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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. May Jehova be near all of you and helping quickly....
  2. THAT WAS NEW FOR ME - BUT OKAY....  each country - people different !  You Americans are a strange, odd, extraordinary folk  hahahahaaaaa,  but very interesting !  You've anything I like, since my childhood 2 of my aunts were going in young years to USA, NY, New Jersey, Hoboken. I only was in Florida, 1995 by a girlfriend. - They have a big house with 2 pools, etc. etc. Always friendly all the people ! I enjoyed my 3 weeks there....
  3. REALLY ?? hahaha I get many answers by comments....  Oh - I now understand !! yes....  my idea too to German area  I hope, my internet still is working so long today, but I will try it asap !!
  4. A wonderful double RAINBOW - REMINDER to Jehovah's promise for us ALL
  7. Its an older picture, I know it...   But I love all our deaf humans - I know some in private too  THANKS FOR POSTING !
  9. JUST NOW ALREADY 6,2 MILLION PEOPLE WITHOUT POWER AT HOME.. Updated on September 11, 2017, 9:20 pm "Irma" was like a deluge - for the whole of Florida. Even in the north-east of the US state, floods occur. Millions of households are without electricity. And the extent of the damage is not yet foreseeable. Floods, flooding roads, power failures: After Hurricane "Irma" with Urgewalt over Florida, the federal state with the consequences struggles. The storm cracked roofs in many parts and cut off power lines. There were reports of looting and burglaries. At least four people were killed. Although the feared worst disaster scenarios in Florida did not materialize, the first damage balances of the storm were nevertheless huge. 6.2 million households in Florida without electricity The storm had captured the entire peninsula because of its enormous size. Cities in the North East also fought with floods. According to the authorities, 6.2 million households in Florida were cut off from the electricity supply on Monday - more than half of all households in the state. The disaster control authority Fema expected that some areas could still have no electricity for weeks. After the storm is before cleaning up.... In Miami, Wassermassen welled through the old town and the banking district. Pictures and videos showed how the storm pushed the water into the city and made large roads into torrential rivers. Also from the central city of Orlando reported local media and eyewitnesses on Twitter of hip-high water. Some areas of the Caribbean uninhabitable It allows Florida financial aid to the federal government. The US Department of Defense sent three ships to Florida's coast to support the rescue operations. "Irma" has been holding the region for days. On his travel through the Caribbean the storm had cost more than 20 people, according to unofficial estimates, some areas are considered uninhabitable. Severe damage occurred in Cuba, the Virgin Islands, Barbuda and Saint-Bartélémy. France's President Emmanuel Macron announced to visit the island Saint-Martin on Tuesday, which is also seriously affected. Already on Sunday (local time) the Dutch king Willem-Alexander had spoken with victims on the island of Curacao. After the storm is before cleaning up: How big the damage will be at the end is still completely unclear - but it will probably be many billions of dollars. "Irma" was so big that she covered the entire peninsula. 6.2 million households in Florida without electricity The storm had captured the entire peninsula because of its enormous size. Cities in the North East also fought with floods. According to the authorities, 6.2 million households in Florida were cut off from the electricity supply on Monday - more than half of all households in the state. The disaster control authority Fema expected that some areas could still have no electricity for weeks. On the south-west coast of Florida, the sun shone again on Monday. Daniel Rodriguez (34) was able to return to his house. The damage inside was limited. But there was a tree on the roof. Together with his stepmother Emiliano, with neighbors and friends, Rodriguez tried to make at least the completely devastated access road again usable. With machetes and chainsaws they worked at 30 degrees Celsius the crosswise trees. 573 emergency shelters for 155,000 people Donald Trump wants to travel to Florida The ABC radio reported five dead who died in Florida in car accidents or found dead in their homes. The New York Times wrote of four deaths. The numbers could go up. US President Donald Trump announced he wanted to travel to Florida as soon as possible to get a picture of the damage. "These are storms of catastrophic proportions," he said on Monday. At the same time, the President appealed to the company's common sense. "If Americans are in need, they stand together." Even before "Irma" hit the mainland, Trump had issued an emergency declaration. Some areas of the Caribbean uninhabitable It allows Florida financial aid to the federal government. The US Department of Defense sent three ships to Florida's coast to support the rescue operations. "Irma" has been holding the region for days. On his travel through the Caribbean the storm had cost more than 20 people, according to unofficial estimates, some areas are considered uninhabitable. Severe damage occurred in Cuba, the Virgin Islands, Barbuda and Saint-Bartélémy. France's President Emmanuel Macron announced to visit the island Saint-Martin on Tuesday, which is also seriously affected. Already on Sunday (local time) the Dutch king Willem-Alexander had spoken with victims on the island of Curacao. MAYBE MORE LATER.... But our LIBRARIAN also posted current NEWS about all ! ( report translated by google )
  10. Thank you SO much my dear friends @Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes  ? ???  ??ly  greetings  from  Germany  and all the best for you !
