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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.—1 Pet. 5:8. How well this text describes SatanÂ’s vicious disposition! Although the whole world already lies in his power, Satan is hungry for more victims. Satan is intent on devouring JehovahÂ’s people. The waves of persecution he has unleashed against JesusÂ’ followers from the first century until now give evidence of his vicious spirit. A famished lion feels no pity for its prey. It feels no compassion before the kill and experiences no remorse afterward. In a similar way, Satan has shown no pity for those whom he tries to devour. For example, think about how often Satan the Devil must have been lurking somewhere when the Israelites succumbed to such sins as sexual immorality and greed. When you read about the tragic consequences that befell immoral Zimri and greedy Gehazi, for instance, can you “see” the roaring lion reveling in his conquest?—Num. 25:6-8, 14, 15; 2 Ki. 5:20-27. w15 5/15 1:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/8
  2. Draw close to God.—Jas. 4:8. Having regular communication with Jehovah is a vital part of drawing close to him. How can you communicate with God? You talk to Jehovah by means of your frequent prayers to him. (Ps. 142:2) And you allow Jehovah to talk to you, as it were, when you regularly read his written Word and meditate on it. (Isa. 30:20, 21) When you are specific in your prayers, you become more keenly aware of JehovahÂ’s answers, even though they may be subtle. Answered prayers will make Jehovah more real to you. In addition, the more you express your innermost concerns to Jehovah, the closer he will draw to you. Developing a closer relationship with Jehovah is a lifetime pursuit. We must take steps to draw close to God if we want him to take corresponding action toward us. By all means, then, let us remain in regular communication with our God by means of Bible study and prayer. As a result, our ever-growing relationship with Jehovah will enable us to meet our trials successfully. w15 4/15 3:3, 14, 16 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/7
  3. She has to be assisted up and back out. Convention CAM 2017: Personal treat: Antoinia "Valet" Mackie.... My Mother's best friend interviewed. Her enduring and active faith, despite crippling illnesses. I GOTÂ ITÂ FROMÂ AÂ LONGÂ TIMEÂ BROTHERÂ FRIEND
  4. Destapa mis ojos, para que mire las cosas maravillosas procedentes de tu ley (Sal. 119:18). El anciano debe averiguar hasta qué grado ha llegado la verdad al corazón del hermano que tiene menos experiencia. Para ello podría preguntarle: “¿Cómo ha cambiado tu vida desde que te dedicaste a Jehová?”. Esa pregunta le dará la oportunidad de conversar con él y de explicarle qué se necesita para servir a Dios con todo el corazón (Mar. 12:29, 30). Al final de la conversación, el anciano puede hacer una oración y pedirle a Jehová que le dé su espíritu al hermano para ayudarlo a progresar. Escuchar a un anciano orar por él de seguro animará mucho al hermano. Al empezar la capacitación, el anciano podría analizar relatos bíblicos que ayuden al hermano a entender la importancia de ser servicial, confiable y humilde (1 Rey. 19:19-21; Neh. 7:2; 13:13; Hech. 18:24-26). Esas cualidades son tan necesarias para el hermano como el abono lo es para la tierra, pues estimulan su crecimiento espiritual y le permiten descubrir “las cosas maravillosas” que contiene la Palabra de Dios. w15 15/4 2:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/6
  5. Del humo salieron langostas (Rev. 9:3). Poco antes de que terminara el primer siglo, el apóstol Juan tuvo una visión de siete ángeles que tocaban trompetas. Cuando el quinto tocó la suya, Juan vio una estrella que caía del cielo. Esta estrella usó una llave para abrir “el hoyo del abismo”. De allí salió humo y una nube de insectos, un enjambre de langostas. Pero en lugar de devorar la vegetación, atacan “a los hombres que no tienen el sello de Dios en la frente” (Rev. 9:1-4). Juan sabía lo destructivo que es un enjambre de langostas, pues sin duda conocía bien el relato de las plagas de Egipto (Éx. 10:12-15). Las langostas que vio Juan representan a los cristianos ungidos. Este grupo ha estado dando a conocer que Dios pronto destruirá la maldad. Ahora bien, los ungidos no están solos: los acompañan millones de cristianos que tienen la esperanza de vivir en la Tierra. Gracias a este trabajo en equipo, muchísimas personas han escapado del imperio mundial de la religión falsa, que está bajo el control de Satanás. w16.03 3:3 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/5
