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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. COOL PICTURE....   our GB is always looking forward in all !  But its a joke - pic, I understand....
  2. De ninguna manera estamos dando causa alguna para tropiezo, para que no se encuentre falta en nuestro ministerio (2 Cor. 6:3).
  3. De ninguna manera estamos dando causa alguna para tropiezo, para que no se encuentre falta en nuestro ministerio (2 Cor. 6:3). Los cristianos debemos educar la mente y la conciencia; así sabremos cómo actuar en el momento en que se ponga a prueba nuestra neutralidad (Rom. 14:19). Veamos el caso de Mirjeta. A Mirjeta, que es originaria de la antigua Yugoslavia, le enseñaron desde niña a odiar a los serbios. Sin embargo, aprendió que Jehová es imparcial y que el Diablo es el verdadero culpable de los conflictos étnicos; eso hizo que luchara para cambiar su manera de pensar. Lamentablemente, cuando se desató una guerra entre grupos étnicos donde ella vivía, comenzó a sentir de nuevo aquel odio de la infancia, lo cual le hacía muy difícil predicar a los serbios. Mirjeta se dio cuenta de que los sentimientos negativos no iban a desaparecer por sí solos, de modo que le pidió ayuda a Jehová para superarlos. “Descubrí que ocupar la mente en el ministerio es el mejor remedio —asegura—. Cuando predico a la gente, trato de imitar la personalidad cariñosa de Jehová. Gracias a ello, logré arrancar el odio de mi corazón”. w15 15/7 3:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/15
  4. El Tentador vino (Mat. 4:3). Todos tenemos el poder de decidir si vamos a caer en la tentación o no (Mat. 6:13; Sant. 1:13-15). Jesús rechazó de inmediato cada una de las tentaciones del Diablo citando de la Palabra de Dios, y así defendió el derecho de Dios a gobernar a su creación. Como es obvio, Satanás no se rindió; esperó a que se diera “otro tiempo conveniente” (Luc. 4:13). Aun así, Jesús resistió vez tras vez sus ataques. Pero no olvidemos que, hasta el día de hoy, el Diablo sigue tentando a los discípulos de Jesús, incluido usted. Las acusaciones que lanzó el Diablo aún no se han aclarado por completo. Por eso, Jehová sigue permitiéndole que use el mundo para ponernos a prueba. Lejos de “meternos en tentación”, Dios confía en nosotros y quiere ayudarnos a resistir. Por supuesto, él no impide a toda costa que caigamos en la tentación. Nos ha dado la libertad para elegir y respeta esa libertad. De modo que debemos mantener fuerte nuestra espiritualidad y orar en todo momento. w15 15/6 5:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/14
  5. In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, so that no fault may be found with our ministry.—2 Cor. 6:3. Christians have to train their mind and conscience to respond appropriately when neutrality-related issues arise. (Rom. 14:19) Take, for example, Mirjeta from a region of the former Yugoslavia. She was raised to hate Serbians. On learning that Jehovah is impartial and that Satan is responsible for inciting ethnic problems, she strove to rid herself of nationalistic sentiments. Yet, when ethnic violence broke out in her area, old hatreds began to resurface in her, causing Mirjeta to find it difficult to preach to Serbs. She realized, though, that she could not just sit back and hope that such unwholesome feelings would go away. She begged Jehovah for help to overcome this challenge. “I have found that focusing on the ministry is the best help ever,” she says. “In the ministry, I try to imitate JehovahÂ’s loving personality, and I have seen my negative feelings melt away.” w15 7/15 3:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/15
  6. In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, so that no fault may be found with our ministry.—2 Cor. 6:3. Christians have to train their mind and conscience to respond appropriately when neutrality-related issues arise. (Rom. 14:19) Take, for example, Mirjeta from a region of the former Yugoslavia. She was raised to hate Serbians. On learning that Jehovah is impartial and that Satan is responsible for inciting ethnic problems, she strove to rid herself of nationalistic sentiments. Yet, when ethnic violence broke out in her area, old hatreds began to resurface in her, causing Mirjeta to find it difficult to preach to Serbs. She realized, though, that she could not just sit back and hope that such unwholesome feelings would go away. She begged Jehovah for help to overcome this challenge. “I have found that focusing on the ministry is the best help ever,” she says. “In the ministry, I try to imitate JehovahÂ’s loving personality, and I have seen my negative feelings melt away.” w15 7/15 3:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/15
  7. Undskyld .... @Johnny Paulick Jeg leder efter en nærmere JW video, okay? bedes bære noget!
  8. The Tempter approached.—Matt. 4:3. It is up to each individual whether he will allow himself to be brought into temptation or not. (Matt. 6:13; Jas. 1:13-15) For his part, Jesus immediately rejected each temptation from the Devil by the use of a relevant quotation from GodÂ’s Word. Thus, Jesus upheld GodÂ’s rightful sovereignty. But Satan did not give up. He waited “until another convenient time.” (Luke 4:13) Jesus continued to resist all of SatanÂ’s efforts to break his integrity. However, Satan attempts to ensnare JesusÂ’ followers, including you. Because of the ongoing issue regarding GodÂ’s sovereignty, Jehovah allows the Tempter to use this world to tempt us. God is not bringing us into temptation. On the contrary, he has confidence in us and he wants to help us. Out of respect for our free will, though, Jehovah does not automatically prevent us from falling into temptation. We have to do two things—remain spiritually awake and persist in prayer. w15 6/15 5:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/14
  10. JEHOVAH'S WONDERFUL CREATION ?  I love that cute Baby-face  so sweet smiling
  11. Thank you Brother Devaraj, @devarajjh from far away India....  hahaha - now a green pill... why that ? Take green algas pills... they're herbal - but ask before your Doc. not so healthy for all humans.... Greetings from far away GermanyÂ
  12. Not possible in our old, sick system..... FIRST in the NW and latest in the PARADISE ❤
  13. AGAIN.... NO R E D....  and   NO   BLUE....   THATS THE RESULT FOR JW.... yes
  14. Lets pray for our Brothers in Eritrea exactly like for our Brothers in Russia and similar poor Brothers in such of countries   In my congregation we're praying for all by every meeting???
  16. I remember that photo...    Children learning from the parents, other adults and other children !  We can giving the best examples??  Many parents do it  but many do notÂ
  17. I love such of reports    ?????  Thank you NicoleÂ
  18. Thanks my dear sisters  what a wonderful creating loving GOD Jehovah we have  THANK YOU SOOO MUCH !!  AGAPE TO YOU ALL
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