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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 20031987_1288588464573630_2727883641691365707_n.jpg

    Sunday, July 23
    Give us more faith.—Luke 17:5.

    What can you do to build and maintain strong faith? Do not be satisfied with only what you learned up to the point of your baptism. (Heb. 6:1, 2) Take note of fulfilled prophecies in the Bible because these can provide you with powerful reasons for having faith. You can also use God’s Word as a measuring rod to see if your faith matches the description of what is expected of those who have strong faith. (Jas. 1:25; 2:24, 26) The apostle Paul told fellow Christians that they could “have an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith.” (Rom. 1:12) As we associate with fellow worshippers, we can build up one another’s faith, especially when we are with those who have already demonstrated the “tested quality” of their faith. (Jas. 1:3) Bad associations destroy faith, but good associations build it. (1 Cor. 15:33) That is one reason why we are counseled not to forsake “our meeting together.”—Heb. 10:24, 25. w15 10/15 2:2, 8, 9


  2. 101-022-mit-ic-1029-957124.jpg

    I hope, this poem will comfort the bereaved ones,  who read it.   ----

    I was moved to write this poem during the summer of 1998 while in the depths of grief due to the loss of my dear Mother in May, 1998. I was told about an illustration a circuit overseer related at an assembly. He said, that we are on a train destined for the new world. However, many of our friends are getting tired and going to sleep. When that happens on a literal train, you are taken to the sleep-car. They are in the sleep-car,  riding right along with us to Paradise. I felt,  this is a more comforting mental picture, than that of my Mama lying in a box at the cemetery.  Ruth Bohonsuik

    I  love  this  poem  to  our   VIDEO -  PARADISE  TRAIN.... :x 

    written  by  our  Sister,  Ruth Bohonsuik



    By Ruth Bohonsuik
    We're on a forward moving train to Paradise,
    Whose passengers are booked for eternal life.
    However, some on that train get sick and fall asleep.
    They're sent to the sleep-car so they can rest in peace.
    They are still on our train,
    Riding with us - as we go.
    Our destination is Paradise,
    Only then will it unload.
    The Great Crowd is conducted off the train,
    Then Christ Jesus, our Master, speaks,
    To those in the sleep-car - "come on out,"

    The time has come for the end of all grief.
    Our loved ones are finally awakened,
    And received with unspeakable delight,
    Known only to those who are faithful,
    And preserved through Armageddon's fight.
    The depth of sadness and grief once known,
    As promised, is matched by joy untold.
    Never again by death will loved ones be severed.
    Together we praise, the Great Jehovah forever.
    The things we will do! Ah! The plans we will make.
    Unhindered by illness, pain, sadness, or aches.
    Fear will be gone, that enemy death is no more,
    Are some of the things our dear Father has in store.
    In the name of Christ Jesus, your Only Begotten Son,

    We prayerfully thank you Jehovah, for you are the One,
    Who lovingly arranged for us to come aboard this train,
    That safely transported us, 'From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained'.


  3. REFLECTION.....


    (1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10) What! Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not go astray. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men that are for contraranatural purposes, nor men that lie down with men, 10 nor thieves, nor people dominated by greed, nor drunkards, nor injuriers, nor those who practice extortion shall inherit the God's Kingdom.

    A hundred years ago the world was a very different place. The traditional family existed as a father / husband who worked outside the home and a housewife / mother raised the children of the family. Very few women worked outside the home.
    Of course, there was sexual immorality back then, but it was not common, nor was it accepted as the norm. Premarital sex was considered embarrassing, not encouraged. Homosexuality was seen as an abomination, and those few who practiced it dared not flaunt it in public for fear of reprisal and ridicule.

    It was considered shameful for a woman to show her flesh in public. Even on the beach women dressed modestly in bathing suits which was less revealing than the street clothes that women routinely wear now. Obviously, fashions in the Western world have changed dramatically over the last century, just like morality. What would have been considered vulgar and surprisingly obscene a few generations before is now the trend most fashionable. But fashions are simply a reflection of the values of a culture. The exhibition of tattooed flesh, the glorification of homosexuality, lesbianism and transgender monsters, is the end result of decades of spiritual abandonment and cultural decay. What was previously considered scandalous and taboo is now normal. Homosexuals, locked in the closet only a few years ago, now paraded naked in the streets, celebrating pure perversity, their gay pride. In fact, as the inspired apostle apparently foresaw, the scene of this world is changing.

    While sociologists may have their explanations for the transformation of society, it should be noted that cultural decay, which began little by little, almost imperceptibly, like the physical rot of a piece of wood, seems to have coincided with the appearance Of International Bible Students on the scene, especially after the First World War.

    It is a solemn reality that the invisible rulers of the world are the same powerful angels who left their proper place in heaven and dressed in flesh to have sex with beautiful women. The unnatural sexual union of materialized angels and fallen human flesh resulted in the incubation of a strange race of giants called the Nephilim. The world, as a result, was ruined in the sight of God. As a consequence, Jehovah caused the great catastrophe known as the flood of Noah. Although the ancient world perished as a result of the cataclysm, the angels did not. They were able to dematerialize and return to the realm of spirits. However, God did not accept them back into their family of heavenly children. Instead, they were condemned to eternal death. It is his fatalism and the fixation on sex that now permeates society.

    In response to Jehovah for having drowned their wives and children, the demons intend to corrupt the bearers of light, Jehovah's Witnesses, if possible, knowing as surely as they do that the terrible day of Jehovah's wrath is Arriving ! 


    Door  to  Door  Service  in  GRANADA,  NICARAGUA....

    Around  the  world  JW  looking  similar,  nice  to  see  that :)

    With  LOVE  for  the  humans  we  get  the  power  from  Jehovah  to  go...

    In  special  houses,  humans  waiting  of  us  -  Angels  are  near  them... :x   

    Often  after  a  prayer,  sisters  or  brothers  knocking  at  the  door,  the  same  day !



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    Red  Aurora  Australis......      2.14 min.

    Published  25.01.2012

    After chasing it for more than two years I was finally rewarded with two displays of Aurora Australis (Southern lights) within a week visible from Mornington peninsula, not far from Melbourne. The nights were warm an clear and the Moon was not in the sky either - I could not have asked for better conditions.

    The red color of this aurora is caused by the charged particles from the Sun exciting oxygen atoms high in the Earth's atmosphere. Hopefully there will be more to come as Sun's activity increases in 2012-13.

    Being able to photograph it all night I came up with a nice video. The brighter Aurora happened on January 22nd and the smaller one, featured in the middle section, was from January 16th, followed by a rather bright Moonrise.

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