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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. My thoughts little similar to your comments,. Brother @James Thomas Rook Jr.  Our JW.ORG  gets directed from humans,  all humans making mistakes,  'daily'  -   But the background and sense is  UNIQUE,  its our God and Creator  JEHOVAH !  Importend is first of all the  BIBLE,  Jehovah's word !  With some things, we must be careful,  always deep thinking.  Everyone of us must do that for itself....  ( thats my opinion )

    Thank you and greetings from Germany,  Agape❤️

  2. I  agree,  Brother  @David Normand .....   I  looked  for  the  word :   BROUHAHA !

    A brouhaha, from French brouhaha, is a state of social agitation when a minor incident gets out of control, sometimes referred to as an uproar or hubbub.[1]   Here  is  a  link  to  informing....


    Greetings  from  Germany,  Agape !

  3. SORRY  -  I  HAD  AN  INTERNET  ERROR.....   HERE  NOW  MY  FULL  COMMENT !  Thank  you :)

    I  know  Congregations  in  different  Countries....  and  I  realized  always  some  little  differences !

    Also  by  exercises  on  the  stage.  In  some  countries  very  little  kiddies  allowed  -  but  in  Germany  its  not  allowed !  Never  3 - 4  years  old  little  boys  alone  with  a  talk,  ONLY  together  with  the  Mom  at  the  stage - table....   Our  youngest  boys / brothers  alone  on  the  stage  ca. 8  years.

    The  new  idea  with  a  sister - microphne - service,  I  will  next  time  ask  in my  cong.  -

    I  know,  we've  many  elders  and   'service - helper'....    Never  did  a sister  this  job !

    But  in  some  countries  maybe  NO  other  possibilities....

    Jehovah  always  wanted  a  man  as  teacher,  bec. the  head  over  the  woman ;-)

  4. So  terrible  endtime ;-((    Every  week  1-2  new  disasters !   Step by step  more  and  more   "Job's - news" :(  When  I'm  at  home,  I  will  buy  a  good  rucksack / backpack  and  the  right  things  for  the  emergency....

    ONLY,   bec.  many  brothers  and  sisters  in  Canada  were  obedient  with  their  ready  backpack,  the  most  JW  could  flee  before  the  big  fire !   So  we  can  see,  how  importend  is  all  that  we  learned  last  time :)   I  SO  hope,  we  all  see  us  in  the  NW  :D  and  talk  about  many  themes !!   Love  and  greetings  from  Germany :x

  5. I  believe,  to  that  very  old  time,  they  all  had  NO  SURNAMES....   Example,  Jesus  was  the  son  of  the  carpenter  Joseph,  etc. etc.  -  Its  not  so  importend  for  me,  bec. many  other  things  much  more  GREAT and  interesting !  But  we  all  have  other  wishes,  thats  okay :)

  6. A  misunderstanding  or  what ?   I  think,  the  little  story  has  a  deeper  sense.... 

    Mat. 12: 34, 35

    34 Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 The good man out of his good treasure sends out good things, whereas the wicked man out of his wicked treasure sends out wicked things.

  7. Hahahahahaaaaa....   YES,  my  Brother  -  animals  can  alot  things !    But  we're  human's  here :D

    Some  people  can  fly  too,  a  little...    I  only  can  fly  in  a  plane,  made  it  more  times  &  its  wonderful !

    Btw.   Some  spider - ladies  eating  their  lovers :x   What  do  you  think  of  THAT ??

  8. Great  food !   Do  you  mean  that  italian  meal  "Noodles  Carbonara"?  I  like  that  too :P

    Different  cream soups  also  tasty  for  me !   It  does  give  a  nice  trick  @Alexa...  With  a  special  liquidizer / blender,  for  making  fatastic,  healthy  vegetable  cream  soups,  after  cooking :P  

    FOR  BREAKFAST,  or  on  and  off  is  cereal  and  soy  milk  also  very  healthy. Maybe  with  some  different  fruits  in  it,  or  what  you  like....  VERY  GOOD :x    My  body  don't  tolerate  soy,  I  get  diarrhea, sorry :(   But  all  other  milks  okay :D  Thanks  for  your  nice  comment,  yes !

  9. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg

    The term shrimp is used to refer to some decapod crustaceans, although the exact animals covered can vary. Used broadly, it may cover any of the groups with elongated bodies and a primarily swimming mode of locomotion – most commonly Caridea and Dendrobranchiata. In some fields, however, the term is used more narrowly, and may be restricted to Caridea, to smaller species of either group, or to only the marine species. Under the broader definition, shrimp may be synonymous with prawn, covering stalk-eyed swimming crustaceans with long narrow muscular tails (abdomens), long whiskers (antennae), and slender legs.[1] Any small crustacean which resembles a shrimp tends to be called one.[2] They swim forward by paddling with swimmerets on the underside of their abdomens, although their escape response is typically repeated flicks with the tail driving them backwards very quickly. Crabs and lobsters have strong walking legs, whereas shrimp have thin fragile legs which they use primarily for perching.[3]

    Shrimp are widespread and abundant. There are thousands of species adapted to a wide range of habitats. They can be found feeding near the seafloor on most coasts and estuaries, as well as in rivers and lakes. To escape predators, some species flip off the seafloor and dive into the sediment.[3] They usually live from one to seven years.[4] Shrimp are often solitary, though they can form large schools during the spawning season.[3][5]

    They play important roles in the food chain and are an important food source for larger animals ranging from fish to whales. The muscular tails of many shrimp are edible to humans, and they are widely caught and farmed for human consumption. Commercial shrimp species support an industry worth 50 billion dollars a year,[3] and in 2010 the total commercial production of shrimp was nearly 7 million tonnes. Shrimp farming became more prevalent during the 1980s, particularly in China, and by 2007 the harvest from shrimp farms exceeded the capture of wild shrimp. There are significant issues with excessive bycatch when shrimp are captured in the wild, and with pollution damage done to estuaries when they are used to support shrimp farming. Many shrimp species are small as the term shrimp suggests, about 2 cm (0.79 in) long, but some shrimp exceed 25 cm (9.8 in). Larger shrimp are more likely to be targeted commercially, and are often referred to as prawns, particularly in Britain.

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