  12. MILLIONS OF HUMANS ON THE WAY, very afraid bec. Hurricane "IRMA" and still 3 other Hurricanes ! 5 millions people have just NO power and the most houses are broken on the west side of Florida ! Also the little town "Fort Myers" where I've friends. They had a wonderful white house with 2 pools, a very big american kitchen, many plants, double garage, king-size bed's etc. -  NO sign, if I lost my old friends in Fort Myers.... They invited me 1995, I was flown over Atlanta...  WOW, what a very very big airport I will see all tmw in TV.... Many pensioners only had little houses of wood in Fort Myers. Such of houses mostly first broken. TRUMP will "soon" go to Florida, but soon all money is consumed for so many catastrophes !!  A SAD END-TIME ;-((
  13. DANKE FÜR DEINE WAHREN UND GENAU RICHTIGEN WORTE, lieber Peter??? Ab Mo. ist mehr Zeit für eine email !! Heute z. Reha etc. Liebe Grüße v. A.
  14. Domingo 10 de septiembre 2017 Las cosas valiosas del rico son como un muro protector en su imaginación (Prov. 18:11). Un peligro en el que podemos caer es distraernos del servicio a Dios por fantasear con riquezas. Jesús contó una historia para recordarnos que todo el que acumula riquezas, “pero no es rico para con Dios” es el ser más digno de lástima (Luc. 12:16-21). Jehová se alegra cuando hacemos las cosas que le agradan (Prov. 27:11). Y nosotros también podemos sentirnos muy contentos de ganarnos la aprobación de Dios por haber acumulado “tesoros en el cielo” (Mat. 6:20). Sin duda alguna, su amistad es la posesión más valiosa que podríamos tener. Imagínese la ansiedad que sentiría si se dedicara en cuerpo y alma a acumular “tesoros sobre la tierra” (Mat. 6:19). Jesús usó una ilustración para demostrar que “la inquietud de este sistema de cosas y el poder engañoso de las riquezas” pueden ahogar nuestro deseo de servir al Reino (Mat. 13:18, 19, 22). w15 15/5 4:15, 16 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3De4BFXsavAC4%26feature%3Dshare&h=ATN3h_M1VTX51adRygPussln0N4zjQ1r3QHwHwMo4S-0o5AUTCGJlurcTDRJ4JxszcvmRIB8jiA_jD0ASqOMGiYOWIjc0EwL8pumtpP6zZx0gvR4QheRpSgkBn1UXqmEkecs_JGtMoQrsephRuoYLE4GkH7lQ3AoMhPNx2gsdw9s4ec_J4dql8LC06Pa7eQ1xJMyRPGx5Ycr447LbWU3hzhzionpB1CzikLP71AV2ijKlL7gNbN_z1vJJ-JpmvYTyipQ938vwHptGTGzNj8Gb7TCbch_hqs
  15. Sábado 9 de septiembre 2017 No consiguieron el cumplimiento de las promesas, pero las vieron desde lejos (Heb. 11:13). La imaginación es un hermoso regalo de Dios. Nos ayuda a hacer planes y a esperar con ilusión el futuro. Jehová puede ver las cosas que aún no han ocurrido, y algunas de ellas nos las ha revelado en su Palabra. Así podemos verlas con los ojos de la imaginación, lo cual alimenta nuestra fe (2 Cor. 4:18). Una mujer de tiempos bíblicos, Ana, usó la imaginación para pensar en algo que de seguro iba a llegar: el día en que llevaría a su hijo, Samuel, a servir en el tabernáculo de Jehová. Pensar en ese momento le dio fuerzas para cumplir el voto que le había hecho a Dios (1 Sam. 1:22). Nosotros tenemos que hacer algo parecido. Sabemos que las cosas que Jehová nos ha prometido de seguro se realizarán, así que es bueno que nos las imaginemos (2 Ped. 1:19-21). Sin duda, muchos siervos de Dios del pasado imaginaron las cosas que él les había prometido. w15 15/5 3:1-3 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DRV4XggLoZGM%26feature%3Dshare&h=ATMFxaELUnfKkb9NQlfAmnjFkvHV1HNZ607lTzK411tgsOUnjo2XYU_wBOiDT99sykr7uQXD-TDypJisnrBwS2mNPGr6qmDxy8JfbAefDypN2q2IxynNn7hy0uhsqeGvHMfedphzrt-WmZsIyhXJ-H1E05JJyjBa5tKAAdSorxk8F7nIKNhYGiz-xy9xRHpO15ltdqvEXNP5zsfXoYMH_-fAYZ-aJrunXNdWHQaI15z7Kc1BDoV-PY08_vSS7C9vojecz2N_11lPOCrbKYkDtP-J
