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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Its okay your opinion, @Witness  but we're all different JW's !  Many of us want to wear a jw.org sign, button or similar pin...  maybe to show,  "I'm a JW" !  Some people already start a little talk about that, thats nice   It does give ties for men, bag's for our children and adult JW and still more !  Many sister's making special, beautiful jw.org cakes for our pioneers or other especially JW !  That are all nice idea's and I like that very much. Thats MY opinion to that.  Perhaps some of us want tell us their special opinion ? THANK YOU DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS !
  2. Dear Sisters @butchsweet  and  @Joanne Williams... also the other members and @The Librarian I agree so much with you... its really one of the beautiful of Jehovah's creations THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORTS   and Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  3. Que trabajen en lo bueno para que logren asirse firmemente de la vida que realmente lo es (1 Tim. 6:18, 19). Imagínese que está a punto de mudarse al extranjero. ¿Cómo se prepararía para el cambio? Una buena manera sería aprendiendo el idioma y las costumbres del país. También sería bueno probar la comida típica del lugar. Tal vez hasta podría comenzar a vivir como si ya estuviera allá. Todo eso haría que al llegar fuera menos difícil la adaptación. Con el Paraíso sucede algo parecido: lo mejor es prepararse desde ahora tratando de vivir como si ya estuviéramos allí. Mucha gente cree que no tiene por qué darle cuentas a nadie, y mucho menos a Dios. Lamentablemente, ese espíritu de independencia ha causado mucho sufrimiento (Jer. 10:23). ¡Qué diferente será la vida en el nuevo mundo! Allí, todos respetaremos el derecho de Jehová a decirnos lo que debemos hacer. w15 15/8 3:4, 5 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/17
  4. Tell them to work at good, . . . so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.—1 Tim. 6:18, 19. How might we prepare now for life in GodÂ’s new world? Well, suppose we were planning to move to another country. How could we prepare for that change? We might start learning the language of the people who live there. Learning about their customs would be beneficial. We might sample some of their foods. To a certain extent, we would begin to live as if we were already residents of that land. After all, that is the way we expect to live once we arrive there. Similarly, we can prepare for life in the new world by living now, to the extent possible, as we expect to live then. Independence and an unreasonable insistence on personal preference may be highly regarded by some, but what has been the result? Failure to accept GodÂ’s direction has led to suffering, misery, even tragedy. (Jer. 10:23) How we look forward to the time when all mankind will submit to JehovahÂ’s loving sovereignty! w15 8/15 3:4, 5 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/17
  6. I think, its very simple @kaijafon....many of us like this or that pin I read here, so I found today very nice different jw.org  pins /  labels   Thats it !  Greetings from Germany?
  7. I appreciate this 8 year old mature girl from the Philippines, before her baptism ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  9. Alot more beautiful Pins I found - you can see very soon here - also I saw some prices....
  10. READ ALL COMMENTS...  @TWelker ALSO THE SAME POSTING IN THE HUMOR - AREA !  Its a joke - posting
  11. Jehovah is not only a loving GOD...   HE is so much more ! YES, also very funny, we see that by many of HIS creations   Some of the stinky plants are importend for especially animals, they love this smell alot !! Not really our fav.   but for Jehovah it was importend, so we must accept it  Hahaha... strange for us.
  12. I not agree, @Nathan Russell....  You can't take any counts, also not daily 4 hours,  example by pioneers.  Only Jehovah is knowing the exactly count !  I already heard dubious stories about our service counts, sorry   but true....Â
  13. To donate our Worldwide Work is a nice idea, but of sure NOT with such of moneysimilar our "Lotto"  or other 'gambling money'.... Jehovah is more happy about little, but honestly Help / Aid !Â
  14. Of course also THANKS to all the others, like my posting...   Greetings to ALL !
  15. Thanks my dear Brothers @Alzasior Lutor... and @The Librarian... Its from July, but always present - around the world !
  16. Some points for laughing....   some very nice - and some NOT !  hahaha    ITS JUST HUMOR....
  17. You was NOT abrupt, Brother @SirStacy White-Knight.... But remember, also JW.ORG. reduced our time !  And never forget, not good we lose our joy bec. any stress ! Many JW are depressed bec. such of things... Jehovah wants we are right - minded in all what we can do. NOT forget the hours... -  but not importend the counts... We must have joy to preach the kingdom news, but not under daily stress. Think about our distinctive assets...   Greetings from Germany, Agape
  18. PS. Forget the hours... we not should compare us with other Brothers or families ! Jehovah is always knowing what we can do and what NOT ! A CO. said before longer time, when we want go but not can For JAH its so, as we were gone.... thats LOVE YES, thats our GOD ! HE *IS* LOVE... always seeing our positive things ! We humans get long time to learn that, 1000 years May Jehovah bless you and your family, Brother RJ... Greetings from Germany, AGAPE !
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