufrido presiones en la escuela. Es posible que en esos momentos difíciles pidiéramos ayuda a alguien y ese alguien no nos diera el apoyo que tanto necesitábamos. Por otro lado, hay problemas que ningún ser humano es capaz de resolver. ¿Qué podemos hacer entonces? La Biblia nos aconseja: “Confía en Jehová” (Prov. 3:5, 6). ¿Es realista este consejo? ¡Claro que sí! El apoyo que nos da Dios es muy real, como lo demuestran muchas historias de la Biblia. Por eso, si no recibe la ayuda que esperaba, no se amargue. Vea las situaciones angustiosas como las veía Pablo: como oportunidades para confiar en Jehová y recibir sus tiernos cuidados. ¿Cuál será el resultado? Su amistad con él se fortalecerá. w15 15/4 4:3-5 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/10/7
  7. The god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.—2 Cor. 4:4. Only by being deceptive can Satan turn people against the loving God, Jehovah. (1 John 4:8) Through deception, Satan keeps people from becoming “conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matt. 5:3) He has thus “blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.” One of Satan’s greatest means of deception is false religion. How pleased he must be to see people worship their ancestors, or nature, or animals—anyone or anything other than Jehovah, “who requires exclusive devotion”! (Ex. 20:5) Even many who think that they are worshipping God properly are shackled to false beliefs and useless rituals. They are in a pitiable state, much like that of those whom Jehovah implored: “Why spend your earnings for what brings no satisfaction? Listen intently to me, and . . . find great delight in what is truly rich.”—Isa. 55:2. w15 5/15 1:14, 15 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/8
  8. The Lord will rescue me from every wicked work.—2 Tim. 4:18. Have you at times felt all alone in dealing with a difficult situation? It could have been lack of employment, pressures at school, a health problem, or some other distressing circumstance. Perhaps you asked for assistance, but others disappointed you by falling far short of providing what you needed. Indeed, some problems simply cannot be solved by mere human help. Under such circumstances, is the Bible’s counsel to “trust in Jehovah” empty advice? (Prov. 3:5, 6) Is it meaningless? Certainly not! Divine help is very real, as illustrated by numerous Bible accounts. Therefore, rather than nurture resentment when human help appears to be limited, view such situations as the apostle Paul did—as opportunities to rely fully on Jehovah and experience firsthand his loving care. This will strengthen your trust in him and make your relationship with him ever more real. w15 4/15 4:3-5 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/10/7
  9. Sand Art by Ilana Yahav - "Give Peace A Chance"..... Enjoy !
  10. 10 LIES the Christendom teaches.... Jehovah is telling the TRUTH The Bible - Scriptures, HIS word will make us FREE !
  11. THE BAD GLOBAL MONEY - SPIRAL... Very soon, all that is worthless ! In the *NW* we don't need such of notes or coins - HILARIOUS
  12. Should we worship Jesus ? What does He say about it in the Bible ? LUKE, 4 : 8 8 Therefore, produce fruits that befit repentance. Do not start saying to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones.
  13. So many interested children for Jehovah ❤ Our Book for biblical stories... in different languages ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤ You like to give a few words about this nice picture ?
  14. Danke liebe Heidi... Du bist eine ganz besondere Schwester, ja ❤ Ich freue mich so sehr, daß es Dir nun wieder gut geht und Du Jehova so erfreuen kannst Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Kraft und immer Jehova's SEGEN Fühle Dich umarmt... Deine Schwester Esther ( Hast Du schon den 'Follower' - zum Anklicken für meine emails gefunden ?)
  15. I know these people since many years, also from my first FB time. Often they were apostates. We have alot of these, sorry
  16. Thank you dear Blanchie ! Yes, its really amazing, the different talents from so many peoples? I look for more and others soon ! We see us ✔️??
  17. You're welcome, dear Blanchie??? I also love the most of m postings??❤️ My best weekend wishes to you and family?
  18. Btw. the story with worshiping the golden calf is 100 % from the Bible ✔️ Look and search it, seems, you have enough time, right ? My best wishes !
  19. I am pretty sure, Bible Speaks is not interested to your weird comments.... similar you write comments to me, @Srecko Sostar I not have the time, reading that all and answer detailed. I hope, you can understand. We reply not to all comments, only on and off. No offense Best wishes !
  20. *Ethan Cottier* Published 01.02.2015 I used the original piano version from jw.org, changed the pitch and tempo, and added my own instruments with Kontakt 5, my keyboard, my drums, and guitar
  21. *Facts and Foreknowledge* a stunning new video about the beginning of all Creations ❤ Enjoy
  22. Wish you all a nice weekend, with wonderful Bible - reading & a cup of tea / coffee ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
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