  6. Open my eyes so that I may see clearly the wonderful things from your law.—Ps. 119:18. To determine to what extent a less experienced brotherÂ’s thoughts and actions are influenced by Kingdom truth, an elder might ask him, ‘How has your dedication to Jehovah changed the way you use your life?Â’ That question can lead to a meaningful conversation about what makes our sacred service whole-souled. (Mark 12:29, 30) Perhaps at the end of such a conversation, he might say a prayer, asking Jehovah to give the brother the holy spirit he needs to complete his training. How upbuilding it will be for the brother to hear the elderÂ’s heartfelt prayer in his behalf! In the initial phase of training, an elder could consider some Bible accounts that might help the learner to see the need to be willing, reliable, and humble. (1 Ki. 19:19-21; Neh. 7:2; 13:13; Acts 18:24-26) Such qualities are as essential to the learner as nutrients are to the soil. They quicken his spiritual growth and serve to ‘open his eyesÂ’ to “the wonderful things” in GodÂ’s Word. w15 4/15 2:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/6
  7. Locusts came out of the smoke.—Rev. 9:3. Toward the end of the first century C.E., the apostle John received a vision of seven angels, each of whom sounded a trumpet blast. When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth. The “star” had a key in his hand with which he opened the shaft of an abyss. Thick smoke poured out, and from this came a plague of locusts. Rather than ravage vegetation, the symbolic locusts swarm against “those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” (Rev. 9:1-4) John no doubt knew how devastating a locust swarm could be. Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in MosesÂ’ day? (Ex. 10:12-15) The figurative locusts that John saw well illustrate anointed Christians proclaiming JehovahÂ’s powerful judgment messages. They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope. Little wonder that our united preaching undermines the authority Satan exercises through his worldwide empire of false religion! w16.03 3:3 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/5
  8. I THINK, THATS REALLY NOT BIBLE LIKE !  All okay with you my Brother JTR ?  haha never heard of that
  9. Its growing very fast.... Its a little wonder, Â to what our dear Brothers and Sisters are able with Jehovah's SPIRIT??? Â A big THANKS Â to ALL around the world?
  10. When you watch that short video, you will see Jehovah' s hand, the paradise and one of our nice kingdom songs❤️ Enjoy my friends...
  11. Not bad... But better drive on earth, here is more funÂ
  12. BUT THINK ABOUT THAT....   and you know that?? Jehovah is not dumb !  All dead humans in the oceans, mountains, jungle, space, all dead of the wars, etc. they will resurrected on our beautiful EARTH, I am sure??  Think to the pictures...  All resurrected ones running to their families !??
  13. Wonderful and so diligent all our Brothers and Sisters ! Its in TIME LAPSE... so we can watching how its going on with a Kingdom HALL --- A very interested video At the end its looking like our Kingdom Hall at home
  14. Aquellos días serán días de una tribulación como la cual no ha sucedido una desde el principio de la creación que Dios creó hasta aquel tiempo (Mar. 13:19). Estamos viviendo en la época que la Biblia llama “los últimos días”, y muy pronto llegará la mayor tribulación de la historia (2 Tim. 3:1). Además, Satanás y sus demonios han sido echados del cielo y están causando muchos sufrimientos en la Tierra (Rev. 12:9, 12). Por otro lado, hemos recibido la comisión de llevar a cabo una tarea histórica y a una escala sin precedentes: predicar en todo el planeta y en más idiomas que nunca. Para que Dios nos siga bendiciendo, necesitamos seguir las instrucciones que nos da por medio de su organización. Hay que ser obedientes desde ahora, pues así será más fácil seguir las instrucciones que recibamos en la “gran tribulación”, la cual destruirá el mundo de Satanás (Mat. 24:21). Después, necesitaremos nuevas instrucciones para vivir en el nuevo mundo. w16.03 4:16, 18 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/4
