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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Awww...  poor  brothers :(  not  an  easy  Kingdom-work  you  had  in  the  past !   You  was  young  and  it  was  a  very  good  train  for  your  whole  life  and  our  soon  hard  time...  I  appreciate  your  very  strong  work  with  alot  deprivations...   WHAT  a  wonderful  example  for  us  all  here !!   And  of  sure  you  was  learning  very  much,  dear  Brother  Colin.  -   I'm  feeling  so  small  when  I  hear  such  of  nice  old  experiences...  but  I  love  it :x  can  learn  from  other  JW !   PS.  I  would  give  away  your  precious  books,  but  only  to  the  right  Brothers  -  or  to  your  Bethel ?   I  can  imagine  how  you  feel  about  that !  My  time  again  little  reduced...  so  I  posted  our  song  No. 138  with  wonderful  flowers  for  you :)  Enjoy  it....     Next  time  more  to  your  comments,  okay ?     Take  care  my  Brother !

    Best  wishes  from  Germany,  Agape !


  2. Thats  wonderful  to  hear  my  dear  Brother :)  Its  always  especially,  to  speak  with  an  anointed  Brother.  Mostly  we  feel  a  difference  bec.  very  much  spiritual  talks  and  knowledge.  I  can tell  you  more  a  little  later  here  -  now  other  duties,  sorry....

    See  us  soon,  Brother  Colin  and  have  a  nice  day  in  your  far  away,  but  wonderful  South  Africa !

  3. Dear  sister  @Carol Ann Torres...   I  wanted  bring  your  nice  picture  of  your  hubby - talk  once  more  to  above,   bec. its  a  wonderful  reminder  for  you  and  more  of  our  JW  can  see  it :) 

    Sister  'Bible Speaks'  posted  daily  so  very  much,  that  some  nice  other  postings  too  fast  away  and  unseen  on  the  first  page :(  sorry...    Greetings  from  Germany !

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    A  CAPER  SHRUB  BLOSSOM....   SO  beautiful :x     Jehovah  wanted  that,  WOW

    I  like  capers...   A  special  German  meal  calls:  "Königsberger - Klopse"  -  with  capers,  so  tasty !




  5. Oh  yes,  dear  @Noble Berean  I  remember  these  MC's  very  good !  With  Kingdom songs  and  many  Talks  too :)   My  girlfriend  did  the  same  with  her  children  and  they  loved  it  very  much...  That  was  a  good  train  for  bringing  the  truth  into  their  hearts ?

    Later,  I  made  many  records  on  Cassettes  and  CD's  for  me  and  also  many  copies  for  interested  Sisters, all  appreciated  that  alot :x    I  still  have  many  Talks  at  home,  also  of  some  anointed  Brothers.  Very  nice  reminders,  yes.   Thanks  for  your  nice  comment  and  your  pictures.  Best  wishes  from  Germany !

  6. From far away, the best we can do is to pray for our poor Brothers and Sisters??We have many different countries where our Brothers have a hard life. We can't all imagine how simple they live !  But they love Jehovah like you and me... and doing the best they can. Jehovah is watching all and will never forget his precious people❤️ Our Missionaries of sure helping so good they can.

    I got last years regulary email reports with many pictures from a Missionary couple in Honduras. Very interesting and positive ! We can be sure, Jehovah is caring about all???

    Thanks for you heart-touching comments dear Brothers and Sisters?

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    POVERTY  BETWEEN  JEHOVAH'S  WITNESSES :(    Missionaries  today  in  HONDURAS....