  16. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DWH4oSmqRhhY%26feature%3Dshare&h=ATNTekFoDCIvxZQCDVhV3jedtRza48E1YzJWMD3eXaElI-eMMBDHGKNB2MW42xK3VEVgNZWmIgVNXrZ3p8Rg33q_F6VAyE3VfZtPHUwuxM7e8p-Yfq5NLP77p3XxnfjRgivxhDzTqqHKSRn77CEMZZAr7obMC3CQgjD1v-qAcDi3hKYxD0o4ywR5ZlDgmi9UF6FO8fBdp6Nn6SLSlR0G1eVxabYGratBu15uEiKq2KpbRzJQe1EORIb6Fbihsy6AyvuquDQSoQ3sM2cSbz8pqTOfJt37xrI TEXTO DIARIO ANIMADO 8 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017 Viernes 8 de septiembre Él te magullará en la cabeza (Gén. 3:15). Cuando nació Jesús, el Diablo sabía que ese niño crecería y se convertiría en el Mesías prometido. Pero asesinar a un niño indefenso hubiera sido demasiado cruel, ¿verdad? No para Satanás, pues él no tiene sentimientos; por eso intentó acabar con Jesús durante su niñez. El rey Herodes se enojó mucho cuando los astrólogos le preguntaron por el “rey de los judíos”, así que decidió matar a Jesús (Mat. 2:1-3, 13). Para asegurarse de acabar con él, ordenó a sus soldados que mataran a todos los niños de dos años para abajo que vivieran en Belén y sus alrededores (Mat. 2:13-18). Jesús sobrevivió a esa terrible matanza. Pero ¿qué nos enseña esta tragedia acerca de nuestro enemigo? Que para él nuestra vida no vale nada. Ni siquiera lo detiene la idea de matar a un niño indefenso. De verdad es un “león rugiente” (1 Ped. 5:8). No nos descuidemos ni un instante. El Diablo es muy, pero muy peligroso. w15 15/5 1:10, 12, 13
  17. Deutschland... FEUER in einem Königreichssaal provoziert !! Vor ein paar Tagen haben wir berichtet, dass ein Königreichssaal in Deutschland mit 9 Punkten in Brand gesetzt worden war. Die Feuerwehr kontrollierte das Feuer. Die Polizei hat nach dem Betrachten der Sicherheitskameras im Gebäude den Brandstifter verhaftet, der sich als Zeuge des Herrn dieser Halle erwiesen hat https://www.wa.de/nordrhein-westfalen/anschlag-zeugen-jehovas-menden-festnahme-noch-montagabend-8655697.html
  18. HURRICANE IRMA...     ( by Brother Roger Dominique Bamps )  The storm, which made landfall on September 5, 2017, is one of the strongest hurricanes ever measured in the Atlantic. It has already devastated many islands in the Caribbean. At this time, none of our brothers and sisters have been reported injured or killed in the storm. One Kingdom Hall in La Désirade, Guadeloupe, one Kingdom Hall in St. Barts, and an Assembly Hall in St. Martin sustained damage. The island of Barbuda was especially hard hit by the storm, with an estimated 50 percent of the island’s residents left homeless. The entire population of the island, which includes 11 of our brothers, has been ordered by the government to evacuate to Antigua in anticipation that another hurricane, José, will hit the Caribbean over the weekend. The brothers have put in place several initiatives to care for ongoing relief efforts as Hurricane Irma continues tracking north through the Bahamas, Cuba, and the southeastern United States. This includes identifying housing in advance for brothers and sisters that may be displaced. MEXICO EARTHQUAKE,... Late Thursday, September 7, a magnitude 8.2 earthquake struck off Mexico’s southern Pacific coast. The quake is the strongest to hit Mexico in a century, killing at least 45 people. Sadly, we have received confirmation that one of our brothers and two of our sisters were among those who died ? Additionally, initial reports indicate that many homes of the brothers and several Kingdom Halls have been damaged or destroyed. Two Assembly Halls in Chiapas State were also damaged. Assessments are ongoing. We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, confident that Jehovah will comfort and strengthen them. 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17.
  19. Yes, okay !  Just now no Internet by the laptop,  but asap. I do it,  no problem Â
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