  15. Daniel se resolvió en su corazón a no contaminarse (Dan. 1:8). Una persona madura defiende sus creencias con firmeza. No se comporta como si fuera amigo de Dios cuando está en el Salón del Reino y como si fuera amigo del mundo cuando está con sus compañeros de clase. Además, se mantiene firme hasta en los momentos más difíciles (Efes. 4:14, 15). Claro, nadie es perfecto. Todos, jóvenes y mayores, cometemos errores de vez en cuando (Ecl. 7:20). Pero si estás pensando en bautizarte, tienes que preguntarte: “¿Estoy dispuesto a obedecer a Jehová, cueste lo que cueste?”. Hay una manera de saberlo: piensa en los últimos meses. ¿Qué hiciste la última vez que pasaste por una prueba? ¿Fuiste capaz de ver la diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo? También vale la pena que te preguntes qué harías en una situación parecida a la que vivió Daniel. Si alguien te hiciera sentir especial y te dijera que aprovecharas tu talento en este mundo, ¿te sentirías tentado a escucharlo? ¿O tendrías claro lo que Jehová espera de ti? (Efes. 5:17). w16.03 1:7-9 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/8/3
  16. Those days will be days of a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time.—Mark 13:19. We are living in what the Bible calls “the last days,” and straight ahead is a tribulation like nothing that has occurred before. (2 Tim. 3:1) Furthermore, Satan and his demons have been cast out of heaven and are confined to the vicinity of the earth, resulting in intense woe for earthÂ’s inhabitants. (Rev. 12:9, 12) We have been commissioned to carry out a historic and unprecedented preaching campaign that is reaching peoples and language groups as never before! To keep receiving GodÂ’s blessing, we need to pay attention to all the directions provided through the Christian congregation. Having an obedient spirit now will help us to follow directions during the “great tribulation,” which will eliminate SatanÂ’s entire evil system. (Matt. 24:21) Thereafter, we will need new directions for new world living. w16.03 4:16, 18 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/4
  17. Daniel resolved in his heart that he would not defile himself.—Dan. 1:8. A mature young person is stable in his convictions. He does not act like a friend of God at the Kingdom Hall but a friend of the world at school. He remains unmovable even during tests of faith. (Eph. 4:14, 15) Of course, no one is perfect; young people as well as adults make mistakes from time to time. (Eccl. 7:20) Still, as you are considering baptism, it would be wise to analyze to what extent you are resolved in your heart to stick to Jehovah’s standards. Ask yourself, ‘What is my track record of adhering to God’s standards?’ Give thought to the way you have reacted to recent tests of faith. Have you demonstrated that you have the discernment needed to distinguish right from wrong? What if, like Daniel, you are treated as special by someone in Satan’s world? Are you able to “keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is” even when God’s will conflicts with what you are tempted to do?—Eph. 5:17. w16.03 1:7-9 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/8/3
  18. HOW WAS THE PHYSICIAN OF JESUS ? Genetically he is likely to inherit features of his mother Mary who was JEWS. What are the physical features of the Edot Hamizraj Jewish ethnic group living in the eastern Mediterranean ?: Brunettes, large noses, wavy or curly hair. Jesus had a beard. His beard was trimmed and his hair clean and hairy. He must have been of a strong constitution, expelled from the temple, without help from anyone, all those who traded. It took extraordinary physical stamina to travel across Palestine and proclaim his message. To do that he must have been a strong man. When he had resurrected, he had changed a lot, because not even his closest friends recognized him at first sight. The body of Jesus was personally prepared by Jehovah. (Recent slave information) ( translated by google )
  19. Psalms 91:2 2 I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my stronghold, My God in whom I trust.”
  20. Perfect @Librarian...  ibid is the same like ditto !  I use daily  x times ditto for saving texts and posting here   Its very practically??Â
  21. NO, thats only a deal / business for rich and weird people... Nobody ever will resurrect on the moon and can live,  not possible, stupid idea ! Â
  22. WOW... 22  own upvotes  by  one  posting,  thats a new record !  Its in vain,  bec. the counter macchine is finally away   More precious are the votes from our members, thats really a praise and a nice feeling I thinkÂ
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