    Probably the witnesses of the first world as Europe or North America, let us not really be aware of the hardships suffered by our brothers from poorer countries.
    We get real experiences from siblings who tell us what their day to day life is like.
    Many missionaries count and do not finish the things they see, as in a really poor area of Honduras.
    When someone dies in the congregation, they make a collection to bring a carpenter to make a coffin and to bury with dignity the deceased with the speech of an old man.
    The missionaries brought them used glasses or magnifying glasses that they collected from the congregations of origin, because in those lands there were no opticians and many brothers can not read the publications like the Watchtower, since they are losing sight. With the glasses used they could even get a job, benefiting not only spiritually but even in their daily life.
    Life there is hard, they die of simple diseases for lack of medicines. When the rainy season arrives, attendance at meetings declines due to the lack of shoes that allow them to walk on rough and wet terrain, causing them to injure their feet and die from those injuries. The people there are very superstitious, and if some sick witness family, they attribute it to have abandoned the religion of the family and abandon it. For this reason, the brothers in falling ill take care of each other.
    When the pair of missionaries arrived, the brothers of the congregation of Honduras invited them to a meal. To do this, they gathered supplies for a whole week to feed them and then just watched them eat. The missionaries quickly learned to refuse invitations in a polite way so they did not see the children look hungry as they eat all the food.
    A missionary was invited to a hospital to explain the witnesses' position regarding blood. They are so poor that they hardly have electricity, so it was impossible to show them the videos. The missionary had been an electronic engineer in England and was dedicated to arranging the subject of electricity in all the rooms of the hospital, if only to be able to put the videos of the organization. But from now on, the hospital liaison committee has been very well received since it already has electricity to the kitchen and the laboratory thanks to the brother.
    Whole villages benefited from one of our Bible videos about cleanliness and hygiene around the house. The men who were like the heads or elders of a village asked our brothers to show the videos to the village in any meeting room or hut they could gather and the elders and the local police would ensure that they all attended. Our friends had to carry all the video / DVD players and televisions and generators in the back of their Izuzu van as well as the videos, as these people did not have any of these modern innovations. They also had to carry all their drinking water and medical supplies on these trips. They would have to drive the dry river beds to the mountains, since there were no adequate roads.
    From wealthier congregations a collection was made for the missionaries to buy a battered but tough truck as they were supplied with a good car, but they stole it at gunpoint! Because the terrain is so rough, we also gave them good sturdy shoes as they used them regularly after a few months. We regularly provided them with simple ministry bags, since brothers and sisters were often robbed and robbed of their bags, even though they only learned to carry literature on them.
    Many missionaries came from the rich areas and only lasted a few weeks since there was nothing that they recognized as requirements for their own way of life. Older missionaries laughed when some came waving their credit cards and asking for the nearest bank, or Supermarket and looking for a good cell phone signal. The Ministry is so different where people do not have house numbers or addresses as such, it is a clash of culture for a while.

    ( translated  by  google )

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    ¿El Juez de toda la tierra no va a hacer lo que es recto? (Gén. 18:25).

    Abrahán estaba acostumbrado a obedecer a su Creador hasta en lo más mínimo. Eso mantuvo viva y fuerte la amistad entre los dos. Sentía la confianza de hablar abiertamente con Dios. A veces le pedía que le ayudara a resolver sus dudas. Por ejemplo, cuando se enteró de que Jehová estaba a punto de destruir las ciudades de Sodoma y Gomorra, le preocupó que murieran justos con pecadores. Quizás estaba pensando en su sobrino Lot y en su familia, que vivían en Sodoma. Con toda confianza, pero también con toda humildad, le dio a conocer sus dudas al “Juez de toda la tierra”. Jehová le mostró con paciencia que es un Dios misericordioso y que es capaz de leer el corazón de la gente para proteger a los justos de la destrucción (Gén. 18:22-33). Las cosas que Abrahán aprendió y las experiencias que vivió lo ayudaron a mantener una amistad sólida con Dios. w16.02 1:11, 12


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    Will the Judge of all the earth not do what is right?—Gen. 18:25.

    Because he made it a practice to obey Jehovah even in seemingly minor matters, Abraham kept his friendship with God healthy and flourishing. He felt free to open his heart to Jehovah, asking for help as he struggled with hard questions. For example, when he learned that God was going to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was concerned that righteous people might be swept away along with the wicked. Perhaps Abraham was worried about his nephew Lot and his family, who were then living in Sodom. Abraham asked his questions with great humility and trust in God, “the Judge of all the earth.” Jehovah patiently taught Abraham how merciful He is, reading every heart and looking for righteous ones to preserve, even in times of judgment. (Gen. 18:22-33) No doubt, every bit of knowledge and experience helped Abraham maintain his close friendship with Jehovah. w16.02 1:11, 12


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