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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Wednesday, September 27. See how small a fire it takes to set a great forest ablaze!—Jas. 3:5. The point of JamesÂ’ illustration is made clear in verse 6. “The tongue is also a fire.” The tongue represents our ability to speak. Like fire, our speech has the potential for causing great harm. The Bible even says that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Prov. 18:21) Of course, we do not stop talking just out of concern that we might say something harmful, any more than we refuse to use fire because we fear the damage it might cause. The key is control. If we control fire, we can use it to cook our food, warm our bodies, and light up a dark night. If we tame our tongue, we can use its power to honor God and to benefit others. (Ps. 19:14) Whether we use sounds from our mouth or signs with our hands, the ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings is a marvelous gift from God. This gift, however, should be used to build up, not tear down.—Jas. 3:9, 10. w15 12/15 3:1-3 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/9/27
  2. Tuesday, September 26. All the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction.—Rom. 15:4. God did not restrict his communication with humans to Hebrew. After the Babylonian exile, Aramaic became the everyday language of some of GodÂ’s people. Perhaps to indicate what was to come, Jehovah inspired the prophets Daniel and Jeremiah and the priest Ezra to record portions of their Bible books in Aramaic. Alexander the Great later conquered much of the ancient world, and common, or Koine, Greek became an international language. Many Jews began to speak that language, leading to the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. This translation, thought to have been done by 72 translators, became known as the Septuagint. It was the first translation of the Bible and one of the most important. The work of so many translators resulted in varied translation styles, from literal to rather free. Nevertheless, the Septuagint was viewed as GodÂ’s Word by Greek-speaking Jews and later by Christians. w15 12/15 1:4-6 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/9/26
  3. The last 3 pictures, I can easy recognize our funny Brother LETT... But on the first picture, I can't recognize him, sorry   Its a strange man for me, but NOT Brother LETT... I at once recognize him on every photo, oh YES !! I still have alot others !Â
  5. Agreeing with you, @Rosalie Barry ... May Jehovah help and bless our Brothers & Sisters ❤ Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  6. Hahaha.... @James Thomas Rook Jr.   I believe,  you've a deal /contract with  "007" !!  YES  Â
  7. WOW, @James Thomas Rook Jr.....  You've a good fantasy like me Jehovah really created some weird creations in our eyes,  but all have their sense,  thats  my  personal opinion !Â
  8. I posted this story before longer time here. Very heart-touching, yes   Thanks for the very thoughtful story !Â
  9. The current drawn Jesus' pictures from the JW.ORG, I like alot more than this older one ! Â I'm very sure, Â Jesus was looking very smart, healthy and goodÂ
  10. I saw a report about Tesla's power batteries making in Australia.... Also the charging is by Tesla the best !  Very fast and for free...  the people only looking with big eyes, hahaha   Sounds very good for long tours in one way !  Soon, they will be ready in all !  Cross fingers??
  11. I understand your mixed emotions @Fmadriaga ??  My feelings similar....  We don't know, how exactly is Jehovah's way by this and that   We never forget,  Jehovah's name around the Earth is on first place !  Our big letter campain was perfect for that !  Jehovah knows, one day we are all free again? He also knew, we will write these millions of letters, so around the world, of course also in Russia, HIS name will registered by tons of humans !  In Venezuela its also very sad just now,  many JW were killed all days and still much more ;-(( Jehovah is watching that, believe me...  We all know, our thoughts are NOT Jehova's thoughts !  HE can look into the future and HE has all under control, good we knowing that.  Not be sad,  Jehovah will bring our bad system very soon to a good end. HE is our loving FATHER??  Best wishes from Germany, Agape !Â
  12. Yes, I see helper.... bu not by cleaning.  Cleaning will coming much later !  But helper are very importend for all people, bec. the poor ones  are  so down   In TV  I saw, helper first caring the little children and the Mom's Â
  13. Queen Esther


    CHEERS... PROST... "ON THE WIES'N IN MUNICH" every year our OCT. - FESTIVAL Just now again !  and HERE - our minister 'SEEHOFER' from BAVARIA... ALOT CELEBRITIES THERE  also different TV stations! Every year coming ca. 60 % from Bavaria and the others from Australia, over Japan, China, Korea, France, UK.  etc. etc. Always a very good mood...
  14. GREETINGS TO ALL MY BROTHERS FROM SPAIN....  from Brother Jose ! Morning of preaching today Sunday.    ( some experiences...)   THANK YOU Little anecdotes that animate us before an astonishingly indifferent territory. Mr. Julio, at age 90, tells me that "God does not exist", but that there is something up. This contradiction can understand it by talking patiently. Man confuses the concept of God with priests. So I was able to understand and interest her until I took the pamphlet about the origin of life. Another lady told me that she is deeply atheist. I told him I would surely have his reasons. Then it opened to show me that "god" is Nature. I could show you that Nature left in its air is destructive, with earthquakes, hurricanes, floods ....... but where do the beautiful things that surround us come from? He did not answer me. More and more people tell me that they are atheists, but it is an atheism without foundation, rather an anger with God for not doing anything before so much evil. Another man, worshiped, was reading the newspaper. I talked to him and offered him a publication and the right to receive a Bible course. He told me that he was tired of giving us magazines and he was not interested. Then I told him that I was willing to give him the Bible course using the newspaper in his hand. He was silent, so I sat down next to him and using the newspaper I showed him how the bad news was signs that he had before his eyes but did not realize. I even told him that I could tell him clearly what the morning paper would be. I have come to revisit him, which I had never accepted. It costs a lot, but something they hear ........... We continue to water, Jehovah decides to grow them ....... ( translated by google from Spanish )
  15. I also see NO house - cleaning...  Only all still broken  I will look for a ready house, then they can cleaning ! Helping each other
  16. ME and the Librarian already posted that photo before longer time here....Â
  17. I still found this one - and this one !Â
  19. JEHOVAH GOD, the creator of the universe and everything within it, created humans to find happiness by knowing him and serving him faithfully. READ Psalms 128:1, and Matthew 5:3-10. Jehovah asks his loyal followers to focus on demonstrating love for others, and for him. READ Matthew 22:36-39. Jesus, as a young boy on earth, drew close to his Father, Jehovah by studying the scriptures. When he was 12 years old, the teachers at the temple were amazed at "his understanding and his answers" regarding spiritual matters. READ Luke 2:42. Jesus grew up to be a happy adult because he did exactly as his Father, Jehovah asked him to do. Among other things, God wanted him "to declare the good news to the poor." Jesus enjoyed teaching people about his heavenly father. READ Luke 10:21. Showing love for God and for others made Jesus happy. It can make us happy too! SEE also John 4:31-34. The above scriptural points are just a few of the many fine points to study and meditate over which are covered so nicely in this week's Watchtower Lesson.
  20. Queen Esther


    I NOT believe to that !  When the same men were drinking Vodka or similar things, you will see the same weird signs   hahahahhaaaaaa Many men / women talking always louder after alot drinking, some want fighting, some want suddenly sex ( but mostly without success...) etc.
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