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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    Locusts came out of the smoke.—Rev. 9:3.

    Toward the end of the first century C.E., the apostle John received a vision of seven angels, each of whom sounded a trumpet blast. When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth. The “star” had a key in his hand with which he opened the shaft of an abyss. Thick smoke poured out, and from this came a plague of locusts. Rather than ravage vegetation, the symbolic locusts swarm against “those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” (Rev. 9:1-4) John no doubt knew how devastating a locust swarm could be. Had not locusts plagued ancient Egypt in Moses’ day? (Ex. 10:12-15) The figurative locusts that John saw well illustrate anointed Christians proclaiming Jehovah’s powerful judgment messages. They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope. Little wonder that our united preaching undermines the authority Satan exercises through his worldwide empire of false religion! w16.03 3:3


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    Aquellos días serán días de una tribulación como la cual no ha sucedido una desde el principio de la creación que Dios creó hasta aquel tiempo (Mar. 13:19).

    Estamos viviendo en la época que la Biblia llama “los últimos días”, y muy pronto llegará la mayor tribulación de la historia (2 Tim. 3:1). Además, Satanás y sus demonios han sido echados del cielo y están causando muchos sufrimientos en la Tierra (Rev. 12:9, 12). Por otro lado, hemos recibido la comisión de llevar a cabo una tarea histórica y a una escala sin precedentes: predicar en todo el planeta y en más idiomas que nunca. Para que Dios nos siga bendiciendo, necesitamos seguir las instrucciones que nos da por medio de su organización. Hay que ser obedientes desde ahora, pues así será más fácil seguir las instrucciones que recibamos en la “gran tribulación”, la cual destruirá el mundo de Satanás (Mat. 24:21). Después, necesitaremos nuevas instrucciones para vivir en el nuevo mundo. w16.03 4:16, 18


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    Daniel se resolvió en su corazón a no contaminarse (Dan. 1:8).

    Una persona madura defiende sus creencias con firmeza. No se comporta como si fuera amigo de Dios cuando está en el Salón del Reino y como si fuera amigo del mundo cuando está con sus compañeros de clase. Además, se mantiene firme hasta en los momentos más difíciles (Efes. 4:14, 15). Claro, nadie es perfecto. Todos, jóvenes y mayores, cometemos errores de vez en cuando (Ecl. 7:20). Pero si estás pensando en bautizarte, tienes que preguntarte: “¿Estoy dispuesto a obedecer a Jehová, cueste lo que cueste?”. Hay una manera de saberlo: piensa en los últimos meses. ¿Qué hiciste la última vez que pasaste por una prueba? ¿Fuiste capaz de ver la diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo? También vale la pena que te preguntes qué harías en una situación parecida a la que vivió Daniel. Si alguien te hiciera sentir especial y te dijera que aprovecharas tu talento en este mundo, ¿te sentirías tentado a escucharlo? ¿O tendrías claro lo que Jehová espera de ti? (Efes. 5:17). w16.03 1:7-9


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    Those days will be days of a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time.—Mark 13:19.

    We are living in what the Bible calls “the last days,” and straight ahead is a tribulation like nothing that has occurred before. (2 Tim. 3:1) Furthermore, Satan and his demons have been cast out of heaven and are confined to the vicinity of the earth, resulting in intense woe for earth’s inhabitants. (Rev. 12:9, 12) We have been commissioned to carry out a historic and unprecedented preaching campaign that is reaching peoples and language groups as never before! To keep receiving God’s blessing, we need to pay attention to all the directions provided through the Christian congregation. Having an obedient spirit now will help us to follow directions during the “great tribulation,” which will eliminate Satan’s entire evil system. (Matt. 24:21) Thereafter, we will need new directions for new world living. w16.03 4:16, 18


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    Daniel resolved in his heart that he would not defile himself.—Dan. 1:8.

    A mature young person is stable in his convictions. He does not act like a friend of God at the Kingdom Hall but a friend of the world at school. He remains unmovable even during tests of faith. (Eph. 4:14, 15) Of course, no one is perfect; young people as well as adults make mistakes from time to time. (Eccl. 7:20) Still, as you are considering baptism, it would be wise to analyze to what extent you are resolved in your heart to stick to Jehovah’s standards. Ask yourself, ‘What is my track record of adhering to God’s standards?’ Give thought to the way you have reacted to recent tests of faith. Have you demonstrated that you have the discernment needed to distinguish right from wrong? What if, like Daniel, you are treated as special by someone in Satan’s world? Are you able to “keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is” even when God’s will conflicts with what you are tempted to do?—Eph. 5:17. w16.03 1:7-9


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    Genetically he is likely to inherit features of his mother Mary who was JEWS.
    What are the physical features of the Edot Hamizraj Jewish ethnic group living in the eastern Mediterranean ?: Brunettes, large noses, wavy or curly hair.
    Jesus had a beard.
    His beard was trimmed and his hair clean and hairy.
    He must have been of a strong constitution, expelled from the temple, without help from anyone, all those who traded. It took extraordinary physical stamina to travel across Palestine and proclaim his message.
    To do that he must have been a strong man.
    When he had resurrected, he had changed a lot, because not even his closest friends recognized him at first sight.
    The body of Jesus was personally prepared by Jehovah.
    (Recent slave information)

    ( translated  by  google )

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    Resulte Jehová mismo estar entre yo y tú y entre mi prole y tu prole hasta tiempo indefinido (1 Sam. 20:42).

    Las personas leales como Jonatán son dignas de admiración. Pero si admiramos a este hombre solo porque fue leal a David, perderíamos de vista un punto clave: para él la lealtad a Jehová era lo más importante. Por eso veía a David como un amigo, no como un rival. Estos dos amigos cumplieron el juramento que hicieron. El cristiano no solo admira la lealtad en los demás; él mismo es leal: a su familia, a sus amigos, a los hermanos de la congregación (1 Tes. 2:10, 11). Ahora bien, ¿a quién debemos ser leales por encima de todo? A Jehová. Al fin y al cabo, él nos dio la vida (Rev. 4:11). Esa lealtad nos hace felices de verdad. Pero debemos recordar que tenemos que ser leales a Dios hasta en los momentos difíciles. w16.02 3:3, 4


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    May Jehovah be between you and me and between your offspring and my offspring forever.—1 Sam. 20:42.

    Loyalty is almost universally admired. However, we would miss a vital lesson if we were to admire JonathanÂ’s loyalty to David without taking into account his loyalty to God. Why did Jonathan view David as a friend rather than a rival? Loyalty to God had first place in JonathanÂ’s heart. Indeed, loyalty to Jehovah was the very basis for his loyalty to David. And both men loyally lived up to their sworn oath. As Christians, we do not merely admire loyalty in others; we ourselves are loyal to family members, friends, and fellow worshippers. (1 Thess. 2:10, 11) But what loyalty should take first place in our heart? Why, it is loyalty to the One who gave us life! (Rev. 4:11) Maintaining that loyalty gives us true joy and satisfaction. But if we are to prove loyal to God, we must stick to him even through difficult trials. w16.02 3:3, 4


  9. 2  different  songs   of   *HE  WILL  CALL*   I  posted  for  you ....

    JEHOVAH  WILL  CALL -  and  your  wife  will  healthy  running  into  your  arms ? 

    Maybe  Afrikaans  is  there  too ?    36  languages  -  thats  alot ! 

    I  am  waiting  first  of  my  Dad  and  my  own  brother...

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