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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  2. We are all SO different, @Nicole ...  thats ok and normal !  Jehovah never wanted create robots, dolls or siminal   All of us so unique and interesting,  I love that ! Best wishes from Germany??
  3. Hahahaaaaaa..... never seen this large  "doll guy" ! Maybe, typical  American TV      // we only have the Sports report  calls, Ninja  Warrior... There are only sportsmen with really hard sixpacks, WOW !!
  4. I just saw that video on another page... The "yellow man" was wearing wrong clothes as deaf interpreter... they've to waer dark clothes, for better understanding. Then he told from PIZZA, MONSTERS, etc. He has to apologize about his wrong signing ! I hope, next time they will looking for a real and good interpreter ! Very awkward for the nation✔️
  5. YES ! Exactly that video I mean   Thank you for posting !  This deaf interpreter was signing total nonsense,  I saw in our German TV !  Sad, but funny and true, yes.
  6. I'm glad, only being a JW sister ! Not have these many special problems... But I appreciate the mostly hard work of our GB Brothers??
  7. I remember a deaf interpreter from an older report....  also seen in TV !  But not yet,  by the Hurricane  IRMA...   I'm sure,  they would have shown that in TV again ! Weird situation....  the same mistake again ?  Very dumb people !  hahahaÂ
  8. My thoughts little similar to your comments,. Brother @James Thomas Rook Jr. Our JW.ORG gets directed from humans, all humans making mistakes, 'daily' - But the background and sense is UNIQUE, its our God and Creator JEHOVAH ! Importend is first of all the BIBLE, Jehovah's word ! With some things, we must be careful, always deep thinking. Everyone of us must do that for itself.... ( thats my opinion ) Thank you and greetings from Germany, Agape❤️
  9. I agree, Brother @David Normand ..... I looked for the word : BROUHAHA ! A brouhaha, from French brouhaha, is a state of social agitation when a minor incident gets out of control, sometimes referred to as an uproar or hubbub.[1] Here is a link to informing.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brouhaha Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  10. SORRY - I HAD AN INTERNET ERROR.....  HERE NOW MY FULL COMMENT ! Thank you I know Congregations in different Countries.... and I realized always some little differences ! Also by exercises on the stage. In some countries very little kiddies allowed - but in Germany its not allowed ! Never 3 - 4 years old little boys alone with a talk, ONLY together with the Mom at the stage - table....  Our youngest boys / brothers alone on the stage ca. 8 years. The new idea with a sister - microphne - service, I will next time ask in my cong. - I know, we've many elders and  'service - helper'....   Never did a sister this job ! But in some countries maybe NO other possibilities.... Jehovah always wanted a man as teacher, bec. the head over the woman ;-)
  11. I know Congregations in different Countries.... and I realized always some little differences !
  12. YEP !! REALLY A FUNNY ONE, hahaha  -  I saved it !!   Thank you @James Thomas Rook Jr.
  13. Thanks for our walking through many website-ways here to my night time,  I enjoyed that alot and our comments ! ??  dear Alexa and brother JTR.  and before with the dear sister Blanchie.....  And thank you so much for the many likes too?????  Now I have to rest a little....???. Wish you all a wonderful Sunday.  Here in north Germany its just pretty cold, Brrrrrr....  in the night 7 degrees and by day ca. 17 degrees.  Last Sept. we had too heat waves with more days 30' degrees C.!!  Very hot for starting autumn...  Yes, the weather is alot changing !  Bye bye my friends and many greetings from far away Germany !

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Hahaha.... I meant 2 heat waves  and not too, sorryxD

    2. Blanchie DeGrate

      Blanchie DeGrate

      Hi, I wanted to let you know that one of our dear Sisters passed away. Her and her husband didn't have any children but they were always helping the older friends of our Congregation. It has been a shock to all of us. Her husband took her to work, picked her up from work, brought her home like he had been doing for years and she passed away. 

      It looks as though she did not suffer. She was faithful to the end. Her husband is broken hearted! The Memorial is Tuesday. We are all praying for Him and the rest of his families members and I know you will too. The Resurrection Hope is real! Please pray for our dear Brother!! Their names are:  Fred and Denice Nichols. I just wanted to share this with you. Now I must try and pull myself back together. Thank you so very much, I love ❤️ what you do ????? Blanchie 

  14. I'm the daughter of bicycles..... Â Â Â Bec. my Dad had such of special shop ! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaa.....
  15. OKAY.... I need a time t understand all your jokes, sorry    I SO much like jokes, but it is the typical american language,  not always easy for me, you understand ?Â
  16. So terrible endtime ;-((   Every week 1-2 new disasters !  Step by step more and more  "Job's - news"  When I'm at home, I will buy a good rucksack / backpack and the right things for the emergency.... ONLY,  bec. many brothers and sisters in Canada were obedient with their ready backpack, the most JW could flee before the big fire !  So we can see, how importend is all that we learned last time   I SO hope, we all see us in the NW  and talk about many themes !!  Love and greetings from Germany
  17. ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤
  18. I believe, to that very old time, they all had NO SURNAMES....  Example, Jesus was the son of the carpenter Joseph, etc. etc. - Its not so importend for me, bec. many other things much more GREAT and interesting ! But we all have other wishes, thats okay
  19. A misunderstanding or what ? I think, the little story has a deeper sense.... Mat. 12: 34, 35 34 Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 The good man out of his good treasure sends out good things, whereas the wicked man out of his wicked treasure sends out wicked things.
  20. Hahahahahaaaaa.... YES, my Brother - animals can alot things !   But we're human's here Some people can fly too, a little...   I only can fly in a plane, made it more times & its wonderful ! Btw.  Some spider - ladies eating their lovers   What do you think of THAT ??
  21. Great food !  Do you mean that italian meal "Noodles Carbonara"? I like that too Different cream soups also tasty for me !  It does give a nice trick @Alexa... With a special liquidizer / blender, for making fatastic, healthy vegetable cream soups, after cooking   FOR BREAKFAST, or on and off is cereal and soy milk also very healthy. Maybe with some different fruits in it, or what you like.... VERY GOOD   My body don't tolerate soy, I get diarrhea, sorry  But all other milks okay  Thanks for your nice comment, yes !
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